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Vietnam Defence Forum

Any news about their guidance system?

This is the recently presented new guidance system for Malytka:


It's on Serbian, but basic info is that this is SACLOS guidance system, possessing TV camera with 12x optical zoom. Hit rate probability of unmoving target is larger than 80%, and hit rate probability of moving target is larger than 60%. Max range is 3000m, min range is 500m, max speed of moving target is 10 m/s.
lose all point when keep lying that VN's corruption is worse than your dirty capitalist system. Can u bribe our officers to buy 1,000 guns, open a gun shop and sell gun in VN ?? No, u never can while u can do it in US.

SO, why dont u just shut up , wait and see which system will collapse first ?? EU without daddy US is just a big mess and die again in another hyper inflation. Dont try to pretend as a Spanish.

This one show how stupid German is when living without daddy US.



Go get a new brain because you are incapable of understanding simple facts that normal people can easily understand. You and Aviet are in a particular category of people that are a waste of time of talk to. You keep mixing different things and keep making absurd statements that 99% of normal people can never accept and you and him talk about how things are in other countries even that you never been there and the people that do live there tell you otherwise. Useless!!!

Same as when you pretended to say the other day that a SU-22 and Shadock missiles (a very large missile, very easy to shutdown) can penetrate chinese air defenses, destroy the chinese navy and save the islands. Only fools can think that way.

I'm done wasting my time with this. Finished.
I do not give a dime to the value of Transparency International, which is an US-controlled organization, after they ranked North Korea, one of the cleanest country in the world, at the bottom.

The basic definition of corruption is that with money, you can buy someone to do something. But in North Korea, even with hundred billions US$ to spend, CIA have failed to buy a single one to do things, even the smallest thing, e.g. an explosion, let alone overthrowing the government, like they have done in almost all puppet regimes, including rich countries in the West.

Regarding Spain, your knowledge again confirms my belief that you are not a Spaniard, as you don't know that during construction boom, corrupt officials lobbied to build an airport within a distance of every 60km, leading to many expensive airports now staying idle with no passenger. I do not see that level of corruption in any country.

And I do not bother to quarrel with you about who living in fantasy world now. We will see more clear in next 10 years.
True, NK corruption is as clean as VN before 1990 how come they rank at the bottom ??

As I can see, if US can not make Russia collapse again in 5 years, then US and its vassal state will get in deeper trouble in economic crisis, The whole capitalist system is dying bcs of over producing problem again just like 1933 great depression. They (capitalist nations ) will collapse if they can not exploit and destroy Russia/CN/VN again.

Go get a new brain because you are incapable of understanding simple facts that normal people can easily understand. You and Aviet are in a particular category of people that are a waste of time of talk to. You keep mixing different things and keep making absurd statements that 99% of normal people can never accept and you and him talk about how things are in other countries even that you never been there and the people that do live there tell you otherwise. Useless!!!

Same as when you pretended to say the other day that a SU-22 and Shadock missiles (a very large missile, very easy to shutdown) can penetrate chinese air defenses, destroy the chinese navy and save the islands. Only fools can think that way.

I'm done wasting my time with this. Finished.
Whatever, ppl know how stupid Western ppl and its capitalist system in 1933 great depression already.

200,000,000,000 mark for a load of bread ?? Im I talking abt Zimbabwe ?? No Im talking abt "Great " capitalist Germany when they did not have daddy US's help. :woot:
True, NK corruption is as clean as VN before 1990 how come they rank at the bottom ??

As I can see, if US can not make Russia collapse again in 5 years, then US and its vassal state will get in deeper trouble in economic crisis, The whole capitalist system is dying bcs of over producing problem again just like 1933 great depression. They (capitalist nations ) will collapse if they can not exploit and destroy Russia/CN/VN again.

Whatever, ppl know how stupid Western ppl and its capitalist system in 1933 great depression already.

200,000,000,000 mark for a load of bread ?? Im I talking abt Zimbabwe ?? No Im talking abt "Great " capitalist Germany when they did not have daddy US's help. :woot:

True, with the money the US has spent to counter North Korea, they could have bought Germany Prime Minister, French president or British Queen, or possibly the whole government of those countries, to do anything to their favor. But they cannot do this to North Korea.

