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Vietnam's president meets delegation of Chinese veterans in Hanoi

ha ha ha...you are clueless and a liar.

I guess you probably don´t know when Vietnamese army implemented guerrilla tactic against the foreign forces for the first time? do you seriously think weapons decide a war?

the armies of Thai, Laos, Cambodia and Burma combined have more personnel, money and weapons than Vietnam. do you think their armies combined have a chance against Vietnam? No, of course not, as history shows: in the 15 century, Vietnam army reached as far as the heartland of Burma kingdom: the irrawaddy river.

you provided the Cambodians, the red khmer weapons, trainings and military advisers. but Vietnam crushed their entire army in just a week.
At this point, we don't even care whether you want to believe it or not. We will let your Uncle Ho and his descendants explain to you Vietnamese today how much we help you guys. In China, people rarely brag or talk about the help we gave to Vietnam. We mainly focus on the North Korea War.
At this point, we don't even care whether you want to believe it or not. We will let your Uncle Ho and his descendants explain to you Vietnamese today how much we help you guys. In China, people rarely brag or talk about the help we gave to Vietnam. We mainly focus on the North Korea War.
do you want to hear how the North Vietnamese thought about the dirty politics of China?

here is it: Pham van Dong, the long served Prime Minister of North Vietnam and united Vietnam. He was one of Hồ Chí Minh's closest lieutenants.

in the short video, he talked to the press how the Chinese cooperated with the western powers to act against Vietnam during the peace conference in Geneve (1954), sabotaging the goal of Vietnam of reunification.

It was our soldiers, our resources, our money that helped Vietnam kick out the French and Americans.

We gave Vietcongs their independence. Without us the Viets won't be an independent country.

Your leaders did that for interest of China, not only for Vietnam. They did not want to see the forces of France and US closer to China's borders.

By the way, in the Điện Biên Phủ campaign, fortunately our commander, General Võ Nguyên Giáp did not use the tactic of "Human Waves" follow the advice of China, otherwise all our resources were wasted...
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