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VHP demands ban on entry of non-Hindus into Kashi

I don't care if the terrorists were Hindu or Muslim, if found, they need to be publicly lynched, and be set an example.
1. First of all i am not sarcastic at all i was replying to the post which said something about archaeological sites. since ban on anyone's visit there can not be made possible so i would disagree with it.
It was a reply on your question about muslims being allowed into temples with active deity. I will take your word about the seriousness of the question. A ban on religious grounds cannot be made possible anywhere... how do you distinguish between a hindu and non-hindu? Can you? This is just a preposterous statement by an organization and even more so are the people who are supporting it.

2. As far as ghats and other ritual sites of Hindus if there is ban on Muslims then not a big deal neither unjustified because they have no business there as non Muslims have no business in Kaaba.
Just because Muslims do something someway does not mean that people of other religions should follow. Hinduism (as far as I know and the version that I know) is very open in its acceptance and tolerance about other religions.

3. NO Ayodhya is a disputed site and a wrong decision does not make it ramjhanam bhomi neither ram lala can fight a legal battle according to all international laws and against Secularism laws.
comparing Ayodhya with Kashi is wrong in itself
My post was with respect to your comment about supporting the VHP stance to ban entry of muslims. As you agree that Kashi is one of the holiest sites for hindus, so is Ayodhya for followers of Ram.

Quoting your post below:
Since i have few friends in VHP and i may not agree with all of their demands but atleast if they are against entry of Muslims at Holiest sites of hinduism in Kashi then i agree with VHP atleast in this case.
This is a very stupid demand from VHP.

Why just Kashi?, include all the hindu temples? and see if our country remain free from terrorist attack...!

Are they aware that India's popuation is living in 21st century while they are still in stone age?? :lol:
. . .
2. As far as ghats and other ritual sites of Hindus if there is ban on Muslims then not a big deal neither unjustified because they have no business there as non Muslims have no business in Kaaba.

their is a big difference between Kabba and Kashi,do u know that non hindues permanently reside in Kashi,this is a secular nation,not some islamic republic,such deal's r not received here

3. NO Ayodhya is a disputed site and a wrong decision does not make it ramjhanam bhomi neither ram lala can fight a legal battle according to all international laws and against Secularism laws.


Ayodhya a disputed territory,i was even not aware when did it joined the ranks of Kashmir(Pakistani POV)

first of all u r not qualified to discuss Indian secular system as u dont belong to a secular nation.

International secularism laws:lol:

Do u know were the case is currently fought out,in Indian courts,according to the rules set up by IPC in accordance with Indian constitution,not in international court of arbitration or ummah's court of secularism
here for Indian member Dr Parveen Togadiya's statement they sent to me i dont know why they send it in local language always.

विश्व हिन्दू परिषद्
संकटमोचन आश्रम, (हनुमान मंदिर) से0-6,रामकृष्णपुरम, नई दिल्ली-22
दूर-011-26178992, 26103495 फैक्स-26195527,
गंगा आरती में काशी के घाट पर हिंदुओं का खून बहाने वालों को काशी माफ़
नहीं करेगी - डॉ तोगड़िया

