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Vietnam Rejects US Demand to Stop 'Land Reclamation' in South China Sea

I thought you are a comrade living in Spain, so instead you are Spanish living in Vietnam (2 years) am I right?

Anyway you are right, both should be close allies. As I have said, China owes Vietnam a strong & prosperous country in which all Vietnamese people should enjoy living standards no less than that in Guangdong, just sad or even unwise for both to get stuck over a finite agenda clouded by nationalistic emotion.

Correct, I'm Spanish (and ethic Spanish) living in Vietnam right now (I'm actually in China right now, I come here very often). I have no asian ethnicity. I've been living in south east asia for the last 8 years.

Spreading prosperity works out a hell of a lot better than spreading oil rigs and claims. How much anybody have taken or have profited from those tiny rocks and islets? Zero. Its all geopolitics.
Correct, I'm Spanish (and ethic Spanish) living in Vietnam right now (I'm actually in China right now, I come here very often). I have no asian ethnicity. I've been living in south east asia for the last 8 years.
Spreading prosperity works out a hell of a lot better than spreading oil rigs and claims. How much anybody have taken or have profited from those tiny rocks and islets? Zero. Its all geopolitics.

Ya right SE Asia is so nice ... sunshine, beaches, friendly people, environment, and spicy food! Life in Shanghai is so tense and full of pressure that I can always use a few weeks in Phuket or Sabah.
Ya right SE Asia is so nice ... sunshine, beaches, friendly people, environment, and spicy food! Life in Shanghai is so tense and full of pressure that I can always use a few weeks in Phuket or Sabah.

Actually, I prefer Europe. The reason why I stay in the region is because I do business in China and I need to go there often, so I stay near. That's all. Of course I do enjoy myself there and after a number of years in Thailand I moved to Danang in Vietnam and a Viet girl grabbed me there so I'll be there for a while.

Yeah, life in the big cities are a bit too much pressure, same thing in Bangkok, Hanoi or HCMC. I try to stay away from that.
Actually, I prefer Europe. The reason why I stay in the region is because I do business in China and I need to go there often, so I stay near. That's all. Of course I do enjoy myself there and after a number of years in Thailand I moved to Danang in Vietnam and a Viet girl grabbed me there so I'll be there for a while.

Yeah, life in the big cities are a bit too much pressure, same thing in Bangkok, Hanoi or HCMC. I try to stay away from that.

Lots of opportunities here for anyone to venture, make a good career and enjoy retirement years back home!
To be honest /fair (I'm always.lol) Vietnam doesn't do massive land reclamation like the Chinese not because it doesnt want to, simply because it doesnt have the capabilities go do so. As I said earlier (though I support Vietnam and Philippines, just because they are small) I don't think any party here is innocent /right /non aggressive while the other is aggressive /hegemony etc. No I'm not that naive to see things that simple. Vietnam and Philippines are all as guilty as the Chinese (and Taiwanese, who we often forget. lol). Vietnam and Philippines claims is also as outrageous as Chinese claims if we look at it from a neutral perspective , the only difference is that China is the biggest party and a U.S rival so the limelight is more on it. Same like when India has issues with it's neighbours it often tends to be regarded as the bully /aggressor due to its size. :devil:
So Apart from size, there's no difference between all of you people claiming these islands, since even Vietnam and Philippines have overlapping claims, so if you can't solve your dispute with the Philippines and other SCS claimants why we should have any sympathy for you?

So I still think it's either you solve this issue diplomatically/peacefully reaching an agreement to share /jointly exploit /manage the spratlys islands /SCS together or you fight it and get over with let the best win, just like we did in WW2:chilli::sniper::bounce:

True, every sane person knows Sputnik is a Russian propaganda tool against the U. S/West. Though I'm not sure your Russian buddies here will be happy with you about what you said .lol

As I said, Vietnam can't have two boss, it will have to ditch it's former patron Russia . When push comes to shove /critical moment you can't count on your two bosses, you have to chose one. So Vietnam has to make sure it makes the right choice unlike it did in the past during the cold war. Choose wisely. :usflag:

But we Indians are innocent last year when international court decided in favor of Bangladesh in a maritime dispute we didn't move a finger & accepted the decision unlike some other countries

Do you want to know who really was behind the Mumbai terror attack? No, it was not your Western neighbour, they were at best some useful patsies. Look up for Operation Gladio Plan B. The Turkish deep state is more involved in it than even your neighbour. But the master of this sits in Washington.

Also google Sebil Edmonds. ;)

No we are postive about that the Pakistanis are behind it
No we are postive about that the Pakistanis are behind it

You are giving the Pakistanis more credid than they deserve.

Look, I'm the last one to defend Pakistan and I never denied that Pakistan was also behind the attack. But the Pakistanis involved were just patsies. You have to peel the onion deeper to understand and see the bigger picture or else you will never be able to do anything for or against it.

Did you look up for Operation Gladio B, Deep State, Sebil Edmonds??
U.S is not free, Vietnam should pay for it.
You are giving the Pakistanis more credid than they deserve.

Look, I'm the last one to defend Pakistan and I never denied that Pakistan was also behind the attack. But the Pakistanis involved were just patsies. You have to peel the onion deeper to understand and see the bigger picture or else you will never be able to do anything for or against it.

Did you look up for Operation Gladio B, Deep State, Sebil Edmonds??

Looker it up operation Gladio was a NATO behind the enemy lines Command in Italy
Looker it up operation Gladio was a NATO behind the enemy lines Command in Italy

Gladio was all over NATO-Europe. Even Switzerland who's not a NATO member had a stay behind operation in co-op with NATO.

That stay behind operation lost its meaning after the end of the Soviet Union but the people were still there and needed desparately an ersatz operation, thus Gladio B came to life.

As I said, look up for Gladio B from Sebil Edmonds, a former CIA employee. CIA tried very hard to censor her book The Classified Woman.

All those Islamic terror operations in the whole world, from Europe to China can be traced to Gladio B.
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