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US War on Terror: Implications for Afghanistan

Masood khan


New Recruit

Jun 30, 2009
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Afghanistan holds a troubling history with full of conflicts and crisis. It has came into been in 1747 but was ruled by British from 1826 to 1919. Afghanistan’s King Zahir Shah in 1964 established democracy and introduced new constitution, but Military takeover eventually ended the era of peace and pushed Afghanistan into the quagmire of conflicts and instability. This coup followed another military takeover and a communist regime with the support of Soviet Union occupied the land of Afghanistan. Later on Soviets invaded Afghanistan and eventually withdraw after 10 years of long resistance by the Mujahideen, which followed a deadly civil war between different factions of Afghanistan and resulted in Taliban victory. Taliban hold strong position in Afghanistan when 9/11 happened and withdrew after the US attack in 2001.
Afghanistan is a war raged country which is still suffering after the 8th year of United State’s invasion. Overall security situation is getting worse. Security, stability, health care opium trade, rise in the civilian and military casualties, rise in attacks on allied forces, rise in Taliban power, and low human resource development are the main characteristics of today’s Afghanistan. American and NATO forces used military might to subdue the Afghans but still after many years they are unable to achieve this goal. According to Admiral Michael Mullen Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff “he was not convince that Allies were winning the war”. He is realistic in his approach. Despite all out efforts by the US and its allies, they are unable to control the Afghanistan. A London based think tank Senlis Counsel estimated in 2007 that “Taliban maintain a permanent presence in 54 percent of Afghanistan”. This shows the vulnerability and inability of the US and NATO forces. Americans have to accept the ground reality that use of force can never resolve the problem permanently; it can only provoke resentment and backlash from the local people. Unprovoked use of military power caused collateral damage. Due to this anti American and anti NATO sentiments has been raised in Afghanistan. Furthermore Current government is unable to make peace in Afghanistan. Moreover United States and NATO forces are facing huge set backs in Afghanistan, due to the resurgence of Taliban.. There is another major problem in coping security situation in Afghanistan and that is the lack of motivation and courage to fight among the NATO forces. Despite rise in the number of Afghan National Army from 30,000 last year to 70,000 this year there have been no peace and stability in the country. In fact Taliban spokesman Qari Yousuf Ahmadi commented on the increase in the number of Afghan National Army that

“They can’t do anything, they have been claiming for years that they are going to have 70,000 soldiers, but our view is that these are only paid soldiers who are temporary workers. These people are not able to fight against our Mujahideen, who are fighting Jihad on the basis of their faith”.

This shows the level of motivation which Taliban holds in their camps. This motivation and will is lacking in Afghan Army and US led coalition in Afghanistan. Furthermore United States Joint Chief Staff Chairman Admiral Mullen has also announced to send additional 20,000 to 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. As the study has discussed earlier that increase in number is not the long term solution of the Afghan problem, it would further exacerbate the security situation. The need of hour is to bring all the warring parties to the table and stick to the peaceful settlement of the afghan issue. Every faction of Afghanistan should get political representation in Afghan parliament. Only then a viable peaceful future of Afghanistan can be expected. In this chapter study will focus on the implications of US attack on Afghanistan. How US led coalition have been failed to bring peace and stability. Furthermore study will also put some light on the reasons of US failure in Afghanistan. In the end some recommendations will be given for long term peace and stability in Afghanistan.​

