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Violence in Rawapindi claims seven lives, 34 injured

Here is the interview with Mufti Adnan Kakakhel

Mr. Naqvi is quoting that the killed were the same who actually objected to Pakistan's creation and termed Mr. Jinnah Kafir,,,,,,, than he shall be asked, where is the limit?
If you continue punishing current generation for the crimes, they are not even aware of....... than does it not hint to a time bomb waiting to explode? assuming, karbla is more dear to shia than Mr. Jinnah and Pakistan.
Following Mr. Naqvi's theory, any non shia can be easily be termed (God forbid) same who were criminals of karbala!
Indeed it is dangerous argument to present in front of kids or any fundamentalist person.... who will not waste a moment to revenge karbal, from its non shia neighbors than blood would be on the hands of Mr. Naqvi who is issuing fitna statements on state TV.
To me its very Jahilana logic to justify the killings. 
:( Yun To Syed Bhi Ho, Mirza Bhi Ho, Afghan Bhi Ho
Tum Sabhi Kuch Ho, Batao To Musalman Bhi Ho! :(
I'm no Syed,,, i have no proof of it!
I have already doped my family name, for the reasons of pride it bring, so personally I'm clean from cast and sect.
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Pakistan should totally ban any Shia Matimi-Jaloos on streets. If they want to bleed/hurt themselves (forbidden to harm oneself in Quran)

Not fair . You guys cant tolerate them just for one day in the whole year ?? On the other hand you keep ranting (from your mosque speakers) about the merits of those who are considered enemies by them , and you do that all year round !!

And you cant impose your Quranic interpretation upon others as a law, they have their own interpretation of Quran and Hadith that is binding upon them !!! and you must also know that what does the constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan has to say on that :

Article 227 of The Constitution of Islamic Republic Of Pakistan
Provisions relating to the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
(1) All existing laws shall be brought in conformity with the Injunctions of Islam as laid down in the Holy Quran and Sunnah, in this Part referred to as the Injunctions of Islam, and no law shall be enacted which is repugnant to such Injunctions.
[By the third ammendment dated 1980 Explanation given is:- In the application of this clause to the personal law of any Muslim sect, the expression "Quran and Sunnah" shall mean the Quran and Sunnah as interpreted by that sect.
they are a ARMED MOB walking down streets .

This "Armed Mob" is largely made up of shia children and their women too .. Dont get biased beyond rationality
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@Azlan Haider please, present how can you help state, in keeping the processions peaceful and safe?
Govt. did his job by providing fool proof security, in middle of war.
This "Armed Mob" is largely made up of shia children and their women too .. Dont get biased beyond rationality

Just say yes or no.. will you allow your child to play on the streets while this armed mob is roaming? Do you support such lunacy? Are you part of this mob on these days?

Again, like others have said, if these people want to endanger and harm their own children and women, they can do that very well in their own homes and imam bargas. No need to terrorize the innocent non-shia women and children.
Just say yes or no.. will you allow your child to play on the streets while this armed mob is roaming? Do you support such lunacy? Are you part of this mob on these days?

Again, like others have said, if these people want to endanger and harm their own children and women, they can do that very well in their own homes and imam bargas. No need to terrorize the innocent non-shia women and children.

No.. they shall not be allowed to harm even there own kids or be taken to majalis, with 18+ content.

Actually, there shall be no permission for secret majlis, every majlis shall be attended by a magistrate.
@Azlan Haider please, present how can you help state, in keeping the processions peaceful and safe?
Govt. did his job by providing fool proof security, in middle of war.

Its not for me to make laws , But one thing is for sure , all the religious freedom granted to its citizens by the constitution is subject to Public Order . Route permits should not been given to such processions for areas with potential hostility towards Shia .

Just say yes or no.. will you allow your child to play on the streets while this armed mob is roaming? Do you support such lunacy? Are you part of this mob on these days?

No . I dont support lunacy and I have been a part of such a procession only once in my life (and that too out of curiosity) .. But I dont have any problem with Shia if they want to be the way they are , neither should anyone else has any problem . shia are not a small minority , they are 20 % of our population and I respect them for this

& if ur "interpretation" of Quran allows you to injure yourself, most welcome, but stay in your confined spaces. Don't make a scene & show-off your remorse for killling Imam Hussain on streets
If you have something against Imam Hussain (A.S) inside you , I cant help you . I just said that our constitution does not allow any sect to impose its version of islam on others by force. No need to get infuriated by what our constitution says !!. You cant force something upon other muslims marking it as "true islam" . If somehow you guys understand this simple thing , there will be no sectarian fights anymore .....
And dont quote ahadith from Sahih Muslim and Bukhari , They are binding upon sunnis only . Shia dont accept these books and they have their own . This is a right given to them by constitution . You cant take it away
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Its not for me to make laws , But one thing is for sure , all the religious freedom granted to its citizens by the constitution is subject to Public Order . Route permits should not been given to such processions for areas with potential hostility towards Shia .

