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Vietnam’s economy grows at fastest pace since a decade

Good comment.insulting ppl on internet will not make u look stronger while everyone still laughing at your cowardice and corrupted PLA after the lost of oil rig conflict in 2014.

Unlike CN growth that depend too much on Deng's @zz licking policy when begging for Jap money since 1978 and will get in big trouble if daddy US-JP stop support, VN's growth is steady and firmly, backup by strong VN army and full support from Russia plus incoming support from India-France-TPP.

CN economy is so much fragile due to corrupted and cowardice proplem ( economy falling without daddy Trump-Abe's help) while our growth and influence expansion is hard to stop even if CN-US-Jap try to contain VN-Russia again.

From now,Cnese should care abt their own problems ( corrupted Govt and army, lack of fertile lands, food, water and resouces ) instead of keep embarrassing yourselves on internet :cool:
Then, stop selling your women to China online with free shipping... Period!
Many Vietnamese don't like the Chinese but not to this extent.
This @Viva_Viet is certainly from GANGADESH.
And he drink lots of COW COLA.
yes some of vietnamese do not like us. it does not matter . at least i do not care if someone like us or not . it is very difficult to discuss something with a anger young poeple
I just cant stop laughing when seeing the falling of CN economy despite Deng trying hard in 1978 wt @zz licking policy to receive cheap Yen

U cant win the game just by bowing down and lick @zz of the fascist killer and raper like Jap :laugh:

I have some Wine and fried peanuts ,Tell us your stroy how terrible experience china brought to you?

Boy,Anger will blind your eyes。
I have some Wine and fried peanuts ,Tell us your stroy how terrible experience china brought to you?

Boy,Anger will blind your eyes。
If China drops the 9 dash lines your approval rating in VN will double overnight.
Good comment.insulting ppl on internet will not make u look stronger while everyone still laughing at your cowardice and corrupted PLA after the lost of oil rig conflict in 2014.

Unlike CN growth that depend too much on Deng's @zz licking policy when begging for Jap money since 1978 and will get in big trouble if daddy US-JP stop support, VN's growth is steady and firmly, backup by strong VN army and full support from Russia plus incoming support from India-France-TPP.

CN economy is so much fragile due to corrupted and cowardice proplem ( economy falling without daddy Trump-Abe's help) while our growth and influence expansion is hard to stop even if CN-US-Jap try to contain VN-Russia again.

From now,Cnese should care abt their own problems ( corrupted Govt and army, lack of fertile lands, food, water and resouces ) instead of keep embarrassing yourselves on internet :cool:
I didn't know VN is a lapdog of Russia. I bet your master is now frustrated that the US is putting a leash on its precious possession, Vietnam. I am glad that Vietnam is growing; I truly am. This way, China can sell more of its products so that our "fragile" economy will not collapse. By the way, where did you get info that PLA lost the oil rig conflict? I thought 40 PLA ships showed up and shoved your oil rig up your a$$.

If China drops the 9 dash lines your approval rating in VN will double overnight.
How might the Viet public respond if China seeks to cooperate with Vietnam in a joint oil extraction project?
How might the Viet public respond if China seeks to cooperate with Vietnam in a joint oil extraction project?
We are open for cooperation but there is a fundamental problem: China demands Vietnam to surrender. China says the 9 dash line is undisputed, the sea belongs to China. But ok, Chinese people are generous, China is willing to share a part of the oil with Vietnam.

Not much sense to negotiate if someone puts a gun on your head. Don’t you think so?

I have long promoted to divide the South China Sea into two halfs, with China controlling the northern part while Vietnam the Southern part.

Ok I know I am an optimist. Many other people calculate with the worst, loading guns and hiding them under the table.
I didn't know VN is a lapdog of Russia. I bet your master is now frustrated that the US is putting a leash on its precious possession, Vietnam. I am glad that Vietnam is growing; I truly am. This way, China can sell more of its products so that our "fragile" economy will not collapse. By the way, where did you get info that PLA lost the oil rig conflict? I thought 40 PLA ships showed up and shoved your oil rig up your a$$.

How might the Viet public respond if China seeks to cooperate with Vietnam in a joint oil extraction project?