दिल्ली, दिसम्बर ७, २०१०
काशी में गंगा आरती के समय प्राचीन शीतला माता घाट और दशाश्वमेध घाट के
बीचो बीच धमाका यह सादी आतंकी घटना नहीं हो सकती I मंगलवार के ही दिन
२००६ में काशी के संकटमोचन मंदिर में धमाका हुआ था ; गंगा आरती के समय
मंगलवार को ही धमाका कर गंगा आरती बीच में रोकने का यह जेहादी षड्यंत्र
भारत की श्रद्धा और भारत का धार्मिक ह्रदय काशी इन दोनों पर घिनौना हमला
है! कपूर आरती चल रही थी, हजारो श्रद्धालु गंगा माँ की पूजा में जुटे थे
, अनेको पंडित मंत्रोच्चार कर रहे थे , छोटी छोटी गरीब बच्चियाँ नावों
में बैठे हजारों श्रद्धालुओं को पत्ते के कोण में रखे दीप गंगा माँ में
बहाने के लिए बेच रही थी , युवा पंडित हाथों में वजनदार अनेकों बातियों
की आरतियाँ लेकर गंगा माँ की प्रार्थना कर रहे थे , ऐसे में यह धमाका
करना केवल विकृत मानसिकता का परिचय नहीं; यह तो भारत की अतिप्राचीन और
विश्व की एकमेव जीवित नगरी ख़त्म करने के लिए जान बूझ कर किया हुआ जेहाद
है ! उसी समय आस पास की मस्जिदों में अजान चल रही थी और गंगा माँ की आरती
के सारे सूर, मन्त्र, ताल रोकना और हिंदुओं की पूजा में विघ्न लाना यह
उसी प्रकार का घिनौना जेहाद है जिस के तहत कभी काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर,
बिंदुमाधव मंदिर और कई ऐसे मंदिर तोड़े गए, अयोध्या का राम मंदिर तोडा
गया! मुंबई में ताज पर हमला करनेवाली यही जेहादी मानसिकता है! हिंदुओं को
'भगवा आतंकी' कहकर उन्हें बदनाम कर हिंदू साधू संतों को जेल भेजनेवाले,
आश्रमों में, आश्रमों के मंदिरों में बूट चप्पल पहनकर, तलाशी लेने के
बहाने हिंदुओं का अपमान कर रहे हैं, जो मुस्लिम मतों के लिए घुटने टेक
रहे हैं, क्या अब वे यह हिम्मत दिखाएँगे की आस पास की मस्जिदों में तलाशी
लें कि वहाँ अब क्या है? काशी के ८० घाटों पर हिंदुओं की परंपरागतगत
पूजाएँ, विधि चलते हैं, वहाँ हिंदू धर्म ना माननेवाले फिरंगियों का, गंगा
आरती में श्रद्धा से आने वाले हिंदुओं को धक्के मारकर मजाक उड़ानेवाले
टोपीवालों का क्या काम? तुरंत काशी के सभी घाटों पर अहिंदुओं का प्रवेश
वर्जित किया जाय, काशी विश्वनाथ मंदिर की गली में और काशी की सभी गलियों
में जहाँ जहाँ करीबन ६०० से अधिक प्राचीन मंदिर, तीर्थ, कुण्ड, कूप हैं,
वहाँ अहिंदुओं का प्रवेश वर्जित किया जाय, सुरक्षा के नाम पर हिंदुओं को
सतानेवाले क्या कर रहे थे जब गंगा माँ का ह्रदय चीर दिया गया, भगवान्
शंकर का डमरू जब उस धमाके से छिन्न विछिन्न होकर गंगा किनारे पड़ा रहा,
कइयो श्रद्धालू घायल हो गए, गंगा माँ की पूजा के लिए पहुंचाया गया दूध भी
क्या अब सुरक्षित नहीं है काशी में? विदेशी टूरिस्टों के भेस में कौन आते
हैं, घाटों पर क्या करते हैं, कौनसे वीसा पर ठहरते हैं, यह तलाशी केवल
इसीलिए नहीं की जाती क्यों की फिरंग पूजा और मुस्लिम तुष्टिकरण में देश
की सुरक्षा ताक पर रखी जा रही है - जिसमें डेविड हेडली जैसे कई जेहादी
घूस कर भारत को घायल कर रहे हैं ! अगर हाज हॉउस में, मस्जिदों में
हिंदुओं को प्रवेश नहीं, तो हिंदुओं की देव नगरी काशी के घाटों पर,
मंदिरों - तीर्थो, कुंडो कूपों पर अहिंदुओं को प्रवेश क्यों? यह प्रवेश
तुरंत वर्जित किया जाय और काशी को 'विश्व संरक्षित धरोहर' घोषित कर काशी
के लिए सुरक्षा दी जाय I काशी में जितने मदरसे हैं उन्हें तुरंत ताला
लगाया जाय और आस पास की मस्जिदों में हिंदू संतों के समक्ष अभी तलाशी ली
जाय I काशी के और संपूर्ण देश और विश्व के हिंदुओं को विश्व हिंदू परिषद्
आवाहन करती है की इस घिनौने जेहादी हमले का विरोध लोकतांत्रिक पद्धति से
करे और जब तक अहिंदुओं को काशी के घाटों, मंदिरों, तीर्थो, कुण्डों,
कूपों पर प्रवेश वर्जित ना किया जाय तब तक यह लोकतांत्रिक आंदोलन जारी
रखे I
--डॉ प्रवीण तोगड़िया, आन्तरराष्ट्रीय महामंत्री, विश्व हिंदू परिषद्..

