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Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China

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I hope not sir.

You people did come back, not once but twice.... And we stood grounds on both the occasions, Go read the Chola incident 1967 where the PLA was thrown out of our land and the 1987 Sino India skirmish where we spoiled PLA's dirty minded plans without firing a single bullet from our side.

There's no point of arguing with these paid internet trollers of CCP desperate to make the world accept Chinese hegemony and failing at it big time.

See, this thread was about our relationship with Vietnam but they ruined it by making it into a India-China war of words. They can't help it mate; if they refuse to troll and do what they are paid to, they will be shot dead and never heard of ever again. So let them keep being happy about 1962 and how their stuff is better than Russian, USA, Indian and all other countries. Paid trollers are just there to ruin the threads. Ignore them.
There's no point of arguing with these paid internet trollers of CCP desperate to make the world accept Chinese hegemony and failing at it big time.

See, this thread was about our relationship with Vietnam but they ruined it by making it into a India-China war of words. They can't help it mate; if they refuse to troll and do what they are paid to, they will be shot dead and never heard of ever again. So let them keep being happy about 1962 and how their stuff is better than Russian, USA, Indian and all other countries. Paid trollers are just there to ruin the threads. Ignore them.

its our fault we noticed them ..
india should never be kept as an unified country, because:

1. there are so many different groups in india are actively seek independence. we Chinese have the legal and moral obligation to help those freedom fighters against the regime in new delhi.

2. there was no such country called india in history. it was created for some stupid politcal reason.

3. it is keep bullying neighboring countries -- it had military conflicts with all its neighboring countries!!

Chill my friend.....let me sing a song for you......" who let the dog out....who who who ":rofl:
it shows our navy should have some aircraft carriers in Sri Lanka to have such joint exercises.

guess what? we built aircraft carriers to handle india, they will be deployed in your door step.

Do that. Doesn't matter. lol. You are giving too much of importance to yourself. No one gives importance to chinese except Somalia, NK and Pakistan.

Too late and too little. We already have 3 ACC in which 2 will be deployed in Indian Ocean in 1-2 year only. Feeling bored with no threat.
it shows our navy should have some aircraft carriers in Sri Lanka to have such joint exercises.

guess what? we built aircraft carriers to handle india, they will be deployed in your door step.

try it sir ..AC in sri lanka ha ha ha..how would u bring ur mighty mighty air craft carrier to srilanka to fight india??BY AIR Route??:rofl::rofl: cause there is an air craft carrier permanantly based in the ocean by india its called andaman islands..
its our fault we noticed them ..

Guess we need to have a little bit fun sometimes now and then eh? ;). Now coming back to the topic, I think Vietnam has a great experience in Jungle warfare. It would be highly prudent on the part of our Army to learn some fine tactics from them and exchange what we know regarding other forms of terrain. Our military academies regularly host soldiers from CAR states, African and even some Western nations; I think Vietnam would make an excellent candidate for bilateral military training.
the difference between China and india:

Google Maps

have a look, you won't be able to see it on our state controlled media. I assume you are smart enough to figure out what is it.


you don't even have basic freedom and talking like liberal and Free birds. :woot:
1. brahmos is a russian missile. do you call mbt-2000 a Pakistani tank? do you call fc-1 a Pakistani fighter?
2. we can provide them J-10B, JH-7A, PL-12, SD-10, WS-2D, Type-99A2, what you can give to vietnam? how much money you can afford?

dude, it is all about money and technology, you don't have any of these in 2011.

When it comes to Navy ,We can provide them Frigate, destroyers and If relationship allows then even aircraft carriers and lease N-submarines.

For the Army, we can provide them some finest Anti tank weaponry , A few regiments of surface to air Missiles , Radars and Probably partner in the F-insas or sell it once we have ready

For the Airforce, we can equip them with Indian AWACS , LCH , Squadrons of Surface to Air missiles , LCA and The ALH Dhruv's of course.

And There are plenty India can learn from Vietnam than we can teach.
This thread should be closed .
enough of BS

yes indeed it seems there is acute shortage of water in china this moment and the chinese frnds chose to unload their $H!T on the internet instead of using a looo
This thread should be closed .
enough of BS

That means you admit that the trolls have become successful. Listen, why should this thread be closed? It is a legitimate discussion about Indo-Vietnam cooperation that is ruined by those who cannot even control their own thoughts freely. How does that make the thread irrelevant?

We can and should continue discussing on topic without worrying about further intervention.
I will stop posting in this thread.... there wont be a nucler war between us just because some hardcore trollers are saying it..... People like you are not the majority.
I have many Chinese friends which are looking forward into a peaceful relationship between our 2 countries.
Just imagine an Asia like todays europe. Only a peaceful neighbourhood will bring progress to India, China, Pakistan......
guys, you need to understand Vietnamese capital is within 150km distance from the Chinese border. indian capital is within 300km distance from the border.

when things go ugly, we can use WS-2D rockets to remove these two cities from world map using dirty cheap rockets. now think it again, would you still want to have China as your enemy?

there is something I really don't understand: why you want your children to inherent a superpower enemy?

Ya we agree we dont have such dirty cheap rockets,but if you are good with physics then you must know some really costly Indian missiles can cover the entire eastern coast of China,and anyway we dont mind sending those costly missiles when the targets are as juicy as Beijing and Shanghai.

The estimation of nuclear destructive power:

1. Russia ~ 1,273 megaton
2. USA ~ 570 megaton
3. China ~ 294 megaton
4. France ~ 55 megaton
5. UK ~ 16 megaton
6. Israel ~ 1.5 - 4 megaton
7. India ~ 0.8 - 1 megaton
8. Pakistan ~ 0.6 - 1 megaton
9. North Korea ~ Unknown

NTI: Nuclear Disarmament

We also have an enormous geographical advantage. We can hit all of India's major cities, with short-range missiles based in Tibet.

India on the other hand, will require her very longest range missiles, just to target the cities on China's eastern coast.

Pretty old list,I think India is further down in the new list greatly lags even behind Pakistan,god bless you if you thinks it is the reality.

Anyway 1 megaton is more than enough to erase the eastern coast of China with those long range missiles(anyway which cannot be stopped by your air defense systems)and taking out eastern coast as as equal to taking out entire China,we may not survive the war,but can ensure it you should be also in the stone age,so keep your 294 megatons pride in your pocket and then talk.

We fought with two superpowers. We pushed the USA + 16 of her allies out of North Korea during the Korean war, and fought off the Soviet Union during the Sino-Soviet split.

Now Indians are accusing us of having no balls, lol. They lost Kashmir to Pakistan in 1947, and lost Aksai chin to China in 1962.

They lost wars, to third world nations. They never even sneezed at a superpower.

Yes I know u defeated the entire American alliance during the Korean wars,you defeated Soviets,you defeated Martina's,I love Chinese jokes,they are very hilarious or your textbooks make them hilarious.

By the way what about getting whacked by Vietnamese hands.
And not to mention the Japanese or Mongolians.

Since according to your point you will receive the same fate one you face this nations(including your soviet and American losers:lol:)because acc to you history repeats itself.
I will stop posting in this thread.... there wont be a nucler war between us just because some hardcore trollers are saying it..... People like you are not the majority.
I have many Chinese friends which are looking forward into a peaceful relationship between our 2 countries.
Just imagine an Asia like todays europe. Only a peaceful neighbourhood will bring progress to India, China, Pakistan......

03:20 to 4:30 is for you
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