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‘Vietnam has emerged as a regional power in South-East Asia’: Hamid Ansari

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Oh, so tell US to bring those new toys to support its ally-Thailand now, Thai got hit badly by Cambodia-a special friend of VN already, tell US don't just keep quiet when her ally is crying for help like that :P

btw: when Kra cannal project finish, Singapore will turn back to poor fishing village coz No cargo ship wanna pass through there any more. So why US needs to protect a future fishing village ??

Cause the problem with Thai & Cambodia is their fighting over disputed territories, an internal dispute between two country & not to mention it's not even a threat to the State existence. As such not worth their time. Bomb Singapore then you can bet your a$$ that the US, China & probably even Australia will come looking for you.

Can you tell me how Vietnam can bomb Singapore, even though the country is protected by state of the art Missiles system?.
Fighting in our own territory ??? We fought in Cambodia-Laos from 1979 to 1988 and sucessfully set up pro Vn govt there , Cambodia even have army chief is VNese . Can any one in Asian do the same to their neighbours like how we set the pro Vn govt. in Laos-Camb ??

Pro-Vietnam government? you mean the government who turned their back on you at the recent ASEAN meeting? If you say so big about fighting in another people's war, then Indonesia participated in Pak-India war, too, do you think those submarines were unmanned?

You invaded them , and did they fight back with weapon of mass destruction like balistic missile with warhead of 1,00tons or some kind of bomb that can kill thousands troops instantly??

Yes, they fought back fiercely, Malaysia was supported by British and Australians, and Dutch Papua had a carrier (HNLMS Karel Doorman) in their navy. My friend, we have been fighting bigger wars long before Ballistic missiles were widely used. Most wars we were fighting in, were happened in the late 1950's and early 1960's, the last invasion we launched was at Portuguese Timor in 1975 and yes those Tropaz were fighting fiercely against Indonesian army.

Sending Weapons and Trainers during Laos War ??we even sent our troops to helped them to fight against Thailand,bro.

We have sent our submarines to assist Pakistan during Pak-India war, can any country in SEA do the same thing?


Soekarno's (Indonesia's first president) order to assist Pakistan during her confrontation with India, In this photo RI Nagarangsang and RI Bramastra (2 out of total 12 Submarines Indonesia had in late 1950's) are leaving for Karachi (one of Pakista's city) Port.

Real conflicts ?? but it's not the hard war when the enemy use all kind of mass destruction weapons .

So Vietnam had been facing nuclear war? tell me that story bro, I am eager to hear the history of "all kind of mass destruction weapons" story of yours.

Look I don't want to be so show off, I just wanted to show you that do not close your eyes to admit other countries with greater military histories and capabilities. Being a nationalist is good, but never ever look down to other countries.
let me tell you the Truth abt your weapons:"it loos nice the photoshop pictures, but it's terrible when in Real battle" .

Well, i have many u said "photoshop pics" in my hand.



That's why, you dare not to use your warship to wage a war with VN now, and our missile still have no Live target to test yet ?:P
Coz if China start WAR against ur country, PLA forces will beat Vietnam back to the 70s. Ur Army WEAK ! Ur Navy SMALL ! Ur Airforce S@CK ! But it's not the time.
@Viva_Viet: I see you seem to have picked Singapore as your personal enemy. I think you overdo a little bit.
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Pro-Vietnam government? you mean the government who turned their back on you at the recent ASEAN meeting? If you say so big about fighting in another people's war, then Indonesia participated in Pak-India war, too, do you think those submarines were unmanned?
Same answer here
Oh, that's just his trick to drain China's money, VNese still control Cambodia army and we can make a coup there any time we want,nothing diffrent

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-far-east/227105-vietnam-laos-cambodia-2.html#ixzz2II8rMaOV

In Pak-India war, it seems like you join with Pak coz you are Muslim brothers,right ?but as I know, Indian said Pak lost in this war, your help was down the drain.
nufix said:
Yes, they fought back fiercely, Malaysia was supported by British and Australians, and Dutch Papua had a carrier (HNLMS Karel Doorman) in their navy. My friend, we have been fighting bigger wars long before Ballistic missiles were widely used. Most wars we were fighting in, were happened in the late 1950's and early 1960's, the last invasion we launched was at Portuguese Timor in 1975 and yes those Tropaz were fighting fiercely against Indonesian army.
As they wrote,they repelled you easily, it's no use to invade when you're far weaker than your enemies.
when Indonesia launched paratroop and amphibious raids against Labis and Pontian, on the south-western side of the peninsula. Members of the 3rd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR) were used in clean-up operations against the invading troops. Although these attacks were easily repelled, they did pose a serious risk of escalating the fighting; the Australian government relented in January 1965 and agreed to the deployment of a battalion in Borneo.Indonesian Confrontation, 1963

nufix said:
So Vietnam had been facing nuclear war? tell me that story bro, I am eager to hear the history of "all kind of mass destruction weapons" story of yours
Sure, we faced it few times during VN war.
'67 Study Discouraged Use of Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam War
by Walter Pincus

