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Việt Nam SU-30


Với trang thiết bị khí tài mới, việc đào tào đội ngũ phi công có thể làm chủ được với khí tài, thiết bị mới là nhiệm vụ hàng đầu của Không quân Việt Nam hiện tại

Phi công Việt Nam đang học lý thuyết sau giờ thực hành vất vả


Theo lời của của Phó giám đốc công ty xuất khẩu vũ khí quốc gia Nga ông Alexander Mikheyev thì những chiếc Su-30MK2 mà Nga bán cho Việt Nam có nhiều sự đổi mới.

Su-30MK2V hiện đại của Không quân Việt Nam trong một buổi tập luyện thường kỳ

Hình ảnh các loại vũ khí được trang bị trên những chiếc Su-30MK2V mới

Máy bay Su-30MK2V Việt Nam có khả năng tác chiến mạnh, tấn công phá hủy cả các mục tiêu trên mặt đất và trên biển bằng các loại vũ khí chính xác cao, gồm tên lửa có điều khiển và bom dẫn đường trên không.

Su-30MK2V được trang bị với hệ thống thiết bị điện tử hàng không Avionic hiện đại, hệ thống truyền thông và hệ thống định vị mới, các thiết bị điều khiển để hỗ trợ cho phi hành đoàn. Thiết bị ECM mới cung cấp cho máy bay khả năng tự động nhắm mục tiêu và sử dụng tên lửa chống radar Kh-31P để tấn công.
Visiting to the PLA airforce and training centre


Trong khuôn khổ chuyến thăm và giao lưu với sĩ quan trẻ Quân giải phóng nhân dân Trung Quốc diễn ra từ ngày 17 đến 24/3, Đoàn sĩ quan trẻ Quân đội Nhân dân Việt Nam đã có chuyến thăm tới Sư đoàn Không quân 28 bảo vệ thủ đô Bắc Kinh. Trong ảnh, đoàn sĩ quan trẻ Việt Nam thăm quan các máy bay chiến đấu chủ lực của Sư đoàn 28. Ảnh: báo Quân đội Nhân dân

Đại tá Phương Vận Bình, Phó Sư đoàn trưởng Sư đoàn Không quân 28 thay mặt Sư đoàn tặng quà lưu niệm cho Đoàn sĩ quan trẻ Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam. Ảnh: báo Quân đội Nhân dân

Sư đoàn Không quân 28 được thành lập từ năm 1952 tại huyện Tây Bình, tỉnh Hà Nam. Năm 1969 chính thức đóng quân tại Hàng Châu, nhiệm vụ chính là bảo vệ Thủ đô Bắc Kinh và thi hành tác chiến cơ động. Trong ảnh, sĩ quan Việt Nam thăm quan, tìm hiểu buồng lái máy bay cường kích JH-7.

Kết thúc buổi làm việc, lãnh đạo Sư đoàn 6 Tăng thiết giáp hướng dẫn đoàn sĩ quan trẻ Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam tham quan một loạt các mô hình huấn luyện, thực hành của cán bộ, chiến sĩ, thăm nơi sinh hoạt của sĩ quan.

Trong bầu không khí thân tình và ấm áp của buổi tọa đàm, trưởng đoàn hai bên lần lượt giới thiệu những nét chính trong xây dựng và phát triển đơn vị; hoạt động của cán bộ, chiến sĩ nói chung và sĩ quan trẻ nói riêng; chia sẻ kinh nghiệm trong công tác quản lý; ôn lại kỷ niệm khó quên trong những lần giao lưu trước…

Hai bên bày tỏ mong muốn tăng cường hơn nữa các hoạt động giao lưu, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm, tạo đà cho sự phát triển quan hệ giữa Việt Nam và Trung Quốc trong tương lai. Trong ảnh: Thực hành trên hệ thống mô phỏng lái xe tăng.

Tại buổi hội đàm, Thiếu tướng Hồ Xương Minh nhấn mạnh, sĩ quan trẻ Việt Nam – Trung Quốc có nhiều điểm tương đồng, được thể hiện ở sự sôi nổi, nhiệt tình, có hoài bão, lý tưởng; có tố chất tốt; là tương lai của quốc gia, quân đội.

Quân đội hai nước có sứ mệnh giáo dục sĩ quan trẻ thêm yêu nước, yêu Đảng; kế thừa và phát huy mối quan hệ đoàn kết, hữu nghị mà Chủ tịch Hồ Chí Minh và Chủ tịch Mao Trạch Đông cùng các vị tiền bối đã dày công vun đắp.


Trung tá Bế Hải Triều thay mặt đoàn sĩ quan trẻ Việt Nam tặng quà lưu niệm cho Văn phòng ngoại sự, Bộ Quốc phòng Trung Quốc.
Aust, Vietnam defence training planned
ByAustralian Associated Press
Published: 00:52 GMT, 18 March 2015 | Updated: 00:52 GMT, 18 March 2015


Vietnamese military forces will train alongside Australian defence personnel.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott met with Vietnam's leader, Nguyen Tan Dung, in Canberra on Wednesday.

