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view: Conspiracy theories and theorists

And that answers the conspiracy theory, how? Calling me a liar but not answering how I am a liar (what you said did not answer how I am lying). And again, here we go with "the truth" rhetoric. I have answered this BS before. THE truth is something very few or no one knows. What you're talking about is YOUR VERSION of the truth, not THE truth.

So more non sense rhetoric. The outrageous claims are those about holocaust and 9/11. And we have provided counter evidence against it. All the rest of your stuff is rhetoric so I will not answer that.

Actually the onus is on you to prove what you claim as your "counter-claims" or in proper words 'conspiracy theory'. If presented facts about the above events are outrageous, then please do provide irrefutable evidence to the contrary. The ball's in your court.

You cannot pull out "counter-claims" just like that out of a topfelt hat, and expect people to believe them. Such people are clinically called 'delusional'.
The video does provide counter-evidence about holocaust. Even for 9/11 there's plenty of evidence which I will not discuss because it's not a specific conspiracy theory topic. The evidence provided by US is very questionable, flimsy and is at best accepted by people who want to accept it. I mentioned few of the problems with the evidence in my first post in this topic. It's by no means "irrefutable" and you just need to do some critical thinking to see some problems with it.

And btw, I never said other people should believe what I said. I have made that clear about all my opinions several times - believe if you want to believe them, otherwise I don't care if you don't believe it. I really don't.
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The video does provide counter-evidence about holocaust. Even for 9/11 there's plenty of evidence which I will not discuss because it's not a specific conspiracy theory topic. The evidence provided by US is very questionable, flimsy and is at best accepted by people who want to accept it. I mentioned few of the problems with the evidence in my first post in this topic. It's by no means "irrefutable" and you just need to do some critical thinking to see some problems with it.
What you sir, claim to be "The evidence" is nothing but questioning real evidence and facts and coming up with alternative answers - termed as 'conspiracy theory'. These alternative answers, derived upon questioning facts are NOT supported with forensic evidence. Evidence becomes irrefutable when it cannot be disproved by any means which is scientifically sound.

C'mon now, a rank amateur with a camera can single handedly counter months and years of painstaking evidence gathering by a team of highly qualified forensic professionals? These professionals critically and skeptically examine each and every piece of evidence being presented and piece together all the facts to come up with answers. And these amateur loonies can refute all that without presenting proper evidence? Why dont you evoke the Freedom of information act to see the evidence collected for yourself?

Forensic science is highly complicated for the likes of you and me and that film maker.
And btw, I never said other people should believe what I said. I have made that clear about all my opinions several times - believe if you want to believe them, otherwise I don't care if you don't believe it. I really don't.
I know you dont really care. And that's why you believe in what you want to believe. :)
The holocaust is a reality and denying it does not help.
I have seen videos of thousands of Jewish men, women and children who were stripped down and asked to dig a massive ditch which eventually was to serve as their grave.
The reader should imagine digging his and his loved ones grave including his little innocent children while they are still alive...unbearable thought...extremely disgusting acts which are absolutely monstrous and eternally condemnable!
I have seen some videos of the grave diggings and the killings though i remained sad and disturbed for a very long time.
I have read official recorded communication between German Generals who were very upset about the role their troops were asked to play in killing civilians. As per many commanders this act was making troop morale nosedive.
It was due to the extremely negative effect of such a horrible thing on the Army that the killings were actually handed over to the experts who ran the camps and devised means like the gas chambers etc.

Whatever Israel does or does not do, it should not cloud our judgment on the holocaust because Every Innocent life killed is akin to killing all Humanity as per Quran.
By same context Israeli Jews should know better than most how it feels to be victimized...the fact that Palestinians are suffering at Israeli hands is perhaps a cruel joke of the heavens.
However that does not imply that we deny Holocaust.

The Holocaust was an organized campaign of the Nazi regime to isolate, persecute and exterminate the Jews, German efficiency is legendary and when it was put to this use...one can imagine the result.
The fact that it is acknowledged by all concerned parties including the Germans is perhaps the most important proof other than the available videos, the official German communication, German records, family records and eyewitness accounts.
What you sir, claim to be "The evidence" is nothing but questioning real evidence and facts and coming up with alternative answers - termed as 'conspiracy theory'. These alternative answers, derived upon questioning facts are NOT supported with forensic evidence. Evidence becomes irrefutable when it cannot be disproved by any means which is scientifically sound.
That's how you question official stories. It was a pretty good video as far as I am concerned. These people did refute the evidence provided, so they did the job.

C'mon now, a rank amateur with a camera can single handedly counter months and years of painstaking evidence gathering by a team of highly qualified forensic professionals? These professionals critically and skeptically examine each and every piece of evidence being presented and piece together all the facts to come up with answers. And these amateur loonies can refute all that without presenting proper evidence? Why dont you evoke the Freedom of information act to see the evidence collected for yourself?

