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VHP leader Togadia gives call for economic boycott of Muslims in India

Yeah "whatever" thats what i thought.

And It has everything to do with us when you go after muslims and we'll keep working to ensure they're rights are protected.

Have you been able to protect rights of people living in your own country......Pakistanis are getting killed almost every day....being ripped off their very basic right...right to live...... and you are talking about rights of Indian Muslims...who don't give a damn ...about what Pakistan Thinks.
Dear 10 second Tom....If you can hold a thought long enough to read the entire post before pre-maturely spurting.....I would appreciate it

Dude there are better places if you wanna attack me personally rather hiding behind your computer so either stick to what is being said or beat it, its not my fault if it takes your brain a day to comprehend what is being said

Had u taken the time to comprehend, you would have understood that this particular politician and his "grand schemes" can never become a reality...Do you really believe that except for a few numbskulls which exist on both sides of the border that have occasional bursts of religious bigotry that Indians will allow the exodus of Indian Muslims from India?

I do believe that because I've seen it, what did your government do to modi ? what did your constitution your supreme court to the gay who gave green signal to all this ? And wth as long as its not a full scale holocaust it isn't worthy of your attention, life has meaning be it the muslims of gujrat or the entirety of muslim population of india

The Indian constitution....The Indian army....The Supreme court are in place for exactly such situations.....so the law is upheld....

The same army who has killed 50000 muslims so far in kashmir, the same one who stormed the holiest place for sikhs, same constitution which is useless against people like modi ?

Again....try to understand what I was trying to say.....
The mass population of Pakistan is against the TTP.....so an outsider should not generalize based on the fact that TTP roams ever so freely in your country

Have you any idea of the ground reality of whats going on in Pakistan or are you just gonna keep making up stuff like this..Scroll up till you see the banner of this web

....similarly....quit generalizing the Indians as being Anti-Muslim and India as an unsafe place for Muslims based on a few isolated incidents.....

I never generalized indians as being anti-muslim, provide one argument where i said that. I said indians refuse to acknowledge the gravity of this both at the level of governance and individual level.

About the highlighted part...your statement about "Foreign funding" of TTP speaks miles about how much you "see the stains"....but hey when you just rolled out the mud pit...its the clean parts that you're looking for......
Enjoy fantasizing about that "external factor" instead of finding a cure for that cancer.....

Rest assured we are fighting this cancer and we have facts to prove that unlike mister toda or whatever his name is, who is given leadership to promote hate and discrimination

Anyways i have nothing to gain here but look at your sense of immorality towards human values and the way you defiantly hide behind nationalism and take pride in a system that has failed to protect those who pledged their allegiance to it
We are all missing a point. Pravin Togadia is a small time psuedo polititian who would like to polarise hindus and muslims. Indians and India are secular, they have been for ages. Constitution provides the legal backing for this. Do attrocities take place, yes they do, but the guilty are brought to book sooner than later. Whatever the impression of friends across the border be, the communal situation is much better than it has ever been.
In the seventies and eighties there used to annual hindu muslim roits in UP/ Bihar. Well it has been almost two decades since any maj roit took place. For one praveen togadia, there are hundredzs of Rahul Gandhis, Mulayam Singhs and others who have included muslims in the polity like it has never happened anywhere in the world.
So maybe we are giving the statement more due than it deserves or more attention than it has actually got in India.
Anyways i have nothing to gain here but look at your sense of immorality towards human values and the way you defiantly hide behind nationalism and take pride in a system that has failed to protect those who pledged their allegiance to it

The Indian Muslims may class themselves as the children of foreign invaders to nurse their inferiority complex but the truth is that 95% of them have the same Indian blood in their veins as all other Indians such as Hindus, Sikhs or Christians. The remaining 5% have certainly become Indians by the long domicile in this country.

Have they got anywhere else to go?

Never mind other Islamic countries, even Pakistan, which was created for all Muslims of the subcontinent, shall not take them in”. Pakistan is yet to repatriate its own Bihari citizens stranded in Bangladesh since 1971!

Shireen M Mazari Director General of the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad admits in an article "A strange national tolerance" (THE NEWS- 13 AUG03) writes-- “Yes, it is shameful for Pakistan that Biharis who will not deny their Pakistani citizenship continue to be stranded in Bangladesh since 1971 while Pakistan has allowed other refugees free access to its territory”!

If Pakistan cannot take in Indian Muslims as its citizens what right has it got to meddle in the internal affairs of India, endangering local Muslim population?
Its a NDA led by BJP govt who elected president Kalam to the office .