Mr Abbott said Australia and Vietnam had a strong shared interest in peace and stability in the region.

"It is good to see that 120 Vietnamese military personnel will be receiving some training here in Australia and ... Vietnamese military personnel will be involved in joint exercises here in Australia," he said during a joint press conference.

Prime Minister Dung said he and Mr Abbott had discussed greater cooperation between the two nations' special forces.

They had also agreed on the need for maritime security and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea.

"(We must) exercise self restraint and refrain from actions that may escalate the tension in the region, including the use of force to unilaterally change the status quo," Mr Dung said.

Read more: Aust, Vietnam defence training planned | Daily Mail Online

NZ and Vietnam to strengthen defence ties
Brent Edwards, Political Editor - brent.edwards@radionz.co.nz
Updated at 5:24 am on 20 March 2015

Forty years after being enemies New Zealand and Vietnam have agreed to develop even closer defence ties.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his wife, being greeted by Prime Minister John Key.
Photo: RNZ / Diego Opatowski

At a meeting of the two countries' Prime Ministers in Auckland they have decided to do more together, with the Vietnamese particularly wanting New Zealand's help training its officers for United Nations peacekeeping operations.

This year the two countries celebrate 40 years of diplomatic ties, forged once the Vietnam War ended.

Vietnam's Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung flew into Auckland yesterday after a three-day visit to Australia.

Though Mr Dung and the Prime Minister, John Key, talked trade, defence was also raised during their official meeting.

Mr Key said there would be closer defence ties between the two countries.

"It's most likely going to be in the area of training where we can undertake training together.

"There are occasions where it makes sense to do so, and of course having our military on occasions undertaking those trainings... are very beneficial when we ultimately maybe go into the support or help of a country that has some sort of natural disaster, for instance, because our militaries understand one another."

Speaking though a translator, Mr Dung said Vietnam agreed last year to start taking part in United Nations peacekeeping missions.

"That is why we like experience and expertise in this area of co-operation. That is why in the spirit of comprehensive partnership with New Zealand I respectfully asked New Zealand to help Vietnam to train the military officers of the Vietnam army in order to help them to engage in the peacekeeping missions of the United Nations," Mr Dung said.
The two leaders also spoke about Vietnam's territorial dispute with China in the South China Sea.

Mr Dung said he and Mr Key agreed on the need for peace and stability in the region and that international law should be observed.

Mr Key said he repeated New Zealand's view of the matter.

"New Zealand's long-standing position has been that it encourages the partners to find a negotiated and peaceful way forward to resolving the disputes and issues in the South China Sea. And certainly the Prime Minister gave a strong view that that is the preferred option of Vietnam."

Mr Dung was due to fly out of Auckland on Friday afternoon.
UK trains English for Vietnam’s defence officers
21:55 | 23/03/2015

(CPV) -

Thirty-five officers of the Vietnam People’s Army on March 23rd enjoyed the 2015 English language training program funded by the UK Ministry of Defence and provided by the British Council.

As part of a program in its fourth year, the Vietnamese officers will undertake between 6 and 9 months of training according to their entry standard of English. At the end of their training, they will have the language skills they need to undertake specialist professional military training courses provided by the UK Ministry of Defence, with those whose fluency is most developed being eligible for some of the UK’s most advanced military Command training courses for future General Officers, run at the UK’s Defence Academy in Shrivenham, UK.

Other officers are expected to be employed in future Vietnamese contingents deployed on Peacekeeping Operations, or to be prepared for future senior appointments in the Vietnamese People’s Army.

Since 2012, as many as 105 Vietnamese officers have completed the same language training.

Confirmed at the annual bilateral defence working group in Hanoi in January, and highlighting the importance of training in defence cooperation between the two sides, this year’s program seeks to significantly expand this initiative, with up to 72 officers to be trained in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city through. It is one of several strands of defence engagement which the two nations agreed to advance during 2015, which include increased training cooperation, defence industrial cooperation, and maritime cooperation.

Defence cooperation also formed a part of the fourth Vietnam-UK strategic dialogue co-chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son and UK Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Hugo Swire this February.

This program is also a mark of the commitment of the UK to supporting Vietnam’s military modernisation./.
Very good article here, did you make all of that, what is the title mate....? Where did you post this writing before....?

I posted on a manga forum. Of course, no one really reply because it is a manga forum.

