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Was India Ever a Rich Country in its History?

Without a boundary, how do you definite what is "domestic" in computing Gross Domestic Product?

Do you even know the definition of a nation state? Even today, India is NOT a nation state. You don't have to be a "nation state" in order to be "one country."

The definition of one country, a single political entity, is different to that of a nation state.
Learn the proper terminology before using them.

That yet again was not worth 50 cents.

A boundary is man made, so it can be used for past simulations and estimates duh! I can estimate past economic state of the city of Pompeii, even though it does not exist today mr Chu!

Your idiotic comment about india not being a nation state blah blah is more of the rant of the same crowd I mentioned in my earlier post. Its not relevant to the topic, so please keep your personal sorrows to yourself. All you chini bots seem more interested in parroting that script your supervisor handed you than post on topic, the same Churchill crap, the same daily BS. Atleast ask your supervisor for a new script or a real job.
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But China wasn't always a united political entity and China also never had a fixed geography thoughout history. Modern United China only came in 1949-50 after Mao Zedong united China from warring states of warlords. Chinese nationalism started with formation of KMT which led the movement against the Qing Dynasty.

1) China has been a centralized state since 221 BC

2) Geography doesn't defined a country. Border changes throughout history, but notion of one country never changed. Roman border changes too.

3) 221 BC China became unified empire. In 1912 China became a republic. 1949 CCP took control. China was always there.
1) China has been a centralized state since 221 BC

2) Geography doesn't defined a country. Border changes throughout history, but notion of one country never changed. Roman border changes too.

3) 221 BC China became unified empire. In 1912 China became a republic. 1949 CCP took control. China was always there.

1. China has centralized only in three dynasties Yuan, Ming and Qing if we exclude entire Western China about half of the territory of China, only Ming being the native Chinese. Although China again disintegrated after Qing Dynasty, KMT virtually had no control over most of the China.

2. Roman Empire was not a country, a fixed geography is very important thing. Chinese never has a nationalistic identity based on culture that's why we they see some brutal empire for their identity.

3. In between 221BC and 1949 AD, the middle kingdom was disintegrated so many times.
That yet again was not worth 50 cents.

A boundary is man made, so it can be used for past simulations and estimates duh! I can estimate past economic state of the city of Pompeii, even though it does not exist today mr Chu!

Your idiotic comment about india not being a nation state blah blah is more of the rant of the same crowd I mentioned in my earlier post. Its not relevant to the topic, so please keep your personal sorrows to yourself.

It doesn't matter man made or god created, If you can't define a boundary, you simply cannot compute GDP.

Nation State refers to a country that has a homogenous people and culture. If you are not "one country" to begin, how are you going to be a nation state??? Spare me your retarded logic.

Improper use of terminology due to poor intellect is sorrowful indeed.
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That yet again was not worth 50 cents.

A boundary is man made, so it can be used for past simulations and estimates duh! I can estimate past economic state of the city of Pompeii, even though it does not exist today mr Chu!

Your idiotic comment about india not being a nation state blah blah is more of the rant of the same crowd I mentioned in my earlier post. Its not relevant to the topic, so please keep your personal sorrows to yourself. All you chini bots seem more interested in parroting that script your supervisor handed you than post on topic, the same Churchill crap, the same daily BS. Atleast ask your supervisor for a new script or a real job.

The idea of Bharata Varsha as our country directly comes from our religion, even a common Hindu who can't read the major Hindu scriptures knew about Bharata was our country because of the extreme popularity of epic poem Mahabharat thoughout history. So, the kingdoms hardly matter, in ancient time there was no passport system to stop people from migrating from one kingdom to another.
1. China has centralized only in three dynasties Yuan, Ming and Qing if we exclude entire Western China about half of the territory of China, only Ming being the native Chinese. Although China again disintegrated after Qing Dynasty, KMT virtually had no control over most of the China.

