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USS Zumwalt update thread

Inside China: Admiral says China can destroy destroyers - Washington Times
In his remarks, Adm. Zhang acknowledged the technological prowess of the Zumwalt destroyer but stated that he believes it represents a weakness, rather than strength, because the ship “places all eggs in one basket” of making various technologies vulnerable and unwieldy to design and operate.

“I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbly in the water, inching toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hulls [and] blow many holes in the hull. It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!” the admiral remarked with his signature optimism.

Widely known as China’s “Adm. Gaffe,” Adm. Zhang is a chief weapons specialist and strategist for the Chinese navy, currently serving as a professor at the Chinese military’s Defense University.
So admiral, essentially the only way the PLAN can defeat the Zumwalt is if we allow you to. It is so nice to see you as the PLAN's strategist and counselor for the next generation of Chinese sailors. With you at the intellectual helm, USN's victory over the PLAN is virtually assured.

Inside the Secret Interior of the Navy’s First Stealth Destroyer - Defense One
In fact about the only design element of the ship that resembles a battleship are her forward guns. But these are not your grandfather’s guns. In tests they have proven incredibly accurate, ship workers boasted. “If we missed by 30 to 40 inches, that was a bad shot,” said one industry official overseeing the ship, who asked to remain anonymous.
The Zumwalt do not need to sink any PLAN ship, just a few extremely well placed 155mm shells will render the victim quite wobbly floating helpless in the water. Over sixty miles away and a miss by one yard is a bad shot. Has anyone here experience first hand a 155 mm shell explosion one yard/meter away? Looks like Admiral Gaffe been playing way too many video games to provide the PLAN the necessary leadership and wise counsel it needs for a navy struggling to find its place.

Here is a sample of a 155 mm shell effect for the good admiral...

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Sixty miles is also well over the horizon view and given the Zumwalt's low radar observability compounded by unique clutter characteristics of water, the Zumwalt will be able to, at night and on the move, lob 155 mm shells at crucial points in the PLA's shore based weapons and facilities with the same accuracy that the proud workers who built the ship struggled to hide. The PLAN will float wobbly and the PLA will walk wobbly. Shocked and awed redux and on the other side of the world.
Inside China: Admiral says China can destroy destroyers - Washington Times

So admiral, essentially the only way the PLAN can defeat the Zumwalt is if we allow you to. It is so nice to see you as the PLAN's strategist and counselor for the next generation of Chinese sailors. With you at the intellectual helm, USN's victory over the PLAN is virtually assured.

Inside the Secret Interior of the Navy’s First Stealth Destroyer - Defense One

The Zumwalt do not need to sink any PLAN ship, just a few extremely well placed 155mm shells will render the victim quite wobbly floating helpless in the water. Over sixty miles away and a miss by one yard is a bad shot. Has anyone here experience first hand a 155 mm shell explosion one yard/meter away? Looks like Admiral Gaffe been playing way too many video games to provide the PLAN the necessary leadership and wise counsel it needs for a navy struggling to find its place.

Here is a sample of a 155 mm shell effect for the good admiral...

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Sixty miles is also well over the horizon view and given the Zumwalt's low radar observability compounded by unique clutter characteristics of water, the Zumwalt will be able to, at night and on the move, lob 155 mm shells at crucial points in the PLA's shore based weapons and facilities with the same accuracy that the proud workers who built the ship struggled to hide. The PLAN will float wobbly and the PLA will walk wobbly. Shocked and awed redux and on the other side of the world.

You can't tell what's a joke? IF he actually meant what he said of the fishing boat, why is the PLAN expanding at such a fast rate. At present no other country even comes close to the rate of new ships produced per year. Though to be fair the US does have a lot more to begin with.

Also, for you to constantly boast of your role in the army, this guy is an admiral, being in the military I'm sure you know not everyone can be an admiral. What is your rank btw? Close to that of an admiral?

So we are shocked at 155mm shells? We got that. It's not a revolutionary weapon. I though the Zumwalt will use lasers.

I'm just going to assume the later part of your post to be a joke as well. Cause other wise, why build three of these, just build one and shell away.
You can't tell what's a joke? IF he actually meant what he said of the fishing boat, why is the PLAN expanding at such a fast rate. At present no other country even comes close to the rate of new ships produced per year. Though to be fair the US does have a lot more to begin with.
I guess neither does the Washington Times, a newspaper. Admiral Zhang reportedly made the comment on state media China Central TV. Is that anything like MadTV or Second City TV?