Most of my info are from yahoo headlines and from the diplomats and or any google search for that matter. There are also some the economic youtube video and documentaries on youtube. China/Japan/Vietnam, I know some of the history. Funny enough, I don't know the detail of the Vietnam war, itself. I just like to study up on the politics of pre Vietnam war, during vietnam war, and after Vietnam war. Likewise, I don't know jack about this airplane or that airplane this tank or that tank. Or what submarines are better. I only follow the foreign policies.

I guess I can paste my piece here.


In term of geopolitics, East/South China Sea is probably the second most interesting thing right now after the Middle East (but in my book, it is the first). I don't want to approach this topic as a nationalist. Because then I will be too bias and contained within what I want best for the Vietnamese people. But the ongoing political conflict involved East/South China Sea had been about the rise of China. The place of interest is the area of East China Sea with involvement of Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. In South China Sea involved Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, and Taiwan.

India has a bone to pick with China over its own border dispute, Tibet, backing of Pakistan, and China's involvement in South Asia and Indian Ocean. Indonesia as kinda a leader of the ASEAN is becoming more assertive especially since China claimed also cross over part of Indonesia's territory (Natuna islands). The United States is involved via Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and Philippines (to some extend Thailand). Russia is pushing closer and closer to China after the falling out with the west over Ukraine but it does undermine china here and there (beside it also has strong tie with India and Vietnam). Australia too is wary of the rise in China. What at stake is one of the most important trade route in Asia and huge amount of oil reserved.

The below video is show in graphic about territorial dispute of China with other neighbors. In reaction to the rise of China, (india) Modi's strengthen look East policy, Obama has a pivot to Asia, both Russia Putin and Japan Abe have pivot of their own. While all countries involved are having an arm race similar to Europe prior to WW1. ASEAN are also resolving their internal border disputes to focus on China. I will examine this matter from China, Japan, Vietnam, USA and allies (Taiwan/Japan/Korea/Philippines), other ASEAN countries that has too close of an economical ties with China (Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, etc). I won't go into the historical-ness of these particular islands because I am not an expert. I will take a neutral tone because I actually like all parties involved. And hopefully you will find real life is more interesting than Kingdom, or Game of Thrones, or whatever. Didn’t realize it was this long as I writing about it. But people seriously need to be informed. Because, Americans, especially, like a deer on the headlight with Iraq, Libya, and Syria. I don’t want wars, especially as an Americans. But with conservatives control both houses and possibly the presidency in 2016, things may changed quickly.


Part 1: China
Let go back in history a bit. During the colonialism age, the west are pretty arrogant. Within Asia, there was no one to contest. Which come to a huge surprise when Japan defeated Russia in 1905. During this time, China suffered to what it called as the century of humiliation (1839-1949). The Qing dynasty of China was not always weak. Under the leadership of Kangxi, he was westernize China for quite a bit and even wrestle a chunk of land from Russia. But since then, his successors are more conservative and thought that China's culture is the best. Even at the rest of Asia fell into the European power. China was just too big to take control. The Europeans does try to carve China out among itself. Like in the Boxer Rebellion, 8 nations (Italy, UK, USA, France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Japan) defeated the Chinese forces. There are places within China that have signs like "no dogs and Chinese allowed."

In WW2, Japan launched an invasion into Korea and China. And China suffered another humiliation at the rape of Nanking. Japan had planned an invasion of China before but it never progress even past Korea. If you want to know about that one then read this Badass of the Week: Yi Soon Shin (Yi Sun-Sin). So since then, Korea and Japan, China and Japan are not necessary buddy-buddy. After normalize its relationship with USA during the Vietnam War, China had an economical transformation launching itself past Japan in 2011 as the world's second largest economy. China's military is also the third strongest around the world and continue to develop. China also extend it diplomatic power into Africa and even South America (the backyard of the USA). So with its new found military, economical, and diplomatic power. China is pushing its weight for its own interest in South and East China Sea.

Currently it claimed 90% of South China Sea in the shaped of a cow's tongue. Like in the border war with India (1962 and 1967), China pushing out its real border slowly in what people said is a salami slicing tactics. The territories that it took is real but not enough for its neighbor to delve into a full blown war. An example of this are China fought Vietnam 3 times in modern history. 2 times are on the ocean, China took full control of the Paracel Islands in 1974, and Johnson South Reef in 1988. Same thing happened to former Philippines' territories. China prefer bilateral diplomat instead of collective bargaining. With any of the weaker countries, China has much more upper hand in term of diplomatic power one on one. With American weaken by the last economic crisis and botched down by 2 wars in the middle east plus conflicts like Yemen, Syria, and Libya, the Chinese look very positively at China's rise and think that other smaller countries are ganging up on China like what Europe did before in the Boxer rebellions. One chinese news outlet are so optimistic that it think there will be 6 wars the Chinese will fought in the next 50 years.

