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view: Conspiracy theories and theorists


Apr 24, 2007
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view: Conspiracy theories and theorists —Ishtiaq Ahmed

Conspiracy theories and their authors become a cause for concern when they begin to hallucinate and can no longer distinguish between their own flights of imagination and the world around them. When they hijack a whole nation or community into another world, then they ought to be held accountable

These are very troubled times. Such times are a bonanza for conspiracy theorists because they know how best to simplify extremely complex situations while simultaneously grossly exaggerating the evil ingenuity of the plotters, and thus create thorough confusion. If such confusion can generate panic, then the conspiracy theorist has earned his living through real hard work. The art then is to top it off with an ending that results in the defeat of the evildoers. Such stuff is the bread and butter of writers of mystery stories and thrillers. Their works help shed everyday boredom, even if only for the moment.

Conspiracy theories and their authors become a cause for concern when they begin to hallucinate and can no longer distinguish between their own flights of imagination and the world around them. If such delirious moments only carry them into a world of make-believe, then the harm is limited. However, when they hijack a whole nation or community into another world, then they ought to be held accountable. When such characters appear in popular talk shows or, much worse, begin exploiting TV channels to present programmes full of war games and prophecies against a demonised group of plotters threatening the existence of a nation — nay, a universal community such as that of the Muslims — then I believe such persons should be held accountable for taking people on a ride with their yarns.

By now the readers must have guessed that I have no other person in mind other than Mr Zaid Hamid. Initially I was reluctant to comment on the farce he pedals in his talks and his TV programmes. The reason is that one can end up giving more importance to individuals than is due. On the other hand, the danger is that the angst and fears that run deep in Pakistani society will push our society even deeper into a pathological state of mind or national outlook. The daily bomb blasts by remote control or by suicide bombers, the galloping rate of unemployment and politicians who specialise in making a mockery of democracy and responsible governments have taken a huge toll on the spirits of the Pakistani people. Last year when I visited Lahore I took a long walk beginning from Anarkali up to Lohari Gate and then eastwards till I came to Mochi Gate. Then I walked down to Gawalmandi, from there I went down Nisbet Road till I came to Lakshmi Chowk. I can tell you that for the first time in my life I felt that Lahore was in mourning. People could not take any longer all the betrayal of hopes for a Pakistan without want and hunger.

Mr Zaid Hamid’s grand conspiracy has a happy ending, however. The Muslim world and the Islamic Ummah in general and Pakistan in particular are the victims of a Zionist-Brahminical-CIA-Mossad-RAW-MI5-MI6, and all the rest, plot, according to this celebrated defence and security analyst. Our only true friend is China. The latter of course is still wedded to Marxism-Leninism and thus to atheism, but that does not matter. Just as there are good and bad Taliban, there can be good and bad atheists. Is that not logical? Once upon a time, I remember, the Chinese with their special eye shape and high cheekbones, we were told, were the people that Islam would fight, also accordingly to some prophecies. That was of course when Pakistan and China had not become friends, whose friendship was later described as higher than the Himalayas. So, there is a season for prophecies — some come in while others go out.

Mr Zaid Hamid tells us not to worry. Pakistan is a nuclear power and the defeat of Hind (India) has been prophesied 1,400 years ago. It will not only be the end of India but Israel and the US and all other evil powers, including Russia. Pakistan and China and some true Muslims will triumph in the final father of all battles — the mother of all battles is dead since a long time, I believe. Hopefully then we will convert all the Chinese, otherwise what is the point?

What will happen to all the nuclear weapons that the enemies of Islam possess? Their total is in the thousands! Well, they will become un-useable or explode in their own countries so the Islamic forces will not be responsible for the genocide of billions of members of the human race. In any case, such details, which disturb the elegance of a simple but sensational conspiracy theory, have to be ignored. The green flag will fly atop the Delhi Fort as it should have had we not created Pakistan and denied ourselves that opportunity 63 years earlier.

Is there any chance that such prophecy may not hold or rather that no such prophecy has existed in the past and it has been manufactured by Mr Zaid Hamid to support his grand theory, which has already declared a Muslim victory? I think such questions should suffice to explain to interested readers to distinguish between conspiracies and conspiracy theories.

