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Vietnam plans live-fire drill

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Vietnam should spend their money to feed their people who are facing double digit inflation. Using real bullets to scare the Chinese amid their economy deep trouble not only cost them a lot more money, Vietnam should learn how to make money, live in peace, pay debt before doing any stupid things.:wave:
I do not understand why VN members here are so excited???

All the live drill is within your territory and far away from the disputed islands. The only indication for this type of drill is that VN has already chickened out.

If VN indeed has any guts, it should try to have the drill around the disputed islands with China.

What a joke.
I do not understand why VN members here are so excited???

All the live drill is within your territory and far away from the disputed islands. The only indication for this type of drill is that VN has already chickened out.

If VN indeed has any guts, it should try to have the drill around the disputed islands with China.

What a joke.

This shows that they are not willing to escalate the situation but desperately need to appease their people. Nothing special there.
This shows that they are not willing to escalate the situation but desperately need to appease their people. Nothing special there.

Yep, nothing special, but not desperate hope also, just ut routine drill, like Japan and S.Korea, but's our drill is smaller.^^
Vietnamese love peace? well, action is louder than words. By initiating a live ammunition drill to show how much Vietnamese love peace, you are insulting common sense. Most of Vietnamese netizens coming to this forum speak in unison about their strange way of peace. The only thing in my mind is you Vietnamese has been brainwashed. Try to judge according to ground reality.

You claim those contentious islands/isles are Vietnamese territory. It is understandable that you show your patriotism to your country. I respect that. As Chinese, I think all those islands/isles belong to China. So deal with it.

The Vietnamese try to solve this with dirty tricks. First, it has conspired with the major powers by sharing the exploration with them and completely excluding China at the same time. Now, your Vietnamese government will start military drills. Do you really think your little tricks can make China back down from our sovereign territory? Maybe you should think again.

The solution is simple. Come to the negotiation table before it is too late. May Lord have mercy on those brainwashed empty Vietnamese souls.

Chinese love peace and they invade VN every century :cheers: !

@Duytim: Bạn có vấn đề về việc đọc hiểu à não phẳng ?
Chinese love peace and they invade VN every century :cheers: !

@Duytim: Bạn có vấn đề về việc đọc hiểu à não phẳng ?

So Vietnam is just an innocent victim right? hahahaha *cough*
This shows that they are not willing to escalate the situation but desperately need to appease their people. Nothing special there.

It acts like a chicken but pretends to be a tiger. What a joke.
I think Vietnam is trying to stir its nationalism up to divert attention away from its domestic mess. It's so much better to be protested against than protesting yourself.
HANOI — Vietnam on Monday held live-fire naval drills in the tense South China Sea, a move that analysts see as raising the risk of a "showdown" with Beijing in a deepening territorial rift.

A long-standing dispute between the communist neighbours over sovereignty of two potentially oil-rich archipelagos has erupted again following recent sea confrontations that have sunk relations to their lowest point in years.

A first barrage of live gunfire, lasting about four hours, took place in the morning near Hon Ong island, said a naval officer based in the central city of Danang who asked not to be named.

"Similar firing is planned this evening in the same place but the Vietnamese Navy will change the method of firing," said the officer, who declined to say how many ships have been mobilised.

The drill, about 40 kilometres (25 miles) off Quang Nam province in central Vietnam, involves gunfire and not missiles, he said.

Although Vietnam's foreign ministry described it as routine annual training, the exercise has raised temperatures in the South China Sea, said David Koh, a Vietnam analyst from the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies in Singapore.

"But I do not think there is much of a choice right now," Koh said, adding that ultimately he foresees "a showdown on the seas".

The drills are inside the area Vietnam claims as its 200 nautical mile economic zone. Hanoi last month accused Chinese surveillance vessels of cutting the exploration cables of an oil survey ship inside the area.

On Thursday, Vietnam alleged a similar incident in the zone, saying a Chinese fishing boat rammed the cables of another oil survey ship in a "premeditated" attack.

Beijing countered by warning Vietnam to halt all activities that it says violate China's sovereignty in the disputed area.

The United States said it was "troubled" by tensions triggered by the maritime dispute and called for a "peaceful resolution".

The live-fire exercise zone is about 250 kilometres from the Paracels and almost 1,000 kilometres from the Spratlys, the two archipelagos which are claimed by both nations and which straddle strategic shipping lanes.

Vietnam has said it wants to see peaceful resolution and adherence to international laws.

Beijing, too, says it is committed to peace in the South China Sea, but its more assertive maritime posture has caused concern among regional nations and beyond.

Tensions have risen this year between China and the Philippines, another claimant to the Spratlys, where Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan also say they have a stake.

"No one wants a war but the possibility of some shots being fired in anger or of some ships running into other ships has increased," said Ralph Cossa, president of Pacific Forum CSIS, the Asia-Pacific arm of the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

Despite that possibility, Cossa said all sides will ensure that any escalation will "not get out of control".

