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Vietnam asks China to end sovereignty violations

it might be too early for China to take on US alone,but blasting tiny Vietnam out of the face of the earth is just too easy a job for China.
it might be too early for China to take on US alone,but blasting tiny Vietnam out of the face of the earth is just too easy a job for China.

any war with a big amount of people would be hard to win... and if china went into vietnam.. sure wont take long to get air superiority etc... but what makes you think it would be any different then when america was in vietnam? or in iraq and afghanistan?? they will just use guerilla warfare, and china will be stuck in a quagmire

do not be so arrogant to think that wouldnt happen... america is a hell of a lot more advanced then china and it still happens to them... and if you decide to use more force, in the eyes of the world china will be exposed as the nasty brute that it is and you will then have to take on most of the world.. which you would lose pathetically
it might be too early for China to take on US alone,but blasting tiny Vietnam out of the face of the earth is just too easy a job for China.

If it is so easy, please do it and show us and then boast about it, till then it is hot air.
any war with a big amount of people would be hard to win... and if china went into vietnam.. sure wont take long to get air superiority etc... but what makes you think it would be any different then when america was in vietnam? or in iraq and afghanistan?? they will just use guerilla warfare, and china will be stuck in a quagmire

Vietnam has 2 big allies during Vietnam war,China and Russia.China served as a vast rear base for Vietnam in which Vietnamese troops can train and regroup safely.China provided 20 billion dollars in aid and sent tens of thousand troops into Vietnam to fight US directly like we did in Korean war. China was dirty poor back then and had no advanced weaponary technology.but now China is very rich and Vietnam has no allies at all.
Vietnam has 2 big allies during Vietnam war,China and Russia.China served as a vast rear base for Vietnam in which Vietnamese troops can train and regroup safely.China provided 20 billion dollars in aid and sent tens of thousand troops into Vietnam to fight US directly like we did in Korean war. China was dirty poor back then and had no advanced weaponary technology.but now China is very rich and Vietnam has no allies at all.

The more the Chinese threaten and abuse Vietnam, the more it gets easier for ASEAN, Japan and Korea to unite to face the Chinese threat.
Japan and Korea will never unite,they don them and the grudge between them.ASEAN is full of China's friends.
any war with a big amount of people would be hard to win... and if china went into vietnam.. sure wont take long to get air superiority etc... but what makes you think it would be any different then when america was in vietnam? or in iraq and afghanistan?? they will just use guerilla warfare, and china will be stuck in a quagmire

do not be so arrogant to think that wouldnt happen... america is a hell of a lot more advanced then china and it still happens to them... and if you decide to use more force, in the eyes of the world china will be exposed as the nasty brute that it is and you will then have to take on most of the world.. which you would lose pathetically
China already killed 30,000 Vietnamese soldiers and 100,000 civilians in just 28 days in 1979! We were far more brutal than USA in the Vietnam War.

So, where is the West come to take us on? We are far more powerful than you and can turn your pretty white cities into blackened charcoal. Are you all ready to die for some Vietnam peasants? LOL I didn't think so. Even white country Georgia was left high and dry nevermind dirty communist Vietnam.
with more technology,we dont have to go there to annihilate them,besides the only disputes bw China and Vietnam are sea disputes,Vietnam barely has a navy,stands no chance against Chinese navy.even Taiwan navy is way more powerful than Vietnam's.
Vietnam has 2 big allies during Vietnam war,China and Russia.China served as a vast rear base for Vietnam in which Vietnamese troops can train and regroup safely.China provided 20 billion dollars in aid and sent tens of thousand troops into Vietnam to fight US directly like we did in Korean war. China was dirty poor back then and had no advanced weaponary technology.but now China is very rich and Vietnam has no allies at all.

america has allies in pakistan in afghanistan?? same thing happened

in iraq.. allies are kuwait?? israel? saudi arabia?? guess what?? same thing

i have no choice but to post this picture again because your way of thinking and logic really is represented int his picture

China already killed 30000 Vietnamese soldiers and 10000 civilians in just 28 days in 1979! We were far more brutal than USA in the Vietnam War.

So, where is the West come to take us on? We are far more powerful than you and can turn your pretty white cities into blackened charcoal. Are you all ready to die for some Vietnam peasants? LOL I didn't think so. Even white country Georgia was left high and dry nevermind dirty communist Vietnam.

yep .. you think it be that acceptable today?? you would justify america and the rest of the worlds actions against you.. and one thing if war did break out between america and china... your best hope is that america people dont want the war.... you would make them more patriotic then they already are, and you would definitely ensure they and rest of western world would fight you right to the very end.. no talk of peace.. unconditional surrender... 30 thousand troops dead.. 10 thousand civilians.. your proud of it? yet whinge if america killers 10 thousand troops and 400 civilians?? lol hypocrites

china is no where near as powerful as the west... its wishful thinking... in a war you would get completely smashed.. that is a reality

what picture?

hmm comes up on my screen i post link

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yep .. you think it be that acceptable today?? you would justify america and the rest of the worlds actions against you.. and one thing if war did break out between america and china... your best hope is that america people dont want the war.... you would make them more patriotic then they already are, and you would definitely ensure they and rest of western world would fight you right to the very end.. no talk of peace.. unconditional surrender... 30 thousand troops dead.. 10 thousand civilians.. your proud of it? yet whinge if america killers 10 thousand troops and 400 civilians?? lol hypocrites

china is no where near as powerful as the west... its wishful thinking... in a war you would get completely smashed.. that is a reality

US also doesnt want mutual destruction,that's why US is very careful about things related to China.
US also doesnt want mutual destruction,that's why US is very careful about things related to China.

exactly.. hence why china might throw some crap in vietnams face.. but if vietnam shows some balls back.. china wont invade.. or go full scale war with them.. because other asian nations will think.. ohh crap.. we are next.. and the usa and other western nations will get involved... france, uk, etc etc will all be forced into it.. because they know, without america they will ripe for the picking... so best back usa up and make sure they force china to back down, or be defeated

that why i think it stupid when idiots come in here talking crap bout ohh we can beat anyone, we will invade u we will wipe most of you out and 1/3 will be innocent people bla bla
exactly.. hence why china might throw some crap in vietnams face.. but if vietnam shows some balls back.. china wont invade.. or go full scale war with them.. because other asian nations will think.. ohh crap.. we are next.. and the usa and other western nations will get involved... france, uk, etc etc will all be forced into it.. because they know, without america they will ripe for the picking... so best back usa up and make sure they force china to back down, or be defeated

that why i think it stupid when idiots come in here talking crap bout ohh we can beat anyone, we will invade u we will wipe most of you out and 1/3 will be innocent people bla bla

the only disputes bw China and Vietnam are Paracel islands and Spratly Islands,Vietnam wont stand a chance against powerful Chinese navy ,it's a matter of sovereignty.why do we need to invade Vietnam?

PRC fought two sea battles with Vietnam in 1974 and 1988,and we all know the result.
true.. they wont beat you alone

but if china tries to take things by force.. all other asian nations you have territorial disputes with will band together.... they may not be allied as such in that situation.. but if u pick one off by force, the others will know 100% it only a matter of time before you take whatever they dispute with you by force... they will all band together... and the usa and other western nations will back them

you will just about start WW3 just by this...
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