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US warns India not to break Iran sanctions

The US wanted to have good relations with India. It was India's xenophobia, a fear of US domination replacing British colonialsm, that drove India to be not just non-aligned, but aggressively non-aligned and given to poking a stick in Uncle Sam's eye at the UN and elsewhere whenever India could. And the turnabout is India's turnabout. India finally allowed foreign businesses, including US businesses, to operate in India with reasonable conditions. This is what has allowed India to attract foreign capital and commerce. The USA was always there willing to be India's friend. India was the one who wanted no western friends.

If that was the case, how is that India managed to maintain excellent relations with the British and the French - both of whom were literally kicked out of the sub-continent?

Opening up the economy was a different case. India back in 1991 faced financial crises due to which India had to mortgage Gold to UK - Bank of England, to obtain cash reserves to run the economy. That was the eye opener. With Dr Manmohan Singh at the helm of Finance Ministry, the liberalization of Indian economy came about. It was US under Clinton who started courting India and her markets aggressively after the liberalization.
BS, the modern Indian State came into existence in 1947 - it shared no common border with Iran.

The British colony of India shared a border with Iran, but that entity no longer exists.

The territories comprising Pakistan and the peoples of Pakistan are the ones that have 'shared a border with Iran' over millenia.

Anyways, back to topic.

There are cultural relations between India and Iran that dates back to many centuries. So Iran and India have friendly relations in the past :cheers:
BS, the modern Indian State came into existence in 1947 - it shared no common border with Iran.

The British colony of India shared a border with Iran, but that entity no longer exists.

The territories comprising Pakistan and the peoples of Pakistan are the ones that have 'shared a border with Iran' over millenia.

Anyways, back to topic.

He is talking about Ancient India, and modern India has carried on that traditions. Its just that we honour traditions, while "new borns" nowadays dont care about them.

No matter how much you deny, Just like Russia was the obvious representative for the UNSC seat after fall of USSR, "Modern" India is the representative of ancient India, of which territories and people of current Pakistan were part of.
There are cultural relations between India and Iran that dates back to many centuries. So Iran and India have friendly relations in the past :cheers:

Er....invasions coming in from Persia for centuries are now called "friendly relations in the past"?

As Agnostic Muslim said...only one reason India is giving lip service to Iranians and that is for access to Afghanistan when the US withdraws.As I said India will drop Iran in a second when needed.
Yep - this is all bluster by the Indians intended for the Iranian audience in pursuit of Iranian support against Pakistan regionally, specifically in Afghanistan, as everyone scrambles to keep their options open with a perceived imminent US/NATO withdrawal.

Indian investments in Iran and Afghanistan are primarily for one purpose alone - countering Pakistan.

Isn't that India-centric mentality? The thread is about the differences between India and US regarding sanction/cooperation on/with Iran. Now here also you think thats this is related to Pakistan?

India's Iran policy is totally bilateral. India needs Iran for energy security and Iran also needs India for supports. We are against Iran's nuclear weapon programme if they have one but every country has the right to generate power from nuclear resources and research on it.
Er....invasions coming in from Persia for centuries are now called "friendly relations in the past"?

Which invasions? Except Nadir Shah I can't remember anything significant. Can you pls put some more details?

As Agnostic Muslim said...only one reason India is giving lip service to Iranians and that is for access to Afghanistan when the US withdraws.

Yes, access to Afghanistan is one of the reason but energy security and good relation with powerful country like Iran also matters.

As I said India will drop Iran in a second when needed.

As I said, India is against Iran's weapons programme (if they have any) but they have right to generate power from their own nuke plants. India had good relation with both Israel and Iran at the same time without dropping one, so I don't think it will be changed.
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