A secret 1967 government study on the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons in the Vietnam War that was declassified and released yesterday found that the political cost of using such devices far outweighed its military benefits.
'67 Study Discouraged Use of Nuclear Weapons in Vietnam War
nufix said:
Look I don't want to be so show off, I just wanted to show you that do not close your eyes to admit other countries with greater military histories and capabilities. Being a nationalist is good, but never ever look down to other countries.
We are ASEAN brothers,we should discuss more to know well each other,bro. some Indonesian here seem don't believe we can defeat China in SCS(east sea) or they think we just use guerilla tactic to annoy US army. So I just wanna tell them that the wars we faced were even harder and bloodier than their imagine, we fought against all kind of US's mass destruction weapons, against US seven fleet and we defeat US even when she tried her best.
Cause the problem with Thai & Cambodia is their fighting over disputed territories, an internal dispute between two country & not to mention it's not even a threat to the State existence. As such not worth their time. Bomb Singapore then you can bet your a$$ that the US, China & probably even Australia will come looking for you.

Can you tell me how Vietnam can bomb Singapore, even though the country is protected by state of the art Missiles system?.
Viet said:
@Viva_Viet: I see you seem to have picked Singapore as your personal enemy. I think you overdo a little bit.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/china-...h-east-asia-hamid-ansari-5.html#ixzz2IIIXDRb5
At least, US should support more powerful weapons to her ally Thailand to scare our Cambodian brother,right ?

As I told you Thailand will become far far more important than Singapore when Kra-canal project finish and its will become a core interest for US in near future, so why US still keep quiet when VN-Cambodi hit Thailand badly ??

Singaporean here are quite show off,some support China coz they're Chinese-Singaporean, so, we just have a litte quarrel. But I don't think we will waste our time to attack that future fishing village :laugh:
cnleio said:
Coz if China start WAR against ur country, PLA forces will beat Vietnam back to the 70s. Ur Army WEAK ! Ur Navy SMALL ! Ur Airforce S@CK ! But it's not the time.
Oki, if it's not the right time , then we still can say that: 'your weapons are Useless and can't use in real battle against VN army', Nothing wrong with my words until now.:P
We are ASEAN brothers,we should discuss more to know well each other,bro. some Indonesian here seem don't believe we can defeat China in SCS(east sea) or they think we just use guerilla tactic to annoy US army. So I just wanna tell them that the wars we faced were even harder and bloodier than their imagine, we fought against all kind of US's mass destruction weapons, against US seven fleet and we defeat US even when she tried her best.
What i saw here, just a fool and arrogant clown attracking angers & hostility from other members. And clearly know ur poor Vietnam just alone in Southeast asia, no frineds here.
Ur statments made ur Vietnam like a stupid joker only u enjoy these foolish story and war games. More Vietnamese ppl like u or more ppl have such fool ideas in Vietnam, more lonely and less supports from other countries and ur ASEAN down faster.
Inside ASEAN Vietnam just a destroyer, a unwelcome country never become a regional power.

At least, US should support more powerful weapons to her ally Thailand to scare our Cambodian brother,right ?

As I told you Thailand will become far far more important than Singapore when Kra-canal project finish and its will become a core interest for US in near future, so why US still keep quiet when VN-Cambodi hit Thailand badly ??

Singaporean here are quite show off,some support China coz they're Chinese-Singaporean, so, we just have a litte quarrel. But I don't think we will waste our time to attack that future fishing village :laugh:
Very funny! The Kra-canal in Thailand country and China invested most of money in this project, China and Thailand construction companies and teams participated in building this canal.
I really don't know where is Vietnam business here? After canal complete Thailand is the canal owner and China will become the largest shareholder, both of us dislike ur guys so why not ban Vietnam ships passing canal and kick ur guys out? How Vietnam get any interest from the Kra-canal? Is that really funny?

Oki, if it's not the right time , then we still can say that: 'your weapons are Useless and can't use in real battle against VN army', Nothing wrong with my words until now.:P
Yep, only in real battle ur guys will taste terror from China weapons and no chance to even regret.
Ur guys so easily to attract China attention and angry coz u still forget Vietnam so so ... so close to the border of PRC, only 300km distance between Hanoi and the border.
I believe if most Vietnamese ppl r not blind like u, clearly know the huge gap between two countries (2012 China military spending 1131 U.S dollars, 2012 Vietnam GDP 1360 U.S dollars)
In Pak-India war, it seems like you join with Pak coz you are Muslim brothers,right ?but as I know, Indian said Pak lost in this war, your help was down the drain.

