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VHP leader Togadia gives call for economic boycott of Muslims in India

What citizens ? when your own politicians are hell bent on kicking them out of the country and people like you are defending them under the banter of freedom of speech ?

And secondly, despite what you or i believe. Muslims are united under Islam, not under nations. So infact it is not just our but every muslim nations business how you treat these people

Hmm... in that case... why are Muslims in Pakistan so concerned about Muslims in India and not about Muslims in other countries? Brutal killings of protestors in Tehran is a non-issue but some idiotic anti-Muslim comments by some person in India makes headlines.

Please... the last thing India wants is a lecture on treating Muslims from a nation which carried out the biggest genocide of Muslims in South Asia during 1971.

And for the record, the views of a few do not represent the popular national sentiment. The electoral performance of VHP and its political faction, the BJP, prove the point.
I have no objection of muslim as PM. We don't need any other certificate for india's secularism. For sake of showing others you should elect any idiots as a PM. Indian future depends on him.
Indian constitution does not restrict based on religion, if any one good, educated and appeals people can be PM.

Thats completely fair and I should have worded my post differently.....

What I meant to say was that those who talk about "Hindu dominance" in India and "muslims suffering in India" would have to eat their own foot.....
However.....No one here is advocating electing a noob as a face of secularism....to impress a neighbor....thats just outright stupid...
I feel the same for a "lower caste" person to be in a seat of power in India...

^^^This because I do feel that there is a need to appease the minority....to legitimize the concern of those fighting in the red corridor...They happen to be our own people and we need someone who make us powerfull in all sphere NOT just militarily or economically.....

Frankly Im goin to flip a nut if another Oscar winner is based on Indian Poverty.....That is NOT what India was known for in its last 5000 year history

I mean someone like the Abdullahs or a Premji....an educated, respected member of the elite that has the respect of the majority and the trust of the minority.....similar to MMS

But reality is most of our current politicians are mere criminals.....
I see hope once the Rahul Gandhis, Pilots etc come to the forefront.....
Thats the danger flag and thinking. a reason for islamic terrorism. Please visit saudi arbia. You will come to know how they treat indian and pakistan muslim.

Mind your thoughts and be careful before putting them here. If you dont understand Islam thats your problem, but dont judge that which you dont understand

Hmm... in that case... why are Muslims in Pakistan so concerned about Muslims in India and not about Muslims in other countries? Brutal killings of protestors in Tehran is a non-issue but some idiotic anti-Muslim comments by some person in India makes headlines.

Please... the last thing India wants is a lecture on treating Muslims from a nation which carried out the biggest genocide of Muslims in South Asia during 1971.

And for the record, the views of a few do not represent the popular national sentiment. The electoral performance of VHP and its political faction, the BJP, prove the point.

And where has Pakistan or any other muslim nation stayed silent on any issue where muslims were discriminated against. Just name one thats right you cant, Palestinians are dying everyday but every muslim be it Pakistani, saudi, irani remembers them when they pray five times a day. Same goes for Kashmiris, Afghanis, Iraqis the list is endless but we are united

ahan Im sorry if i had read the second bolded part before i would have realized that your a troll long time ago

But no i really admire all the indian people gathered here to shamelessly defend this man who is talking about starving muslims to death, and that to preaching it a national level. Bravo
We are not giving you one nor is it a concern for us. But what is a concern for us is how you are treating "muslims" in your country. What you do with everyone else is your business, what you do with muslims is every muslims business and that goes for every nation in this world

Enough of your rants about being savior of muslims.....
Supporting the US in the WOT was enough proof that you sold your soul for cash and a few F-16s
Was it coz you thought that their cause was legit or did the thought of being "bombed back to the stoneage" get to you?

So much so that your uber Muslim Arab "ummah" indirectly funds Israel....provides it oil and gives US much needed resources to wage its war.....

