This mentality make India always backward. India and Indian people, even very senior government officials, take the forecast of foreign agency about BRICs or emerging nations too seriously, as if even India just sit and do nothing and then by 2040, BRICs and India will be something big. Vietnam is also mentioned in next eleven countries, together with Nigeria, Bangladesh and South Korea.
In most measurable growth indicators, like GDP per capita, Internet penetration, life expectancy, literacy, HDI, etc. Vietnam now surpassed India, some by a big gap. However Vietnam is still a very poor country. But in Vietnam, and I believe in China too, no one care about these forecasts, other than on discussion forums for teenagers, but very few indeed.
But Indian people often say that India will be like this or that in 2040, 2050 etc. And if the forecast of Western agencies were true, now the Phillipines and Myanmar would have been success stories, other than South Korea and Taiwan or Singapore, because the Phillipines speak English well and democratic. The Westerners, as well as the Indian, understand very poorly about East Asian, otherwise the US would not dare to wage a war against Vietnam. Now Phillipines may be the most hopeless country in South East Asia.
The Chinese and the Japanese succeeded and are respected because they do what need to be done now, rather than saying they will do it tomorrow. And every people work and think like that, so I respect them.