Six Wars China Is Sure to Fight In the Next 50 Years » Indian Defence Review

Although, it is mostly wishful thinking but there are some basis to the claims. The first will be unification of Taiwan. Some chinese and Taiwanese do think that China has the capacity of taking over by 2020. Then South China Sea, which it will teach Vietnam a lesson for the rest of ASEAN to see. The third, it will face off against India to retaken "southern Tibet." Fourth, is to face off against Japan in East China Sea. 5th, retaken Mongolia. And 6th, take back former territories from Russia.

Part 2: Japan
Unlike Vietnam, Philippines, or even India, Japan had been a gigantic economical and military powerhouse. Even though after WW2 the Japanese constitution doesn't allow for a standing army, Japan housed many of the American naval bases. Japan, on its own, is still have one of the strongest army/airforce/and naval force on earth. Hence, China haven't really pushing Japan around. But that change in recent years, since 2010 the conflict in East Asia Sea began to took shape starting with a boat collision in dispute area. It then escalated to Japan buying off the Senkaku islands from its citizens and nationalized the islands. These islands are known as Diaoyu Islands in China, who also claimed ownership. In 2012, there were anti Japan protests to chinese higher up talking about a possible military combat to sending drones to these islands. Japan, of course, threaten to shoot them down. IN which China replied that it will be an act of war if that happened. If anyone remembered around this time, even in the anime community and usa news there are talk about a war between Japan and China. China also set up Air Defense Zone in 2013 further the tensions. Unlike India and Vietnam which are both non aligned countries, and Philippines which the USA had already leaved. Any Chinese conflicts with Japan, Korea, and or Taiwan will involved the USA due to prior defense agreement.

Since then, Prime minster Abe of Japan trying to update the constitution for a standing Japanese army. Combined with that Abe also exert a great diplomatic powers. He reached a hand out for Malaysia, Vietnam, and Philippines or anyone have a claim against China. Of which the Philippines are happy to accept. Vietnam, who trying to stay neutral changed its mind after the oil rig incident in 2014. Japan Abe also shaking hand with India Modi, and further the talk of Quadrilateral Security Dialogue which involved India, Japan, USA, and Australia (the Asian NATO if you will). Abe also visited ALL ASEAN countries to route them into his corner. If not outright providing naval aid like Vietnam and Philippines then building up an economical relationship. China had improved life quality, which meant higher wage or higher business cost. Japan could use ASEAN as a manufacture source instead of China. Japan had built up quite a resume of strategic and comprehensive allies within regional power (like Thailand) to even weaker nations like Laos. I think Japan like improve all diplomatic relationship with all countries in South East Asia since the conflict with China

The latest major country that Japan is buying relationship with is Indonesia. Indonesia had been rather neutral with China. But the new prime minister Joko of Indonesia is as hawkish as Modi or Abe or China Xi. Indonesia is to build a new submarines fleet, some of the military stuffs will be purchase from Japan. Indonesia also stepped up its law to protect its border by shooting down any illegal vessels. Indonesia also denounce China's claim and Chinese passport (which changed the border extend to South China Sea) and reaffirm that Natuna islands are its own territory.

The USA had been a major ally to Japan. And with Abe coming visit to speak to congress, who know what it will turn out. Would it be another Israel Netanyahu?

Part3: USA, Philippines, and Taiwan
In modern history, the USA involvement in this part of Asia had always been in its relationship with China. After the Americans defeated the Spanish, the US became a major world power. Right away, they turned against their former allies, the Philippines. Some bullshit reasons was use such as Christianize the heathens (in which the Filipinos were Christians to begin with due to Spain). But Philippines was the American’s major route to the Chinese market and its near 1 billion citizen back in the day (I think). The Americans pushed forward the open door policy so that Europe cannot monopolize China, and also participate in things like the Boxer Rebellions.

The USA went to war in Korea and Vietnam is also because of China. We often hear of the domino theory, but the first piece that fell was China. It took the USA by surprise, and this is the start of our ties with Taiwan (the noncommunist). When China developed nuclear weapons, the Americans panic. Going to war in Korea, American troops directly confront the Chinese troops. A much more bloody war was fought in Vietnam (in which going against all American’s principles) was also due to a fear of China. Vietnam had drained the American resource, and the anti war movement became more popular. America want to withdraw but by then North Vietnam is kinda done talking after much backstabbed by both sides. Nixon, the sly dog, finally get the withdraw with honor that he and former president Johnson was looking for. The opportunity was the Sino-Soviet split, and Nixon shook hand with the Chinese erasing their true threat in Asia.

While America busying itself in the Middle East, China had risen strong enough to threaten American interest in Asia which including the freedom of navigation in the sea and air. Under Obama’s presidency, there is a pivot to Asia. You often hear complain that Obama is going on through too many vacations. But it was to established diplomacies to contain China. It is of no news really. America and China friendly on the outside but had been waging diplomatic, economical, and cyber warfare ages ago. For example, China and Russia opposed the USA all the way in anything related to the Middle East.

