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War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

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Pay back will be coming from us, for the soldiers you cowards killed a few days ago.

Its about time we pay you back for what you have ben doing in kashmir for 30+ yrs too.

Indian Reaction and Future Strategy.......:bunny:

Sanctions ? you must be kidding you are blaming your army that they dint know they dint know who was available. and not able to plan and see Indian response.

Rest assured war wont happen,
there are many other ways of hurting pakistan, as some one advocated pulling troops from your western border and deploying them in the east i will work very good for us.all we have to do is make just enough noises for you to do that.and that will achieve two things.
1) It will expose your underbelly in the west and the forces which are trying to break pakistan will be strengthened ,you can see the condition now and imagine how it will be then.
2)and India will get more support around the world against pakistan(diplomatic) ,because victim always does.

and there is a saying in India..you dont burn your house to kill a rat, there are many other and easy ways to do it.

Rest assured you will see no WAR. other than the movie WARR which is running in pakistan.

how old are you ?
and what makes you think that in current situation india is getting more sympathy ? you guys are taking fools steps mean while pakistan is hoping for peace and diplomatic talks and are working on it also just take some stupid move and you will see who will achive more diplomatic support from world.
Don't worry guys, Pakistani troops are mobilised on border... now Indians will resume dialogue with N.Sharif.
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Indeed war is coming...
A 2 front war :cheers:

Pakistan & China will split mother India in many pieces :omghaha:
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how old are you ?
and what makes you think that in current situation india is getting more sympathy ? you guys are taking fools steps mean while pakistan is hoping for peace and diplomatic talks and are working on it also just take some stupid move and you will see who will achive more diplomatic support from world.

Chicha jaan i am 17 does that make a difference. Even we dont want war if you read my post i clearly said there wont be war.and about the support of others you should be knowing how it works you check the recent history.what do you mean by fool steps ,can you elobarate one step plz.

Don't worry guys, Pakistani troops are mobilised on border... now Indians will resume dialogue with N.Sharif.

Plz move all your troops from the western border to east and deploy them in forward position.and lets see how long can you or we sustain the troop build up and keep the troops battle ready.
Chicha jaan i am 17 does that make a difference. Even we dont want war if you read my post i clearly said there wont be war.and about the support of others you should be knowing how it works you check the recent history.what do you mean by fool steps ,can you elobarate one step plz.

yeah knew it from your nick name
and that shows your mentality also and their are times when pakistan enjoyed more support then india its like coin kid some times head and some times tails and in current situation all the world know Goi is just playing dirty game just to get more votes
and by fools step in mean a limited war because you guys have hyped the situation more then it should have been
We have nothing to lose but India have everything to lose.
I don't like war, but i wish that all problems will resolve through table talk. But if war happens, India will lose everything. And we have nothing to lose
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We have nothing to loose but India have everything to loose.
I don't like war, but i wish that all problems will resolve through table talk. But if war happens, India will loose everything. And we have nothing to loose

Lose, not loose - you lose in a match but you wear a loose t-shirt.
yeah knew it from your nick name
and that shows your mentality also and their are times when pakistan enjoyed more support then india its like coin kid some times head and some times tails and in current situation all the world know Goi is just playing dirty game just to get more votes
and by fools step in mean a limited war because you guys have hyped the situation more then it should have been

Now that you are mature and lets not judge mentalities ,as far i can see not going to war and all your troops building up and staying there for long is going to hurt your country more in the long run.so why to take fools steps or go to war.does kargil come under fools steps.
The only war that is going to be fought is between us on such forums - neither country is going to war.
yeah Yeah F*** yourself, I don't have to give you explanation... illiterate people...


Mate, why are you abusing him.... Its a sign of Losing the argument and debate...
I can only say that human behavior shows its family background.

Post Reported,
i hope that you will get ban for using abusive language
Not correct. Gen. Kayani did back off from Musharraf's formulations. Didn't want to take on the Islamists. Nawaz Sharif isn't relying on him for peace talks, he is waiting for him to leave. Kayani doesn't like NS & has made no bones about it, even preferring Zardari to NS.

Gen Musharraf's statement along with a similar one from the foreign minister of that time is on record saying that India backed off from the Kashmir deal after his power started to decline , this has nothing to do with Kiyani who by his actions , seems like a very cautious and pro-democracy man . The power and influence which the last COAS had , cant be expected from Kiyani or any other military or political leader . What makes you think that he doesn't like the current prime minister of Pakistan ? I dont see any statement or action hinting at that .

Zero impact on India. Don't assume nuisance value will get you anything at the U.N. Try it if you feel otherwise.

No , such thing as zero impact exists here . If there is one thing , I dislike most , it is overestimation of one's capabilities like you did there . I said that West needs Pakistan for decades to come , if it has to stay in troubled Afghanistan post 2014 , it needs supplies for the 10,000 or more force for training , joint operation and the supply route goes from Islamabad's territory , so naturally we will still maintain some leverage . As for the nuisance value , I never mentioned it , apparently you understand more from things than is intended . But , that is fact that without Pakistan on board , there can be no hope for peace and stability in Afghanistan and thus not in the region . Quite interesting for the West , they should carefully pick sides if such a time comes .

We don't have a problem chap, that is why we keep saying no to talks. We don't get anything from Pakistan, name one if you will. You want something, we don't want anything from you. Figure out that difference. Meetings with NS will happen. not because we will get anything but because MMS is deeply interested in seeing an India-Pakistan detente. That, however desirable, is not absolutely necessary.

For the first time ever , it looks like you do have a problem here . Your economy isn't doing that good like it was before . You want to have a trade route with Afghanistan and Central Asia , you have ever growing energy needs , you need to pull millions out of poverty , you need trade for your economy and you need ' peace ' for the growth rate to continue . So , far Pakistan has co-operated with you regarding transit routes and curbing of terrorism . You do not want your trade to be routed through presently sanctioned Iran and troubled Afghanistan . Which is the reason , I believe , I am not really seeing any enthusiasm from the Indian side to cancel the meeting and specially the peace talks , speaks volumes about its importance for you too despite the outrage of the Indian public and massive political pressure . Maybe the desirable has become necessary and you dont even realize it , but the Govt does . Not seeing the big picture . Today's Pakistan has more than co-operation on terrorism to offer .

Take it to wherever, a lot good that has done you. Btw, India can abrogate the treaty, if it wants to. The fact that it hasn't done so does not mean it cannot. I don't think that such a step is desirable but as a lower riparian state, there won't be much you can do if India insists on a new treaty based on international principles, something that will get you less than half of what you are now getting.

Of course , if the need arises , if nothing can be achieved out of talks , we will take it to Hague . Have we ever asked your permission ? If you could abrogate it , you would have by now , my friend , but there's no way to abrogate it without facing International pressure and losing face . Hell , you cant even modify and ask for a new treaty , unless Pakistan agrees to . There are limitations that come with signing anything like that .

Those are what we say when we talk. That is simply a one point agenda, the one I mentioned earlier - about terrorism. we want nothing else, certainly nothing that bothers us. Trade is desirable but not absolutely necessary & Pakistan is of no use anywhere else.

Yet you are insisting on talks at the moment , the meeting will happen . Even today , the offer to sell electricity was presented by your country . That trade hasn't just remain desirable , maybe its time for you to rethink on that .
Plz move all your troops from the western border to east and deploy them in forward position.and lets see how long can you or we sustain the troop build up and keep the troops battle ready.

Well , if you want to research such a thing , you can always google extensive reports on Op.Brasstacks and Op.Parakram and see the outcomes .
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