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USA Carrier group heads for Perisan gulf

Didn't you know? He's an American agent. Even George Bush admitted to it:

"He's my man. He was great. Somebody accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic." - George W. Bush

I prefer this one:

"I speak better English than this villain Bush."

or better yet:

"Lying is forbidden in Iraq. President Saddam Hussein will tolerate nothing but truthfulness as he is a man of great honor and integrity. Everyone is encouraged to speak freely of the truths evidenced in their eyes and hearts."


I would have believed he was american agent from the least worst treatment he recieved from his captors ( that is when they did arrest him....he was not a priority arrest at all....living at his known address )....but then one has to remember all his statements....i donot think americans or cia can afford to have a person on their books who is so brave as to express his mind.:lol:

i think he has point about speaking better english than bush.......his competency in english can be judged from

"When we were making the law, when we were writing the literature and the mathematics the grandfathers of Blair and little Bush were scratching around in caves"

i donot think Bush would rise to this level; however he did come close with

"He's my man. He was great. Somebody accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic." - George W. Bush
I would have believed he was american agent from the least worst treatment he recieved from his captors ( that is when they did arrest him....he was not a priority arrest at all....living at his known address )....but then one has to remember all his statements....i donot think americans or cia can afford to have a person on their books who is so brave as to express his mind.:lol:
I have to admit, that guy was truly hilarious.
It's a shame he was being fed bullcrap to parrot out to the media. He really seemed like a "nice" guy, who was doing the best he could in a bad situation.

i think he has point about speaking better english than bush.......his competency in english can be judged from
My favorite Bushism: "Strategery" heh heh

But this is much more "competent":

"What they say about a breakthrough is completely an illusion. They are sending their warplanes to fly very low in order to have vibrations on these sacred places. . . they are trying to crack the buildings by flying low over them."

Now this one sounds more like Bush than al-Sahhaf:

"These are not ordinary human beings. They are criminals. As a matter of fact, they are criminals, both by nature and by training. By nature, because they are not decent. They are criminals."

I thought only Bush could manage a bizarre sentence like that :laugh:

"When we were making the law, when we were writing the literature and the mathematics the grandfathers of Blair and little Bush were scratching around in caves"
Great. So I have THEM to thank for all of those hard math classes I had to take.
But what have they done since then? Invented the telephone? Invented a heavier-than-air flying machine? Travelled to the moon (allegedly)?

Nope, looks to me like they were scratching around in spider holes :thumbsup:

i donot think Bush would rise to this level; however he did come close with

"He's my man. He was great. Somebody accused us of hiring him and putting him there. He was a classic." - George W. Bush
Bush came close, but not quite :D
Mostly massive antitank IEDs.

It sure wasn't Iraqi tanks and regular forces that destroyed the Abrams in any significant numbers.

You make it sound like the road from Kuwait to Baghdad is strewn with the charred hulks of M1's.

Been listening to Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf or something?

cmmon man u dont sound like an uninformed person u no it very clearly that a dictators army personal can carry a gun but they are no allowed bullets :disagree: tanks can go out on patrol but no shells are allowed as they can take out the dictator.till the end saddam was thinking he will be ok and americans wont kill him.

An Israeli Sa'ar 5-class missile boat operating with it's missile defence systems off (due to the large number of IAF aircraft operating in the area) was struck by a Chinese made C-802 antiship missile.
The warhead failed to detonate, though the collision and unspent fuel caused 4 deaths and greatly damaged the ship. It was able to eventually make it's own way back to port.

this is childish argument u hit me once try hitting me again with a same way i will show u how i can defend my self.and by the way it was towed didnt make it on its own and u no it.

Huge shock to the Israelis and a fine way of demonstrating that the other guy can sometimes surprise the hell out of you too.

An Israeli tanker said that Hezbollah ATGM's were flying all around them.

Let's hope for Hezbollah's sake that Israel doesn't invade again, because the IDF has certainly learned a harsh lesson. Chances are, it won't happen again.

i doubt the israelies will attack again can of *** whopping they got. lets just hope hizbullah have there hands on some ground to air missiles u no it wont be strike and run it will be strike and parachute.as iam sure hizbullah have learned from there mistakes to .
cmmon man u dont sound like an uninformed person u no it very clearly that a dictators army personal can carry a gun but they are no allowed bullets :disagree: tanks can go out on patrol but no shells are allowed as they can take out the dictator.till the end saddam was thinking he will be ok and americans wont kill him.
So you're saying that the Iraqi Army and Republican Guard tanks were deployed without any projectiles for their main guns?

Hell, what are you saying?

this is childish argument u hit me once try hitting me again with a same way i will show u how i can defend my self.and by the way it was towed didnt make it on its own and u no it.
What argument?

You said: "Didn't the Israelis get a boat taken out?"

I replied with details of the incident.

If you consider my presenting details to be a "childish argument" then man, have you got problems.

The fact remains that yes, Hezbollah managed to temporarily cripple an Israeli corvette, which is definitely something to crow.

But the warhead failed to explode and Hezbollah also sank (or crippled) an Egyptian merchantman in the process. NOT something to crow about.

As for it being towed, yes, it was initially towed until steerage and propulsion was restored. It then sailed back into port by itself.

By the way, the word you keep using, "no". It's spelled KNOW. Makes it a lot easier to read your posts.

i doubt the israelies will attack again can of *** whopping they got. lets just hope hizbullah have there hands on some ground to air missiles u no it wont be strike and run it will be strike and parachute.as iam sure hizbullah have learned from there mistakes to .
I think both sides learned at lot.
Hezbollah publically admitted that they had no idea that grabbing a few soliders would provoke such a massive and violent response from Israel. I'm pretty sure they know that now.

Israel sure found out that Hezbollah's backers have some deep pockets (lots of money) and sophisticated weapons, and that Hezbollah wasn't going to run away at the first sign of Merkavas

Israel also found out the wrong way to plan such an operation.
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