US alleged occupation of Afghanistan

United States of America allegedly occupied Afghanistan for their gory aims. But Afghanistan has been proven to be a quagmire for the United States; they have suffered a lot in Afghanistan. But still United States and its allies are unable to control whole of Afghanistan. Many great powers in the past including Great Britain and Soviet Union tried to subjugate Afghan people but they were miserably failed to conquer the land of Afghanistan. Now United States is also on the same path, despite its military might and power it has been denied any considerable victory in Afghanistan. Keeping in view the situation of Afghanistan we cannot expect that United States would get any considerable success in Afghanistan. The reason behind is the Pushtun community, who had been allegedly targeted after the 2001 attack of Afghanistan. Taliban are also comprise of Pushtun faction and has lot of influence in Afghanistan and across the Durand line in Pakistani areas. It can be argued that after the departure of United States in near future Taliban would again control the major part of Afghanistan. These types of developments would seriously put question mark on the credibility of United States and NATO forces. The other major reason of US failure in Afghanistan is its discriminatory approach towards the Afghan population. Northern alliance was given more autonomy and power in the government but a major ethnic group “Pushtun” was denied any considerable role. Which lead to resentment and chaos. Taliban utilized this development and their power rose in the Southern parts of the Afghanistan where most of the Pushtun population resides. Afghanistan has vital importance not only for America but also for NATO, Russia, India, Pakistan and Central Asian states. America needs to review its policies in Afghanistan and try to bring all the warring parties on board only then one can expect a viable solution of the Afghan problem. The recent administration in the United States would bring no major policy change in the war on terror. In fact their focus would increase on Afghanistan. Barrack Obama the US president has already reiterated that Afghanistan and Pakistan will be seen on priority bases, Obama has also said that US would pull out from Iraq and focus will be on Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal areas. This type of shift and focus of US policy would bring more chaos and instability into the region. The solution of the Afghanistan problem lies in the reconciliation approach not in the use of force. On the contrary United States has increased the number of troops in Afghanistan. It would have great repercussions for Pakistan, because in Afghanistan US and NATO forces will intensify operation against Taliban and that would push Taliban to enter into rugged mountainous tribal area, it would seriously hamper the security of Pakistan. Because Taliban movement in Pakistan would take new shape and would also bring new challenges and uprising in Pakistan. America should realize this fact that it cannot subdue Afghanistan with the use of force; it has to bring some amicable solution through peaceful negotiations. Recently there was news of Taliban seven point formula for the peace in Afghanistan.

In which Taliban leader mullah Omar has demanded that
“ There should be given timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops, secondly there should be representation of Taliban in the current government, thirdly they also demand a major change in the current political set up, fourthly Taliban are ready to compromise in order to bring a consensus government, fifthly mullah Omar demanded that Taliban should also be consolidated in the afghan army, and in the end Taliban leader urged that NATO forces should be replaced by the Muslim peace keeping forces from Muslim world”

Although this formula was denied by Taliban spokesmen, but it still can be viewed and discussed among the various stake holders. There are certain points in this formula which can be discussed for example replacement of NATO troops with Muslim peace keeping forces, Taliban would not feel hesitant against their own Muslim brethren. We can expect that forces from Muslim countries would bring peace and stability, Taliban would have no rational for attacking these forces, eventually they have to come to the negotiating table and would come to an amicable resolution of the Afghan stalemate. Furthermore giving share to Taliban in the current government would address their grievances, Taliban would get their due representation then they would have no other option but to resolve all impinging issues with other warring parties. Major hurdle in peace and stability in Afghanistan is alienation of the Pushtun population, majority of Taliban are Pushtun, if they get their share in the government then there is possibility of long term peace and stability in the region. There have been also reports of US dialogue options with Taliban to end this prolonged conflict, it has been reported that Saudi Arabia played a mediatory role, but again there is no official confirmation of any development in dialogue process. In fact the solution of Afghanistan lies in extensive dialogue through Loya Jirga, major Muslim countries should also offer their role in ending this conflict. Because violence would lead to further violence, recently British commander in the Afghanistan had whispered that there is no military solution to the Afghanistan impasse. So it is argued that United States of America should realize that there is great reluctance on the side of its NATO allies. US should also accept this reality that war on Afghanistan had given nothing but more insecurity, instability and chaos to the Afghanistan and regional states. There is a need of comprehensive strategy to bring development and stability to the Afghanistan.

Northern alliance in power and Pushtun Grievances:

After the US attack Northern Alliance got key seats in the parliament. Northern alliance got considerable support from US. Their forces led by Abbdul Rashid Dostum, Atta Mohammad Nur, Muhammad Qasim Fahim and other War Lords with the help of United States of America topple the Taliban regime. United Nation facilitated the political settlement in Bonn, Germany on December 5 2001; Afghan leaders signed the Bonn agreement. Led by Hamid Karzai puppet regime got the power to rule the Afghanistan. Main ministries were given to the Northern Alliance including Foreign, Interior and Defense Ministry. In this type of power sharing resentment from pushtun population was inevitable. Pushtun community is the largest ethnic group in the Afghanistan; they should have been given their due representation in afghan parliament.