Taiwan is pretty unique in a way that both mainland China government and Taiwan government claimed to be the one and only official government of China. China still think Taiwan as a province. This meant, China and Taiwan’s claim in South China Sea mirror each other. Each claimed the same 90%. But in term of war in South China Sea. It may start in Taiwan. So many Chinese and Taiwanese are waiting for the coming 2020. If it escalate to war, then the USA will have to step in.

Of all the ASEAN claimants, Philippines barked the loudest. Despite, the USA withdraw all/most of its military presence in 1992, Philippines still has a very good friend in the USA and had a defense treaty. The status of these treaty across time (I am not really sure of). There are military exercises among the 2 countries in 2012. By 2014, it seemed like American military are returning to the Philippine based on agreement of the higher ups in both countries. Defense treaty are also update.

Philippines are military weaker than both Vietnam and Malaysia and yet openly confront China every step of the way due to the backing of the Americans. On one hand, Philippines resolved its border dispute with Indonesia and talking to Malaysia to end their dispute. On another hand, Philippines are challenging China in international court (which China didn’t bother to attend). This is not rare because Vietnam also resolving its dispute with Malaysia in a joint statement in 2009. Likewise Indonesia and Australia is putting away their differences despite being major regional competitors. Philippines and Vietnam are putting their differences away after the oil rig incident of last year. They even played volleyball on the beach of an island used to be dispute by both side. The volleyball match didn’t make the Chinese officials too happy. Philippines who used to be the lone voice within ASEAN is now has the backing of Vietnam in their legal challenge against China, and building strong tie with South Korea (Filipinos troops fought in Korea). With Japan and America sending and selling naval upgrade. Their outlook is slightly better.

Part 4: Vietnam
Why did Vietnam have its own section? Because that one Chinese press single out Vietnam as the only country that China need to teach a lesson to warn others among ASEAN. In the past 100 years, Vietnam involved in 5 major wars and somehow ended up on the not losing side. Starting with WW1 where there are some 100,000 vietnamese fought in Europe. To WW2 fighting against the Japanese and helping American down planes. Ho Chi Minh’s force Vietminh (who later became branch out to be Vietcong) were supplied by the Americans. They fought against the French in 1st Indochina war, the Americans in 2nd Indochina war, and the Chinese/Cambodia in the 3rd Indochina war. These wars and colonialization had leaved Vietnam a shamble mess with millions upon millions of death, devastation to biodiversity, and reduced infrastructure to rubbles. Combined with sanction from China and America after the war, it is only recently that the country resurrect itself into a regional player. A possible war with China will set back much progress.

Funny enough, Americans were involved with Vietnam in 4 of those 5 wars (all 5 wars but there is no contact in WW1). With the last war was partly result in the diplomatic relationship with China. There are history that isn’t widely discuss in the west such as American funding of Pol Pot (one of the worst modern mass murder) even in exile in Thailand (another country who had historic tie with the USA). America pay for the French war because of China, they went into Vietnam because of China, they leaved Vietnam because of China. And now they pivot back to Asia because of China. The USA had recently lift arm ban to Vietnam. And there are further talk of lifting all bans plus possible military relationship with Vietnam. But for that to happen, America will make demands. One of which just about a week ago, America tell Vietnam to stop letting Russia refueling their airplane in Cam Ranh Bay. I won’t get into Vietnam war, because the amount of hypocrisy and misinformation in that war made my blood boil. Vietnam would then had to choose between its historical allies with a new one. Russia, of course, had a hand on building Vietnam’s modern navy fleet and renew Cam Ranh Bay.

Ho Chi Minh famously said, "The last time the Chinese came, they stayed a thousand years. The French are foreigners. They are weak. Colonialism is dying. The white man is finished in Asia. But if the Chinese stay now, they will never go. As for me, I prefer to sniff French shit for five years than to eat Chinese shit for the rest of my life." And that is the attitude of Vietnam toward French, American, and Chinese. Indeed, there is little enmity toward either the France or the USA. But Vietnam and China has one of the longest rivalry in history (one writer actually go as far as dubbed as the longest war in history but I don’t really think it is a continuous war). China and Vietnam did build a relationship during the first 2 indochina wars. Despite some promises from the top officials, the naval Chinese invasion against South Vietnam and wrestle those islands from South Vietnam, enraged the North Vietnam and turn their relationship sour since. It doesn’t matter it is North or South Vietnamese. Against what they perceived as a foreign enemies, they had the same view. Four years after the American left, in 1979, Vietnam fought a brief war with China. In less than 4 weeks, the Chinese lost almost as many troops as the Americans lost in 20 years in Vietnam. Both sides claimed victory. Since then there are plenty of skirmishes at sea including in 1988.