2. Roman Empire was not a country, a fixed geography is very important thing. Chinese never has a nationalistic identity based on culture that's why we they see some brutal empire for their identity.

3. In between 221BC and 1949 AD, the middle kingdom was disintegrated so many times.

You just returned from a ban, but your retardation hasn't got any better

1) Dynasty is subset of a centralized state. You conceded since 221 BC China was centralized, then how can it be only 3 dynasties. You are a proven dumb troll.

2) Roman empire was a single entity equivalent to a modern definition of a country.

3) 221 BC to 1949 the notion of one country never changed, despite the struggle of power and civil war.
It doesn't matter man made or god created, If you can't define a boundary, you simply cannot compute GDP.

Nation State refers to a country that has a homogenous people and culture. If you are not "one country" to begin, how are you going to be a nation state???

Spare me your retarded logic.

Because Chinese can't trace a common nationalistic identity from their culture, Greek and Iranians too like us have their identity directly traced their culture. So, in the end Chinese have to look at their identity from an Empire created by Qin Shi Huang on sheer brutality and even lacked a personality which can make anyone feel proud of him.
Because Chinese can't trace a common nationalistic identity from their culture, Greek and Iranians too like us have their identity directly traced their culture. So, in the end Chinese have to look at their identity from an Empire created by Qin Shi Huang on sheer brutality and even he lacked a personality.

LOL, your post is totally incoherent. Worse than a 16 yr old. If you wanna troll, you'll need a higher IQ, dumbo.
You just returned from a ban, but your retardation hasn't got any better

1) Dynasty is subset of a centralized state. You conceded since 221 BC China was centralized, then how can it be only 3 dynasties. You are a proven dumb troll.

2) Roman empire was a single entity equivalent to a modern definition of a country.

3) 221 BC to 1949 the notion of one country never changed, despite the struggle of power and civil war.

This comes as a surprise. :lol::lol: Now you shifted to a notion of one country when China was disintegrated to many warring states. :omghaha::omghaha:
High IQ troll has invaded this thread too :lol:

India and Indian identity was defined centuries back in our scriptures as Bharatvarsha ( aka India ) : the land south of the Himalayas and north of the ocean and here we have programmed bots to tell us what India is.
This comes as a surprise. :lol::lol: Now you shifted to a notion of one country when China was disintegrated to many warring states. :omghaha::omghaha:

I never shift, but your IQ dropped 20 points. Even during warring states, there is still only ONE emperor. They are fighting for that one throne. You' are a dumb troll!:rofl:
This comes as a surprise. :lol::lol: Now you shifted to a notion of one country when China was disintegrated to many warring states. :omghaha::omghaha:

He is known to shift goalposts when he cant support in arguments with facts. He'll run around in circles and troll perpetually , while you'll waste your time and energy trying to argue with facts he'll troll merrily and collect his 50 cents per post :lol:
I never shifted, but your IQ dropped 20 points. Even during warring states, there is still only ONE emperor. They are fighting for that one throne. You' are a dumb troll!:rofl:

Fighting for throne, kingdoms always fought to increase the span of their territory, what was new about them. :omghaha::omghaha:
Fighting for throne, kingdoms always fought to increase the span of their territory, what was new about them. :omghaha::omghaha:

You were never one country, surely the concept of civil war is alien to you. :laughcry:

Give it up, dumb troll, your retarded trolling ain't going to cut it with me.
@LURKER So called united China was first united by Qin Shi Huang in 221BC. Qin Shi Huang got all intellectuals of China killed and got all his concubines buried alive with him after his death. So, do you find anything about Qin Shi Huang that can inspire Chinese people as a hero.

You were never one country, surely the concept of civil war is alien to you. :laughcry:

Give it up, dumb troll, your retarded trolling ain't going to cut it with me.

You can invent any fancy term, civil war or anything. As I said our very idea of nation which is Bharata Varsha came from our culture and religion, the kingdoms were insignificant. The fact is you don't have idea of a nation state from your culture. :laughcry:
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