Ethnic Composition in Afghanistan

Pushtun population is the largest ethnic group in Afghanistan, if this population is ignored in afghan politics then how could we expect any long peace in Afghanistan. This approach brought Northern alliance in power which brought political instability in the country. The dummy government in Afghanistan has been unable to bring peace and stability. Furthermore insecurity and instability seriously hampered the security of other countries especially Pakistan. This type of discrimination was a major source of insurgency. Pushtun population was totally over looked. There have been hostile relations between Pushtun faction and other factions including the Northern Alliance. This is the reason that most of the people decided to join Taliban forces or supported them overtly or covertly. Now situation is totally out of control, many parts in Afghanistan are dominantly ruled by Taliban. Situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating day by day. Unless or until all the political actors in Afghanistan don’t get their due right we cannot expect anything else but chaos and misery.

Revival of the Taliban movement

Taliban are now undeniable force in Afghanistan. They have caused immense damage to US led Coalition and the puppet regime of Hamid Karzai. Taliban are gaining strength in the Southern and South Eastern parts of Afghanistan. According to a recent study by the ICOS, Taliban has a permanent presence in the Afghanistan.

The above map shows that Taliban has got their influence in almost whole of Afghanistan. Moreover it would be difficult for the US to counter them. Because US has allocated insufficient resources to Afghanistan and moved its major part of men and material to Iraq war. Despite their increase in the number of troops situation would become worse. Eventually US have to leave Afghanistan in jeopardy; this type of situation will seriously affect the security of regional and international states. It has been alleged that Taliban are gaining strength because of the opium trade which has been a source of fund for them.

Muhammad Daud, former governor of Helmand Province, in describing this linkage to the Taliban, stated,

“The Taliban have forged an alliance with drug smugglers, providing protection for drug convoys and mounting attacks to keep the government away and the poppy flourishing.” For example, an estimated 70 percent of the Taliban’s income now comes from protection money and the sale of opium. Furthermore, the situation appears to be getting worse as evidenced by a Kabul Police Anti-Criminal Branch report stating, “Evidence is growing that the Taliban and their allies are moving beyond taxing the trade to protecting opium shipments, running heroin labs, and even organizing farm output in areas they control.”

It is difficult for the NATO to counter the growing Taliban insurgency. The reason behind failure of US coalitions against Taliban is the lack of resources and man power. US should increase in the number of forces in Afghanistan to counter Taliban another aspect of the Taliban success is their win against the battle of hearts and mind. Due to unprovoked civilian deaths by the US and NATO Air strikes, now public opinion is solemnly against them. Furthermore high level of unemployment, lack of basic facilities and poverty provoked the people to favor the Taliban. Furthermore it is alleged that Taliban has got immense support from Pakistani tribal areas near to Afghanistan. If it is true then it is the negligence of the US led coalition which is unable to stop insurgency from Afghanistan. Pakistan has done a lot to curb insurgency in its tribal areas; still it is doing its best to root out the rogue elements. US should take concrete steps to bring peace and stability to Afghanistan. There must be a regional approach in resolving Afghan problem. US have to accept Taliban as a political force and try to bring them on board. Grievances of the Pushtun community should be addressed only then insurgency in Afghanistan can be countered.

Failure of US led Alliance’s in Afghanistan:

US led alliance is facing severe challenges in Afghanistan. They are being withheld by Taliban resurgence. Taliban’s power is getting momentum day by day. NATO under US have suffered huge setbacks, their credibility has been eroded. This alliance was meant for Europe only but after their interference in Afghanistan their sphere of interest increased. After the cold war NATO’s slogan was simple ‘Out of Area or Out of business’. It is now really difficult for NATO to handle this responsibility, in fact they fighting unjust war, without any end. Other major problem is lack of force to counter the rising insurgency according to General Dan McNeill “If proper US military counterinsurgency doctrine were followed; the US would need 400,000 troops to defeat Pushtun tribal resistance in Afghanistan.” But currently under US command only 66,000 troops are there in Afghanistan, which is itself a meager number to counter an insurgency. This is the reason that an apprehension has been aroused in the minds of European public that their soldiers are being killed aimlessly, which has contributed a lot on the minds of decision makers of NATO countries to not to send any more troops to Afghanistan. The reason behind their unwillingness is increase of Taliban attacks on NATO forces which has been increased from last three years. In 2005 there were 900 attacks on NATO forces and in 2006 the number crossed 2,500. Now the situation is getting grim day by day. The reason behind is that some countries in NATO coalition including France, Germany, Spain, and Italy are unwilling to fight Taliban. This question should be asked by the Pakistan decision makers that When America’s NATO allies are hesitant to fight then why America constantly pressurizes its Non-NATO ally Pakistan. Other major reason of NATO failure can be gap between the local people and them. Furthermore civilian causalities in American and NATO air strikes have also poisoned the hearts and minds of Afghan population against them. In all these conditions how can one expect a workable solution to the Afghan problem? On the other side Pakistan is doing its utmost efforts to root out extremism and militancy from its soil. Despite huge losses Pakistan had shown its firm commitment and willingness to fight against rogue elements. Pakistan believes in peace and stability in Afghanistan, because if Afghanistan is stable automatically it would be in favor of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s efforts had been acknowledged by United State’s official in an interview with Afghan news agency. Richard said
“The Pakistani army was fully cooperating and was doing its best to stop cross-border activities by the Taliban. He said categorically, "It is no longer the policy of the Pakistan government to see the Taliban in Afghanistan." No matter Islamabad's past policies in Afghanistan, Richards stressed, Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is now fully cooperating. He then revealed that it was thanks to an ISI tip-off that it had been possible to kill prominent Taliban commander Mullah Akhtar Osmani in Helmand province last month”.

It shows Pakistan’s efforts for the peace and stability in Afghanistan. The way out from Afghanistan quandary lies within Afghanistan. The need of hour is just a strong commitment and willingness to bring peace and stability to the region. Long term peace can only be achieved through peaceful negotiations. It has been observed from last 8 years that use of force had only given misery and chaos. US led coalition should now change its strategy and bring some long term solution to the Afghan impasse. There must be economic development only then we can see stability and prosperity in Afghanistan.

Rise in Crimes and Violence

Afghanistan is in the grip of rising crime and violence, Afghan people are suffering hard from the uncertain law and order situation in the country. Organized criminal gangs, kidnappings, war lords and rising insurgency have caused immense frustration and resentment among the local people. Afghan police has been miserably failed to curb these criminal gangs and violence. In one of the province of Afghanistan, Herat, rising crime have compelled the people to mobilize their business to other places, more than 150 of 250 factories have been closed in Herat only. Law and order situation is depleting day by day in Afghanistan, as per estimates more than 60 businessmen are being kidnapped every year. Who would work under these conditions? This is the reason that people leaving not only the area but also Afghanistan to save their future. The major cause of rise in crime is the joblessness and high rate of unemployment. Frustrate young generation have no future in Afghanistan, they have no other option but to choose a wrong way to get money. This is the reason that we have seen rise in robbery, hijacking, kidnapping for ransom, household burglaries and car jacking. Other major cause of the rise in criminal activities is the inefficient police force. They are unable to curb this menace. According to an Afghan government official more than 100 kidnapping incidents occurred in the Afghanistan in 2007 only. In these types of circumstances how could one invest and work in Afghanistan. There are two types of kidnappings in Afghanistan, one is by local gangs against business community and local people, and the other is by Taliban, which is more organized and well executed specially against the foreigners and diplomats. Taliban demand huge amount in ransom or ask for the release of any important Taliban comrade. In 2007 Taliban kidnapped Korean citizen in Afghanistan and demanded 20 million dollars for their release. These types of incident have threatened the lives of local and foreign people in Afghanistan. Security situation is worse than ever. Business community is reluctant to invest in Afghanistan. All these uncertainties represent a true picture of today’s Afghanistan. There is need of long term development plan. Afghan police and its army should be trained only then they can face these emerging challenges adequately.