But with the brazen nature of Western media, ...
U lose all points when keep lying that VN's corruption is worse than your dirty capitalist system. Can u bribe our officers to buy 1,000 guns, open a gun shop and sell gun in VN ?? No, u never can while u can do it in US.

SO, why dont u just shut up , wait and see which system will collapse first ?? EU without daddy US is just a big mess and die again in another hyper inflation. Dont try to pretend as a Spanish.

This one show how stupid German is when living without daddy US.



That's after World War 1, after Germany lost the war and the German economy was in ruined and society was in chaos...Can you remind how much 1 million Dong worth again in this peaceful time? You are a great economist...LOL

@Viva_Viet you are another tough guy talking tough with your keyboard... Calling people losers and telling people to shut up... Are you talking like that in real life, tough man?

True, with the money the US has spent to counter North Korea, they could have bought Germany Prime Minister, French president or British Queen, or possibly the whole government of those countries, to do anything to their favor. But they cannot do this to North Korea.

But with the brazen nature of Western media, ...

LOL North Korea is the cleanest country… must be the funniest thing I read in this forum…The North Korean leadership, theirs relatives and the loyal élites share the wealth among themselves that’s why they still in power while people are starving and live in misery. Did Kim Jung Un just killed his uncle over sharing rackets? Everybody with money can bride North Korean border guards and cross into China like going to picnic, that just show you how corrupted NK is (remind me please how many North Korean live in China and how they get there) How you know the US and allies didn’t do any sabotage or covert ops in North Korea? Because you didn’t read it in the news? The allied probably have all the intels they need in case of war (underground tunnels at the border with South Korea, arty positions, command posts and units positions, ect…) Why sending people to NK to collect intels, the US and allies have hundred of satellites....LOL!!!

In fact, US capitalist strangle any countries that dont allow her to exploit/take control like VN, Iran, Syria etc.

US knows that its weakness in the capitalist system is the economic crisis that will happen when the capitalist system produce too much products , much more than ppl's demand leading to the crash of banking system. Just like US's power start getting weaken after 2008 economic crisis leading to the raise of Russia's power . If Mr.Putin is smart enough, then Russia can beat US in Europe and take back East Germany as Soviet did in history.
Haha I can see you have a PHD in economy.... It's a humor and comedy forum here? East Germany is part of Germany who is a major member of NATO, do you know article 5 of NATO? Tell Russia to take the Balkan states first, they are also members of NATO and you will see what is article 5...Go ask the Talibans

Not at the level of Spain? That shows how much you know, another one living in its own fantasy world.

These type of people don't have enough brains to figure that out. You'll never get through them.
If you were really from Spain (which I believe you are not), you should care about the deep corruption in your own country and do not point finger to Vietnam.

Vietnam corruption is severe, I know, but not at the level of Spain and a lot of "democratic" countries in the West, including South Europe, Latin America or South Asia. In the West, money can buy everything and rich people never go to jail, but not in Vietnam. In other words, the corruption in Vietnam and the West have different nature. In Vietnam, it is quite easy to be seen in the sense of "lubricant money", but you cannot change the system, policies or laws. In the rich Western countries, corruption is not that open, but with money, you can buy almost everything.

How the FORMOSA disaster is doing? VN Government trying to cover up was so ridiculous and funny (wonder how many officials get paid by Formosa) and police beating up and arresting protesters asking for transparency and honest answers… Especially that VN official saying on National TV the cause was because people was pissing too much on the beach (price tag, please!)…Haha!!!

I have wondered about this. And this is not an endorsement of communism nor am I trying to justify communism. But it had occurred to me that capitalist states have attacked, dismantled, and subvert every communist country to have ever exist. They all fail or will fail not because of their own doing, but they fail due to an outside force engineering their failure. Venezuela for a current one. Is it because they do not want to see a communist country succeed? Possibly. Why would they do this? The two are not mutually exclusive. They can co-exist so why must one strangle the other?

