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Vietnam SU-30 locked by J-10, 10 times

I just realized that it's really pointless to have a debate with these chinese. Most of them don't even live in China. Most from Canada or UK and US. I know most of my Chinese friends don't like China. They are afraid that if they go back to China, they can't come back. I know more about you than you know about yourself my China Friends. So stop bragging about your mighty millitary power and start loving your neighbours Vietnam. Congrads to China with their AF techs and J-20. You make your chinese ppl proud. I thought Chinese ppl are smarter than this. If you created your weapons to invade my country's soveirnty and make threats, I will not stand there and let you harm my people. That's the bottom line. It's the basic principle of survival my China friend. You're growing to fast but you never make time to explore your experience. Stop using someone's facts and figures, those aren't your experience.
Hmm, another butthurt Viet. Don't have to water the marijuana plants today? I also know about your people more than you know yourselves, from criminological statistics.

How did you like that generalization? You didn't? Don't make them then.
Hmm, another butthurt Viet. Don't have to water the marijuana plants today? I also know about your people more than you know yourselves, from criminological statistics.

How did you like that generalization? You didn't? Don't make them then.

Do you have been used marijuana planted by Viet ? could you make difference between marijuana and cocaine in mix ? you could know your real identify when you are not Chinese in pure race ? What do Han Chinese look you, up or down when they know about you that you belong to minority Manchuria nation in fact ?
Hmm, another butthurt Viet. Don't have to water the marijuana plants today? I also know about your people more than you know yourselves, from criminological statistics.

How did you like that generalization? You didn't? Don't make them then.

You don't make any sense. Again, the more you talk without making a point, you are not making any sense. You talk like a 10 years old. Go get some real life experience then come back and talk to me. :wave:
Do you have been used marijuana planted by Viet ? could you make difference between marijuana and cocaine in mix ? you could know your real identify when you are not Chinese in pure race ? What do Han Chinese look you, up or down when they know about you that you belong to minority Manchuria nation in fact ?
No, I do not use drugs or grow them, unlike most Viets I come across. Perhaps if you people did not operate such a large chunk of the drug business, you wouldn't have such a bad rept in Canada. Once again, you demonstrated yourself to be an idiot by talking about my ethnicity. My birth certificate clearly stateds Han. Furthermore, Manchus are part of the Chinese nation. Viets on the other hand, are just Viets, nothing more.

You don't make any sense. Again, the more you talk without making a point, you are not making any sense. You talk like a 10 years old. Go get some real life experience then come back and talk to me. :wave:
That's funny. I am not the one claiming to know more about Chinese than Chinese themselves. You made a retarded generalization and got called on it. By your logic, all Viets are drug growers right?
I just realized that it's really pointless to have a debate with these chinese. Most of them don't even live in China. Most from Canada or UK and US. I know most of my Chinese friends don't like China. They are afraid that if they go back to China, they can't come back. I know more about you than you know about yourself my China Friends. So stop bragging about your mighty millitary power and start loving your neighbours Vietnam. Congrads to China with their AF techs and J-20. You make your chinese ppl proud. I thought Chinese ppl are smarter than this. If you created your weapons to invade my country's soveirnty and make threats, I will not stand there and let you harm my people. That's the bottom line. It's the basic principle of survival my China friend. You're growing to fast but you never make time to explore your experience. Stop using someone's facts and figures, those aren't your experience.

yeah, you don't live in Canada or US? :lol: give me a break! if they don't want to go to China, why are your beautiful ladies going from Vietnam to China, sometimes even swimming across the border?

No matter how bad China is, Vietnam will always be worse in every way.
No, I do not use drugs or grow them, unlike most Viets I come across. Perhaps if you people did not operate such a large chunk of the drug business, you wouldn't have such a bad rept in Canada. Once again, you demonstrated yourself to be an idiot by talking about my ethnicity. My birth certificate clearly stateds Han. Furthermore, Manchus are part of the Chinese nation. Viets on the other hand, are just Viets, nothing more.

That's funny. I am not the one claiming to know more about Chinese than Chinese themselves. You made a retarded generalization and got called on it. By your logic, all Viets are drug growers right?

You demonstrated yourself to be an idiot Manchuria guy by misusing your ethnicity, you aren't Han Chinese. Your birth certicficate is fake document.
You demonstrated yourself to be an idiot Manchuria guy by misusing your ethnicity, you aren't Han Chinese. Your birth certicficate is fake document.
Heh, a retarded Viet telling me what ethnicity I am supposed to be? Just last month your fellow retards were telling me I am a Baiyue, and now you're telling me I'm a Manchu? You've seen my birth certificate to know it's fake now? Just when I thought you can't get anymore pathetic.
I coy and past your original post:

"I would have done it if I wasn't half Manchu. My father side is Manchu from Heilongjiang and my mother's side is from Hunan."

There is evident for you, mixed kid denied your ethnicity and registered as Han Chinese.
It is quite interesting...

