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Vietnam detains journalists, anti-China protesters

You think Chinese are facing invasion. OK in your point of view.
We are thinking Vietnamese to facing invasion, in our point of view.

While Vietnamese and Philippine try to push to solve the problem with evidences in peaceful discussion with international laws...until problem solved, what are China doing ? China are using violence to make trouble on seas and deny to discuss internationally an international issue. China keeps using their forces to push other smaller nations without any international law. What do you call that action ? Bully ..isn't it ?

You will see later what is the true definition of "bully"!

Hu Jintao is a gentleman with good temper, but it doesn't mean his future successor will be the same as him.
So in 1996, US. sent Carrier to "protect" Taiwan and threaten China, why didn't CHina use military force to re-unite Taiwan ?

Your Govt. always weaker than US. coz CHina is controlling by a small group. People have No voice to speak out their idea.CHina is just a Giant prison with 1,3 bil prisoner, that why, CHina is always weaker than US.

Today, we are more than 10 times stronger than we were in 1996.

Even back 1996 we can also fight the USN from our coastline, but the result would likely be losing our several coastal cities like Shanghai.

Also, it was the USN who retreated first.
So in 1996, US. sent Carrier to "protect" Taiwan and threaten China, why didn't CHina use military force to re-unite Taiwan ?

Your Govt. always weaker than US. coz CHina is controlling by a small group. People have No voice to speak out their idea.CHina is just a Giant prison with 1,3 bil prisoner, that why, CHina is always weaker than US.

the law was set up in year 200x to push the government to do right thing in the future. the government is weak, so chinese people set up the law.
man, you need to visit China before jumping to the conclusion that china is a giant prison.
the law was set up in year 200x to push the government to do right thing in the future. the government is weak, so chinese people set up the law.
man, you need to visit China before jumping to the conclusion that china is a giant prison.
So what happend if US send Carrier to Taiwan again ??

CHina have strict Internet sensor, right ?you can not talk about Democracy also, right ??how about the right to criticize the leader ??will second Tienanmen incident happend again if people demand to be respected by Human right ??
Your ASEAN Nato is a big wet dream and the biggest joke of century. Your poor industry and infrastructure can't even build a proper bicycle, let alone the sophisticated military gadgets.

US-Japan can help VN to improve infrastructure, not a big deal with Rich men , so US. will have free time to take care of another bussiness, and Japan don't have to worry about shipping line passing throught SCS(east sea) any more. That the win win solution for US-Japan-Vietnam bro , hope CHina will join and build up a strong association in ASEAN with us :cheers:
Hmm, now many criminals have just been repatriated back to China. See the recent case of Lai Changxing.

How about Vietnam? Your corruption index is ranked higher than those of China.
We soon will have Democracy, and the corrupted guys wil have no chance to take people money any more.:cheers:
You will see later what is the true definition of "bully"!

Hu Jintao is a gentleman with good temper, but it doesn't mean his future successor will be the same as him.

Yeah! show off your real nature.
We need real friend or real enemy, not friend with smile in front and a knife behind. Laugh today, kill tomorrow ( remember evil year of 1988 no Vietnamese general thought be attacked by his comrade Chinese)
Our Great leader Ho Chi Minh invent a new type of Democracy fited for one party countries VietNam and China, it mix with Democracy, Communist and Nationalist, and we VN call it: peaceful nationalist version..

In our countries, it still have One party only, but that party must Trully belong to people.People have the right to critisize the leader if they forget their duty is Serving people, if they don't listen, we can change them .Congress will represent for People wishes and it will have the highest power.

:laugh: Who are you kidding with?

How's sad for Vietnamese people that they have to wait for another 20 years.
Kidding about new Democracy version ?? No bro, your paper also mention about it
The Vietnamese government feels compelled to call their system democratic and to hold elections to try to tell the rest of the world that their version of democracy is just different from others,” Raymond Burghardt, a former U.S. ambassador to Vietnam

“But the essence of this political system is that no alternative centers of power will be permitted to emerge.”
Vietnam Completes Voting in Legislative Election - Bloomberg
Today, we are more than 10 times stronger than we were in 1996.

Even back 1996 we can also fight the USN from our coastline, but the result would likely be losing our several coastal cities like Shanghai.

Also, it was the USN who retreated first.

So, you're not afraid to losing more coastal cities like Shanghai nowadays? :laugh:
We soon will have Democracy, and the corrupted guys wil have no chance to take people money any more.:cheers:

How soon will Vietnam have Democracy and the corrupted officials wil have no chance to take people money any more? :azn:
Kidding about new Democracy version ?? No bro, your paper also mention about it Vietnam Completes Voting in Legislative Election - Bloomberg

Either you are so naive about the Single-Communist-Party or you do not understand English.

“The Vietnamese government feels compelled to call their system democratic and to hold elections to try to tell the rest of the world that their version of democracy is just different from others, but the essence of this political system is that no alternative centers of power will be permitted to emerge.”

Either you are so naive about the Single-Communist-Party or you do not understand English.

“The Vietnamese government feels compelled to call their system democratic and to hold elections to try to tell the rest of the world that their version of democracy is just different from others, but the essence of this political system is that no alternative centers of power will be permitted to emerge.”

Hehe, Democracy in single party was invented by Ho CHi MInh, it have long time already bro.Just bcz US did not understand Ho CHi Minh Democracy version so you considered we 're communist and fought with us, and unluckily, HCM died during the war, so he could not achieve his dream about Democracy for VN

. Now, I think US got Ho Chi Minh idea about Democracy already, it's truely a Democracy and it fit with VietNam or CHina bro :cheers:
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