Also, for you to constantly boast of your role in the army, this guy is an admiral, being in the military I'm sure you know not everyone can be an admiral. What is your rank btw? Close to that of an admiral?
You guys have got to stop telling the lie that your China is sooooooooo meritorious...

Western media have reported that Xi Mingze, the daughter of Xi Jinping, who is widely expected to become the new president of China and chairman of its Communist Party, is studying at Harvard University under an assumed name. (The university hasn't confirmed to the International Business Times that she indeed studies there.)
Little Missy Mingze is not out of school yet, and she is already the talk of being the next Party Chairman and President of China. Mao's grandson is reportedly a 'general'. There is an hold saying in the military: Rank Hath Its Privileges (RHIP). What has either one accomplished to earn their ranks and privileges?

Chairman Mao's grandson proclaims nepotism was key to promotion - Telegraph
Now Mao Xinyu, 40, has confirmed that nepotism played its part in his appointment, admitting to a popular Chinese website that his family background was "definitely a factor" in the decision to add a second star to his epaulettes.
Oooooohhh...Two stars just for being Mao's blood relative. I bet that rankled you, eh? But if not, we understand. If you were in their privileged shoes, you would be no different, and still continue the facade that the Chinese government leadership is based on merits.

Not everyone can be an admiral -- yes -- in the US military. But in China, in the PLA and the Party's hierarchy, all it take is daddy's name. What is your daddy's name? Must not be very well known, otherwise you would not be a conscript reject and assigned Internet troll duty.

I'm just going to assume the later part of your post to be a joke as well. Cause other wise, why build three of these, just build one and shell away.
Wretched excess. Kinda like driving with the windows down and the air conditioning on. Besides, we need to keep our military-industrial complex running so our aspiring leaders can produce real accomplishments on their resumes.
I guess neither does the Washington Times, a newspaper. Admiral Zhang reportedly made the comment on state media China Central TV. Is that anything like MadTV or Second City TV?

You guys have got to stop telling the lie that your China is sooooooooo meritorious...


Little Missy Mingze is not out of school yet, and she is already the talk of being the next Party Chairman and President of China. Mao's grandson is reportedly a 'general'. There is an hold saying in the military: Rank Hath Its Privileges (RHIP). What has either one accomplished to earn their ranks and privileges?

Chairman Mao's grandson proclaims nepotism was key to promotion - Telegraph

Oooooohhh...Two stars just for being Mao's blood relative. I bet that rankled you, eh? But if not, we understand. If you were in their privileged shoes, you would be no different, and still continue the facade that the Chinese government leadership is based on merits.

Not everyone can be an admiral -- yes -- in the US military. But in China, in the PLA and the Party's hierarchy, all it take is daddy's name. What is your daddy's name? Must not be very well known, otherwise you would not be a conscript reject and assigned Internet troll duty.

Wretched excess. Kinda like driving with the windows down and the air conditioning on. Besides, we need to keep our military-industrial complex running so our aspiring leaders can produce real accomplishments on their resumes.

So Obama or Bush or any of the American generals never joke in unofficial events? I thought being American a sense of humor would not be lost on you.

This guy is KNOWN in China as someone who jokes a lot, and he uses humor to capture his audience. In fact he is known to say China needs to work a lot harder to catch up to the West. But of course these things aren't brought up with your other facts.

Washington times wants to report what they want, not what is true, there's also report that Obama wants to take your freedom away, and a war criminal, now which should I believe?

Xi's daughter won't be the next president, over 90% of the 300 member "parliament" if you will comes from humble backgrounds, 96% of the top 1000 billionaires are first generation wealth.

Hilary Clinton, Kennedys, Bush presidents, and the 100 year old senators and congressmen, are they all deserving?

During American's infancy, all the Americans sent their kids to study in Europe, but today the same is not true, why does Americans think studying in other countries is shameful? If especially since America is built on learning from others.

So we have our privileged, and you have yours, don't pretend your military have no second generation generals. You know Macarthur's dad was a general too. You think that had something to do with him being the youngest of the generals ever? He most likely deserved his rank, but did he at that age and at that time?

Especially after world war one when a lot of the people reverted back to their original rank, but he got a post that allowed him to keep his.

In terms of "fair" we can name as many in your military that's second, third generation if not more than ours.

And this guy came from a humble background, not only was he not a privileged kid, he can't even have three meals a day as a kid. So I'm not sure if that fits your description of his privileged family background. Maybe his farmer dad had a lot of influence within the PLA, I don't know. He was sent to the UK to be educated btw as a brilliant student.

Reverting to personal attacks, sounds just like you, when you grow up, maybe you can bring some facts to the table.