I dont see your holy jehad against those traitors....why do you guys swallow a fat one when it comes to speaking against the Arab support to the larger cause against Muslims???
So please spare us the lecture......this madrasah talk is not required.....especially when referring to citizens of a secular India who live there by choice.....
And where has Pakistan or any other muslim nation stayed silent on any issue where muslims were discriminated against. Just name one thats right you cant, Palestinians are dying everyday but every muslim be it Pakistani, saudi, irani remembers them when they pray five times a day. Same goes for Kashmiris, Afghanis, Iraqis the list is endless but we are united

Dude... I can give several examples.

But for the time being, I'll settle for this -

Pakistan leader backs China over Xinjiang - Xinhua | Reuters

Freedom House Condemns Pakistan, China for Uighur Extraditions

Oh... and regarding me being a "troll"... sure I'm a troll because I speak my mind and back it up with credible sources. I wish everyone was a "troll", but unfortunately that is not the case.
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Dude... I can give several examples.

But for the time being, I'll settle for this -

Pakistan leader backs China over Xinjiang - Xinhua | Reuters

Freedom House Condemns Pakistan, China for Uighur Extraditions

Oh... and regarding me being a "troll"... sure I'm a troll because I speak my mind and back it up with credible sources. I wish everyone was a "troll", but unfortunately that is not the case.

No your a troll because you purposely ignore the issue at hand defend this scoundrel with the audacity to question Pakistan's treatment of muslims, a country who shed itself in blood to provide a safe heaven for muslims just so that pakistani muslims dont suffer the discrimination and handed thats being branded to Indian muslims today

And as for your links, uighurs are terrorists in compliance with Taliban. And so according to your logic Pakistan is wrong in rooting out these extremists by refusing to provide them a safe heaven ? And also Im really looking forward to that "long list" you have prepared.
In all fairness, you thinking your secular doesn't make you secular. Unless they're are leaders like this preaching at college institutes about genocides you are no where near secular.

As long as our constitution protects them and shows no bias towards a religion we are secular....

Individuals and non-state actors such as this fellow cannot be held accountable or blamed on India....
Enough of your rants about being savior of muslims

And you can just shut up, i didnt ask you to read these "rants"

Supporting the US in the WOT was enough proof that you sold your soul for cash and a few F-16s
Was it coz you thought that their cause was legit or did the thought of being "bombed back to the stoneage" get to you?

So much so that your uber Muslim Arab "ummah" indirectly funds Israel....provides it oil and gives US much needed resources to wage its war.....

I dont see your holy jehad against those traitors....why do you guys swallow a fat one when it comes to speaking against the Arab support to the larger cause against Muslims???
So please spare us the lecture......this madrasah talk is not required.....especially when referring to citizens of a secular India who live there by choice.....

And you can just shut up, i didnt ask you to read these "rants"

O rilly so we were wrong to go to war against these people who have destroyed our economy, and turned this entire region into a hell hole. And it might benefit you to know that Pakistani polticians are and always have been in the pockets of Americans, but hey atleast we got the balls to call em morons unlike you lot who are quite shamelessly defending this moron in question

Arab support against whaa ? Dude get your facts straight, read up on the relations between muslim countries before you make these ignorant remarks.

And to the last point, this just shows your close mindedness, when a muslim speaks about his rights, his religion, his devotion to his religion you guys call it "madrassa" talk just because it doesn't comply with whatever cr@p your pundits fed you. And this is a pakistani forum, if you cant take it then gtfo
What citizens ? when your own politicians are hell bent on kicking them out of the country and people like you are defending them under the banter of freedom of speech ?

And secondly, despite what you or i believe. Muslims are united under Islam, not under nations. So infact it is not just our but every muslim nations business how you treat these people

This quazi-Politician is what I describe as a bullet without gunpowder....
They have zero power....can this person make any political decision to execute his grand scheme?....NO....so why are you so obsessed with what he has to say and generalize it to a nation and its constitution???

Going by your yardstick....the terrorists in your country that fight the state and are hell bent on toppling the Pakistani govt must be weilding a lot of power too....since they can run amuck in your country....they obviously must have public support too.....Does this mean that the general Pakistani population has a terrorist mindset?....Or that they are all Wahabi anti-India...anti-west violent bunch??