The relationship between both countries had been much warmer in the 90s. Vietnam was gather stay neutral in South China Sea. At the same time, it bought 6 kilo submarines from Russia forming what would be the strongest submarines fleet in South East Asia (until the other countries caught up with their military spending/which is pretty soon), and many other advance battle ships from Europe also. This trend is also seen in Malaysia and Indonesia. On one hand, they don’t want to offend their business partner, China. On the other hand, they increase military spending at an alarming rate. Of the 4 claimants that aren’t Taiwan or China, Brunei is too small to do anything. Philippines and Vietnam are the closest to China. While Malaysia enjoyed its much much longer distance away from China. Vietnam would soon feel the risk of being too geography close to China by full in 2014 when the Chinese put a gigantic oil rig in the dispute area. Like many time before it, a massive ramming of ships. On one hand, we have the Chinese military. On the other hand, we have Vietnamese fishermen. We know how the story will ended up. China had enforced some laws that restricted all foreign fishermen to fish in the 90% area claimed by China. Like with the Air defense zone, this seriously infringe on the freedom to navigate.

With the oil rig incident, it triggered a giant transformation in Vietnam. Anti Chinese protest across Vietnam and Vietnamese community across the world. The government of Vietnam tend to crack down in public protest, allow it happened (show a sign of supporting the sentiments). Some set themselves on fire in protest. The protests turned violent in my hometown, Binh Duong, resulted in deaths, injuries, and burn down of business (that including the Taiwanese). I strongly condemn these attacks. But I could understand the reason why they targeted the Taiwanese. Since Taiwan had the exact same 90% claimed like China and has its fair share of boat ramming and arrested fishermen with Vietnam. Foreign factories also treat native workers like shit and the work condition tend to be awful. But still, the protests would have been much more effective peacefully.

Since the oil rig, Prime Minister Dung had stepped up diplomacy. Among which are the Philippines, Japan, and India. Vietnam is the major focus on India’s look east policy. In fact, Vietnam invited India to explore for oil in Vietnam shore to balance out China. While India looking for an opportunity to poke China in the eyes for its own border dispute. In many way, India is the only Asian friend that Vietnam have. India from the start had opposed the French, the American, and the Chinese for all 3 Indochina wars. This time around, India offered 100 million dollars of credit for the Vietnamese to buy arms from India. The biggest prize that Vietnam want is the BrahMos missiles that developed by India and Russia. Vietnam would need approval from both countries and it seemed like it will likely get it in the near future. This is what I meant by Russia undermining China by selling Vietnam weapons.

Prime Minster Dung like Abe and Modi (who build up ties with all South Asian neighbors and now branching out South East Asian neighbors) are stepping up on diplomacy big time. Not just with the Philippines, India, Japan, and USA but the rest of ASEAN developing strategic partnerships (Thailand, Singapore, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia). The latest news came from Australia and New Zealand, it seemed like Australia will trained some of the Vietnamese navy.

Vietnam knew its own position. That if a war to break out, no one will come to its aid. Building up diplomacy and military is the only deterrence to war while maintain its own interest.

Part 5: the rest of ASEAN and the Chinese diplomacy prowess
Much like India’s Modi, Japan’s Abe, Russia’s Putin, and Obama, Xi Jinping of China also exert quite an amount of power across the globe extending to the Middle East, Africa, and America. Within South East Asia, Xi developed deep economic ties with many nations in ASEAN. Because each ASEAN countries head of the summit each year, friendly tie to China had been use to obstruct any real progress in the problem of South China Sea. For a long time, Philippines was the most vocal but other nations do want a resolution to this problem. Cambodia lead in 2012 and blocked out Philippines. Likewise Myanmar in 2014 blocked out Vietnam and Philippines. ASEAN don’t always share the same interest. Many don’t have territorial conflict with China but they had grants, aids, and loans from China. This is why Japan building relationship with these countries are crucial because Japan would wrestle the Chinese grip in their economy.

Thailand had a military coup in 2014. And at its stand, America is losing its grip with the Thais as the new Thai government had grown closer to China. So Thailand moving closer and closer to neutral ground. Laos and Cambodia are heavily reliance to China. Cambodia’s Pol Pot regime was an ally to China (and support secretly by the USA). Both China and USA condemn the war between Cambodia and Vietnam in 1979. I will used the wiki as a neutral source, and the wiki stated that Cambodia started the conflict. Even though, Vietnam removed the genocide dictator of Pol Pot. It has bad rep for stay too long to keep the country in order. Hence Cambodia still feel a tie to China (and with the new economical reliance). Though Cambodia still also heavily relied in Vietnam also, and they stepping up defense. This could be the effect of the Japanese’s diplomacy. Laos, too, had become a strategic partner to Japan recently.

I really don’t know what the hell going with Burma/Myanmar. They have some sort of civil war or something. There are articles that said rising anti China sentiment in Burma. But I have no clue of the background, beside in third world countries, populace opinions don’t matter. It is whoever the dictator/government in charge that dictate the policies. And I don’t know what is going on.

