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US will provide all support to India to become a Global Leader: Panetta

Not just Pakistan. I am sure India is also learning from the mistakes of the Middle East, where the Arab sheikhs have been told in no uncertain terms that all those fancy American weapons can point in both directions. (Insert the famous Aesop's fable about the horse, man and stag here.) How ironic, then, that the Philippines has decided to allow reopening of US bases.

India is playing it smart as always. It is playing America for a fool, milking its myopic China obsession for all it's worth.

For its part, America figures it can afford to play the dice and get it wrong a few times -- that's one of the perks of being a superpower.

Brilliantly put.
Not just Pakistan. I am sure India is also learning from the mistakes of the Middle East, where the Arab sheikhs have been told in no uncertain terms that all those fancy American weapons can point in both directions. (Insert the famous Aesop's fable about the horse, man and stag here.) How ironic, then, that the Philippines has decided to allow reopening of US bases.

India is playing it smart as always. It is playing America for a fool, milking its myopic China obsession for all it's worth.

For its part, America figures it can afford to play the dice and get it wrong a few times -- that's one of the perks of being a superpower.
Spot on !!
But No matter how many times America rolls the dice in its attempt get India aboard the US led Anti china block,it is bound to fail. Only top side is buy selling to India America hope to make a profit and force the Chinese to deploy more troops,weaponry on their souther front and less on the eastern front.
How .................?

how would I know am I America?

Not just Pakistan. I am sure India is also learning from the mistakes of the Middle East, where the Arab sheikhs have been told in no uncertain terms that all those fancy American weapons can point in both directions. (Insert the famous Aesop's fable about the horse, man and stag here.) How ironic, then, that the Philippines has decided to allow reopening of US bases.

India is playing it smart as always. It is playing America for a fool, milking its myopic China obsession for all it's worth.

For its part, America figures it can afford to play the dice and get it wrong a few times -- that's one of the perks of being a superpower.

I think you flatter India. I think since the fall of the Soviets India's policy makers have swung far more towards America than publicly admitted. What they have been good is at propaganda that they are and or can be for example friends with opposing countries. Suggest you read some wikiileaks about messages from American diplomats in India.
India is playing it smart as always. It is playing America for a fool, milking its myopic China obsession for all it's worth.

This is a misconception here, Indo-US interests all tied with the China angle,

Currently, American interest with India are tied to Afghanistan, Indian Ocean , trade and weapons sale.

The China factor is overrated here, checking the geography, beyond India providing a base for American ABMs, to protect Deigo Garcia, i see little value for India.

maybe a future scenario of containing Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean.
Spot on !!
But No matter how many times America rolls the dice in its attempt get India aboard the US led Anti china block,it is bound to fail. Only top side is buy selling to India America hope to make a profit and force the Chinese to deploy more troops,weaponry on their souther front and less on the eastern front.

Most majority of people and the people that matters are well aware of US and its long history of "Associations".

The Indian thought process always have been aware of the motives behind "Each and every move, each and every statement US makes @ subcontinent."

US knows that, India knows that US knows about what India thinks about them.

But there are not a single country in their vicinity in the locality that US can associate on issues of the subcontinent.

Both US and India knows "all these" are periodical and arouse out of convenience.

how would I know am I America?


So that was just a stupid statement without much thought going into it. Kewl.
I actually think India's leaders are smart. India's Achilles' heel is its democracy: it is a wildcard that can work either way. If public opinion in India is manipulated -- by domestic and foreign interests -- to hype up antagonism to China and frame that relationship as a barometer of India's rising power, then America may still get its wish.
India will be a world leader no matter what........because of its internal strength and people's power. :angel:

And its natural that everybody salutes a rising sun. :devil:

US is recognizing a raising great power and want to get some benefit from us and there is no harm in this.........a big tree houses hundreds of birds.
how would I know am I America?

I think you flatter India. I think since the fall of the Soviets India's policy makers have swung far more towards America than publicly admitted. What they have been good is at propaganda that they are and or can be for example friends with opposing countries. Suggest you read some wikiileaks about messages from American diplomats in India.

It is not flattering. The fundamentals on which US-Pak relationship is based are dramatically different from Indo-US. Pakistan is non NATO ally or in simple terms a foot solider, while India is an equal partner, and we behave like one
how would I know am I America?

I think you flatter India. I think since the fall of the Soviets India's policy makers have swung far more towards America than publicly admitted. What they have been good is at propaganda that they are and or can be for example friends with opposing countries. Suggest you read some wikiileaks about messages from American diplomats in India.