Attributing so much power to the Zionists or Mossad also makes no sense. The way Mossad has messed up its crime in Dubai when a hit squad was sent to assassinate a Hamas leader only shows that such an agency cannot sometimes manage even simple operations. RAW is even less likely to pull off an attack on Pakistan with impunity. Recently the Taliban killed a number of CIA operatives in Afghanistan. If Mossad-Raw-CIA were to join ranks, would they perform better or is it likely that in the absence of a common chain of command they can mess up things even more? I do not know. But I do know that neither Mr Zaid Hamid nor his theory allow for an error, and in any case whatever initial advantage these evil agencies and powers may have, our victory is a foregone conclusion. That is exactly a conspiracy theory.

Another thing to keep in mind is the following: conspiracies by their very nature are secretive and oftentimes catch their targets off-guard. ‘Et tu, Bruté?’ (Even you, Brutus?), exclaimed Julius Caesar, as his best friend joined other plotters and stabbed him to death. Of course his (Julius Caesar’s) wife, Calpurnia, had been seeing such a nightmare many times, Shakespeare informed his readers. So, maybe one can see visions about such happenings. In any case, conspiracy theories that have already exposed the culprits and punished them and defeated them are just flights of the imagination, or, could be deep dives into a bottomless void inside the belly of the earth.

Ishtiaq Ahmed is a Visiting Research Professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) and the South Asian Studies Programme at the National University of Singapore. He is also a Professor of Political Science at Stockholm University. He has published extensively on South Asian politics. At ISAS, he is currently working on a book, Is Pakistan a Garrison State? He can be reached at isasia@nus.edu.sg
Again nothing new in this article except bemoaning conspiracy theories. There's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories. By simply calling them "conspiracy theories", you do not counter or rebutt them. You have to prove how they are wrong. Now Zaid Hamid is wrong that CIA is providing support to TTP. But Mossad and RAW is very much plausible. Showing one incident where Mossad faultered is hardly a way to counter the conspiracy theories. The argument against RAW is even worse, considering supporting terrorism/insurgency is one thing (and perhaps the only thing) which RAW is good at.
Nothing more than a hoax by the writer to attain some attention.

To sum up the article....BANG ON TARGET !!!!
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I don't listen to Zaid Hamid so can't comment on him, but when we look into some "Conspiracy" Theories like;

1. Holocaust
2. Man landing on Moon
3. 9/11

i don't see where they are lying, if anyone has any refutes on these theories then i will surely like to see them
US supplies arms to iran...........was that not a conspiracy theory that turned out to be true.
Iran–Contra affair.......note its an "affair" not a "conspiracy".:rofl:

In 1972, Republican officials snuck in to the Watergate Hotel to spy on the Democratic National Headquarters. Although conspiracy theorists had suspicions from the start, it wasn't until 1974 that secret tape recordings from the White House linked President Nixon to the break-in, forcing his resignation.

The FBI's COunter INTELligence PROgram of 1956-1971 secretly investigated and disrupted dissident organizations in the US. Hoover's program investigated Martin Luther King Jr., the Black Panther Party, the CP USA, the KKK and the Nation of Islam, among others. In 1971 the FBI office was broken into and files related to the program were leaked to the media, forcing Hoover to call the program off.

Am prety sure people could add more to this list.
1. Holocaust

A lot of jews where killed by the germans......maybe not 6 million but still a lot of jews where killed.

2. Man landing on Moon

So the russians played along and let the US have a progangda victory......what about all the mon landings after the first landing....did they also not take place?

Did some saudi guys fly the plane into the twin towers......yes
Did the US govt know what was going to take palce......i think yes.
Hopefully then we will convert all the Chinese, otherwise what is the point?

excellent point!
Again nothing new in this article except bemoaning conspiracy theories. There's nothing wrong with conspiracy theories. By simply calling them "conspiracy theories", you do not counter or rebutt them. You have to prove how they are wrong. Now Zaid Hamid is wrong that CIA is providing support to TTP. But Mossad and RAW is very much plausible. Showing one incident where Mossad faultered is hardly a way to counter the conspiracy theories. The argument against RAW is even worse, considering supporting terrorism/insurgency is one thing (and perhaps the only thing) which RAW is good at.

The onus of proving a theory is on the person who makes it, not on others to disprove it.

Zaid speaks plain white lies, like ajmal kasab is amar singh, like a delegation of dalits is in pakistan and they want to convert to islam etc etc. he has a history of being proven wrong.