Which Indian? The aftermath of Indo-Pakistani war is India went to the United Nations, pleading for their intervention and help thus avoiding greater loss. Ultimately, it ended in a United Nations mandated ceasefire. This resulted in the Indian Government RE-inhabiting the city of Delhi (The Capital of India) which it had evacuated because of the rapidly increasing occupation of Western Punjab by the Pakistani Army. It appears that our assist was not down the drain.

As they wrote,they repelled you easily, it's no use to invade when you're far weaker than your enemies.

Yes, When we attacked Borneo, we were also fighting war with Dutch and the war is not supported by Air Force and the Army, in Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation, Soekarno lost support from Air Force Marshall and the Army Chief, the remaining infantries were sent from Naval garrisons and Marine tank divisions. Despite of that, Indonesia dominates Borneo's bigger part, the aftermath is on our side.

Sure, we faced it few times during VN war.

See? that's just study of possibility, you are not really facing those weapons like Japan so don't tell me that you have faced those WMDs

We are ASEAN brothers,we should discuss more to know well each other,bro. some Indonesian here seem don't believe we can defeat China in SCS(east sea) or they think we just use guerilla tactic to annoy US army. So I just wanna tell them that the wars we faced were even harder and bloodier than their imagine, we fought against all kind of US's mass destruction weapons, against US seven fleet and we defeat US even when she tried her best.

We, I, personally believe and support Vietnam to defend its territory, my concern is how you underestimate and undermine your neighboring countries. If you wanted to gain support from other countries in the region, you have to stop being a chauvinist, chauvinists countries never last long you know.

@Viva_Viet Large gaps...
CBU 55 that can destroy a small town or kill 20,000 troops in single blast (CBU-55 weight 232kg)
TG-1000 lazer guide bomb, weight 1000kg

Shaddock with warhead of 1,000 tons,
Small one, minimum TNT unit: 10,000 tons





Go back and have a good wet dream~!
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Which Indian? The aftermath of Indo-Pakistani war is India went to the United Nations, pleading for their intervention and help thus avoiding greater loss. Ultimately, it ended in a United Nations mandated ceasefire. This resulted in the Indian Government RE-inhabiting the city of Delhi (The Capital of India) which it had evacuated because of the rapidly increasing occupation of Western Punjab by the Pakistani Army. It appears that our assist was not down the drain.
Ah,that war happened in 1950s,(that time, Vnese still used stick and sword to fight against French) long before 1971 war happen when Pak surrendered to India. So why didn't you help Pak again if you're still strong ??
Instrument of Surrender (1971)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Time— December 16 1971: With the Indian and Pakistan's military and civilian officials are presented while the instrument is being signed.

The Instrument of Surrender was a written agreement that enabled the surrender of East-Pakistan, and marked the end of the Indo-Pakistani war of 1971
Instrument of Surrender (1971) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nufix said:
Yes, When we attacked Borneo, we were also fighting war with Dutch and the war is not supported by Air Force and the Army, in Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation, Soekarno lost support from Air Force Marshall and the Army Chief, the remaining infantries were sent from Naval garrisons and Marine tank divisions. Despite of that, Indonesia dominates Borneo's bigger part, the aftermath is on our side
Can you tell me why US didn't involve to this conflic ?? why didn't US support UK her best bomber like B-52 to bombard Borneo like in VietNam and North Korea ??
See? that's just study of possibility, you are not really facing those weapons like Japan so don't tell me that you have faced those WMDs
In WW 2, US was the only one has Nuke bomb, after that: URRS also had it, so US couldn't drop nuke bomb any more even when during Korea war. US don't wanna nuke back by North Korea and VN ,bro. CBU-55 was US's best bomb ever before 1975 already.
nufix said:
We, I, personally believe and support Vietnam to defend its territory, my concern is how you underestimate and undermine your neighboring countries. If you wanted to gain support from other countries in the region, you have to stop being a chauvinist, chauvinists countries never last long you know.
Thanks, bro, as you can see, ASEAN countries like Thailand,Malaysia,Singapore are under Chinese ethnic control. Those Chinese will never support VN-Phil to fight against China any way.So, I think no need to waste time to make friend with them .


Go back and have a good wet dream~!

Nice pics, but still useless in Real combat against VietNam, that's why, it's still only look nice in the pictures :pop:

I think this pic will tell exactly who is far far far stronger ,pls come back from Mars, dude:P

Very funny! The Kra-canal in Thailand country and China invested most of money in this project, China and Thailand construction companies and teams participated in building this canal.
I really don't know where is Vietnam business here? After canal complete Thailand is the canal owner and China will become the largest shareholder, both of us dislike ur guys so why not ban Vietnam ships passing canal and kick ur guys out? How Vietnam get any interest from the Kra-canal? Is that really funny?
still need to wait for abt 30 years before Kra complete ,dude, as you know, our tanks can come there forces Chinese to go home and take control of it. You can't do Nothing to stop our tanks . U know why ? very simple reason: your ground troops is far far weaker than ours. 1979 proved that, Ur troop lost badly and failed to protect ur ally Pol Pot even when China had US's support in spy plane and satellite:laugh:
Thanks, bro, as you can see, ASEAN countries like Thailand,Malaysia,Singapore are under Chinese ethnic control. Those Chinese will never support VN-Phil to fight against China any way.So, I think no need to waste time to make friend with them .

