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USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks

James Miller, the principal deputy undersecretary of defense, stated during a news conference May 12 that the USA considered a possibility to strike military blows in response to cyber attacks against computer networks of state importance.

"Our systems are probed thousands of times a day and scanned millions of times a day," Miller told a forum sponsored by Ogilvy Washington, a public relations company.

He said the evolving cyber threat had "outpaced our ability to defend against it."

"We are experiencing damaging penetrations -- damaging in the sense of loss of information. And we don't fully understand our vulnerabilities," Miller said. "The scale of compromise, including the loss of sensitive and unclassified data, is staggering," Miller said. "We're talking about terabytes of data, equivalent to multiple libraries of Congress."

The official added that over 100 foreign intelligence services try to find a way to penetrate into US computer networks, not to mention industrial espionage, terrorist, criminal groups and hackers.

Miller did not specify, which of the countries generating hacker attacks could become a target of the Pentagon’s retaliation. He only said that there were "a lot of gray areas in this field." For example, the official said, there was no definition of an act of aggression in cyberspace.

Electronic espionage or efforts to introduce changes into the information presented on websites may not be categorized as cyber-aggression. However, it reminds of the Pentagon’s report to the Congress of 2009 which reflected the USA’s concerns about China’s activities in the field of cyber activities. US defense officials believe that China develops viruses to attack enemy’s computers and takes measures to protect its own computer networks. The report particularly said that China attacked computer systems of the US government in 2008.

The Pentagon established a new structure – Cyber Command – to counteract hacker attacks. Cyber Command is chaired by Keith Alexander, the former director of one of the USA’s top secret intelligence departments – the National Security Agency, which conducts electronic espionage globally with the use of satellites and tapping stations.

The Pentagon has been seriously concerned about the security of its computer networks for a long time already. In 2009, hackers accessed documents of the US fifth-generation aircraft F-35 Lightning II. The Joint Strike Fighter program is the most expensive arms project of the Pentagon.

John Davis, the official responsible for cyber-security in the US Defense Department said that the USA had spent not less than $110 million to protect its computers against hacker attacks during 6 months of 2009.

Speaking of the character of cyber threats, Davis said that they could vary from bored teenagers’ tricks to the threats of national scale.

Many countries assign a lot of funds to make their cyber technologies more advanced. In 2008, US politicians promised to equate cyber-attacks to terrorist acts similar to the 9/11 tragedy.

It is an open secret that the arms race between two superpowers ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, the US supremacy ended on September 11, 2001. Afterwards, America became involved in a series of war, which it continues today.

If China poses the biggest threat to the computer network of the Pentagon, then it is hard to predict the outcome of the new cyber war. China can not be referred to as a superpower yet, but it has all chances to win the title in the future.

USA Threatens China with Military Blows in Response to Cyber Attacks - Pravda.Ru
well, usa will gather how many ac to attack china??? usa will need at least 6 to 9 ac to break into china coastal antiship missile defence range and neutralize the zone by surrounding the entire chinese coastal without letting a single chinese attack sub to come out of containment....will usa just able to do it??? just a mere blah unless usa now station more than 10 ac in pacific ocean region.
Chinese trying to hack other's networks specially India, US and European countries. I think they should come up with offensive capabilities than defence against those hackers. Its a dangerous crime. We also seen Google getting out of China for security and other reasons.
Chinese trying to hack other's networks specially India, US and European countries. I think they should come up with offensive capabilities than defence against those hackers. Its a dangerous crime. We also seen Google getting out of China for security and other reasons.

Oh, dont rely india on par with US and EU. Hacker hack US and EU for some purpose, and for india? Just for fun. Dont blame the others, blame your lack of internet security knowledge.:lol:
do you mean you will not help your Chinese friend oh its not good

just think if some thing happen in Asia then how Pakistan can stand away from the war

what will be Pakistan stand ??? if USA attack on china

will Pakistan provide any military support to china or not

??????Sorry to tell you, I am not chinese's friend....... bcoz I AM A CHINESE!:rofl: Thank you.
Oh, dont rely india on par with US and EU. Hacker hack US and EU for some purpose, and for india? Just for fun. Dont blame the others, blame your lack of internet security knowledge.:lol:

Do you know why on the earth Chinese do these? We compare hackers with coward thieves. When a thief steal something whom do you blame? :lol::lol:

Its a crime.
The idea of USA is Un realistic.... Cyber warfare can only be dealt with Cyber war. One cannot Opt for Military blows...... Indian Cyber army Has done everything to keep these hackers away....

But Some sneak in though, Un avoidable ,but cannot Steal anything
I think there should be a international law About Cyber attacks & It should consider a offensive crime against a sovereign country.

It should be the duty of the every country to prohibit such attacks against a group,community or any country from its soil.
The idea of USA is Un realistic.... Cyber warfare can only be dealt with Cyber war. One cannot Opt for Military blows...... Indian Cyber army Has done everything to keep these hackers away....

But Some sneak in though, Un avoidable ,but cannot Steal anything

being part of the government project as of now what i can say is there is lot to be done from our side also. the systems are not up to mark from security point of view. the reasons being the governemtn shows no interest in monitoring and the private firms are just working to get the work done hook or by crook. there is no proper implementation of security policies.
well let see what USA plans for china

if china think china+India can be good friend for future

ball is in china court
being part of the government project as of now what i can say is there is lot to be done from our side also. the systems are not up to mark from security point of view. the reasons being the governemtn shows no interest in monitoring and the private firms are just working to get the work done hook or by crook. there is no proper implementation of security policies.

There are some things, Which cannot be opened up in public, Your Cyber space is safe, and That I can assure you.... No one plays with India when We have such booming IT power, And from when has the Govt formed organization for chappal Chor's?
There are some things, Which cannot be opened up in public, Your Cyber space is safe, and That I can assure you.... No one plays with India when We have such booming IT power, And from when has the Govt formed organization for chappal Chor's?

well can blindly take words coming from indian army:pop:

well i have been part of one of the most prestigious projects of government so i have access to the codes. the way code is written well it has hell lot of problems from the security perspective. for example you never give your database username and password inside a webpage. i objected to such things but since there are no client escalations no one actually cares when the firms are getting paid.
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