Tet, Language is belong to Bai Yue people. We speak Austroasiatic language. Chinese speak Sino-Tibetan language, Manchrin, the language created by Manchrian. Check your ancient book, Han Chinese came from babarian Huno treiber from North west China land, Han chinese copied habitats and curtural tradition of Bai Yue people. ist repỏrted that Confusi in the his book 禮記 - Lǐ Jì stated that he did'nt know about Tet of Nan Man. 1000 year is finished when you loser ran away.and more Mongolian and Manchurian did revanger on you for us until 1912.
In cold war Mao came to Moscow to beg Stalin to join in socialist pack, what chinese did after that is under commands of Soviet Union. China said there is volunteer help, but you caculated like idiot smuggler and you licked boots of Nixon in peking in 1972 and Deng did same thing in washington 1979 before invasion of PLA into Vietnam. In cold war China was enemy of Viet.