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Visualize Bangladesh in event of escalated regional military complications

2. If you forcibly use Bangladesh sky, and—in response and not obliging India a bit—its people willingly let China to use its land (say, only Cox’s Bazar Airport that is being revamped to become a Forward Air Base, and Water (St. Martins area in Bay of Bengal), how healthy that will be to you ?

3. Will you be able to draw the large neighboring people closer with this kind of fascist talking--even if India becomes super-power of some sort---while China with much more development trying to remain modest ?

Perhaps, any saner Indian member, if any, can throw light on above better.

Point no. 2:

As per assertions made in this topic earlier, wherein Bangladesh would allow the Chinese to use their land ... what on heavens is "unhealthy" in India forcibly using Bangladesh skies!?

Point no. 3:
OK ... You are fascinated with the word "fascism" ... I got that part alrite .... but the point that I fail to grasp is.... after all the loads of crap that BD is supposed to act against India in company with China .... why do you assume India will not react!? Why do you feel that India cannot do to Bangladesh what some Bangladeshis here claim that their country can do to India?

One always feels nice to think he is morally upright ... a "modest" person as you would put it ... But if you want Indians to talk nicely to you ... then maybe start by improving your level of conversation.
Chinese does not need to be physically present or capture chicken but to disrupt supply line to NE. Heard of howitzer ? Constant artilery fire from howitzer is enough to achieve the objective.

Brilliant strategy iajdani ... Me sure no one thought abt this before ... just imagine ... a Chinese plane will airlift a few howitzers ... fly them right over the "chicken" as you said .... and then drop them right over there .... that should block the chicken neck real tight... it should take the bulldozers a few days to clear all those howitzers blocking the passage! Sent your application to the Bangladeshi army? :what:
No Chinese member is speaking here! May be they are not interested in any war.
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....... take my bet.;)

iajdani and leon :

Before you really go for any bet, please read the following excerpts from the posts (#9 & 26) of below-freezing (China/China) in the thread : China’s War Plans for India :

Above thread may assist in re-conciling / re-affirm your plans.

In any war, CJ-10s, DF-21s and HN-3s launched from H-6 bombers based in inner Mongolia would paralyze Indian command and control within hours.

WS-2 can bombard New Delhi from Askai chin.

JH-7's, J-8s and Su-30s equipped with anti-radiation missiles escorted by J-10s and J-11s under the command of KJ-2000s will annihilate all Indian SAM sites and destroy most of the Indian air force on the ground.

After air supremacy is achieved over northern India, 500,000 soldiers from Chengdu and Lanzhou military regions backed by 2000 tanks can roll right into the Ganges plain and take control of New Delhi. when the Indian government surrenders, it can have all its territory back except for the lands stolen from us in the past, and it will merely pay a small fine on the tune of several trillion dollars, to be paid for in oil, gold and natural resources, for all damage caused by its aggression in the past

On possible Indian countermeasures, below-freezing states that:

Other than S-300, India has no long range air defense missiles, that is, over 100 km range.

The range of our best anti-radiation missile, the YJ-12, is 250 km, 50 km more than S-300 PMU2. Our second best, YJ-9, has a range of 120 km, slightly within the range of S-300 PMU2's but just beyond that of the 9M96E2 on PMU1.

In the event of any war (with India), under KJ-2000 jamming and guidance, JH-7E and J-8s will carry out bombing missions against SAM radars and Indian AWACs, and because India purchases these systems, they cannot be replaced easily, thus a loss is essentially permanent.

Indian AWACs have just began arriving in may 2009 and will take a year for them to be integrated into the air force

Indian Air Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thus a preemptive strike by the PLAAF now with YJ-9 and YJ-12 can cripple their surface radars. Once their SAMs are disabled, DF-21 and CJ-10s can be fired with impunity at airfields, the prime minister's office, supply depots and Indian army bases.

Any attempt to scramble fighters will be met with overwhelming firepower. India's BVR missiles are limited to the R-77, with a range of 175 km, which can only be carried on their Su-30s; their mirage's are only equipped with 37 km Matra Super 530Ds.

However, our BVR missiles which include R-77 and PL-12 with equivalent range can be carried on most of our aircraft, including J-8s. we have double the number of J-8s that can launch BVR missiles than India has total Su-30s. Not only that, they can be guided with AWACs, which would be almost invincible against the Indian air force which lacks long range air to air anti radiation missiles, but which we do not lack -- we have the YJ-91.
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If India loses decisively in a war against China, there is nothing India can do against BD if it took a neutral stand vis-a-vis both the warring parties. India's international standing will be very weak if it loses. Moreover, after losing a war India itself will be at the brink of disintegration. It will raise regionalism throughout India. It is specially true in case of NE. Instead of India CRACKING us, we will be cracking India into many pieces, be sure about that.

Another war against BD will only speed up that process. Our nationalists and fanatics will not sit idle in such a situation. Moreover, we will follow the 1971 way of waging war. It will be aguerrilla war against any invading force.