I was thinking that wikileaks were CIA propoganda till now, never knew they were so authoritative :what:
This is a misconception here, Indo-US interests all tied with the China angle,

Currently, American interest with India are tied to Afghanistan, Indian Ocean , trade and weapons sale.

The China factor is overrated here, checking the geography, beyond India providing a base for American ABMs, to protect Deigo Garcia, i see little value for India.

maybe a future scenario of containing Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean.

From America's perspective India's principal value, aside from the economic angle which I believe is secondary, is all centered around the geopolitics of China. Afghanistan, Indian Ocean, CARs -- it's all about containing China as far as the US is concerned.

P.S. If it was just about economy and weapons sales, both China and the Arabs are swimming in money.
I actually think India's leaders are smart. India's Achilles' heel is its democracy: it is a wildcard that can work either way. If public opinion in India is manipulated -- by domestic and foreign interests -- to hype up antagonism to China and frame that relationship as a barometer of India's rising power, then America may still get its wish.

Its actually, a double edged sword.

Take this example :

The Government of India (GOI) is capable of sending
both military and civilian resources to help accomplish the
mission in Iraq, but the will to do so does not exist. In
2003, when the U.S. first approached the GOI to contribute
troops to Iraq, then-Prime Minister Vajpayee's initial
reaction was positive.
When Parliament debated the subject
later, however, there was widespread opposition from
political parties across the spectrum to sending Indian
troops or civilians to Iraq. Even the rightist Bhartiya
Janata Party (BJP), which supported U.S. goals, was deeply
divided on sending Indian troops.

India Capable But Unwilling To Participate In Iraq

had the opposition not rejected. India would done probably one of the biggest mistakes in its history of foreign policy by sending troops to Iraq.

The negative side of it is, the recent problem with allowing retail giants in India.
Not just Pakistan. I am sure India is also learning from the mistakes of the Middle East, where the Arab sheikhs have been told in no uncertain terms that all those fancy American weapons can point in both directions. (Insert the famous Aesop's fable about the horse, man and stag here.) How ironic, then, that the Philippines has decided to allow reopening of US bases.

India is playing it smart as always. It is playing America for a fool, milking its myopic China obsession for all it's worth.

For its part, America figures it can afford to play the dice and get it wrong a few times -- that's one of the perks of being a superpower.

I agree with most of your view , except one. India is no where Using USA. Our relation is mutual like we have relation with Russia, europe or Asia. Its pure business relation, We give them CHeaper labors, Cheap scientists, cheap mind. In return we get Job and technology...

Pure Business relation, win-win for both country. On defense procurement, We are buying second line weapons (Carrier plane, force mutiplier) , Our workforce is still bought from Russia-France.

how would I know am I America?

I think you flatter India. I think since the fall of the Soviets India's policy makers have swung far more towards America than publicly admitted. What they have been good is at propaganda that they are and or can be for example friends with opposing countries. Suggest you read some wikiileaks about messages from American diplomats in India.

America was not enemy of USA in soviet era. Our hands were open, Its they (American) who chose you rather than us. Its all based on profit.

In soviet era AMerica found your friendship profitable, now INdian. Hope our decision makers follow the same path what we are following since many years.
India will be a world leader no matter what........because of its internal strength and people's power. :angel:

And its natural that everybody salutes a rising sun. :devil:

US is recognizing a raising great power and want to get some benefit from us and there is no harm in this.........a big tree houses hundreds of birds.

That's me,baby. Wow!!!

India will be a world leader no matter what........because of its internal strength and people's power. :angel:

And its natural that everybody salutes a rising sun. :devil:

US is recognizing a raising great power and want to get some benefit from us and there is no harm in this.........a big tree houses hundreds of birds.

That's me,baby. Wow!!!
Yes! A rising power with a declining economy. At least be subtle when propagating your banya master's propaganda

Slowdown, boom, steady state , equilibrium is phase of Capitalism. I hope you know it. Nothing is permanent, if USA can overcome 30's crisis, India can overcome 90's crisis, then what this crisis is????

The US administration is learning the value of PR groundwork -- it has come a long way from Vietnam to Iraq to, now, Iran and Pakistan.

Its pure business relation

It's more than business. America's whole strategy is to empower Asian countries so they feel emboldened to challenge China for their own interests.

If you can keep your adversary busy in his own backyard, he will have less time to come mess around in yours.
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