I would have done it if I wasn't half Manchu. My father side is Manchu from Heilongjiang and my mother's side is from Hunan.
Only my grandmother was Manchu while the rest of my family is Han.

...but China is a patriachical society in which the son's lineage follows that of his father. Since my grandfather was Han, so was my father, and so am I. Being 1/4 Manchu does not qualify me as one, get it?
Sounds like the man would rather be 'popular' and ID-ed himself as a Han. The more Han Chinese encountered here, the less his Manchu side exist. On 07-04-2011 01:17 AM he was 1/2 Manchu, then on 08-27-2011 08:49 AM he sheds 1/4. Soon enough he will exorcise his Manchu-ness completely and deny his father ever exist...:lol:
It is quite interesting...

Sounds like the man would rather be 'popular' and ID-ed himself as a Han. The more Han Chinese encountered here, the less his Manchu side exist. On 07-04-2011 01:17 AM he was 1/2 Manchu, then on 08-27-2011 08:49 AM he sheds 1/4. Soon enough he will exorcise his Manchu-ness completely and deny his father ever exist...:lol:
Another Viet sticking up for his kind's stupidity? But you do provide a good cheap laugh.

Under the banner system, I can be classified as 1/2 Manchu, since my father's parents were both people of the banners system, known as "Qi (Flag) Ren (People)" in China. My father had a choice to register both Han or Manchu, since my grandfather was from a Han banner. Since my mother is also Han, naturally by bloodline I'm 1/4 Manchu. However under the Manchu banner system, I am half, thus I could register both ways.

Maybe this legal/clan stuff is too much for your smooth brains. Don't hurt yourself in the confusion.
It is quite interesting...

Sounds like the man would rather be 'popular' and ID-ed himself as a Han. The more Han Chinese encountered here, the less his Manchu side exist. On 07-04-2011 01:17 AM he was 1/2 Manchu, then on 08-27-2011 08:49 AM he sheds 1/4. Soon enough he will exorcise his Manchu-ness completely and deny his father ever exist...:lol:

Regarless how many percentage of Manchu blood, we're happy to have them in Chinese blood and be part of the collectif: Manchurians were great warriors who extended chinese empire and enlarge our territory...
Another Viet sticking up for his kind's stupidity? But you do provide a good cheap laugh.

Under the banner system, I can be classified as 1/2 Manchu, since my father's parents were both people of the banners system, known as "Qi (Flag) Ren (People)" in China. My father had a choice to register both Han or Manchu, since my grandfather was from a Han banner. Since my mother is also Han, naturally by bloodline I'm 1/4 Manchu. However under the Manchu banner system, I am half, thus I could register both ways.

Maybe this legal/clan stuff is too much for your smooth brains. Don't hurt yourself in the confusion.
What is truly laughable is that you can say that with a straight face. You are not saying anything new to me. I grew up on the US State of Hawaii, specifically the island of Oahu, where Asians of all stripes dominate over other ethnicities. I grew up with Chinese friends, from US borne to Chinese emigres, and all of them were glad they no longer had to deal with the ethnic identification mess you defend. Reading you going about it was like watching a cliche of a con man moving his three cups hiding a pea.
Regarless how many percentage of Manchu blood, we're happy to have them in Chinese blood and be part of the collectif: Manchurians were great warriors who extended chinese empire and enlarge our territory...
My family was from North Viet Nam and my grandfather is 1/4 Chinese. If I move my eight cups fast enough, that %100 Han Chinese pea will show up somewhere...:lol:
What is truly laughable is that you can say that with a straight face. You are not saying anything new to me. I grew up on the US State of Hawaii, specifically the island of Oahu, where Asians of all stripes dominate over other ethnicities. I grew up with Chinese friends, from US borne to Chinese emigres, and all of them were glad they no longer had to deal with the ethnic identification mess you defend. Reading you going about it was like watching a cliche of a con man moving his three cups hiding a pea.
Oh I am sorry that your pea brain cannot handle a statement of fact regarding how an ethnic group classify its members. So let me simplify it down for you so it doesn't strain your brain cells or anything.

3 groups made up Manchurians
- Eight Han banners (grandfather)
- Eight Mongol banners
- Eight Manchu banners (grandmother)

Traditional Manchu banner system: 1/2
Going by actual bloodline: 1/4

That should be easily understood even by an eight years old child. If you still have trouble understanding, immediately consult with your local social agency about your mental disability.

My family was from North Viet Nam and my grandfather is 1/4 Chinese. If I move my eight cups fast enough, that %100 Han Chinese pea will show up somewhere...:lol:
Careful, if you count to ten you might get a stroke from straining your mental limit.
My family was from North Viet Nam and my grandfather is 1/4 Chinese. If I move my eight cups fast enough, that %100 Han Chinese pea will show up somewhere...:lol:

Don't underestimate the force of collectif, we chinese are "BORG" in starTREK..."any resistance is futile" :D
. .

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