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Was OBL's sea burial permissible?

Why are we discussing the legalities of burial of a man who lived by no rules ?

Everything he did ran contrary to the religion he claimed to belong to or any other religion for that matter.
If some dies at sea we have clear hadith explaining how to do the funeral and burial of the deceased at sea;

But if some one dies on land 1000s of Kilometers from sea and the deceased's body is intentionally taken to sea to be thrown, that is not Islamic.

They (United States of America) first said that no country will accept his body for burial. What a silly and lame excuse.

There are countries which will be willing to accept the body for burial as a human being and as a Muslim.

They later said they did not want the body to be buried so as to not to turn his grave to a tomb "mazar" for jihadis. I agree with this point as it is very much popular in Pakistan and neighboring countries due to sufism, but still it does not give the United States the right to move a body killed on land 1000s of kilometers from sea and thrown it in the sea.

So much for them saying they gave a proper Islamic burial to Osama.They could have taken his body to US "if no country was willing to accept his body for burial" and buried him there and not revealed the burial place for let us say 50 years for example after which they can reveal the burial place if they want to.

Muslims if die in bomb blasts or accidents happening in discos or dance clubs are given Islamic burial and Osama does not have the right to be buried in an Islamic way?

By the way in how many so called muslim countries did we hear people praying salaat al janaza al gaiba (صلاة الجنازة الغائبة) on Osama. Very few countires and paksitan is one of them.

Shame on all Muslims of so called Muslim countries where if a Muslim dies in bomb blasts or accidents happening in discos or dance clubs are given Islamic burial and Osama does not have the right to be prayed upon and buried in an Islamic way?

Thanks for the explanation.

However, if one dies in a bomb blast or while dancing in a disco, why should be not be given an Islamic burial?

If one dies in a bomb blast, it is not his fault and likewise, if a person dancing in a disco dies, one still remains a Muslim.
I had spoken to a Pakistani settled abroad for last 40yrs, she stated Karachi has become a "kachra"?Why?Cause most people in Karachi are poor and not educated.The Rich are not considerate.It is time to wake up and smell the coffee.Even India is centuries ahead.Also, you must stop fighting amongst yourselves and treat all with respect.As for Bin Laden,we all knew he was supported by ISI.We all knew he was in Pakistan.Only actual city or town was unknown.Great job Navy Seal.Let's stop Terrorism.Libya's the best. Bin Laden's burial in Ocean,very wierd.I would think his relatives would claim his body at the least.
If it were my decision I would of had Osama cremated and his ashes flushed down the toilet. Osama didn't deserve a decent burial.
I am sure the navy seals gave the respect his body deserved.

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