Then what you gonna do?

Indonesia is neutral at best, while Vietnam and Philippines also hate each other in fact.

Philippines acquits Vietnamese fishermen of territorial violation charges

With China's presence, you will never become the leader of ASEAN, USA now has no power to stop China, but China has all the needed power to stop you. :coffee:
Nice pics, but still useless in Real combat against VietNam, that's why, it's still only look nice in the pictures :pop:
I think this pic will tell exactly who is far far far stronger ,pls come back from Mars, dude:P
Again,just show off ur foolish idea.Yep ur amy actually seized more islands than PLAN, i remind u these's no any resources and oil on the island but indeed under the seawater.

Look at the map, Vietnam sent soldiers and funds to protect these valueless islands.... Our ppl finding and digging oils around islands within China Nine Section Lines. China oil drilling platforms in these waters and China fishery administration and research vessels patrolling in these waters.

Where's Vietnam's oil drilling platform and Vietnam's coast guard, all ur guys were blocked outside Nine Section Lines close to Vietnam coastal. Pls show me any Vientnam's oil platform inside Nine Section Lines, can u ? Vietnam keep wasting money to maintain and armed useless islands and Chinese continue to research and develop South of China Sea. How many times Vietnam's ships were driven by China Maritime Surveillance to protect China Nine Section Lines?

Yes, Vietnam STRONG u got many valueless islands, but China WEAK we setup oil drilling platforms everywhere around seawater. Try to set Vietnam's oil drilling platform in the seaarea within China Nine Secton Lines, dare u? :coffee:
Nice pics, but still useless in Real combat against VietNam, that's why, it's still only look nice in the pictures :pop:

I think this pic will tell exactly who is far far far stronger ,pls come back from Mars, dude:P

still need to wait for abt 30 years before Kra complete ,dude, as you know, our tanks can come there forces Chinese to go home and take control of it. You can't do Nothing to stop our tanks . U know why ? very simple reason: your ground troops is far far weaker than ours. 1979 proved that, Ur troop lost badly and failed to protect ur ally Pol Pot even when China had US's support in spy plane and satellite:laugh:

It will be changed,before long.
Ah,that war happened in 1950s,(that time, Vnese still used stick and sword to fight against French) long before 1971 war happen when Pak surrendered to India. So why didn't you help Pak again if you're still strong ??

We were involved in Pak-Indo war 1965, which came with the aftermath which I have told you. The 1971 war between Pak-India was not involving Indonesia.

Can you tell me why US didn't involve to this conflic ?? why didn't US support UK her best bomber like B-52 to bombard Borneo like in VietNam and North Korea ??

Because the U.S was avoiding the consequences of Indonesia being an ally to Communist states, as Indonesia and China had formed Jakarta-Peking axis before the confrontation began to take place. If the U.S interfered the war between Indonesia and the Commonwealth, the pro-Communist government of Soekarno would announce its alliance with Communist states which endanger the very existence of U.S pivots in S.E.A. During that time (1950's - 1970), Indonesia was one of Asia's strongest countries which operates Cruiser battleship and Jet bombers in its navy as well as its overwhelming number of aircraft in its air force, and long range missiles, it was by far the strongest military force compared to any South East Asian countries at that time, and if Soekarno had gained support from China and Soviet caused by U.S involvement in Indo-Malay confrontation, he would began to invade U.S's subordinates in S.E.A massively.


IAF Jet Bomber Tu 16



Indonesian Navy Sverdlov class cruiser battleship and its Captain.

In WW 2, US was the only one has Nuke bomb, after that: URRS also had it, so US couldn't drop nuke bomb any more even when during Korea war. US don't wanna nuke back by North Korea and VN ,bro. CBU-55 was US's best bomb ever before 1975 already.

VN has nuclear weapons? :undecided:

Thanks, bro, as you can see, ASEAN countries like Thailand,Malaysia,Singapore are under Chinese ethnic control. Those Chinese will never support VN-Phil to fight against China any way.So, I think no need to waste time to make friend with them .

Indonesia is a friend to anybody, as we have no disputes with either the PRC and other claimants in S.C.S, our disputes in S.C.S is ended and Natunal island and our EEZ in there is no longer in dispute with China. Indonesia is a neutralist.
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