Those islands are undisputed, China shall not drop her demands. If Vietnam remains stubborn, we shall be forced to kill those mofo in the future. Vietnam already received a red alert from China when those chimps dare to tell the Spanish to come over and drill in the disputed area. After China threaten them with war, Vietnam was crapping in her pants and recently they cancelled another cooperation with the Spanish again. Vietnam understands very well a war with China means the DEATH of Vietnam.

If China drops the 9 dash lines your approval rating in VN will double overnight.
You don't understand the meaning of those 40 warships?
I didn't know VN is a lapdog of Russia. I bet your master is now frustrated that the US is putting a leash on its precious possession, Vietnam. I am glad that Vietnam is growing; I truly am. This way, China can sell more of its products so that our "fragile" economy will not collapse. By the way, where did you get info that PLA lost the oil rig conflict? I thought 40 PLA ships showed up and shoved your oil rig up your a$$.

How might the Viet public respond if China seeks to cooperate with Vietnam in a joint oil extraction project?
CN oil rig was forced to withdraw after several day conflict wt VN forces in 2014. If u try to believe that your corrupted, coward PLA can do some thing alone ( without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979)in real battle, then keep believing on it. We dont care.

Trump, Abe wt TPP, EU are putting more tariffs on CN products now. VN is too small for CN to sell all of your products. People just simply dont see any chance for CN economy to avoid collapse.

When Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy, then Deng surely know that US-Jap also can put CN economy back to the level of dirty 3rd nation wt 500 hungry Cnese peasant before 1978

Then, stop selling your women to China online with free shipping... Period!
Then, stop selling your women to China online with free shipping... Period!
How is your mom raped by Jap daddy ???


Liu Xiuying, a 78-year-old survivor told a court in Tokyo in 1996: "The Japanese troops entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937. We were about 100 young women sheltering in the cellars of a building. On the afternoon of the 18th a group of soldiers came and some of us were taken by force."

"We knew what they were doing to women," she said. "They were dragging them into a neighboring building where they were often raped. The following morning some soldiers returned and one of them seized me by the arms. I was 19 and I was seven months pregnant. I resisted with all my force and I bit him on the arm. He screamed and his colleagues came immediately."

The soldiers lept on her and stabbed her 37 times in the face and stomach. She was left for dead in a pool of blood. The next day she lost her child but miraculously survived. She was taken to a Protestant church where she was taken care of by an American. "I can't forget, and I can't forgive," she said. "From that day on and for years to come, I had nightmares. I was so disfigured that I never left the house. I couldn't work. Even today my face sometimes hurts."
CN oil rig was forced to withdraw after several day conflict wt VN forces in 2014. If u try to believe that your corrupted, coward PLA can do some thing alone ( without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979)in real battle, then keep believing on it. We dont care.
Trump, Abe wt TPP, EU are putting more tariffs on CN products now. VN is too small for CN to sell all of your products. People just simply dont see any chance for CN economy to avoid collapse.
When Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy, then Deng surely know that US-Jap also can put CN economy back to the level of dirty 3rd nation wt 500 hungry Cnese peasant before 1978
How is your mom raped by Jap daddy ???
Liu Xiuying, a 78-year-old survivor told a court in Tokyo in 1996: "The Japanese troops entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937. We were about 100 young women sheltering in the cellars of a building. On the afternoon of the 18th a group of soldiers came and some of us were taken by force."
"We knew what they were doing to women," she said. "They were dragging them into a neighboring building where they were often raped. The following morning some soldiers returned and one of them seized me by the arms. I was 19 and I was seven months pregnant. I resisted with all my force and I bit him on the arm. He screamed and his colleagues came immediately."
The soldiers lept on her and stabbed her 37 times in the face and stomach. She was left for dead in a pool of blood. The next day she lost her child but miraculously survived. She was taken to a Protestant church where she was taken care of by an American. "I can't forget, and I can't forgive," she said. "From that day on and for years to come, I had nightmares. I was so disfigured that I never left the house. I couldn't work. Even today my face sometimes hurts."

:coffee: I thought I will see the last of this type of VC Propaganda after NAM ended. Looks like I am wrong.