When a person is known to tell lies so easily in the same sentence that he takes allah's name, then you should ask him to prove the other stories he tells to the believers, particualy stories that have an implication on the future of your nation.
A lot of jews where killed by the germans......maybe not 6 million but still a lot of jews where killed.

No doubt some jews were killed by Germans, but that was post-holocaust propaganda, when Americans Newspaper published this event there wasn't any scene of that. Yes, Germans did Boycott the jews & their product, when they found them in guilty of doing conspiracy in WWI, but no jew was kill till then.

So the russians played along and let the US have a progangda victory......what about all the mon landings after the first landing....did they also not take place?

I have only one question, IF moon landing was done in 1969, why in 2009. nasa asked for 11 more years to return to moon?

Did some saudi guys fly the plane into the twin towers......yes
Did the US govt know what was going to take palce......i think yes.

US govt was involve in that?
Was bomb already placed inside Twin towers?
Does each time when plan hit a build it requires to have a blast?
Does WC-7 was also hit by the plane?
Can a civilian plane can enter no fly zone even after declaration of high alert?

There was another conspiracy theory, in 1960s when cemor harsh said something about Israeli Nuclear program..

Also i agree there was some false conspiracy theories like "Y2K Bomb", 2007 cell phone worm in pakistan etc
but you'd all agree in Pakistan , that you feel better after hearing Zaid Hamid type of theorist, Now along with him there are others too ..who have started to sperad similar theories. Basically they say dont look inside , or try to fix yourself it is happening bec. it is conspiracy against you.

And at every other sentence he accuses the GOP, which sells like hot cake, but has he ever taken up a protest on the street, or if not him , his followers?? answer is no. He sells more on internet and few paid channels and mostly with the Pak diaspora.
No doubt some jews were killed by Germans, but that was post-holocaust propaganda, when Americans Newspaper published this event there wasn't any scene of that. Yes, Germans did Boycott the jews & their product, when they found them in guilty of doing conspiracy in WWI, but no jew was kill till then.

I have only one question, IF moon landing was done in 1969, why in 2009. nasa asked for 11 more years to return to moon?

US govt was involve in that?
Was bomb already placed inside Twin towers?
Does each time when plan hit a build it requires to have a blast?
Does WC-7 was also hit by the plane?
Can a civilian plane can enter no fly zone even after declaration of high alert?

There was another conspiracy theory, in 1960s when cemor harsh said something about Israeli Nuclear program..

Also i agree there was some false conspiracy theories like "Y2K Bomb", 2007 cell phone worm in pakistan etc

The Moon Hoax Theory makes me go crazy everytime. If we never had the ability to do so, doesn't mean they didn't do it.

How come they aren't doing it now? The biggest problem is money. It was a matter of pride in the '60s and NASA budgets were way higher then. And then there is the will to do so. We have already been there, we won't be exploring something really new. If China has the will to send a manned mission, let it be so. It is for humanity and not one nation only.

Also, they had the Saturn V rocket, the most powerful rocket ever operational. The Ares rocket which is under development today, is much much more efficient (the focus on efficiency and green energy today) and supposed to be lighter as well.

Apollo 17 astronaut, Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon said in an interview something like this

Nobody, nobody can take away from me the hundreds of steps that I took on the moon, especially some nut sitting infront of a computer.

Take out the time to watch "In the Shadow of the Moon" or the 6 part "When We Left Earth".

The vast popularity of the moon hoax theory in Pakistan only shows the author's point of view. It is the national game of Pakistan. Speculation, gossip and conspiracy theories.

As for the holocaust, deep rooted anti-semitism is the norm in Pakistan. People even "praise" Adolf and the Nazi regime for eliminating the Jewish population. What can be contended is the number of Jews killed and whether the Jews have tried to gain profit over this sad incident throughout the past 5 decades. Nobody can deny that Jews were exterminated. Even the most skeptical and conservative estimates put the number of Jews exterminated in The Final Solution to be a million or so.
The onus of proving a theory is on the person who makes it, not on others to disprove it.

Zaid speaks plain white lies, like ajmal kasab is amar singh, like a delegation of dalits is in pakistan and they want to convert to islam etc etc. he has a history of being proven wrong.

When a person is known to tell lies so easily in the same sentence that he takes allah's name, then you should ask him to prove the other stories he tells to the believers, particualy stories that have an implication on the future of your nation.

Conspiracy theorists - at least the ones I associate myself with - have proof of what they believe in and/or provide holes and unrealistic/unreasonable points in official government stories.
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