No . I dont support lunacy and I have been a part of such a procession only once in my life (and that too out of curiosity) .. But I dont have any problem with Shia if they want to be the way they are , neither should anyone else has any problem . shia are not a small minority , they are 20 % of our population and I respect them for this

If you have something against Imam Hussain (A.S) inside you , I cant help you .

No @Azlan Haider haider it doesn't work this way
Let's be honest, you are not living in e.g. UK where state officials are educated.. thank to re-instated judiciary, all law makers are fake degree holders, it would be foolish to expect any thing from law makers, PML-N has already delivered better than PPP & ANP.
Neither you will behave, as you would do in e.g. UK!

You shall also understand, rated content is strictly for adults and live blood and excited armed people are security risk them self.

In west, hijab is security risk than all shia non shia, iranians, saudis have to comply.

Now is time you suggest a safe way of carrying out stuff in fool proof way, or don't expect improvements.

According to your other post, percentages of other sects. you mentioned are no much different but during procession shia are armed and in majority.
If the law makers are foolish and hold fake degrees , what other option do we have ?? are you suggesting some kind of "Inqilab" or what ? You believe in anarchy ? No matter how flawed our system may be , we have to live with it trying to make it better continuously

I am not saying that such processions are good .. What I am saying is that its not for us to be boss and tell the Shia what to do or what not to do . We can only convince them with respect and love to ban such processions , as Iranians did .. As it is a religious issue , it should be dealt with sensibly . We should respect our law and constitution and when it comes to our own religious practices , we are not even ready to listen to any opposition , why we dont expect this from Shia ?
^^ you are translating my clear post in wrong way. I have clearly defined the limits of fake degree holders and what will happen if Shais do not participate with state for their own good.
Obviously, you are complicated people, difficult to talk.
what will happen if Shais do not participate with state for their own good.
Obviously, you are complicated people, difficult to talk.

You can`t assume (without giving it a sincere try)that Shia will not participate with state for their own good , after all its them who have suffered the most so far in this sectarian violence (or may be there has been ONLY shia killings, so, its more of a "genocide" , than a sectarian violence , which involves losses on all sides)
And what do you mean by "you are complicated people"?
You can`t assume (without giving it a sincere try)that Shia will not participate with state for their own good , after all its them who have suffered the most so far in this sectarian violence (or may be there has been ONLY shia killings, so, its more of a "genocide" , than a sectarian violence , which involves losses on all sides)
And what do you mean by "you are complicated people"?

dude.. do not quote out of context and translate as you like.
co-operate or not good luck, best wishes and have fun.

Just let me know when you find an excuse for the 10 dead kids. good bye
Just let me know when you find an excuse for the 10 dead kids.

TTP and all its supporters are the only one who can find excuses for the killing of innocent kids (And shamefully they try to prove their point by quoting Quran and Hadith{Deoband interpretation}) ...... No sane man on earth can justify such acts of brutality ... TC
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The vast majority of this Sunni-Shia violence is perpetrated by Radical Sunni groups.

It's on the whole one way violence, it's not tit for tat. And btw I am a Sunni.

I will give another fact - in the city of Karachi alone over 70 doctors have been killed since the end of the soviet war. They were targeted because they were all Shia. This should send shockwaves to any country.

I recently read the intelligence and police are starting to take preemptive action against these groups but it should have been done a lot earlier.
The vast majority of this Sunni-Shia violence is perpetrated by Radical Sunni groups.

It's on the whole one way violence, it's not tit for tat. And btw I am a Sunni.

I will give another fact - in the city of Karachi alone over 70 doctors have been killed since the end of the soviet war. They were targeted because they were all Shia. This should send shockwaves to any country.

I recently read the intelligence and police are starting to take preemptive action against these groups but it should have been done a lot earlier.

You are a bias and blind sunni if you think this is one way
I know Saudis they do not believe in terming any one Kafir... they treat Muslims and non Muslims evenly and on merit

Who told you that Saudis treat Muslims and Non Muslims evenly ??? Saudia is the worst example of "In equality" among different nationalities . They are perhaps the only one in the world who pay wages to their employees on basis of nationality rather than competence . An American or a European gets the highest salary (Even more than arabs) , Pakistanis and Bengalis get the lowest (When all are working on same positions in any Govt. organisation) . If you are a third worlder , laws are different for you . They dont think of us Pakistanis as human beings with any dignity . They take us as inferior "slaves" ..

And I can show you Saudi Imams Insulting Iranians from the pulpit of Masjid e Nabvi . They have zero religious tolerance to other sects (Sunnis included). I dont want to spread any sect. hate so lets stop here . And before praising Saudis so much , I suggest that you consult someone who has spent a few years in KSA .

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