I already mentioned Indonesia throughout. Brunei is too small of a country to do anything. Singapore is very wealthy to not being influenced by China, though most of its population is ethnically Chinese. Singapore also has no stake in South China Sea. But it has been assertive and say international laws should be follow. Malaysia would be the last country I will touched on. Malaysia also has sizable Chinese population but also has a very violent/deadly anti-China protest in the past. Malaysia is a claimant in South China Sea but like Vietnam before, it has been staying neutral. China has very great influences in Malaysia; hence, Malaysia had been really careful on what it saying on international forum. And like Indonesia and others, Malaysia is building up its navy. In 2009, it resolved dispute with Vietnam. Malaysia enjoyed its distance away from China as China coming to conflict with her most immediate neighbors (Japan, Vietnam, Philippines). But recently, the Chinese navy are making its presence in Malaysia’s James Shoal. Malaysia’s route probably is diversify its strong with regional powers like India, Japan, Indonesia, and Australia. Unlike Vietnam (who had no countries to back it up if there is a war broke out), Malaysia and Singapore are in Five Power Defence Arrangements with Australia, New Zealand, and United Kingdom. Malaysia has time and options.

For the most part, each countries are trying to deter war while protecting their own interests (including China). If a war broke out, it should set back all progress had been made since colonial time. An Asian century may not happen. If China made the wrong move, it could drag the USA to war. But with all the analysis, I doubt it will come to war. But nationalism is on the rise. Tangle alliances are being made. And there is an arm race. The same sort of factors that led to WW1. All left is an assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

Thanks mate, I will read it later before giving you another positive ratings or just a simple thanks :D

Mate, what is the title ....?

It seems to me you are interested to be a writer some day, is that true mate.....?


Bro, maybe you are interested reading this one.
Thanks for tagging me bro @Indos ! Welcome to the forum @liubang , i'll read your essay later today, perhaps you can join us in other threads here. Good to see a new member into the forum that has an open mind. :)
Please refrain from off topic posts or you will be banned from the section. Also, all Vietnamese members are requested to stick to English descriptions as it helps other nationalities understand what is going on.
Moscow acknowledges Hanoi's right to diversify its military-technological cooperation - diplomat | Russia Beyond The Headlines

So a Russian official has spoken up about the VN-Russia-US relation and basically said it is normal, no big deal.

Russia is a priority partner for Vietnam to develop military-technological cooperation with, but Hanoi is also entitled to develop such cooperation with other countries, says Russian Ambassador to Hanoi Konstantin Vnukov.

"The Russian Federation is legitimately viewed as a priority partner for Vietnam in the military-technological cooperation sector. The leadership of the Vietnamese National Defense Ministry, which usually highly praises cooperation with our country in this sector, has repeatedly declared this," Vnukov said in an interview with Interfax.

"At the same time, we acknowledge Vietnam's right to diversify its military-technological ties," Vnukov said when asked about Moscow's attitude toward Washington's decision at the end of 2014 to lift an arms embargo from Vietnam and whether Russia expected tougher competition with the U.S. on the Vietnamese weapons market.

"Our Vietnamese friends perfectly know about and highly value Russia's willingness to further strengthen and expand military-technological interaction with Vietnam, which is not conditioned by any political stipulations, is aimed exclusively at improving Vietnam's defense capability and is not targeted at third countries," Vnukov said.

To the mods (@Oscar) or admins, there were a few posts made just earlier by @liubang and myself that has been deleted or auto-moderated.

Let me say this, everyone has a right to put on their flags, but if a user put on a flag and then write things that blatantly contradict his self-proclaimed identity, then people has the right to question him. This is especially true if that user posts things and claims that he is writing from the perspective of that country.

The person I had in mind in @liubang. I've mentioned his other posts already, but this post (that was just deleted from here) indicates that he is highly unlikely to be a Vietnamese:

No, BUI (one of the 10 most common last name). It is actually my paternal grandma last name. My paternal grandpa last name is actually Nguyen. But I guess he was cheating on her or something. Liu Bang is the first emperor of Han who started the tradition of Confucianism. Luu Bang- hang vu- han tin. I meant come on every vietnamese had watch bao thanh thien, or tam quoc chi, or xa dieu anh hung truyen, or thien long bat bo.

He said he has watched "xa dieu anh hung truyen." But this is written blatantly in Chinese grammatical form (射雕英雄传), not in Vietnamese grammar which is different.

Just the other day, he said he could read and write in Viet. Then later back-tracked and said his Vietnamese language is bad because he migrated to the US when he was 11 so his Vietnamese skills is only at 5th grade level.

So now I want to ask the Vietnamese members here to confirm, would a 11 year old Vietnamese have such a bad sentence structure such as
"xa dieu anh hung truyen"??