then how did you understand what is written over here?? :what:
google translate

Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Troubleshooter Ashram (Hanuman Temple), the 0-6, Puram, New Delhi -22
-011-26178992 Away, Fax 26,103,495 -26,195,527;
Ganga aarti at the ghats of Kashi Kashi forgive those who shed the blood of Hindus
Will not - Dr Togadia

Delhi, December 7, 2010
Varanasi Ghats and the Ganga Aarti at the time of the ancient smallpox mother Raswamedh Wharf
Bicho terrorist event may plain between the explosion that day I Tuesday
Varanasi temple blast in 2006 was the troubleshooter; Ganga Aarti at
Bang on Tuesday to stop the Crusader conspiracy between Ganga Aarti
India's faith and religious heart of India Kashi disgusting attack on both
Is! Aarti Kapoor was going on, thousands of devotees had gathered in the worship of Mother Ganga
, Aneko priest chants were poor Bacchiaँ small boats
Thousands of devotees sitting in leaf lamp placed in angle of Mother Ganga
Shed was sold, the young priest in the hands of many weighty Batioan
Ganga mother's prayers were with Aaratiaँ of such blast in
Not only to the introduction of distorted mentality; it and India's primeval
Ckamaeo world to live deliberately turned over town Jihad
Is! Nescience in mosques around the same time was running mother Ganga Aarti
All of Tyre, mantra, rhythm stop and put obstacles in the Hindu ritual
Jihad, which under the same kind of disgusting ever Kashi Vishwanath Temple
Temple and several broken Bindumadhav Temple, Ayodhya temple broke
It! Mumbai Taj crusader mentality that is going to attack! Hindus
"Saffron terror" to discredit them by saying Hindu monk saints who sent to jail,
In ashrams, ashrams and temples wearing the boot slippers, search take
Excuses are an insult to Hindus, who succumbed to the Muslim vote
Are they now show the courage to search around mosques
Take what's there now? 80 ghats of Banaras Hindu Paranparoagatagat
Puzacँ, go method, there is no Mannewale Firangiyoan of Hinduism, the Ganges
Hindus worship the attack coming from trust in the killing joke Udanewale
Topewaloan of work? Access to all of Varanasi ghats immediately Ahinduoan
Zay prohibited, Kashi Vishwanath temple of Varanasi in the street and all streets
Where where almost more than 600 ancient temples, shrines, reservoir, follicle are
There Ahinduoan Zay prohibited the entry, the name of security Hindus
When enemies were doing was rip the heart of Mother Ganga, Lord
When the explosion scattered through Dmru Shankar Avichinn lying along the Ganges,
Kaeyo Srddhaloo injured, was transported to the worship of Mother Ganga milk
Now is not safe in Kashi? Foreign tourists who come in disguise
If you are ghats, which of stay on visas, this search only
That is not why Firanga worship and Muslim appeasement in the country
Safety is being put on hold - in which as many crusader David Headley
India bribe are injured! If Hodge House, the mosques
Hindus do not enter, the ghats of Banaras Hindu Dev Nagari,
Temples - Tirtho, Kuando wells Ahinduoan entry on why? This entry
Zay and Kashi immediately prohibited the 'World Heritage protected "declared Kashi
Zay protected as many seminaries in the Kashi I immediately lock them
Zay planted around mosques and Hindu saints now searched before
Zay I and the entire country and the world of Kashi Hindu Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Called upon to do this vile crusader attack against the democratic method
And while the Kashi should Ahinduoan ghats, temples, Tirtho, Kundoan,
Wells are not allowed to enter the democratic movement that continues until Zay
I kept
- Dr. Pravin Togadia, Aantarrshtryy General Secretary, Vishwa Hindu Parishad ..
Terrorism Has No Religion

google translate

Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Troubleshooter Ashram (Hanuman Temple), the 0-6, Puram, New Delhi -22
-011-26178992 Away, Fax 26,103,495 -26,195,527;
Ganga aarti at the ghats of Kashi Kashi forgive those who shed the blood of Hindus
Will not - Dr Togadia

