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Virginity Tests

no one can find truth about virginity due to plastic surgery which completely restores woman virginity.these virginity tests were valid in past but not now
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Can we keep this thread appropriate and informative please.

Virginity test. ! What tests are you talking abt, two finger test, it was used in india to determine rape and non consensual sex but now after supreme court judgement this medical procedure has been discarded as derogatory and insensitive to victims. It's no longer used.
Another thing I find typical is how women are always resorted to undertake such an embarrassing, uncomfortable and horrible ordeal whilst men can pop as many weasels as they want and aren’t held accountable.
Then please develop a way to hold mens accountable too... :D
Virginity tests require a virgin to have an intact hymen. Masturbation or intensive physical activities can cause the hymen to rupture so there would be many girls out there with broken hymen who may fail this so called virginity test but they may still never engaged in any sexual intercourse

secondly there is no way to perform virginity test on guys so this test is very humiliating znd discrminatory practice and Government should stop this non sense wherever its being practiced
Interesting but very old BBC article about virginity tests in Turkey.

Thursday, 28 February, 2002, 02:26 GMT

Turkey scraps virginity tests

The Turkish Government has rescinded a controversial law that allowed school girls suspected of having pre-marital sex to be given virginity tests.

Forced gynaecological examinations were common practice under the old law until five students attempted suicide by taking rat poison rather than be subjected to the test.

Despite the high value placed on virginity in Turkey the tests were regarded as abhorrent by women's and human rights groups.

Correspondents say the issue highlighted a sharp division of attitudes in the cities, where many unmarried women live with their boyfriends, and the countryside, where dowries remain an important source of income and relatives sometimes kill girls suspected of losing their virginity.

Wording changed

No such tests are thought to have been carried out since January 1999, when the justice minister ordered a halt to them, unless they were specifically ordered by a judge to provide evidence in a criminal case.

On Tuesday, the government removed ambiguous wording from a law on school punishment that allowed school administrators to "determine" whether girls were virgins.

The amendment scrapping virginity tests was published in the government newspaper, the Official Gazette.

It eliminated any reference to girls' chastity but makes a broader reference to the expulsion of students not behaving properly in school.

Last year Health Minister Osman Durmus, a member of the far-right Nationalist Action Party, caused uproar when he called for girls who were not virgins to be expelled from government-run nursing high schools and barred from enrolling in other state-run schools.
Hello chickpeas,

Read a few articles on Virginity tests which still take place in Afghanistan, Africa, Indonesia and even in some rural parts of India.

One would say this practice is embarrassing, medieval and humiliating. Another thing I find typical is how women are always resorted to undertake such an embarrassing, uncomfortable and horrible ordeal whilst men can pop as many weasels as they want and aren’t held accountable.

It takes two to tango.

*Disclaimer - if this thread offends you please take your tootsie elsewhere*

Here’s a few links:



So what's wrong with this? Maybe some men don't want to be cucked by ending up raising someone else's children.

And if certain women kept their legs closed those men wouldn't be "popping" their "weasels" either. Takes two to tango indeed.

Btw this woman just sold her virginity for 1.5 million dollars for a one-night stand. And then men are blamed for sl*tty women ruining it for everyone?


@Psychic @Nilgiri @Ocean
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One of the reasons I have my beef with the conservatives.
Anyways, regarding India -it can possibly happen in rural UP / Haryana/rajasthan. But these have always been backward places. This has become almost non existent, aside from when a conservative guy gets his ego hurt.
With a low sex ratio in these areas, finally women are beginning to gain power. So this will vanish soon.
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So what's wrong with this? Maybe some men don't want to be cucked by ending up raising someone else's children.

And if certain women kept their legs closed those men wouldn't be "popping" their "weasels" either. Takes two to tango indeed.

Btw this woman just sold her virginity for 1.5 million dollars for a one-night stand. And then men are blamed for sl*tty women ruining it for everyone?


@Psychic @Nilgiri @Ocean

If a guy wants a virgin, he should simply mention it to girl and believe her when she says she is , no need for any bloody proof, certainly not by family, society and govt,
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So what's wrong with this? Maybe some men don't want to be cucked by ending up raising someone else's children.

And if certain women kept their legs closed those men wouldn't be "popping" their "weasels" either. Takes two to tango indeed.

Btw this woman just sold her virginity for 1.5 million dollars for a one-night stand. And then men are blamed for sl*tty women ruining it for everyone?


@Psychic @Nilgiri @Ocean
Sure no one wants to raise bastards without knowing it but as someone pointed out, hymen can be ruptured due to other causes as well.
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If a guy wants a virgin, he should simply mention it to girl and believe her when she says she is , no need for any bloody proof, certainly not by family, society and govt,
If a guy want a virgin girl then he should also be staying virgin until the age of marrige otherwise he will be big hypocrite ..Mostly guys who sleep with random girls are more insecure that they dont end up with someone like them :D
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