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Vinegar contaminated with antifreeze kills Chinese Muslims at Ramadan meal

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Well does it matter???Food , drink adulteration deaths are not strange in these part of the world. We have a long history of hooch/liquor adulteration deaths.. Can we blame the state for the misgivings of some individual or carelessness of some one..

Why are you so nonchalant about it???

It happens.... pass the condolence and move on...

In First world countries, there would be fear of lawsuits and lawyer lining up for this.........
Only someone like you can equate malnutrition with "hungry and yet healthy"

Incidently childhood malnutrition has been scientifically linked with a whole series of problems later in life.

Malnutrition In Early Years Leads To Low IQ And Later Antisocial Behavior, USC Study Finds

Perhaps because I don't speak in tongues? Yes, I personally live on "hungry" diet and I have never been healthier. That said, I have studied the malnutrition case in India, as the word itself would say, these kids are poorly fed but fed they are. It's not that they don't get food, they just don't get the food growing children to do, for example mother's milk.
Perhaps because I don't speak in tongues? Yes, I personally live on "hungry" diet and I have never been healthier. That said, I have studied the malnutrition case in India, as the word itself would say, these kids are poorly fed but fed they are.

You cannot be seriously as stupid as you sound here. In your mind Hungry = Malnutrition?
Since you are so sure of the case then you would know they were using Melamine to pass a government regulated protein content test. You see milk/milk powder sold in China is checked for nitrogen content, a round about way of checking for protein content/the product are not diluted. The government at time were using Dumas method and the Kjeldahl method to check for nitrogen content because these were easy to do, required no expensive instruments. But the tests could be fool by chemical compounds similar to amino acids.



Amino acid


and indeed the criminal manufacturers were using melamine, to artificially "boost" protein content in their product. Which lead to children being sick and 6 dying from the exposure to melamine.

So before you spew all sorts of non-sense, I would like to know what you mean by this case being no accident. The intent to adulate a product for profit is a very different motive than a motive to kill and harm children.

what case you talking about? im referring to the milk case where kids were poisened on purpose in China let me refresh yr memory.


Thats why we dont know if this current case on ramadam is revenge or a accident at this stage
You cannot be seriously as stupid as you sound here. In your mind Hungry = Malnutrition?

Now you have lost it. I never said Hungry = Malnutrition nor am I surprised by your typical BS.
1) you could have aleast taken the google suggestion for spelling

2) reread my last sentence.

I dont know if it is a revenge attack on the Uighurs but it does look suspicious to me especially as this is not the first time on people and even kids have been poisened on purpose.

Hope the authorities find out who is behind such heinous actions or could it just be a terrible accident?
This is just plain wrong! why do the authorities let these things happen?
Sorry, I prefer to believe the UN Human Development report and UNICEF rather than some random internet poster.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

Article from 2006 :lol: how long did it take u to dig that one up?

---------- Post added at 07:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 AM ----------

Indian Conspiracy theorists on the lose

The last milk poisening was on purpose so this could be also it's not that hard to believe is it? :)
Unfortunate accident. In Mexico a few years back there was a warning about antifreeze in snowcones (as sweetener). Not enough to kill, but you could get sick from too many. They didn't wash the jugs well, and that is it. Codolences (I doubt state regs could have helped, as a previous poster said most likely home-made)
Unfortunate accident. In Mexico a few years back there was a warning about antifreeze in snowcones (as sweetener). Not enough to kill, but you could get sick from too many. They didn't wash the jugs well, and that is it. Codolences (I doubt state regs could have helped, as a previous poster said most likely home-made)

Can't be certain it is a accident the last case of the milk poisening was done deliberately we dont know at this point if it was the same or a horrible accident.

---------- Post added at 08:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 AM ----------

Thats your Indian conspiracy logic.

sad that you are just playing like and idiot making the incident as planned one.

It could be planned like the last milk poisening case hard to believe is it Jana ji?
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