Delhi, December 7, 2010
Varanasi Ghats and the Ganga Aarti at the time of the ancient smallpox mother Raswamedh Wharf
Bicho terrorist event may plain between the explosion that day I Tuesday
Varanasi temple blast in 2006 was the troubleshooter; Ganga Aarti at
Bang on Tuesday to stop the Crusader conspiracy between Ganga Aarti
India's faith and religious heart of India Kashi disgusting attack on both
Is! Aarti Kapoor was going on, thousands of devotees had gathered in the worship of Mother Ganga
, Aneko priest chants were poor Bacchiaँ small boats
Thousands of devotees sitting in leaf lamp placed in angle of Mother Ganga
Shed was sold, the young priest in the hands of many weighty Batioan
Ganga mother's prayers were with Aaratiaँ of such blast in
Not only to the introduction of distorted mentality; it and India's primeval
Ckamaeo world to live deliberately turned over town Jihad
Is! Nescience in mosques around the same time was running mother Ganga Aarti
All of Tyre, mantra, rhythm stop and put obstacles in the Hindu ritual
Jihad, which under the same kind of disgusting ever Kashi Vishwanath Temple
Temple and several broken Bindumadhav Temple, Ayodhya temple broke
It! Mumbai Taj crusader mentality that is going to attack! Hindus
"Saffron terror" to discredit them by saying Hindu monk saints who sent to jail,
In ashrams, ashrams and temples wearing the boot slippers, search take
Excuses are an insult to Hindus, who succumbed to the Muslim vote
Are they now show the courage to search around mosques
Take what's there now? 80 ghats of Banaras Hindu Paranparoagatagat
Puzacँ, go method, there is no Mannewale Firangiyoan of Hinduism, the Ganges
Hindus worship the attack coming from trust in the killing joke Udanewale
Topewaloan of work? Access to all of Varanasi ghats immediately Ahinduoan
Zay prohibited, Kashi Vishwanath temple of Varanasi in the street and all streets
Where where almost more than 600 ancient temples, shrines, reservoir, follicle are
There Ahinduoan Zay prohibited the entry, the name of security Hindus
When enemies were doing was rip the heart of Mother Ganga, Lord
When the explosion scattered through Dmru Shankar Avichinn lying along the Ganges,
Kaeyo Srddhaloo injured, was transported to the worship of Mother Ganga milk
Now is not safe in Kashi? Foreign tourists who come in disguise
If you are ghats, which of stay on visas, this search only
That is not why Firanga worship and Muslim appeasement in the country
Safety is being put on hold - in which as many crusader David Headley
India bribe are injured! If Hodge House, the mosques
Hindus do not enter, the ghats of Banaras Hindu Dev Nagari,
Temples - Tirtho, Kuando wells Ahinduoan entry on why? This entry
Zay and Kashi immediately prohibited the 'World Heritage protected "declared Kashi
Zay protected as many seminaries in the Kashi I immediately lock them
Zay planted around mosques and Hindu saints now searched before
Zay I and the entire country and the world of Kashi Hindu Vishwa Hindu Parishad
Called upon to do this vile crusader attack against the democratic method
And while the Kashi should Ahinduoan ghats, temples, Tirtho, Kundoan,
Wells are not allowed to enter the democratic movement that continues until Zay
I kept
- Dr. Pravin Togadia, Aantarrshtryy General Secretary, Vishwa Hindu Parishad ..

i bet you havent understand the meaning and summary of the letter
. .
If they want to ban muslims from temples whats the big deal?..........what are muslims doing in there in the first place.
If they want to ban muslims from temples whats the big deal?..........what are muslims doing in there in the first place.

its not about banning from Temple; it's about banning from Kashi. I hope you know Kashi is a city not a temple.
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its not about banning from Temple; it's about banning from Kashi. I hope you know Kashi is a city not a temple.

Actually i did not know kashi was a city i thought it was a big temple.
There are some mandirs/temples were non-hindus are not permitted in India i remember one case where a white chap was refused entry yet this person was a hindu convert! but he was still refused its a shame.

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