Venezuela is not a communist state it’s a populism socialist regime (it was a democratic country with multiple political parties now it more a dictatorship). No need to sabotage that Venezuelan socialist revolution, it failed by itself because of poor economic decisions and mismanagement, incompetent leaders and corruption. Venezuela have only oil as the ONLY source of revenue (and never thought of diversifying it’s economy because back then the oil price was sky high). Now it blaming an economic war and every failures on USA . When a country with so much natural resources have food shortages, shortage of every basic goods, highest crime rate, highest inflation and it population is fleeing, it say a lot about how incompetent this government is. By the way, the Venezuelan president Maduro was a former bus driver (with zero diploma or economic experience)...lol
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True, with the money the US has spent to counter North Korea, they could have bought Germany Prime Minister, French president or British Queen, or possibly the whole government of those countries, to do anything to their favor. But they cannot do this to North Korea.

But with the brazen nature of Western media, ...
Nonsense bro, actually it costs the US nothing to bring the economy of countries as North Korea or Iran into the knee. The US just needs to declare those countries as enemy and forbids US companies and US banks to trade and pay in dollar.

During election campaign, Donald Trump bragged he can push China into bankruptcy within days. What do you think how he would do it?

China is a big number but it is easier for the US to push China back to the period of economic hardship and even poverty than one may think.
Ok return to military news

Report indicates VN is close to manufacture S300 long range aircraft missile, Kh31a antiship missile and Kh31p anti radar missile.

That's after World War 1, after Germany lost the war and the German economy was in ruined and society was in chaos...Can you remind how much 1 million Dong worth again in this peaceful time? You are a great economist...LOL

@Viva_Viet you are another tough guy talking tough with your keyboard... Calling people losers and telling people to shut up... Are you talking like that in real life, tough man?
Bro, you also can not buy 1,000 guns from our corrupted officers and sell them on the street while u can do that easily in US, right ?? So, u know which system is more corrupted.

Talking abt economic problem, then u need to learn much much more before u can discuss with me abt this field or u'd better just sit and wait what will happen. I stayed in this forum quite long and discussed many times wt many foreigner abt economic matters (inflation, CN yuan devaluation etc ) and all must admit till now that all what I predict is true.

Without daddy US's help, EU in general , Germany in particular is nothing better than our former South Vietnam that already dead after daddy US left them. German's stuffs is just too expensive, when US ppl cant afford to buy cos US also facing wt another great depression now, then Germany will be over producing again and face wt another hyper inflation. I will not surprise if our brother @Viet must buy a loaf of bread wt 200,000,000,000 Euro again :laugh:
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Bro, you also can not buy 1,000 guns from our corrupted officers and sell them on the street while u can do that easily in US, right ?? So, u know which system is more corrupted.

Talking abt economic problem, then u need to learn much much more before u can discuss with me abt this field or u'd better just sit and wait what will happen. I stayed in this forum quite long and discussed many times wt many foreigner abt economic matters (inflation, CN yuan devaluation etc ) and all must admit till now that all what I predict is true.

Without daddy US's help, EU in general , Germany in particular is nothing better than our former South Vietnam that already dead after daddy US left them. German's stuffs is just too expensive, when US ppl cant afford to buy cos US also facing wt another great depression now, then Germany will be over producing again and face wt another hyper inflation. I will not surprise if our brother @Viet must buy a loaf of bread wt 200,000,000,000 Euro again :laugh:
Utter nonsense

After the WW I defeat Germany had to pay 130 billion gold mark for war reparation demanded by the French government. The French wanted to suck blood out of Germany by pushing the germans into mass poverty and economic collapse. The Germans produced mass of paper money to pay back with consequences of hyperinflation. The mark became worthless. It was the French that pushed Germany into a corner with no way out, laying the root for WW II.
How the FORMOSA disaster is doing? VN Government trying to cover up was so ridiculous and funny (wonder how many officials get paid by Formosa) and police beating up and arresting protesters asking for transparency and honest answers… Especially that VN official saying on National TV the cause was because people was pissing too much on the beach (price tag, please!)…Haha!!!