If the last UPA govt lead by congress who only 145 seats of its own can choose a unknown entity rubber stamp party loyalist like Mrs Pratibha patil as the president india...BJP which has 182 seat in the Lok Shabha can certainly put similar puppet president had they wanted it that way only.

I agree with you on the fact that in most cases, party loyalists vote for the Presidential candidate that their party favors....

However you have to take into consideration that there are several other factors such a legislator from a state with a larger population has a more impact on the votes than a smaller state....where it gets tricky....thus minimizing the impact of the LS majority.....

Anyways.... you maybe right about your statement, but I fail to see how that impacts my argument about the fact that Dr.Togadia's words are extremely anti-national....
I agree with you on the fact that in most cases, party loyalists vote for the Presidential candidate that their party favors....

However you have to take into consideration that there are several other factors such a legislator from a state with a larger population has a more impact on the votes than a smaller state....where it gets tricky....thus minimizing the impact of the LS majority.....

Anyways.... you maybe right about your statement, but I fail to see how that impacts my argument about the fact that Dr.Togadia's words are extremely anti-national....

U tried to wonder what VHP and RSS position gonna if they elect a Muslim as pm in ur initial post i commented on.On that I want to point out that its the same RSS which backed appointment of Muslim person named Abdul Kalam for president wholeheartedly .

Secondly i doubt that VHP leader Togadia has been printed out of context and strangely no other media outlet carry this sensational news which they all hunker for.
I do believe that because I've seen it, what did your government do to modi ? what did your constitution your supreme court to the gay who gave green signal to all this ? And wth as long as its not a full scale holocaust it isn't worthy of your attention, life has meaning be it the muslims of gujrat or the entirety of muslim population of india

Read before you come here barfing about the credibilty of our Justice system.....

news.outlookindia.com | Gujarat Riots: SIT Begins Probe Against Narendra Modi

news.outlookindia.com | Gujarat Riots: SC Lifts Stay on Trial

To add to this.....

Below are a few actions taken by the courts to date:

After a local court dismissed the case against her assailants, Bilkis Bano approached the National Human Rights Commission and petitioned the Supreme Court seeking a retrial. The Supreme Court granted the motion, directing the Central Bureau of Investigation to take over the investigation, transferring the case out of Gujarat and directing the central government to appoint the public prosecutor.[69][70] Charges were filed in a Mumbai court against nineteen people as well as six police officials and a government doctor over their role in the initial investigations.[71] In January 2008, eleven men were sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murders and a policeman was convicted of falsifying evidence.[72]

In 2005, the Vadodara fast track court passed strictures against the police for failing to protect the people under their escort[73] and failing to identify the attackers they had witnessed.[74]

Nine people were convicted of killing a Hindu man and injuring another during group clashes in Danilimda, Ahmedabad on April 12, while 25 others were acquitted.[75]

Eight people, including a VHP leader and a member of the BJP, were convicted for the murder of seven members of a family and the rape of two minor girls in the village of Eral in Panchmahal district.[76][77]

A stringent anti-terror law, the POTA, was used by the Gujarat government to charge 131 people in connection to the Godhra train fire, but not invoked in prosecuting any of the accused in the post-Godhra riots.[79][80] In 2005 the POTA Review Committee set up by central government to review the application of the law opined that the Godhra accused should not be tried under the provisions of POTA.[81]

He will be punished if he is guilty.....
We dont punish people just because you have made up your mind about their involvement in a crime....besides who are Pakistanis to question Indian internal matters....

While we are on the topic....tell me again...whats happening with Hafeez Saeed???

The same army who has killed 50000 muslims so far in kashmir, the same one who stormed the holiest place for sikhs, same constitution which is useless against people like modi ?

Yes and Yes.....Terrorists whether a Muslim, Sikh or Hindu will be dealt the same punishment......We fight the Maoists with the same ferocity as we do with a Pakistan sponsored terrorist in Kashmir.....

Have you any idea of the ground reality of whats going on in Pakistan or are you just gonna keep making up stuff like this..Scroll up till you see the banner of this web

Or maybe you're living in denial.....

I never generalized indians as being anti-muslim, provide one argument where i said that. I said indians refuse to acknowledge the gravity of this both at the level of governance and individual level.

Seriously I cannot babysit you.....Your first statement contradicts what you wrote next.....

Rest assured we are fighting this cancer and we have facts to prove that unlike mister toda or whatever his name is, who is given leadership to promote hate and discrimination

....He is NOT an elected official of the Indian Govt...How hard is it for you to understand.....VHP is a SOCIO-CULTURAL organization.....

