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USA clears Hawkeye E-2D aircraft for India

Sir as a free gift? Or pakistan offered money? Sir hawkeye offered by america to india is the lastest one which american navy will have in 2011. Before hawkeye E-2c was offered but india refused it. Now lastest E-2D Been offered and indian navy keen on buying it sir.

No my friend not everything is a gift! :no: and yes i agree with you fully not the new/latest version but the old when it was new tech or somewhere in between i read somewhere it was offered anyhow thats that...:coffee:
Guys lets not make this a trouble hatered thread between both sides !! plzz
I would say one thing to all my Indian friends. " Chaar din ki chandani phir andhari raat hai".

May be you are right because USA is old friend of PAKISTAN since cold war. Hawk eye is not the point ,but the point is how india move USA on its side ? USA alone did not move its side,but india did a very nice job.
May be you are right because USA is old friend of PAKISTAN since cold war. Hawk eye is not the point ,but the point is how india move USA on its side ? USA alone did not move its side,but india did a very nice job.

You have perhaps the right thought in your mind but let me tell you one thing US doesn't get moved from anyone they make all the moves! it just seems that way to you they do wat they want when they want don't be suprised if in the future they turn there backs on India ... :woot:
I would say one thing to all my Indian friends. " Chaar din ki chandani phir andhari raat hai".

I would tell my Pakistani friend Machoman that, " the grapes u cant reach is not allways sour".:oops:

All mature countries take decisions based on their strategic interests. There is no brotherly love involved when Geo Political decisions are made. Decisions are solely based on the perceived best interest of the country.

During the 70s and 80s USA perceived arming Pakistan to be in their best interest and today they believe selling modern arms to India is in their best interest. There is nothing more than that. It is a very simple game of how you align with the other country.

Whether people like it or not, the close relationship that Pakistan and China have is a matter of some amount of concern for the USA, and certain decisions will continue to be taken in light of this fact.
You have perhaps the right thought in your mind but let me tell you one thing US doesn't get moved from anyone they make all the moves! it just seems that way to you they do wat they want when they want don't be suprised if in the future they turn there backs on India ... :woot:

We know that.cause we have an example in our neighbourhood. :woot:
May be that is the one reason we strengthen our relation with Israel. none can deny the influence of pro Israel lobby in USA on their foreign policy and may be that lobby is now strengthening pro India lobby(Indians in Obama administration).


You have perhaps the right thought in your mind but let me tell you one thing US doesn't get moved from anyone they make all the moves! it just seems that way to you they do wat they want when they want don't be suprised if in the future they turn there backs on India ... :woot:


But my point is remain somewhere and little bit.
India make a new friend and Pakistan loose its one of the best friend to only a simple friend.
Program Overview:

The E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is a game changer in how the Navy will conduct battle management command and control. By serving as the "digital quarterback" to sweep ahead of strike, manage the mission, and keep our net-centric carrier battle groups out of harms way, the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is the key to advancing the mission, no matter what it may be. The E-2D gives the warfighter expanded battlespace awareness, especially in the area of information operations delivering battle management, theater air and missile defense, and multiple sensor fusion capabilities in an airborne system.

With a two-generation leap in radar sensor capability and a robust network enabled capability, Advanced Hawkeye will deliver critical, actionable data to joint forces and first responders. These advances provide warfighters with the necessary situational awareness to compress the time between initial awareness and active engagement.

First Flight August 2007:
In August 2003, Northrop Grumman and Team Hawkeye committed to delivering Delta One, the first system development and demonstration (SD&D) aircraft and on August 3, 2007, it delivered on that promise conducting its successful first flight. Advanced Hawkeye is the cornerstone of the U.S. Navy's theater air and missile defense architecture in the littorals, overland, and open sea. E-2D's initial operational capability is schedule for 2011.

Some of the many new features of the Advanced Hawkeye are:
A completely new radar featuring both mechanical and electronic scanning capabilities
Fully Integrated "All Glass" Tactical Cockpit
Advanced Identification Friend or Foe System
New Mission Computer and Tactical Workstations
Electronic Support Measures Enhancements
Modernized Communications and Data Link Suite
These and other new developments incorporated into the E-2D ensure:
True 360-degree radar coverage provides uncompromised all-weather tracking and situational awareness
Open architecture compliant, commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)-based hardware and software enables rapid, cost-wise technology refresh for consistent leading-edge mission tools
A true FORCEnet enabler - A force multiplier through network enabled capability, Advanced Hawkeye is the gateway to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Michael G. Mullen's vision for a "1,000-ship navy."
Multimission flexibility ranging from command and control through missile defense to border security

For more information go through links below


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If you have money every thing comes quick and fast like Saudi's get's every thing royal style.
US just give's it to India and then wait for Pakistan to come to buy the same.
To create market just you need to sell to one and there com peters come for to seeks it this is how military complex works.
Russians have fooled US by selling low quality S300 ABM weapon system. US can easily cheat us same way with force multiplier E2D
Russians have fooled US by selling low quality S300 ABM weapon system. US can easily cheat us same way with force multiplier E2D

S300 a low quality ABM?? :what: first time any one tell any thing like this
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