Forensic science is highly complicated for the likes of you and me and that film maker.

Those forensics you're talking about were in the pockets of other groups/states. It's hardly anything to go on. They did a good job of presenting counter evidence and inconsistencies in their stories. That's how you disprove a story/theory. Remember, it's innocent until proven guilty. The western governments tried to prove these guys guilty, these scientists found the problems with their 'evidence' (more like made up fabricated evidence), so it's on those scientists to prove these guys guilty.
What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires?
As Conspiracy Communities Grow, Mental Health Docs Are Left With Big Questions

What's Behind Internet Conspiracy Empires? - ABC News

Here is a link to a PDF download that is very informative on the subject. - Highly recommended!

SSRN-Conspiracy Theories by Cass Sunstein, Adrian Vermeule

Right, personally attacking conspiracy theorists, calling them mentally ill, paranoid, etc, without doing anything about the counter-evidence they provided. These guys are doing a pretty interesting job actually. Calling the conspiracy theorists those things I mentioned, and magically believing that by shaming and personally attacking the conspiracy theorists, what they say will eventually disappear.
Right, personally attacking conspiracy theorists, calling them mentally ill, paranoid, etc, without doing anything about the counter-evidence they provided. These guys are doing a pretty interesting job actually. Calling the conspiracy theorists those things I mentioned, and magically believing that by shaming and personally attacking the conspiracy theorists, what they say will eventually disappear.

By becoming public figures, they are subject to criticism and yes that includes analyzing their own ideologies and beliefs. No name calling or false allegations allowed but their ideologies and practices are now open to criticism. As you hae the right to call Zardari, Mr. 10%, so have I the right to call any conspiracy theorist a demogogical war monger, a hate monger or a schizophrenic and a maniac.

Criticism of conspiracy theorists will not eliminate their existence, it might enable people to see who the really are and if the public becomes sane and stops listening to them, their audience will vanish and so will they.

Debunking their theories is much more important and should be done carefully but a sane person does not have the advantage that a conspiracy theorist has. A sane person has to rely on classic logical arguementation and not imagining stories out of the sky. A sane person's arguement then is boring to most, who just want to read easy summarizations of complex phenomenon. Many, many people have devoted themselves to this, but they are hardly as popular as conspiracy theorist who appeal to every Tom, Dick and Harry.

e.g. a gajillion people don't care about reading NASA's official comments and rebuttals about the idiotic Moon Hoax Theory claims. They just see a bunch of pictures with single line captions and believe them. No one cares about looking awry at scenarios.
You can call them whatever you want, the point is personally attacking them will not change anything.

Yup, they are insane, the public who listens to them are insane, and those who believe in what the government are the sane ones and know what they are talking about. Never questioning the flimsy evidence provided btw - no, just put on the blinders for that evidence. And logical people always accept government stories, and never analyze the story for themselves. I don't have too much patience for this rhetoric. You can tell this to your other enlightened, logical, sane I-believe-whatever-the-government-says group.
You can call them whatever you want, the point is personally attacking them will not change anything.

Yup, they are insane, the public who listens to them are insane, and those who believe in what the government are the sane ones and know what they are talking about. Never questioning the flimsy evidence provided btw - no, just put on the blinders for that evidence. And logical people always accept government stories, and never analyze the story for themselves. I don't have too much patience for this rhetoric. You can tell this to your other enlightened, logical, sane I-believe-whatever-the-government-says group.

Conspiracy theories aren't just not believing what the government tells you. Conspiracy theories are out of the realm of even extraordinary events. They are imaginations and ramblings of incoherent men who are failures in their life.

You can also tell this to your Roswell Incident, Holocaust denial, 9/11 Conspiracy theorists, Moon Hoax Theory, Paul is dead, Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, AIDS and SARS are US experiments gone wrong friends group.:cheers:
Right, more personal attacks (I am a failure lol? Most people think otherwise, but ok) and no answer. Good going. That's what people trying to question the conspiracy theories do. Again, personal attacks do not counter any conspiracy theories, they merely put you in a bubble where you believe personal attacks and ad hominems on conspiracy theorists means you have defeated their arguments.

Btw, don't put words into my mouth. Most of those I never said were conspiracy, and I don't believe are. 9/11, Holocaust, 7/7, and recent christmas plane bomber were conspiracies. Mumbai 26/11 may have been a conspiracy, but I am not sure about that one because the evidence for a conspiracy is lacking.

As far as the christmas plane bomber goes, this is something to look at:

Flight 253 passenger: Sharp-dressed man aided terror suspect Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab onto plane without passport (MLive.com exclusive) | - MLive.com

But nope, government must be telling the truth. Put on the blinders when it's obvious it's an inside job.

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