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User trial of BrahMos Block-III missile successful

POKHRAN: The Army today successfully conducted the user trial of BrahMos Block-III supersonic cruise missiles that has the ability to engage inaccessible targets inside hillocks.

The test was carried out at a firing range here around 1100 hours and met all the mission parameters, sources told PTI here.

The Block III version has the capability of scaling mountainous terrain and can take a steep dive to engage targets located inside hillocks which are otherwise inaccessible.

This was the 25th test of the cruise missile which has already been inducted in the Army and Navy.Army has plans to induct the missile for mountain warfare.

The missile has the capability to engage ground targets from a very low altitude with minimum radar signature and is considered best for surgical operations.

Considered one of the fastest cruise missiles in the world, BrahMos can gain a speed of Mach 2.8. It has a two-stage propulsion system, with a solid-propellant rocket for initial acceleration and a liquid-fueled ramjet responsible for sustained supersonic cruise.

Jointly developed by India and Russia, BrahMos is a stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land.

The submarine and air launch version of the missile are under different stages of development and are scheduled for test-firing in next couple of years.

The fire-and-forget missiles are stored, transported and launched from special mobile launchers and can be launched in both vertical and horizontal modes.
User trial of BrahMos Block-III missile successful - The Economic Times
just few days back there was a debate of how cruse missiles are useless in the hilly tarein. how only Balestic missiles can hit the targets hiding behind the hills & mounteins.

this is a very good answer for that.........

kudos India
still i doubt that it can hit a hilly terrain target.
Just to bring in light arunachal pradesh CM helicopter was found 5 days after the incident. The missile may steep dive but it cant hit target in steep dive mode at Mach 2-3 speeds.
still i doubt that it can hit a hilly terrain target.
Just to bring in light arunachal pradesh CM helicopter was found 5 days after the incident. The missile may steep dive but it cant hit target in steep dive mode at Mach 2-3 speeds.

then for what this modification has been done?
All our border with China is a hilly & need something like it to pinpoint target the hidden targets.
ofc there will be limitations. Now don't expect any bird which happens to have a nest on the slopes not facing the missile to get hit by it.
What they claim is destroying enemy positions (situated in small valleys in between the hillocks) large enough to merit a response with an expensive missile like Brahmos. It would be childish to take out small training camps housing 30 odd terrorists in small tents with something like Brahmos.
Nice modification...this would eliminate the need of sending Jets to take out bunkers and fortifications within steep hilly terrain.

This can also give our troops the capability of attacking designated coordinates usually bunkers and fortifications just by calling it in(Who needs inaccurate artillery anyway)..Where and when don't matter :enjoy:

still i doubt that it can hit a hilly terrain target.
Just to bring in light arunachal pradesh CM helicopter was found 5 days after the incident. The missile may steep dive but it cant hit target in steep dive mode at Mach 2-3 speeds

And y is that? and what has AP CM to do with a missile hitting its targets in steep dive mode? U know it aint humans who guide the missile right?

It would be childish to take out small training camps housing 30 odd terrorists in small tents with something like Brahmos.
Yes y use mac 2.8 to counter 30 odd terrorists..a slower(cheaper) variant would do.

But when it comes to taking out enemy radar, AA and AB placements deep within enemy territory Brahmos will be invaluable ...clearing the way for our Jet Squadrons .
U wont need stealth jets when speed owns.
Hey guys just out of curiosity Taiwan recently launched an anti-ship cruise missile which they term as AC killer. Can our Brahmos which is even faster and better than that missile bring down an AC ?

IMO it depends more on the aircraft carrier than the missile...
AC are mounds of high strength steel..add a double hull and many buoyancy chambers and yeas..the defense system....
May be a single hull AC with weak defenses
POKHRAN: The Army today successfully conducted the user trial of BrahMos Block-III supersonic cruise missiles that has the ability to engage inaccessible targets inside hillocks.

The test was carried out at a firing range here around 1100 hours and met all the mission parameters, sources told PTI here.

The Block III version has the capability of scaling mountainous terrain and can take a steep dive to engage targets located inside hillocks which are otherwise inaccessible.

This was the 25th test of the cruise missile which has already been inducted in the Army and Navy.Army has plans to induct the missile for mountain warfare.

The missile has the capability to engage ground targets from a very low altitude with minimum radar signature and is considered best for surgical operations.

Considered one of the fastest cruise missiles in the world, BrahMos can gain a speed of Mach 2.8. It has a two-stage propulsion system, with a solid-propellant rocket for initial acceleration and a liquid-fueled ramjet responsible for sustained supersonic cruise.

Jointly developed by India and Russia, BrahMos is a stealth supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarines, ships, aircraft or land.

The submarine and air launch version of the missile are under different stages of development and are scheduled for test-firing in next couple of years.