Increase in drug trafficking

Either Afghanistan destroys opium or opium will destroy Afghanistan.

President Hamid Karzai

Afghanistan is suffering from the rise of narcotics trade. Situation is out of control of US led coalition. Drug trade is on peak after the fall of Taliban. In Taliban era poppy production was almost zero, but now the situation is totally opposite. Afghanistan has become the world’s largest supplier of the Narcotics. According to the study by the world bank and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Control that “Following the fall of the Taliban, lingering insecurity and weak central government control” led to the increase in the drug trade.” It is the failure of the US led coalition and the puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai that they were unable to put hold on the rise of poppy production. In fact some of the government officials were also found involved in the poppy production. Today Afghanistan is in the grip of rising poppy trade. It is estimated that more than 150,000 people are addict of opium and 50,000 are heroin users. These numbers are shocking and increasing day by day, threatening the Afghan population and its society. Furthermore Afghanistan supplies more than 90% of heroin in European countries and Russia. Approximately 14% of heroin in US comes from Afghanistan. Situation is really worsening not only for Afghanistan but for the regional and international states. Rise in the drug trade would seriously endanger the lives of millions of people around the globe. According to the UNODC, as many as 100,000 people die annually directly or indirectly from abuse of Afghan heroin. Opium eradication is still out of control. According to the survey conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime still opium is cultivated on 157,000 hectares of land. Last year opium was cultivated on 193,000 hectares in Afghanistan. Despite the fact there is decrease in the opium production but still there is need to do a lot to save Afghanistan from this menace. There are reports that Afghan government official are also involved in at least 70% of drug trafficking. It is estimated that more than 25% of the 249 elected members of parliament are involved in the opium trade. Keeping in mind support of Afghan officials for the drug trade it is very difficult to root out opium production from Afghanistan. There is a need of a collective effort from both sides, US led coalition and Afghan government should ensure that Afghan soil will not be used for any kind of drug cultivation. International community should play its constructive role in the eradication of narcotics from Afghanistan. The common people who are involved in the poppy business should be given alternative livelihood, only then we can stem out poppy production from Afghanistan. But in its contrasts if Afghan farmers are forcefully being diverted from poppy cultivation without giving them any other alternative of income, then this policy will bounce back and would have negative repercussions on the safety and security of Afghanistan.

Rise in attacks on Allied Forces and Government

Security situation in Afghanistan is volatile. There has been rise in the attacks on US led coalition forces. Mostly Southern parts of the Afghanistan have seen record number of attacks on the allied forces in which many lost their lives. The total number of direct attacks by insurgents increased to 4,542 in 2006 from 1,558 in 2005. Moreover in 2008 only more than 500 US soldiers along with Allied Forces lost their lives in Afghanistan. The reason behind rise in attacks on allied forces is the regrouping of Taliban. They are now well equipped, trained and also has the public backing in some Southern areas of Afghanistan. These forces have threatened the NATO countries to send more troops. Now US have to bear the brunt of this unpopular war. Taliban are fighting a guerilla war with Afghan and allied forces, in which they have the advantage of the terrain and public support. They are using hide and attack tactics which have been considerably successful in Afghanistan. Apart from that they also use improvised explosive devices, suicide attacks, assassination of prominent leaders, and kidnapping for hefty ransoms. In 2007 only there have been reported 160 suicide attacks. More than 40 convoys delivering food aid for the World Food Programme (WFP) were attacked and looted and more than 130 attacks against humanitarian programmes, 40 humanitarian workers were killed and 89 abducted, of whom seven were later killed by their captors. In this type of security scenario Afghanistan has become the most dangerous place on earth. When allied forces and Afghanistan government official are not safe, how can we expect safety and security of a common man? Afghan insurgency is home grown. They are Afghan nationals who are fighting against the foreign occupation. Immediate solution of the problem lies in three tier strategy; first withdrawal of foreign troops as soon as possible, second under OIC peace keeping force from Muslim countries, and thirdly free and fair elections in which every faction of Afghanistan should get equal representation. United States of America has plunged its allies in the quagmire of Afghanistan from where retreat is inevitable. Eventually US led coalition have to leave Afghanistan, so it is better time for the new Obama administration to learn from the past mistakes and move forward to a viable secure future not only for the region but for the themselves too. In actuality the main reason of the failure of US led coalition is the US diversion of funds and man power to Iraq war. Two front wars can never be successfully won. That is the reason United States is facing huge set backs in Afghanistan.