Man, that was epic, really!!! Within 24 hours max of the disaster I already knew what the problem was since fishermen reported a yellow underwater cloud coming out from the pipeline (illegal pipeline authorized by local officials by bribe money) and a few fisherman swimming near got sick from that, 1 died. So everything was very clear. After a couple of days, all those reports disappeared and the government started to cover up but it in the end had to give up, the problem was too much in the open and people were angry.

It's a humor and comedy forum here? l

With these 2 its always humor and comedy, they are not good for anything else.

Haha I can see you have a PHD in economy....

They have a phd in nonsense. These 2 have been like this for years, they are incapable of changing or reasoning.

Actually, I didn't even bother to read most of his reply, waste of time.

Nonsense bro,


Utter nonsense.


Ok return to military news

Report indicates VN is close to manufacture S300 long range aircraft missile, Kh31a antiship missile and Kh31p anti radar missile.

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What do you mean by S300 long range aircraft missile? Those are very sophisticated missiles.

Are you saying license production of Kh31A/E?

Any sources, more info?
Utter nonsense

After the WW I defeat Germany had to pay 130 billion gold mark for war reparation demanded by the French government. The French wanted to suck blood out of Germany by pushing the germans into mass poverty and economic collapse. The Germans produced mass of paper money to pay back with consequences of hyperinflation. The mark became worthless. It was the French that pushed Germany into a corner with no way out, laying the root for WW II.
Learn Economic history of Germany properly, bro. Germany before 1800 was heavily rural, with some urban trade centers..........Before 1850 Germany lagged behind the leaders in industrial development, Britain, France and Belgium

Abt history of capitalism in Europe, VN book wrote that: Bcs of its late industrialization, so German lack of market to sell their products. Over producing problem made German had no choice but waging wars against Britain, France and hope they could "rob" the market from Britain, France to sell their products and to exploit resources from colonies (it means if German did not make war, then she would still face hyper inflation cos she could not find big enough market to sell her products). WW 1 happened just bcs new capitalist country like German wanted to re share the colonies/ market in the world.

If u still can read VNese, then u can read this and translate into English (if possible) to let another know Why capitalist system wanna bring chaos to the world everytime they got economic crisis.
Chủ nghĩa đế quốc và sự tranh giành thuộc địa[sửa | sửa mã nguồn]
Lenin và những người Bolshevik, cùng một phần lớn những người xã hội chủ nghĩa của châu Âu phân tích có cơ sở rằng chiến tranh là mâu thuẫn của sự phát triển của các nước chủ nghĩa đế quốc cầm đầu ở châu Âu và chiến tranh có tính chất chiến tranh đế quốc: đó là cuộc chiến nhằm tranh giành, phân chia lại thuộc địagiữa các nước đế quốc, là cuộc chiến tranh phi nghĩa đối với tất cả các phe tham chiến.

Nguyên nhân theo phân tích của Lenin: sự lớn mạnh của Đế quốc Đức sau Chiến tranh Pháp-Phổ đã đẩy mạnh những tham vọng chiếm lĩnh thuộc địa và chia lại thị trường thế giới của nước này, nhưng tham vọng này gặp phải sự phản kháng của các nước "đế quốc già" là Anh Quốc, Pháp và Nga. Các "đế quốc già" này về cơ bản đã chiếm lĩnh những thuộc địa bao la khắp thế giới và muốn duy trì quyền thống trị của mình, không muốn "chia phần" cho những thế lực mới nổi như Đức. Đế quốc Áo–HungĐế quốc Ottoman từ lâu đã suy yếu không còn đủ "tư cách" và vai trò để có ảnh hưởng trong khu vực Trung Âu, BalkanKavkaz. Các cường quốc khác can thiệp vào khu vực đó để tranh giành ảnh hưởng với nhau... Sự mâu thuẫn mang tính chất đế quốc chủ nghĩa đòi hỏi một cuộc "chém giết lớn" để phân ngôi thứ và lập lại trật tự thế giới có lợi cho kẻ thắng trên cơ sở chiếm lấy thuộc địa của kẻ thua.

