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Warner Bros. to release Pakistan’s first film ‘Waar’

I hope this movie doesn't misrepresent the image of Pakistan. Being released by Warner Bros. isn't necessarily encouraging especially if they had their hand in directing or influencing the film.

Judging by the trailer its going to highlight WoT and probably make Pakistan look like a embattled dangerous nation focusing only on the NW frontier military activity and battle against militants. I mean just seconds into the trailer an there showing fire arms training. Though I hope I'm wrong and the movie shows a just side of Pakistan. I would like to watch it first and share it with a few American friends if it's good, so English subtitles is a must.
I think films Bol and khuda k liyea although are well directed and acted movies but have some serious flaws in stories written by shoib mansoor who tried to present his personal philosophy and view of Islam(which is mostly negative) on bigger screen. In bol he was questioning to God about his ability to giving rizq to his creation by forbidding family planning, then you had his personal views about perda, abortion, music, terrorism etc
I really doubt these are Shaob Mansoor's personal views but there's a huge lobby behind him. I wonder who's been financing Shoab Mansoor on these momentous projects.

I havn't seen BOL yet but heard people with little islamic knowledge praising it...you know the secular/liberal brigades masquerading as the savours of Pakistan
I dont think any one will ever dare to make a movie on terrorism of bush/america or terrorism of iSraeli which Palestinian faced on daily basis ..

Only commusist russia and islamic terrorism is theme of hollywood /bollywood/lollywood movie lol

You're quite right...but I think Micheal Moore is the only person in all of Hollywood who made the only anti-war movie Fahrenheit 911 depicting Bush as a war criminal. He got so many threats with in America, poor lad had to hire 22 guards to protect his property.
If you guys follow the trailer closely, Shaan's opening line is roughly "Nobody gives a **** about Pakistani lives". I hated Bol it was a piece of crap film. Khuda ke Liyeh was ok, and I'm sure Junaid Jamshed probably got a big laugh out of it. I don't think this movie will be bad. I don't see Shaan particularly anti-Islamic, he just presents a moderate Muslim.
Listen to the very first lines of the trailer, already it misrepresents. Yeah I think I'm going to be right about this film.
I think it will have to do with politics more than religion, I mean did you see the chick he was dancing with. I mean come on!
I really doubt these are Shaob Mansoor's personal views but there's a huge lobby behind him. I wonder who's been financing Shoab Mansoor on these momentous projects.

These projects were financed by GEO films and they needed to attract big audience(especially in india and western countries) to make money so the theme of the story was created after considering the demands of such peoples who associate terrorism with Muslims/Pakistan and are more interested in social issue and negativity exist in pakistani society. They never address the root cause of terrorism and how religious peoples get used in the hands of politicians for political interest/gains..

I havn't seen BOL yet but heard people with little islamic knowledge praising it...you know the secular/liberal brigades masquerading as the savours of Pakistan

You should watch Bol and you will see how shoaib mansoor portrayed himself in character of humamima malik haha :D

A very devout religious father kill his son with his own hands because he is neither male nor female that also listening ghalib poetry duboyea muj ko mere hone na ..na mein hota tu kia hota lol he married with prostitute for sake of money and tried to kill her daughter because he dint want her to become a prostitute. It seem shoib mansoor was confused while writing this story

You're quite right...but I think Micheal Moore is the only person in all of Hollywood who made the only anti-war movie Fahrenheit 911 depicting Bush as a war criminal. He got so many threats with in America, poor lad had to hire 22 guards to protect his property.
Mostly american try to portray themselves as savoir in Hollywood movies and same is true for indians hero in bollywood movies :P
I suspect this is going to be another bullsh!t movie in line with Khuda ke Liyay aimed to promote the American WOT in Pakistan showing Mullahs as crazy fanatic people who have to be fought against n crushed and madrassahs as religious cults where kids are radicalized n brainwashed to embark on jihad journey's nonsense.

