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Warning raised against China-made plastic toys

Don't blame everything on China. What you pay is what you get. If they want better quality, then pay more or purchase elsewhere.
Lame argument! You sound as though you don't mind the Chinese selling poison toys to those who can't afford the expensive ones sold in departmental stores!

Just shows you guys care a damn for the have-nots just to make a few quick bucks! Jeeez!
Lame argument! You sound as though you don't mind the Chinese selling poison toys to those who can't afford the expensive ones sold in departmental stores!

Just shows you guys care a damn for the have-nots just to make a few quick bucks! Jeeez!

Same is going on in your and mine country.

adulterated food sale is no less then hazardous toys
Lame argument! You sound as though you don't mind the Chinese selling poison toys to those who can't afford the expensive ones sold in departmental stores!

Just shows you guys care a damn for the have-nots just to make a few quick bucks! Jeeez!

Not trying to defend bad practices, which does occur. However, it is naive and utter stupidity for you and others to hop on to the same bandwagon without seeing clearly where the problem lies.

Have you wondered why the west still comes to China for their toys? because they want to pay peanuts for them. Why not go somewhere else like India where they are known for their quality? why can't the west sell toys cheaper?

Yes that is right, it's "greed".

Now go back and have a good think about things before jumping out naked and exposed.
China is Helping USA Oppression of the World especially Arabs and Muslim World by giving Trillions of Dollars to USA, China is also getting Billions of Dollars of Profit from USA by Importing Trillions of Dollars of Cheap Chinese Labor Worth of Goods Made in China to USA and Europe, China is very Evil.

Pakistan and Muslims look towards and take China as friend but China Occupied almost 25 percent of Land Mass of Occupied Kashmir which is really a part of Pakistan / Kashmir ( Aksai Chin ) also they occupy a big part of Gilgit Baltistan called Shaksgam Valley in Chinese. China Occupy Parts of India and other Asian Countries

China is expanding so Fast that in Next 50 years, All Arab and World Oil will not be enough for China Economy and if China do not get Oil then China will strike Arabs as mentioned in a Hadith (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him)

China is Sleeping Dragon but it is slowly Waking up! if China Wakes up then as Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon sayings goes in Sahih Bukhari

The Prophet got up from his sleep with a flushed red face and said, "None has the right to be worshipped but Allah. Woe to the Arabs, from the Great evil that is nearly approaching them. Today a gap has been made in the wall of Gog and Magog like this." (Sufyan illustrated by this forming the number 90 or 100 with his fingers.) It was asked, "Shall we be destroyed though there are righteous people among us?" The Prophet said, "Yes, if evil increased."

I strongly Believe China is Big Part of Gog Magog but not all of Gog Magog and Muslims esp. Arabs, Persians, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran have to Watch out for China Rise as they will be in the Way of China during Chinese Hell March towards Jerusalem and other Oil Rich Arab Middle East Countries to pillage and Rob Oil from Arabs, Only Allah will reveal the Truth in time!
Is that why Apple select China as the place to assemble their iPhones and they sell well and is known for its built quality? Start pointing fingers when Indian can actually make something of that quality. We all know how bad India's manufacturing sector is.

Then blame the companies for not paying more for better quality products. They can go elsewhere, for example India, but why haven't they? :azn:
@Lil Mathew, you have a rather limited grey matter. You might want to change your ID to "Lil Grey Matter"

No matter i phone from US ya China, the price is same and quality is same.. That is bcos apple has a particular standard.. Nobody cares apple or sony products made in china ya vietnam because company has a reputation and no price diff.. This is about the your local china made toyz which are flooded in developing countries.. You like it or not i'll say again that everybody knows those local china made products are cheap and have very bad quality.. But the poor and middle class are lured by its low price although they know those will not last long due to poor quality.. But using of hazardous materials are cheating..
Don't blame everything on China. What you pay is what you get. If they want better quality, then pay more or purchase elsewhere. Blame those greedy companies.
Even China be perfect, they will blame it, don't take these too seriously, too much threads like this be posted by indian, nothing new, opening the thread is for trolling and mocking China, I come here more for reading indian comments, hope most of indian like them, that's better for china, you know what I mean, hehe!
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Same chemical toys are sold in China too? :unsure:
I am not sure whether its China's fault..

Importing such toys to sell in India even when knowing it contains hazardous chemical seems our problem, instead of blaming China we need to control such imports... isn't that possible? :stop:

If nobody buys the product, then it automatically be vanished in time... :closed:

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