In any such situation, BD will be fully supported by China as well as USA. By the way, what are you going to do against Pakistan army when we keep your forces busy in the eastern front? Do you still think it will be funny?

Are these words uttered out of your hole above the belt or below it ? By the time bananadeshi malnourished and barefooted army crosses 2 KM in India, they would realise that their bananadesh has been nuked to hell and it will be the shortest span of any country in the world (40 years :lol:) . First and foremost, China can neither claim air superority from ripped Junks nor control of oceans from its fishing boats. India has very secrative and covert force just for this job, SFF comprised of Tibetians. If you read operation chequerboard, India has long ago changed its doctroine from devensive to large offensive against chinese. I wouldn't be surprised if rather than China controlling chicken neck we cut tibet in half ending all supply routes to PLA. Tibet is soft underbelly of China. If anywhere regionalism will rise in Indo-China conflict first, it will be Tibet and second Xinjing. Only US support for bananadesh will be hellfire and sanctions, if lucky you will get US fleet in bay of bangal too.

Your bananadeshi clown force will the shot in buttocks while retreating provided that they first obey govt orders besides shooting their seniors. We might as well seal all the water flow and help you get rid of your pathetic lives.

India is here for 6000 years, your Pakistani fabric couldn't survive for 25 years and yet you are daydreaming about Indian disintegration. Inshallah, you and your compatriots live in this delusion forever.
Pakistan Irritated at India cos they invaded Kashmir and we did not let it go..who cares for that irritation..
China irritated cos they want our land. Hypocrisy!!
Sri lanka irritated - last time i checked they werent
Nepal - jus because that nut case prachanda hates India doesnt mean that the Nepalese hate us..get ur facts straight

If we forcibly use ur skies wat can u do..? ....

.....Come to us as friends AND WE WILL BE THE BEST Of friends.

Who said Chines are modest..remeber they too have conflicts with all their neighbours.

Pakistan Irritated at India cos they invaded Kashmir and we did not let it go..who cares for that irritation..
China irritated cos they want our land. Hypocrisy!!
Sri lanka irritated - last time i checked they werent
Nepal - jus because that nut case prachanda hates India doesnt mean that the Nepalese hate us..get ur facts straight

Hah! That unholy 'holier-than-thou' attitude!!

If we forcibly use ur skies wat can u do..?

Laugh at such threat, ofcourse...

.......Come to us as friends AND WE WILL BE THE BEST Of friends.

You mean Indian 'people' or its 'leaders & bureaucracy' ? Freindship only follows trust.

Who said Chines are modest..remeber they too have conflicts with all their neighbours.

I meant 'more than Indians'. Bangladeshis seeing both for long time to know who is modest.
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Hmm….a fascist mindset—isn’t it ?

1. Why do you like to sacrifice your excellent developments at the altar of fascism—only to turn into a fascist ‘super-power’ ? Do the world has any use for them any further ? Did not the past history give all enough lesson ? Is it the reason why you only support fascist AL in Bangladesh ? Is it the cause why neighboring people of Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal & China are so irritated of India ?

Is you history alongwith geography and politics so weak that you end up making a fool out of yourself all the time ? I guess your thinking power is in direct proportion to your mentality, cheap and low. Who care if they are irritated. Do China cares if Vietnam, Japan, India, S.Korea, Russia, US, Taiwan, Singapore are irritated? Do you care if India and Burma are irritated ? Do Pakistan care if India, Afghanistan and Iran, sorry, actually the whole world is irritated ? NO

Call it fascism, hegemony, bullying...i don't care, your 2 x 2 nation can neither have same global clout nor can we have equal relationship just because you are a banana republic and have no say in global geo-politics. Sorry about that but reality is not only India but all world super power will treat you as such..... keep you giving aid and 5 min broadcast of plight of your poors just before weather news.

2. If you forcibly use Bangladesh sky, and—in response and not obliging India a bit—its people willingly let China to use its land (say, only Cox’s Bazar Airport that is being revamped to become a Forward Air Base, and Water (St. Martins area in Bay of Bengal), how healthy that will be to you ?.

Very... infact ....welcoming move. We will gladly wait for you to get in bed with China and in the process get out of US bed. Expect sanctions, cessation of aid and equipments. Consider India giving free hand to Mossad in BD which was controlled by India when we arrested their agents in kolkata airport destined for BD.

3. Will you be able to draw the large neighboring people closer with this kind of fascist talking--even if India becomes super-power of some sort---while China with much more development trying to remain modest ?

Perhaps, any saner Indian member, if any, can throw light on above better.