The last part is a joke, you need to learn what that is, don't be the Donald Trump of this forum, suing people for making a joke about him.

So your points, one it's a joke, everyone knows, he's considered a funny dude.

Two, he was poor, and not from a privileged background nor are 96% of all PLA generals.

Three the last comment was a joke. So.... You want to bring facts to your statement? Since you dismissed my assumption your last post was joking in nature?
In his remarks, Adm. Zhang acknowledged the technological prowess of the Zumwalt destroyer but stated that he believes it represents a weakness, rather than strength, because the ship “places all eggs in one basket” of making various technologies vulnerable and unwieldy to design and operate.

I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbly in the water, inching toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hulls [and] blow many holes in the hull. It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!” the admiral remarked with his signature optimism.

Widely known as China’s “Adm. Gaffe,” Adm. Zhang is a chief weapons specialist and strategist for the Chinese navy, currently serving as a professor at the Chinese military’s Defense University.

This can be said for any large naval ship, it says nothing about Zumwalt, which may in fact be better able than most to withstand such an attack....


Apr 28, 2009​
Thanks Received:
Inside China: Admiral says China can destroy destroyers - Washington Times
In his remarks, Adm. Zhang acknowledged the technological prowess of the Zumwalt destroyer but stated that he believes it represents a weakness, rather than strength, because the ship “places all eggs in one basket” of making various technologies vulnerable and unwieldy to design and operate.

“I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbly in the water, inching toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hulls [and] blow many holes in the hull. It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!” the admiral remarked with his signature optimism.


Apr 28, 2009​
Thanks Received:
Inside China: Admiral says China can destroy destroyers - Washington Times
In his remarks, Adm. Zhang acknowledged the technological prowess of the Zumwalt destroyer but stated that he believes it represents a weakness, rather than strength, because the ship “places all eggs in one basket” of making various technologies vulnerable and unwieldy to design and operate.

“I can send several dozen small fishing boats loaded with explosives, floating and wobbly in the water, inching toward the Zumwalt, place the explosives onto its hulls [and] blow many holes in the hull. It will be finished then. The Zumwalt is no good!” the admiral remarked with his signature optimism.
Somehow the ship doesn't look very sturdy to me. :o: A big wave could seriously reach the radars. Plus, the radar signature has to be huge from the side, just look at that huge reflective structure.
Somehow the ship doesn't look very sturdy to me. :o: A big wave could seriously reach the radars. Plus, the radar signature has to be huge from the side, just look at that huge reflective structure.

I think you underestimate her size. The radars aren't set any lower than those on the significantly smaller Arleigh Burke destroyer. If anything, they are higher above the water. Plus, it is not called a stealth ship because of its HIGH RCS. Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the radar signature is more akin to a fishing boat... The RCS is insanely small for such a large vessel. The angular deckhouse increases stealth by minimizing radar reflectance. The surfaces of the Zumwalt’s deckhouse incorporate all radar apertures and communication antennas, eliminating high-profile masts and rotating antennas. Thus decreasing RCS. The first ship has a composite deckhouse, the second a steel one. The third may get eiher one. Click on that last pic in my previous post to expand it: see the RAM on the deckhouse? Note the absence of any openings (portholes) in the hull? Note the angling of the superstructure, to reflect any returns on radar waves away from the emittor? All features contributing to lower RCS.


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The RCS of a fishing boat? Wow, now that's awesome marketing. :bounce:
I think you underestimate her size. The radars aren't set any lower than those on the significantly smaller Arleigh Burke destroyer. If anything, they are higher above the water. Plus, it is not called a stealth ship because of its HIGH RCS. Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the radar signature is more akin to a fishing boat... The RCS is insanely small for such a large vessel. The angular deckhouse increases stealth by minimizing radar reflectance. The surfaces of the Zumwalt’s deckhouse incorporate all radar apertures and communication antennas, eliminating high-profile masts and rotating antennas. Thus decreasing RCS. The first ship has a composite deckhouse, the second a steel one. The third may get eiher one. Click on that last pic in my previous post to expand it: see the RAM on the deckhouse? Note the absence of any openings (portholes) in the hull? Note the angling of the superstructure, to reflect any returns on radar waves away from the emittor? All features contributing to lower RCS.
Ignore this 12 yr old. All he know is how to mindlessly make baseless criticisms of anything US. The only thing he contribute to this forum is noise.
Ignore this 12 yr old. All he know is how to mindlessly make baseless criticisms of anything US. The only thing he contribute to this forum is noise.

At first, I thought he just might be a delusional bootlicking cheerleader. Now I honestly think he really is bat shit insane :cuckoo:
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