Vietnamese bitterly recall 1,000 years of Chinese occupation and, more recently, a 1979 border war. More than 70 Vietnamese sailors were killed in 1988 when the two sides battled off the Spratlys.

In the same area, in July 2007, China's navy reportedly fired at a Vietnamese fishing boat, killing one sailor.

About 300 people in Ho Chi Minh City and in Hanoi held anti-China rallies on Sunday to proclaim Vietnam's maritime sovereignty. Demonstrations are rarely allowed in Vietnam but this was the second weekend in a row that protesters have criticised China.

In interviews, protesters voiced support for the naval drill. "It shows to China and to the world that we will do everything to protect our land and our sea," said Tran Bao, 36.

AFP: Vietnam holds live-fire drill amid China tensions
Press Conference on Chinese marine surveillance vessel's cutting exploration cable of PetroViet Nam Seismic Vessel
On May 29, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam held a press conference regarding the May 26 incident in which a Chinese marine surveillance vessel cut the exploration cables of Binh Minh 02 seismic vessel of Viet Nam National Oil and Gas Group (PVN) while it was conducting seismic survey in the continental shelf of Viet Nam.

1. At the press conference, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga made the following statement:

“Viet Nam is resolutely opposed to the China’s act that damaged and hindered the Viet Nam’s normal survey and exploration activities within the Vietnamese continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, inflicting severe damages on Viet Nam National Oil and Gas Group. The Chinese act is a serious violation of the sovereign and jurisdiction rights of Viet Nam to its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, runs counter to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, goes against the spirit and literature of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea signed between ASEAN and China in 2002 and the common perception of senior leaders of the two countries. Viet Nam asks China to immediately cease and refrain from recurrence of acts that infringe upon Viet Nam’s sovereign and jurisdiction rights to its continental shelf and exclusive economic zone and to compensate for the damages caused to Viet Nam”.

2. Concerning Viet Nam’s reaction to the May 28 remark made by the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson which stated that “The oil and gas operations conducted by Viet Nam have undermined China's interests and jurisdictional rights in the “South China Sea” and violated the consensus both countries have reached on the “South China Sea” issue… What relevant Chinese departments did was completely normal marine law-enforcement and surveillance activities in China's jurisdictional sea area. China has been committed to safeguarding the peace and stability in the South China Sea”, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga clearly stated that:

We refute the statement made by the Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on May 28th 2011 concerning this matter.

There are a number of points that need to be clarified:

Firstly, the area where Viet Nam conducted exploration activities situates entirely in the exclusive economic zone and the 200-nautical mile continental shelf of Viet Nam in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. It is neither a disputed area nor is it an area “managed by China”. China has deliberately misled the public into thinking that it is a disputed area.

Secondly, Viet Nam always complies with the common perception of senior leaders of the two countries that all disputes be resolved through peaceful measures and acts that further complicate the situation be avoided. There is no such common perception that states China has the right to hinder Viet Nam’s activities within the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Viet Nam. It is the China’s act that goes against the common perception of senior leaders of the two countries.

Thirdly, while China calls for addressing related disputes through peaceful measures, it is its own acts that are complicating the situation in the East Sea.

3. Concerning question on whether China is nurturing an intension to turn the East Sea into its “home pond” by asserting the nine-dash line claim, especially in the context that China recently had a series of clashes with both Viet Nam and the Philippines in the East Sea, Vice Chairman of the National Border Committee of Viet Nam Nguyen Duy Chien responded that:

“China’s nine-dash line in the East Sea, aka “Bull tongue-shaped line”, is completely legally groundless and is in contrary to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea to which China is a party. The claim encroaches the exclusive economic zones and the continental shelves of many regional countries, including Viet Nam, and thus are rejected by many countries. China’s attempt to realize this claim is in fact escalating tensions in the region.”

4. Concerning question on whether the incident is an indication of Chinese chauvinism, given that Chinese leaders have repeatedly declared that “China advocates peaceful settlement of disputes" and that “however powerful, China will never act as a hegemon”, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nguyen Phuong Nga said:

“We hope China will take a responsible role of a power in line with the spirit of its leaders’ proclamations”. /.
I am not against China taking thier rightful station among the nations of the world, but the maps I have seen are an insult (Up to Indonesia and Philipines shoreline?) Are these maps official or from fan-boys?
I am not against China taking thier rightful station among the nations of the world, but the maps I have seen are an insult (Up to Indonesia and Philipines shoreline?) Are these maps official or from fan-boys?

tHIS one bro ??Yep it's offical, that why USA ship named Impeccable on picture got clash by China ship .^^

I think Greece is the world's most evil country, his territory has been to the beach in Turkey,
I think Vietnam is trying to stir its nationalism up to divert attention away from its domestic mess. It's so much better to be protested against than protesting yourself.

No , it's China who faces more serious domestic problem . Did you here about the riot in Qwang chou ? :cheesy:

reroll: Greece control the island and sea because their people lived there for century . Did the same apply to China . I don't think so .
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