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Vietnam Buys Back $3 Million Relic French Wanted to Auction Off

you dont understand Vietnamese. Nam Phuong means Southern nice smell 南芳
Nonsense not nice smell. Her title “nam phuong” literally means southern direction 南部 phuong or phuong huong. nam phuong would mean someone that leads the southern.

Yes, Vietnam decided to marry a white guy after the divorce and pretend she can only write in latin alphabets.

Original Vietnamese script on left, right is modern Viet :
View attachment 898911

Sorry but modern Vietnamese written language has no Asian flavor at all and to be perfectly honest feels very manufactured and unnatural. Like pretending their history only started after French colonization.
But I think the right-hand side is easier to text on a phone; isn't it? Entering the Left side would be painfully slow on a keyboard.
Nonsense not nice smell. Her title “nam phuong” literally means southern direction 南部 phuong or phuong huong. nam phuong would mean someone that leads the southern.

View attachment 899144
You dont understand the two chinese characters of her title, that literally means south (flower)fragrance, the chinese character for direction(方) has the same sound as fragrance(芳) here. You get mixed up. Thats the problem of using latin spellings for your language that cant distinguish betwwen words of same sound.
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You dont understand the two chinese characters of her title, that literally means south fragrance, the chinese character for direction has the same sound as fragrance here. You get mixed up. Thats the problem of using latin spellings for your language that cant distinguish betwwen words of same sound.
Ok good thanks for correction
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