You really believe in all these rubbish you spewed in here. Unless you are a KHMER KROM Vietnamese that originated from the South, the former inhabitant of the Lost Kingdom of Kampa (before it was annexed by the King of ANNAM "THe actual name of Vietnam before the French enslaved these poor creatures") and a relative of the infamous Pol Pot the Khmer Rouge.

Careful what you wished for? :cheers:

Another war with China will results in its being reunited with Motherland China. The present Vietnamese Leadership is aware of the possibility and hence has remained passive eversince unlike many VC who are oblivion to the danger they are facing. It won't be a flattened city of Langson this time but all the way to Saigon.

The French gave INDEPENDENCE to a territory they illegally STOLEN or colonized.
Today even stolen ancient relics were returned back to the owner, China.

That is very FUNNY.
CN oil rig was forced to withdraw after several day conflict wt VN forces in 2014. If u try to believe that your corrupted, coward PLA can do some thing alone ( without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979)in real battle, then keep believing on it. We dont care.

Trump, Abe wt TPP, EU are putting more tariffs on CN products now. VN is too small for CN to sell all of your products. People just simply dont see any chance for CN economy to avoid collapse.

When Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy, then Deng surely know that US-Jap also can put CN economy back to the level of dirty 3rd nation wt 500 hungry Cnese peasant before 1978

How is your mom raped by Jap daddy ???


Liu Xiuying, a 78-year-old survivor told a court in Tokyo in 1996: "The Japanese troops entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937. We were about 100 young women sheltering in the cellars of a building. On the afternoon of the 18th a group of soldiers came and some of us were taken by force."

"We knew what they were doing to women," she said. "They were dragging them into a neighboring building where they were often raped. The following morning some soldiers returned and one of them seized me by the arms. I was 19 and I was seven months pregnant. I resisted with all my force and I bit him on the arm. He screamed and his colleagues came immediately."

The soldiers lept on her and stabbed her 37 times in the face and stomach. She was left for dead in a pool of blood. The next day she lost her child but miraculously survived. She was taken to a Protestant church where she was taken care of by an American. "I can't forget, and I can't forgive," she said. "From that day on and for years to come, I had nightmares. I was so disfigured that I never left the house. I couldn't work. Even today my face sometimes hurts."
Report for trolling and graphic post. @waz @Horus @The Eagle

China is not even fully conquer during WWII and Japanese not even managed to occupy north western of China but the coastal of China only. Old capital of Luoyang not even a single inch of land is occupied.

While the whole Vietnam is colonized and dirty by the French. I pity you. :enjoy:
Report for trolling and graphic post. @waz @Horus @The Eagle

China is not even fully conquer during WWII and Japanese not even managed to occupy north western of China but the coastal of China only. Old capital of Luoyang not even a single inch of land is occupied.

While the whole Vietnam is colonized and dirty by the French. I pity you. :enjoy:
You should report your Kai Liu instead.Why he never get ban when keep insulting other ?? And u r dirty like him,too?

:coffee: I thought I will see the last of this type of VC Propaganda after NAM ended. Looks like I am wrong.

You really believe in all these rubbish you spewed in here. Unless you are a KHMER KROM Vietnamese that originated from the South, the former inhabitant of the Lost Kingdom of Kampa (before it was annexed by the King of ANNAM "THe actual name of Vietnam before the French enslaved these poor creatures") and a relative of the infamous Pol Pot the Khmer Rouge.

Careful what you wished for? :cheers:

Another war with China will results in its being reunited with Motherland China. The present Vietnamese Leadership is aware of the possibility and hence has remained passive eversince unlike many VC who are oblivion to the danger they are facing. It won't be a flattened city of Langson this time but all the way to Saigon.

The French gave INDEPENDENCE to a territory they illegally STOLEN or colonized.
Today even stolen ancient relics were returned back to the owner, China.

That is very FUNNY.
Posting nonsense on internet will not help CN to avoid economy collapse and also will not make VN growth slower.
You should report your Kai Liu instead.Why he never get ban when keep insulting other ?? And u r dirty like him,too?

Posting nonsense on internet will not help CN to avoid economy collapse and also will not make VN growth slower.