According to Anthony H. Cordesman who is expert in Middle East,
“The fact is that we are winning the war that is unpopular in Iraq, and we are losing the war that is popular in Afghanistan. We simply can't wait for the next president to try to respond to what's happening in Afghanistan. We are almost going to have to have a winter campaign simply because the Taliban has built up its capabilities, particulary in eastern Afghanistan, in the course of this year.”

Rising insurgency, political instability, deterioarating secuirty situation and incapability of US led coalition to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan has aggravated the overall secuirty situation and also threatened the regional and international states. US now instead of mounting pressure on pakistan should work adequately in Afghanistan because ethe real sacnturies and save heaven of Al Qaeda or so called Taliban lies in Afghanistan itself.

Recommendations for Peace in Afghanistan

Withdrawal of US led coalition

United States and its allies should withdraw from Afghanistan. Because it has been 8 long years of their occupation of Afghanistan but still there is no peace and stability, what can easily be found in Afghanistan is death, chaos and misery. So it is imperative that US led coalition leave this country as soon as it possible. Afghan population has never accepted the foreign troops on their land, whether they were British, Soviets or now Americans, eventually they have to leave this country because of massive resentment in the local population.

Deployment of Muslim peace keeping forces

Secondly US led forces should be replaced by Muslim peace keeping forces from all around the Muslim world. These forces would help Afghans in their reconciliation efforts and peace keeping. Forces from Muslim world will not jeopardize the afghan sentiments and traditions. They eloquently accept their help and support.
Massive financial aid and rehabilitation programme
Afghanistan has been ravaged by the constant conflicts and crisis from last many decades. What it needs is massive financial aid and a rehabilitation programme. US attack on Afghanistan after 9/11 has played havoc with the social, economic, and security situation of Afghanistan. Now it is imperative that international community should come with all out support and aid to help Afghanistan before it falls again in the hands of war lords or other criminal gangs.

Dialogue and reconciliation efforts with all warring parties
After a constant military effort and unprovoked use of force had given nothing but instability and turmoil to Afghanistan. Now it is time to bring all the warring parties to the table. Because only dialogue and reconciliation can resolve this issue. Grievances of the all stake holders should be addressed in these reconciliatory efforts. Only then we can see a prosperous, stable Afghanistan.

Loya Jirga/Free Elections/ and equal representation of all ethnic groups

Solution to the Afghanistan problem lies within Afghanistan, this issue should be resolved according to the norms and values of the Afghan people. Loya Jirga should be organized in which there must be representation from all ethnic groups and parties. Elders from all over Afghanistan should work extensively to bring an amicable solution which can be accepted by all stake holders. Secondly there must be free and fair election, and all the ethnic groups should get equal representation in the government.

Regional approach is essential for peace and stability in Afghanistan
Afghanistan is surrounded by Pakistan, Russia, china, Iran, and Central Asian States, all these states some way or the other are being affected by the developments in Afghanistan. So it can be analyzed that Afghanistan problem needs a regional approach in which all these mentioned states should play their constructive role to bring peace and stability to this country. In fact long term solution of the afghan impasse is heavily depended on the support of regional states only then we can bring long term peace and stability to this war ravaged country.

Curb the Opium Trade/Network
Opium trade has played havoc with the overall safety and security of the Afghanistan. Not only Afghanistan but regional and international states are also being affected by this nuisance. There is a need of comprehensive strategy to curb this threat. Narcotics gangs are very strong in Afghanistan, they are heavily armed and also they are providing funds to the different insurgent groups. So it can be argued that without curbing opium trade and its network we cannot expect any development in Afghanistan.