Before blaming France, u must learn what happended to German if she didnt start war. The result clearly is : German economy still collapse, nothing change.
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Learn Economic history of Germany properly, bro. Germany before 1800 was heavily rural, with some urban trade centers..........Before 1850 Germany lagged behind the leaders in industrial development, Britain, France and Belgium

Abt history of capitalism in Europe, VN book wrote that: Bcs of its late industrialization, so German lack of market to sell their products. Over producing problem made German had no choice but waging wars against Britain, France and hope they could "rob" the market from Britain, France to sell their products and to exploit resources from colonies (it means if German did not make war, then she would still face hyper inflation cos she could not find big enough market to sell her products). WW 1 happened just bcs new capitalist country like German wanted to re share the colonies/ market in the world.

If u still can read VNese, then u can read this and translate into English (if possible) to let another know Why capitalist system wanna bring chaos to the world everytime they got economic crisis.

Before blaming France, u must learn what happended to German if she didnt start war. The result clearly is : German economy still collapse, nothing change.
One, Germany is a late starter in modernizing the economy but it surpassed all other within a short time.

Two, the Germans are rich. Really with people having big bucks. 10 Trillion USD. Ok the first half has all, while the other half nothing. Capitalism.

Third, if you think socialism is implemented in VN or CN or Venezuela then you haven’t known Germany yet. Here as a poor man you can get everything for free: from housing with central heating to healthcare to hospital visits to school to university. Yes the government is even generous by giving you extra cash every month.

In Vietnam you must pay for everything.

Wanting to enjoy socialism? Come to Germany!

Germany has the strongest economy in the Western Hemisphere. Waiting it to collapse can be frustrating. Very frustrating. The British, the French had hoped the Germans would never recover from the wars. All day dreamers.

We are again off topic.
Man, that was epic, really!!! Within 24 hours max of the disaster I already knew what the problem was since fishermen reported a yellow underwater cloud coming out from the pipeline (illegal pipeline authorized by local officials by bribe money) and a few fisherman swimming near got sick from that, 1 died. So everything was very clear. After a couple of days, all those reports disappeared and the government started to cover up but it in the end had to give up, the problem was too much in the open and people were angry.

With these 2 its always humor and comedy, they are not good for anything else.

They have a phd in nonsense. These 2 have been like this for years, they are incapable of changing or reasoning.

Actually, I didn't even bother to read most of his reply, waste of time.



What do you mean by S300 long range aircraft missile? Those are very sophisticated missiles.

Are you saying license production of Kh31A/E?

Any sources, more info?
bro VN military news is more guessing than fact stating. If I say VN is close to manufacture s300 and kh31 missile then it is my conclusion on reading Việt military news. No need to take every of my post as authentic.
bro VN military news is more guessing than fact stating. If I say VN is close to manufacture s300 and kh31 missile then it is my conclusion on reading Việt military news. No need to take every of my post as authentic.

Guessing is definitely what it usually is. Well, I was surprised about S-300 missiles because Russia has not allowed anybody to produce them.

A few years ago there was talk about VN producing the Yakhont missile under license and that would make sense, but nothing has been heard since. The KH-31 is a bit of old tech at this point, but I guess more will be revealed later. Now the Kaliber would be a really nice one to produce.
Guessing is definitely what it usually is. Well, I was surprised about S-300 missiles because Russia has not allowed anybody to produce them.

A few years ago there was talk about VN producing the Yakhont missile under license and that would make sense, but nothing has been heard since. The KH-31 is a bit of old tech at this point, but I guess more will be revealed later. Now the Kaliber would be a really nice one to produce.
We as simple posters guess, a certain neighbor guesses too. Actually VN military doctrine has not changed much since centuries, that means, maintaining the balance of powers, avoiding unnecessary provocation, but in parallel keeping the army having an edge over the CN army.

Practising secrecy over everything but publishing some info to the public belong to the Paradoxon.

Our focus now is economy. We don’t want to slow down the progress. Military power comes with the time.
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