This is my last post to you...You're a broken record....
You can continue with your rants for all I care....
Why the hell these mofos are not tried under the laws for tying to divide the communities based on religion. Him and the other Gandhi (Varun blah blah Gandi). I feel we are more then liberal to allow people preach hatred under the false guise of freedom of speech.

Down with VHP and the likes of all other religious bigots.
for your info gujrat riots started after burning live 60 kar sevaks. how do you justify that?

The Godhra incident happened in retaliation of Babri Mosque Demolition>

The Babri Mosque happen due to some other incident in the past>

These are no reasons to let B@stard like Togadia to promote religious hatred. All incident in history is preceded by some other incident. But we haven't learnt our lesson and instead of focusing on the future, we are hard bound with the evils of our past.

Aise Pehle Chicken ki Pehle Ande ka argument main, we are ruining the future of our children and grandchildren. Our laws should be more strict with mofos like these who flays our constitution as if it is their mistress. period. No excuse for these M***** F*****s.
Yeah "whatever" thats what i thought.

And It has everything to do with us when you go after muslims and we'll keep working to ensure they're rights are protected.

none of ur business,u r not authorized for it(u r not indian)

indian people are more than capable to handle their rights,problems,situation

and again not muslims it is indian muslims wy u keep forgetting tat
What citizens ? when your own politicians are hell bent on kicking them out of the country and people like you are defending them under the banter of freedom of speech ?

And secondly, despite what you or i believe. Muslims are united under Islam, not under nations. So infact it is not just our but every muslim nations business how you treat these people
Excuse me? My own? I am talking about Indians here, Not Swiss. As I told you, there are right wing parties and extremists in every religion and political ideologies all around the world. The British Nationalist Party demands the expulsion of all non-British citizens. The Turkish Army demands that no religious symbol be displayed at all in any of the national events. Same way, this person in question demands the removal of Muslims from Republic of India.

Is their government doing it? I believe not. However, your government has failed to stop the terror of Sikh and Hindu minorities when Taliban threatened them with death, which is very well documented and admitted in your national newspapers as well as here in United Nations. This embarrassing incident should therefore make you focus on the proceedings in your own country.

My point was to refer that despite all these calls and religious tensions, the Indian government has the responsibility of handling their people and it is not the right of foreigners including me and you to bother them with questions owing to shared ethnicity or faith.

I hope I cleared my comment to you with this.
U tried to wonder what VHP and RSS position gonna if they elect a Muslim as pm in ur initial post i commented on.On that I want to point out that its the same RSS which backed appointment of Muslim person named Abdul Kalam for president wholeheartedly .
Secondly i doubt that VHP leader Togadia has been printed out of context and strangely no other media outlet carry this sensational news which they all hunker for.

Just because RSS and VHP back BJP does not mean that they control key decisions of the BJP....Besides, BJP pre-2009 composed of "relatively liberal" minded leaders such as Vajpayee and Jaswant Singh with a very different mindset compared to what I think of BJP now....
I may be wrong, but please show me evidence that RSS etc have a say in the policies of BJP.....
Trust me Im no fan of Congress either, but their policies at least in the past few years have been more in line with my views than the BJP.....besides I am a big MMS fan....
Just because RSS and VHP back BJP does not mean that they control key decisions of the BJP....Besides, BJP pre-2009 composed of "relatively liberal" minded leaders such as Vajpayee and Jaswant Singh with a very different mindset compared to what I think of BJP now....
I may be wrong, but please show me evidence that RSS etc have a say in the policies of BJP.....
Trust me Im no fan of Congress either, but their policies at least in the past few years have been more in line with my views than the BJP.....besides I am a big MMS fan....

Peshawa just recently in case of IPL and threats to Australian players from Hindu fundamentalists from Shiv Sena, the Indian government was begging Bal Thackray for taking back the ban on Australian players. Now how much powerful these Hindu fundamentalist outfits are you tell me .
Peshawa just recently in case of IPL and threats to Australian players from Hindu fundamentalists from Shiv Sena, the Indian government was begging Bal Thackray for taking back the ban on Australian players. Now how much powerful these Hindu fundamentalist outfits are you tell me .

Very less powerful. Atleast not as powerful as TTP, LeT, Hizb-Ul_mujaheedin, ISI etc.

And btw, they do not have any record of carrying AK-47 and killing innocent people in Pakistan.

How about this for a change in thinking?
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