@Soryu, @luoyue, @fadine, @Viet, @dichoi, @Carlosa, @NiceGuy,

Mods or admins, I respectfully request you to leave this post open and let the Vietnamese members deal with this. How would you like if someone put on a Pakistani or PRC flag and post questionable things claiming they are from the perspective of Pakistan/China?
Mods or admins, I respectfully request you to leave this post open and let the Vietnamese members deal with this. How would you like if someone put on a Pakistani or PRC flag and post questionable things claiming they are from the perspective of Pakistan/China?

People can have different perspectives and it would behove you and other viets to let that opinion be and not try to suppress it. In either case, unless there is offensive material being posted that amounts to trolling or flaming; the user has the right to post and in that I am not flexible.
I suggest all return to the topic at hand and avoid further derailment.
People can have different perspectives and it would behove you and other viets to let that opinion be and not try to suppress it. In either case, unless there is offensive material being posted that amounts to trolling or flaming; the user has the right to post and in that I am not flexible.
I suggest all return to the topic at hand and avoid further derailment.

OK please let me write one last comment before I return to topic.

The issue is not about perspectives. A lot of Vietnamese here has different perspectives and have debated with each other a lot of time before. No problem with that.

I was talking about things that expose that user as a false flagger. He claimed he is a Vietnamese and that he can write in Vietnamese, but then one of his sentence structure in Vietnamese is entirely wrong (it was actually written in Chinese grammar which is entirely different), not even an 11 year old Vietnamese kid would make that mistake. If you don't believe me, then just wait for the other Viet members to confirm it for you.
OK please let me write one last comment before I return to topic.

The issue is not about perspectives. A lot of Vietnamese here has different perspectives and have debated with each other a lot of time before. No problem with that.

I was talking about things that expose that user as a false flagger. He claimed he is a Vietnamese and that he can write in Vietnamese, but then one of his sentence structure in Vietnamese is entirely wrong, not even an 11 year old kid would make that mistake. If you don't believe me, then just wait for the other Viet members to confirm it for you.

Perhaps he writes bad Vietnamese. Take me for instance, I am born and bred in Pakistan for most of my life. Yet I can barely write urdu and my grammar and sentences are horrible.
Its better not to take too much on what who is, debate what he is saying.
Perhaps he writes bad Vietnamese. Take me for instance, I am born and bred in Pakistan for most of my life. Yet I can barely write urdu and my grammar and sentences are horrible.
Its better not to take too much on what who is, debate what he is saying.

Well you're right, and I've always said judge people by their post contents and not their flags.(But when someone claims to be writing from the perspective of Vietnam, his self-proclaimed identity is now then part of the content.)

Anyway, I'll just ignore this issue and return to topics. But the other members here should have the right to know about the issue I've raised and come to their own conclusions. So I respectfully request the mods to leave my previous 2 posts open.

I'll now return back to topic.

Thank you.
He said he has watched "xa dieu anh hung truyen." But this is written blatantly in Chinese grammatical form (射雕英雄传), not in Vietnamese grammar which is different.

Just the other day, he said he could read and write in Viet. Then later back-tracked and said his Vietnamese language is bad because he migrated to the US when he was 11 so his Vietnamese skills is only at 5th grade level.

So now I want to ask the Vietnamese members here to confirm, would a 11 year old Vietnamese have such a bad sentence structure such as
"xa dieu anh hung truyen"??

@Soryu, @luoyue, @fadine, @Viet, @dichoi, @Carlosa, @NiceGuy,

Mods or admins, I respectfully request you to leave this post open and let the Vietnamese members deal with this. How would you like if someone put on a Pakistani or PRC flag and post questionable things claiming they are from the perspective of Pakistan/China?
Yep, we say" Anh Hung Xa Dieu ", but some old man before 1975 still using grammar like him. Maybe Liubang is one of old men before 1975 :D
  • Xạ Điêu Anh Hùng Truyện - Truyện Tranh
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    Click ngay để đọc truyện tranh Anh Hùng Xạ Điêu (Xạ Điêu Anh Hùng Truyện) chap mới nhất, trên web xem truyện online nhanh nhất VN. Bạn sẽ là người xem ...
Yep, we say" Anh Hung Xa Dieu ", but some old man before 1975 still using grammar like him. Maybe Liubang is one of old men before 1975 :D

He said he is not those old anti-communist Vietnamese-American. He was thinking about joining the military for free education, an old man wouldn't do that lol. I've read lots of loopholes and contradictory things from him. But I can't discuss it here cos I'm already warned not to go offtopic.

I already had a clue who he is after I first read how he talks to martian2 like half of those CDF members (saying how good Martian's post is and asking where he can read more of his threads lol). Up to you what you think of him, I can't discuss this anymore otherwise I might get banned.

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