The fire-and-forget missiles are stored, transported and launched from special mobile launchers and can be launched in both vertical and horizontal modes.
User trial of BrahMos Block-III missile successful - The Economic Times

only if its range was higher :(
If only they could have released a Video just like they did with previous one..........
Hey guys just out of curiosity Taiwan recently launched an anti-ship cruise missile which they term as AC killer. Can our Brahmos which is even faster and better than that missile bring down an AC ?

300kg warhead it might be able to sink a light carrier but anything above 65,000 tonnes it might just damage it
300kg warhead it might be able to sink a light carrier but anything above 65,000 tonnes it might just damage it

Cruise missiles won't do jack against China's carrier battle group because it doesn't have to range to be launched safely and it will have a hard time penetrating the shields of destroyers and frigates armed with hundreds of HQ-9s as well as Gatling guns at close range.

The only exception would be air launching the missile from stealth fighter jets that can get close enough to the carrier by evading the radar. Then again, if you have that, use of bombs would cheaper than a cruise missile like Brahamos which is heavy as ****.
Cruise missiles won't do jack against China's carrier battle group because it doesn't have to range to be launched safely and it will have a hard time penetrating the shields of destroyers and frigates armed with hundreds of HQ-9s as well as Gatling guns at close range.

The only exception would be air launching the missile from stealth fighter jets that can get close enough to the carrier by evading the radar. Then again, if you have that, use of bombs would cheaper than a cruise missile like Brahamos which is heavy as ****.

lol why you bringing up China? i gave my explanation to his question a 300kg warhead might be able to sink light carriers, frigates destroyers but not a supercarrier 290km is safe bro, and Brahmos is stealthy with small radar signature according to this article will HQ-9 radar be able to detect it? or gattling guns?

and Brahmos is really good for anti ship role not for anti carrier role, to sink an aircraft carrier is nearly impossible with a cruise missile USA and i think Russia has hydrogen fluoride lasers that produce energy beams in the megawatt range which can just burn a hole through a supercarier and sink it
When you mention the tonnage and Taiwan of course you are referring to the Chinese carrier. The battle group AESA radar combined with satellite positioning can detect way beyond 290km, and a J-15 has a combat radius of more than 1000km, so how can you safely launch the missile from the distance. As for the stealth issue, large ship borne AESA radar can detect it at least from 50km above. By the speed of 2.8 mach, the ships has approximately 50 seconds to launch the HQ-9 missile, which will be more than enough.

You can't just say that the missile can damage the carrier because it carries a 300kg warhead. Hell, a home made TNT can damage the carrier. The trick is to get it there. There is a reason no one can hit American's AC groups. China is not there yet, but with the induction of 054A stealth cruiser, 052C stealth destroyer, and future 054B and 052D improved versions, as well as vertical launched HQ-9 missiles and AESA radar, China's carrier is well beyond the reach of some anti-ship cruise missiles. The only way to destroy it is with Jets.

Just one more thing: the reason the DF-21 is touted as the "carrier killer" is because its range is so long (1500km+), and its terminal speed is so high (10 machs), and its angle of attack is almost vertically down. If it hits with precision, there is no way the carrier group can intercept it. On top of that, the warhead is powerful enough.
What countries do you think realistically might be interested in buying India BrahMos?
When you mention the tonnage and Taiwan of course you are referring to the Chinese carrier. The battle group AESA radar combined with satellite positioning can detect way beyond 290km, and a J-15 has a combat radius of more than 1000km, so how can you safely launch the missile from the distance. As for the stealth issue, large ship borne AESA radar can detect it at least from 50km above. By the speed of 2.8 mach, the ships has approximately 50 seconds to launch the HQ-9 missile, which will be more than enough.

You can't just say that the missile can damage the carrier because it carries a 300kg warhead. Hell, a home made TNT can damage the carrier. The trick is to get it there. There is a reason no one can hit American's AC groups. China is not there yet, but with the induction of 054A stealth cruiser, 052C stealth destroyer, and future 054B and 052D improved versions, as well as vertical launched HQ-9 missiles and AESA radar, China's carrier is well beyond the reach of some anti-ship cruise missiles. The only way to destroy it is with Jets.

Just one more thing: the reason the DF-21 is touted as the "carrier killer" is because its range is so long (1500km+), and its terminal speed is so high (10 machs), and its angle of attack is almost vertically down. If it hits with precision, there is no way the carrier group can intercept it. On top of that, the warhead is powerful enough.

man your talking about Chinese carrier when in my post i said light carrier and the other dude talked about Taiwan not me and adding on to intercept sea skimming missiles is nearly impossible to destroy an aircraft carrier with just 1 missile is nearly impossible, and jets can probably bomb the crap out of an aircraft but to sink it is to say far fetched at least

and DF-21 can sink any aircraft carrier but one thing thats at its disadvantage is it is land launched and not ship launched so unless the aircraft carrier is close to its silo/TEL it will be safe, and please see AEGIS ballistic missile defense system for that DF-21 threat
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