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Wary of Pakistan, India hesitant over Karzai wish list for military hardwar

I fail to see how this is a defeat for India, its not a zero-sum game. It is quite clear that Indian Strategic Planners have calculated that India will attach more importance to its relations with Pakistan compared to Afghanistan. With NS in power, expect more friendly overtures from the Pakistani side towards India because it appears that NS is adamant on improving relations with India. If India does provide sensitive weapons to Afghanistan, those weapons that cross Pakistan's red lines, you can be quite sure that Pakistan will take steps to counter that.

Because simple verbal emotional overtures by Nawaz are forcing India to change its decisions which might affect India in long term.
I fail to see how this is a defeat for India, its not a zero-sum game. It is quite clear that Indian Strategic Planners have calculated that India will attach more importance to its relations with Pakistan compared to Afghanistan. With NS in power, expect more friendly overtures from the Pakistani side towards India because it appears that NS is adamant on improving relations with India. If India does provide sensitive weapons to Afghanistan, those weapons that cross Pakistan's red lines, you can be quite sure that Pakistan will take steps to counter that.
bro, mms is more interested in having good relations wth pakistan over afghanistan ... bt that cant be the same wth bjp in power .....
India has the most complex neighbourhood in this world…..
How funny.... When india was ready to help them they were not ready..... Now when they want india is not ready..... Any way I support this stand...

You have got to understand the differences in geopolitics during those two instances. During the NDA govt's time, Mushraff was in power in Pakistan and Afghanistan was virtually at ISI's mercy, NATO presence not withstanding. Now that NATO/ISAF is going to withdraw and with a civilian government at the center in Pakistan, and a much better security apparatus in place than ever before in Afghanistan, Afghan govt has become much more bolder to assert its 'independence' from Pakistani establishment. Thus the new "shopping list" from India.

India, OTOH, was at loggerheads with the Musharraf regime. Not withstanding the peace initiatives between Vajpayee and Mush, Indian govt wanted revenge for Kargil and wanted to punish Mush and Pakistani establishment. Hence the overt help offered to Afghanistan then. Now with a historic civilian to civilian power transfer in Pakistan for the first time ever in its history, there is a very good chance for everlasting peace in the sub-continent and the surrounding areas by extension. No matter how skeptics might view it, a democratically elected government will always find it much easier to deal with another democratically elected govt than a military junta or dictatorship. Any action which might upset this delicate cart would painfully prolong the peace process. Hence UPA govt's hesitation at providing military hardware to Afghan govt.

That is my 2 cents...
Looks like Chankya niti at work

Verbal assurance to Placate the Pakistanis and Avoid being at Cross hairs of Taliban.

Weapons Will probably be transfered behind the Scene.

Win Win for Everyone.

.....and you 'hope' that us with perhaps the largest and the oldest standing intelligence apparatus in Afghanistan will 'not find out?'..

Tut tut tut......pity.
India wants to wait and watch NS. Its good idea. If NS can broker peace with taliban and open up pakistan to our business, I dont see why we should needle pakistan. Its a win for afgan, pakistani and Indian.
India wants to wait and watch NS. Its good idea. If NS can broker peace with taliban and open up pakistan to our business, I dont see why we should needle pakistan. Its a win for afgan, pakistani and Indian.

Pakistan Army looks after Pakistan's foreign policy, so we should expect any policy change.
bro, mms is more interested in having good relations wth pakistan over afghanistan ... bt that cant be the same wth bjp in power .....

One person don't make foreign policies in any country - these are based on inputs of several vital institutes that's why there is no significant shift in these overnight with change of government.
Indian leaders should know that Nawaz or no Nawaz - if we need to cement our relationship with the Afghans, we must supply the weapons to the saner group. It is not as if the Pakistanis are not going to supply weapons to the Taliban once the Americans go. Then, our peace-loving leaders will see the writing on the wall.
Now that NATO/ISAF is going to withdraw and with a civilian government at the center in Pakistan, and a much better security apparatus in place than ever before in Afghanistan, Afghan govt has become much more bolder to assert its 'independence' from Pakistani establishment. Thus the new "shopping list" from India.

The ANA/ANP are loosing around 500 personnel a month in fighting and that figure is increasing. Overall with deaths, desertions, troops not re-enlisting or simply being thrown out the army has to replace 1/3 of it's force every year. How is this a "much better security apparatus"?

The Afghan government is desperate and it's "assertiveness" is nothing but a display of their frustration at their frailty.

45% of their budget depends on foreign AID and the 55% that they collect is based on revenues attained from an economy where 90% of the GDP is attributed to the foreign presence the loss of which, post 2014, is going to be devastating. Infrastructure projects are far behind, I haven't heard of anyone starting a mining project yet and international donors are now starting to look for excuses to back out of the pledges they made (i.e. $4 billion for 4 years which is nowhere near enough time considering the mines would probably be ready to start producing in a best case scenario within 10 years but as it stands probably within 15 years) by putting forward conditions that Afghan government can never meet which is witnessed on the ground where repatriation efforts of returnees has virtually stopped (look at the number of returnees living on the streets of Kabul).

Pakistan doesn't need to send a single soldier into Afghanistan it could collapse their economy simply by sending back illegal migrants within it's borders.

You're talking about a people humiliated by 12+ years of occupation and a government seen by everyone as corrupt puppets of foreign invaders who clearly understand their economy and security are dependant on Pakistan.

If they get out of hand the army will act and Nawaz isn't going to interfere considering there is already a lot of pressure on the civilian government with most of the country, particularly the youth, abhorring the evils of democracy.

there is a very good chance for everlasting peace in the sub-continent and the surrounding areas by extension

There will never be any peace.

Hazrat Abraham said it best:

"...We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone..." (Surah 60:4)

Before even discussing the idea of peace India needs to end it's occupation of Kashmir.
Recent report suggests that Afghanistan wants 105 mm Artillery,Gunships,Bridge Laying equipment,Transport Vehicle and Medium Transport Aircraft as well as various other equipment.but it is unlikely that we'll know that what is their actual requirements.also,there are reports that India already provided them various kind of arms..so,this so called "Wary" is pure political move..India just don't want to admit about the supply of arms..
A very viable point, perhaps Karazai is not aware of such shortcomings.

May be karzai just love toy weapons and hence asked India for arms.

India could easily send some Indeginized Bofors and Hal RUDRA to Afghans.


HAL druv?:cuckoo: U want to kill innocent afghan pilots?
Pakistan is far important for India than Afghanistan if you see strategically and for Future development of India in terms of economy, Trade, Partnership, Trade routes etc.

Exactly....Pakistan is our immidiate neigghour...and if you see the trend in last 10 year...our relation is keep on increasing and the best part is that due to democratic set up is getting stronger day by day...India and Pak will definitely have a good relationship in long run....India's interest in Afganistan is more towards trade, bussiness and cultural impact perspective...Military invention is not withing India's capacity too....
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