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Violent Protests Erupt Against Agnipath(new Indian Army recruitment scheme, 30k salary for 4 years), BJP's Varun Gandhi Says 'More Disaffection Likely

Development of the Operational Data Link (ODL) and upgraded version of Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS) are at advanced stages of completion which would enable the IAF to be ready to fight modern hi-tech wars. We are also pursuing induction of Software Defined Radios which will be a major step towards Network Centric Operations (NCO).
Additional combat support assets like Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C), Flight Refuelling Aircraft (FRA) are also being procured. Air Defence Radars, long and medium range surface-to-air missile systems (S-400, MRSAM), Low Level Quick Reaction Missiles (LLQRM) and Close In Weapon System (CIWS) are being procured in order to provide adequate multi-layered air defence. Besides that, IAF have already demonstrated their capabilities when they have successfully penetrated 80 km deep into the territory of our adversary by successfully jamming their communication systems, radars and other surveillance systems. Our fighter aircrafts have bombed the hell out of Mujahideen camps and returned to their airbases successfully without even getting a scratch on their back. Incompetency of our adversary were further proven when BrahMos manage to breach the air defenses of our adversary, key point is we have demonstrated HQ9 (🇨🇳) or none of their ADS can intercept the high speed projectile, so the objective is clear and louder. Oh man, their own NSA was saying that they weren’t informed of the incident for 2 days

So their response to a first strike weapon landing deep in their territory was entirely organic.

They have botched their response to this SO badly it’s unbelievable. They went ahead and put their account on record- we didn’t intercept, we don’t know what happened. Now their NSA is saying they had no communications

They could’ve shut up, been silent for 2 days and pressured the Indian side to make a public statement and then said we were told about this that’s why we watched the entire sequence but stood down our AD
Remember bangladesh?
Remember abhinandan ?
Remember kalbushan yadav?
Remember operation dwarka?

As for Bangladesh, we let them decide after ghazwa e hind……pretty sure you will be disappointed there too.

Tea is always fantastic.
So how was it ?
It was firmly on the basis of States' Rights, first, and arising out of that, the right to keep slaves. Religion hardly came into it. Most of the settlers in the US from the UK were, in the first place, refugees from the religious difficulties of Protestants in the UK. For one, it was not an entire shift away from the Roman Catholic liturgy and practice that the Episcopalian Church represented; they retained much of the practice, but differed in some key theological ways. To the non-conforming Protestants of the subsequent years, this refusal to part completely from the Roman Catholic was intolerable. Much of the migration took place in this context, not in the context of Protestants fleeing Catholic oppression.
So, based on a high level interpretation - India is trying the temporary contract aspect much as the US does for its armed forces.

A. Is that the understanding of the public with the program?

B. Are the benefits relative as well?

C. Most importantly, CULTURALLY - can you implement such devolved initiative and leadership mentality that seems to be expected from these recruits?
Remember abhinandan ?
Remember kalbushan yadav?
Remember operation dwarka?

Maybe if
ONE pilot, ONE MiG21
ONE captive hijacked and held in prison in the teeth of the International Court's strictures
ONE raid that killed some livestock
means so much to you, we should let you score another famous victory?
Tea is always fantastic.
That stuff you can't afford to drink any more?
One thing I have realized now is that most Indians irrespective of cause or group don't know how to conduct peaceful protest, we are too immature and hothead for that right now. Ghost of Chauri Chaura continues to haunt us.
Development of the Operational Data Link (ODL) and upgraded version of Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS) are at advanced stages of completion which would enable the IAF to be ready to fight modern hi-tech wars. We are also pursuing induction of Software Defined Radios which will be a major step towards Network Centric Operations (NCO).
Additional combat support assets like Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C), Flight Refuelling Aircraft (FRA) are also being procured. Air Defence Radars, long and medium range surface-to-air missile systems (S-400, MRSAM), Low Level Quick Reaction Missiles (LLQRM) and Close In Weapon System (CIWS) are being procured in order to provide adequate multi-layered air defence. Besides that, IAF have already demonstrated their capabilities when they have successfully penetrated 80 km deep into the territory of our adversary by successfully jamming their communication systems, radars and other surveillance systems. Our fighter aircrafts have bombed the hell out of Mujahideen camps and returned to their airbases successfully without even getting a scratch on their back. Incompetency of our adversary were further proven when BrahMos manage to breach the air defenses of our adversary, key point is we have demonstrated HQ9 (🇨🇳) or none of their ADS can intercept the high speed projectile, so the objective is clear and louder. Oh man, their own NSA was saying that they weren’t informed of the incident for 2 days

So their response to a first strike weapon landing deep in their territory was entirely organic.

They have botched their response to this SO badly it’s unbelievable. They went ahead and put their account on record- we didn’t intercept, we don’t know what happened. Now their NSA is saying they had no communications

They could’ve shut up, been silent for 2 days and pressured the Indian side to make a public statement and then said we were told about this that’s why we watched the entire sequence but stood down our AD

I can’t believe you have the audacity to write such utter rubbish. Hilariously you believe it.
BJP also destroyed this Ravidas temple of Dalits in Delhi in a treacherous way, in the middle of the night.

We should not expect Godi media to do justice, they get advertisement from government and BJP backed corporates. Independent media is the only solution.

I found that most of the semi-idolators in Christian community are Catholics branch and its offshoots, They also venerate(word used by them instead of worship) Mariyam and other saints. Their churches are very materialistic. like the ones near my home.
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While Protestant branch are more monotheistic, churches are simpler, sometimes only a cross on the altar. Schism is somewhat similar to Shia - Sunni.
some Catholic sects do self-flagellation, to remind themselves of the suffering of Christ.
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and exorcism(jhaad phoook) to drive away evil spirits, do magic tricks and claim to be miracles to fool simple flocks.
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Less known fact about American Civil war, was that it was a ideological war between Protestant North and Catholic South. Abraham Lincoln was Protestant and Confederate generals were Catholic. Protestants were against slavery of Africans while Catholics were pro slavery. Crusaders were mostly Catholic. Support for Israel also is mostly from USA south, also known as bible belt. Today most of the successful countries of the world like US, England, Australia, New Zealand are Protestant countries.
You will find that its the Catholic branch Kerala which is in bed with BJP and RSS, they also support Israel.
Everyone disliked Catholic the same in US at the time

No one was Catholic, southern people are baptist protestent

Catholic were majority no where at the time, they came to US through immigration at a later time after civil war

Later day saints are Mormons, many Cristians do not consider them proper Cristians and they're only Cristian sect who believe in polygamous relationships
Crusaders were mostly Catholic.

Crusaders were mostly Catholics becoz Protestantism did not exist at that point of time, as for East Orthodox the Byzantine Empire was pale shadow from its Glory days of Justinian.
Are they mad? A 4 year contract in the army? What purpose does it serve the armed forces?
To give proper military training to right wing Indian youth activists who at the time of need could be used to influence Indian society in any manner including violent measures.

Google Hitlerjugend and their role in Holocaust
To give proper military training to right wing Indian youth activists who at the time of need could be used to influence Indian society in any manner including violent measures.

Google Hitlerjugend and their role in Holocaust

This is something very important that you raised and I agree with it

No wonder most Sikhs who form a large part of Indian military aren't much interested in this scheme
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