Communist China's rise as modest ?? ...You need to get out of ruppe news cheap stuff and have some exposure of International news. True as some Indian member said, China is next to your god :lol:
Are these words uttered out of your hole above the belt or below it ? By the time bananadeshi malnourished and barefooted army crosses 2 KM in India, they would realise that their bananadesh has been nuked to hell and it will be the shortest span of any country in the world (40 years :lol:) . First and foremost, China can neither claim air superority from ripped Junks nor control of oceans from its fishing boats. India has very secrative and covert force just for this job, SFF comprised of Tibetians. If you read operation chequerboard, India has long ago changed its doctroine from devensive to large offensive against chinese. I wouldn't be surprised if rather than China controlling chicken neck we cut tibet in half ending all supply routes to PLA. Tibet is soft underbelly of China. If anywhere regionalism will rise in Indo-China conflict first, it will be Tibet and second Xinjing. Only US support for bananadesh will be hellfire and sanctions, if lucky you will get US fleet in bay of bangal too.

Your bananadeshi clown force will the shot in buttocks while retreating provided that they first obey govt orders besides shooting their seniors. We might as well seal all the water flow and help you get rid of your pathetic lives.

India is here for 6000 years, your Pakistani fabric couldn't survive for 25 years and yet you are daydreaming about Indian disintegration. Inshallah, you and your compatriots live in this delusion forever.

I thought dalits, naxalites, hungry masses, NE insurgents etc. etc. etc. are the main stumbling blocks for India to be a 'super-power of a sort'---in order to face China.

Now I see that some of them have to learn 'language' also. PDF has just discovered the 'Champion foul-mouth' of this forum---from India ofcourse. .....From where else ? The Gutteral languistic personality from the land of gutters.

Imran, to whatever degree you have allowed yourself in PDF, it requires dis-infectant & then air-freshener before you are replied further.
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I thought dalits, naxalites, hungry masses, NE insurgents etc. etc. etc. are the main stumbling blocks for India to be a 'super-power of a sort'---in order to face China.

Now I see that some of them have to learn 'language' also. PDF has just discovered the 'Champion foul-mouth' of this forum---from India ofcourse. .....From where else ? The Gutteral languistic personality from the land of gutters.

Imran, to whatever degree you have allowed yourself in PDF, it requires dis-infectant & then air-freshener before you are replied further.

would u like to hear some better ,firstly recognise ur self as an south asian power then asian then world.these above mentioned problems are part of india,india will take few years to remove the dalit mentality ,even 2-3 years for naxals,all these problems are solved by one thing development of whole india equally.u see wat u want to c.u want to c where india lags behind and u get this.firstly develop BD and then come to india.after all this things india have managed himself in G 20,and due to U.S unsupported nature india can't join S.C.even after all these problem india is recognised as asian power,not struggling to be recognised as south asian power like u lol.
so try to come out frm bay of bengal gutter and 4 the god sake stop dreaming abt as a power in future:wave::wave::wave:
......And I corrected you by saying that Mukti Bahini wasnt waging a guerilla warfare along with the invading force; but rather they were being assisted by the "Invading force" (Indian army) against the Pakistani army that was already present in East Pakistan!

I would be the last one to disregard/disrespect the role of Mukti Bahinis... and looking at the kind of remarks I here about them from many Bangladeshis here, I presume I have more respect to Bangladeshis than most Bangladeshis! :-)

However, the point to be noted is, that it seems Bangladeshis here in this forum love to misintrepret! :-D

Bunch of lies....Mukti Bahini fought guerilla war all through out Bangladesh all throught the period from end-May/early-June 71. There were some skeleton formations of (just born regular) Armed Forces under the name of Bangladesh Army, Navy & Air Force who also carried out valiant attacks in but limited fronts.

Indian Army entered Bangladesh soil only in twilight hours of early December, 71---popped all round by Mukti Bahini guerillas.

As you having the 'more respect' than 'most Bangladeshis', you may add as well 'to be more affectionate' than their mothers, too. Who can stop you ?

Can we go back to the topic--if you stop attempting insult to Mukti Bahini further ?
.......so try to come out frm bay of bengal gutter and 4 the god sake stop dreaming abt as a power in future:wave::wave::wave:

If you mean 'Offensive' Power, we are not at all dreaming about that nor even when we are awake.

For 'defensive' power, we must do everything within our capacity---not only dreaming alone.
If you mean 'Offensive' Power, we are not at all dreaming about that nor even when we are awake.

For 'defensive' power, we must do everything within our capacity---not only dreaming alone.

u r coming on point.no body is going offensive against u.ur geography says enough
u r coming on point.no body is going offensive against u.ur geography says enough

We (i.e all Bangladeshis including myself) are always on point about this. Our relevant doctrine is formulated that way. Whether we may get trapped in / provoked by other's offensive--is entirely a different issue---part of which lies under the purview of this thread.

Let us focus on the topic.
Call it fascism, hegemony, bullying...i don't care, your 2 x 2 nation can neither have same global clout nor can we have equal relationship just because you are a banana republic and have no say in global geo-politics. Sorry about that but reality is not only India but all world super power will treat you as such..... keep you giving aid and 5 min broadcast of plight of your poors just before weather news.

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall: Why we are like this?!
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