Watch what you say because we arent the only ones in this neighborhood with stained overalls......
As long as our constitution protects them and shows no bias towards a religion we are secular....

Individuals and non-state actors such as this fellow cannot be held accountable or blamed on India....

And does your constitution prohibit hate speech against muslims ? does it say that political leaders advocating this kind of speech at such a level should be reprimanded ? And if it does this guy should be locked up right ? I'll wait for that thread
No your a troll because you purposely ignore the issue at hand defend this scoundrel with the audacity to question Pakistan's treatment of muslims, a country who shed itself in blood to provide a safe heaven for muslims just so that pakistani muslims dont suffer the discrimination and handed thats being branded to Indian muslims today

Why single out me? There are several people who had the "audacity" to question Pakistan's role in that event.

Over the past years, Muslim nations have fought bloody wars with each other and massacred scores of other Muslims for territorial ambitions and here we have a person claiming that Muslims are united by religion, and not by nation.

And as for your links, uighurs are terrorists in compliance with Taliban. And so according to your logic Pakistan is wrong in rooting out these extremists by refusing to provide them a safe heaven ? And also Im really looking forward to that "long list" you have prepared.

People protesting against Han Chinese presence on their soil (Xingiang) are terrorists?! Cool.

And by that logic, how would you classify Kashmiri separatists?

Anyways, going off topic.
This quazi-Politician is what I describe as a bullet without gunpowder....
They have zero power....can this person make any political decision to execute his grand scheme?....NO....so why are you so obsessed with what he has to say and generalize it to a nation and its constitution???

Going by your yardstick....the terrorists in your country that fight the state and are hell bent on toppling the Pakistani govt must be weilding a lot of power too....since they can run amuck in your country....they obviously must have public support too.....Does this mean that the general Pakistani population has a terrorist mindset?....Or that they are all Wahabi anti-India...anti-west violent bunch??

Watch what you say because we arent the only ones in this neighborhood with stained overalls......

Who were the people who brought down Babri Masji ? who were the ones who massacred muslims all over gujrat ? Did they have any national sway ? but they certainly did have gun powder to pump up innocent kids with it

Again ignorant comments, the entirety of Pakistani population hates TTP, their foreign funded dunder heads whom we're at war with. In case you haven't noticed after being on forums this long

Hey atleast we see the stains, you on the other hand are merely interested in looking at our stains hoping it somehow might save you some face
Why single out me? There are several people who had the "audacity" to question Pakistan's role in that event.

Over the past years, Muslim nations have fought bloody wars with each other and massacred scores of other Muslims for territorial ambitions and here we have a person claiming that Muslims are united by religion, and not by nation.

People protesting against Han Chinese presence on their soil (Xingiang) are terrorists?!

And by that logic, how would you classify Kashmiri separatists?

Anyways, going off topic.

Hey if you feel any better being among those group of trolls what can i say

Dictators NOT muslims, all of iraq didn't goto kuwait to wipe them out. A dictator who silenced every opposition in his country did, again gets your facts straight. And we are united by religion, it doesn't matter what you believe. Go ask your muslim friend, tell him to give up Islam in India's name and see if he does that, Go ask a pakistani, an arab anyone...Im a muslim first

ANd again it would do you some good to read up who these guys really are ??
Hey if you feel any better being among those group of trolls what can i say

Dictators NOT muslims, all of iraq didn't goto kuwait to wipe them out. A dictator who silenced every opposition in his country did, again gets your facts straight. And we are united by religion, it doesn't matter what you believe. Go ask your muslim friend, tell him to give up Islam in India's name and see if he does that, Go ask a pakistani, an arab anyone...Im a muslim first

ANd again it would do you some good to read up who these guys really are ??

OK.. so we all come to down to this conclusion -

Any person who classifies himself as a Muslim but puts nation before religion is not a true Muslim.

OK.. so we all come to down to this conclusion -

Any person who classifies himself as a Muslim but puts nation before religion is not a true Muslim.


Go find out for yourself if you believe otherwise, it was in the last sermon that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave.

All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim, which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not therefor, do injustice to yourselves.
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