I hope you can see chinese economy collapse during your lifespan,Our economy performs quite well so far and it is more than 60 times of vietam.
Report for trolling and graphic post. @waz @Horus @The Eagle

China is not even fully conquer during WWII and Japanese not even managed to occupy north western of China but the coastal of China only. Old capital of Luoyang not even a single inch of land is occupied.

While the whole Vietnam is colonized and dirty by the French. I pity you. :enjoy:

The chimp can only dream about the collapse of China. Must have been completely brainwashed by Gordan Chang's extensive literature. Hard landing, crashing, ghost town while TPP is supposed to be Vietnam's savior. I hope to get another laugh if TPP gets thrown into the dustbin for the 2nd time.
CN oil rig was forced to withdraw after several day conflict wt VN forces in 2014. If u try to believe that your corrupted, coward PLA can do some thing alone ( without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979)in real battle, then keep believing on it. We dont care.

Trump, Abe wt TPP, EU are putting more tariffs on CN products now. VN is too small for CN to sell all of your products. People just simply dont see any chance for CN economy to avoid collapse.

When Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy, then Deng surely know that US-Jap also can put CN economy back to the level of dirty 3rd nation wt 500 hungry Cnese peasant before 1978

How is your mom raped by Jap daddy ???


Liu Xiuying, a 78-year-old survivor told a court in Tokyo in 1996: "The Japanese troops entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937. We were about 100 young women sheltering in the cellars of a building. On the afternoon of the 18th a group of soldiers came and some of us were taken by force."

"We knew what they were doing to women," she said. "They were dragging them into a neighboring building where they were often raped. The following morning some soldiers returned and one of them seized me by the arms. I was 19 and I was seven months pregnant. I resisted with all my force and I bit him on the arm. He screamed and his colleagues came immediately."

The soldiers lept on her and stabbed her 37 times in the face and stomach. She was left for dead in a pool of blood. The next day she lost her child but miraculously survived. She was taken to a Protestant church where she was taken care of by an American. "I can't forget, and I can't forgive," she said. "From that day on and for years to come, I had nightmares. I was so disfigured that I never left the house. I couldn't work. Even today my face sometimes hurts."
Should I post your vn monkeys been raped and burned like BBQ by your American daddy? But anyway, your 200,000 female monkeys are fuxcked by our poor peasants right now and every day and night ...
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CN oil rig was forced to withdraw after several day conflict wt VN forces in 2014. If u try to believe that your corrupted, coward PLA can do some thing alone ( without help from daddy US-Jap like in 1979)in real battle, then keep believing on it. We dont care.

Trump, Abe wt TPP, EU are putting more tariffs on CN products now. VN is too small for CN to sell all of your products. People just simply dont see any chance for CN economy to avoid collapse.

When Deng begged Daddy US-Jap to help CN economy, then Deng surely know that US-Jap also can put CN economy back to the level of dirty 3rd nation wt 500 hungry Cnese peasant before 1978

How is your mom raped by Jap daddy ???


Liu Xiuying, a 78-year-old survivor told a court in Tokyo in 1996: "The Japanese troops entered the city on Dec. 13, 1937. We were about 100 young women sheltering in the cellars of a building. On the afternoon of the 18th a group of soldiers came and some of us were taken by force."

"We knew what they were doing to women," she said. "They were dragging them into a neighboring building where they were often raped. The following morning some soldiers returned and one of them seized me by the arms. I was 19 and I was seven months pregnant. I resisted with all my force and I bit him on the arm. He screamed and his colleagues came immediately."

The soldiers lept on her and stabbed her 37 times in the face and stomach. She was left for dead in a pool of blood. The next day she lost her child but miraculously survived. She was taken to a Protestant church where she was taken care of by an American. "I can't forget, and I can't forgive," she said. "From that day on and for years to come, I had nightmares. I was so disfigured that I never left the house. I couldn't work. Even today my face sometimes hurts."

you mean Nagasaki and Hiroshima ?

Tokyo bombing ???

We Chinese ruled vietnam over 1000 years in history.
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You should report your Kai Liu instead.Why he never get ban when keep insulting other ?? And u r dirty like him,too?

You can always used the report button. And don’t expect instant action. Give moderator at least 24hours to response. You insult and ready to get permanent banned. :enjoy:
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