No wonder its made by the Warner Bros and Starred Shaan who acted in about every anti-islamic movie made in Pakistan.
the film is made in collaboration of ISPR.
you guys forgot shoaib mansoor's Alpha Bravo Charlee
He is good director and writer as long as he don't bring his twisted confused philosophy about islam on screen. Those who dont know about islam should not pretend to be scholars.
I suspect this is going to be another bullsh!t movie in line with Khuda ke Liyay aimed to promote the American WOT in Pakistan showing Mullahs as crazy fanatic people who have to be fought against n crushed and madrassahs as religious cults where kids are radicalized n brainwashed to embark on jihad journey's nonsense.

No wonder its made by the Warner Bros and Starred Shaan who acted in about every anti-islamic movie made in Pakistan.

Well, its not a documentary but a movie for entertainment purposes. It'll present a simplified view on Pak's wot. They'll most likely focus on ttp, their reign of terror which effected civilians lives and armed forces and polices sacrifices. Which is quiet accurate. It'll have some cool explosions, shoot outs, beautiful locations etc. A good popcorn flick.

Don't expect any thing more out of it.
I guess we should not judge the movie before watching it. Here is the comment from official Facebook page of Waar

I just want to say that how humbled I am for all the support that you all have extended for our work. I thank you all from the very bottom of my heart and I thank you all on behalf of my Team WAAR. There are two things I would like to clear, which have been raised through some of the comments that I have read.

No. 1: ISPR or Pakistan Armed Forces have not contributed a single penny for this project, this project was entirely funded from my own pocket and sources. The film however highlights all the sacrifices that our Armed Forces, police and other Law enforcement agencies have rendered in this war which have never been acknowledged by the world. With this film I wanted to show the world, what we are truly made off, how we fight using our very limited resources, how each and every true Pakistani holds his and her head high under fire and have capacity and capability of showing unparalleled grace under pressure. So please know this even if I had to sell my soul to make the world see my country the way I see it, a country the foundations of which has the blood of my own family in them, I would do it every day of the week and twice on sunday, In short I wanted to say I love my country and this is how I am contributing to its future.

No.2: Be very, very proud of the fact that, the entire production is done by Pakistanis not even a single foreigner was involved in any aspect of the production of the feature. We had people from Hollywood who did come here and trained most of the team and in this regard it would be unfair if I do not acknowledge the contribution of Mr. Luke Rocheleau (thanks luke). Warner Brothers and any other studios shall only be involved at the distribution stage and some post production shall be done there. So its not a WB film (yet) its a Mindworks Production and MindWorks is entirely a Pakistani Company and if you cut any one in this company they will all bleed Pakistani Flag Green. Take care of your selves and this beautiful and wonderful country of ours, have a great 2012. Yours truly.

Hassan Waqas Rana (Executive Producer/Writer/Action Director)
I think films Bol and khuda k liyea although are well directed and acted movies but have some serious flaws in stories written by shoib mansoor who tried to present his personal philosophy and view of Islam(which is mostly negative) on bigger screen. In bol he was questioning to God about his ability to giving rizq to his creation by forbidding family planning, then you had his personal views about perda, abortion, music, terrorism etc

I dont think any one will ever dare to make a movie on terrorism of bush/america or terrorism of iSraeli which Palestinian faced on daily basis ..

Only commusist russia and islamic terrorism is theme of hollywood /bollywood/lollywood movie lol

It is better to make movies about the social issues in one's own country than about issues in a distant land. Why would a Pakistani make a movie about Palestine? As if there are no domestic issues to deal with. There are enough movies made both in India and US about sensitive domestic issues.

BTW, the trailer looks great. Hope the movie is as good.
I would like to see a Pakistani movie which does NOT talk about terror, radicalism or Islam. How about a simple, light-hearted comedy or romantic movie that people watch for enjoyment rather than moralistic or ideological preaching?

I am sure there have been rare sightings in Pakistan where people fall in love or make jokes without Islam or terrorism being relevant.

Our current film-makers' obsession with radicalism only plays into the Western stereotype of linking Pakistan with extremism and terror. Give it a rest and talk about ordinary life for a change, what say?
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