Training to Afghan National Police and Afghanistan National Army
Long term solution to Afghanistan can be brought by its own army and police. International community should train afghan national army and afghan national police so they can defend their country from any internal or external threats.


Afghanistan is the most dangerous place on earth, because of rising insurgency, instability, turmoil, rising opium trade, criminal gangs, rising criminal activities, kidnappings, suicide attacks and overall failure of US led coalition to bring peace and stability to this country. The above mentioned are the characteristics of today’s Afghanistan. United State’s attack has brought Afghanistan on the verge of collapse. There is no sense of security in this war ravaged country. Situation is getting worse day by day, and still there is no solution to this problem. It has been more than 8 years of US led coalition in Afghanistan but they are still unable to bring serenity and solidity, the reason of their failure is the lack of true efforts for peace building and reconciliation. There are five major reasons of US failure in Afghanistan , first of all weak government, which has been unable to bring stability, secondly ill organized military operations by US and its allies, in which thousands of civilians lost their lives, due to that reason Afghan population is against the presence of US led alliance in Afghanistan, thirdly due to US failure to bring peace in this country, Taliban got benefit from US failures and now it has somehow public support in favor, this is the reason that insurgency is growing day by day, and making things worse not only for afghan government but also for US led alliance, fourth reason of US failure in Afghanistan is the rise of drug trade, it has been alleged that drug money is the basic source of funds for Taliban. Now more than 90% of Afghanistan’s heroin is being transported to the Europe, which has been a grave threat to these countries and lastly lack of desired commitment from NATO allies US is suffering. It has been badly struck in the quagmire of Afghanistan. United States wanted to resolve this problem with military might and use of force in which it has been failed miserably. It has been proven that there is no military solution to the Afghan stalemate. There is a need of comprehensive strategy in which massive financial aid plan is foremost. Afghanistan needs heavy funding for rehabilitation and reconstruction; secondly it requires withdrawal of foreign troops, because Afghan population is totally against the presence of foreign troops on their soil. This is the reason that Taliban is gaining strength in Afghanistan; they are enjoying the support and sympathies of local population. US allied forces should be replaced with peace keeping forces from Muslim countries. Major problem faced by Afghanistan is the growing poppy cultivation. It should be dealt adequately and the people who are involved in the poppy cultivation should be given alternative livelihood. Only then we can save this country from becoming a failed state. Afghanistan is also in the grip of different criminal gangs who are involved in the robberies, kidnappings and car jacking etc, these groups can only be dealt if afghan national police and army make it capable and effective against these Gangs. International community and regional states should train the afghan national army and police so they can effectively play their due role. Furthermore long term solution to Afghanistan lies in the regional approach to this conflict, regional states including Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and Central Asian Republics are directly being affected by the developments in Afghanistan, now this is the time that these states should play a constructive role to save Afghanistan from becoming a rogue state. To stabilization in Afghanistan is a big challenge which needs lots of efforts from international community. :pakistan:
Afghanistan is suffering from the rise of narcotics trade. Situation is out of control of US led coalition. Drug trade is on peak after the fall of Taliban. In Taliban era poppy production was almost zero, but now the situation is totally opposite. Afghanistan has become the world’s largest supplier of the Narcotics. According to the study by the world bank and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Control that “Following the fall of the Taliban, lingering insecurity and weak central government control” led to the increase in the drug trade.” It is the failure of the US led coalition and the puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai that they were unable to put hold on the rise of poppy production. In fact some of the government officials were also found involved in the poppy production. Today Afghanistan is in the grip of rising poppy trade. It is estimated that more than 150,000 people are addict of opium and 50,000 are heroin users. These numbers are shocking and increasing day by day, threatening the Afghan population and its society. Furthermore Afghanistan supplies more than 90% of heroin in European countries and Russia. Approximately 14% of heroin in US comes from Afghanistan. Situation is really worsening not only for Afghanistan but for the regional and international states. Rise in the drug trade would seriously endanger the lives of millions of people around the globe. According to the UNODC, as many as 100,000 people die annually directly or indirectly from abuse of Afghan heroin. Opium eradication is still out of control. According to the survey conducted by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime still opium is cultivated on 157,000 hectares of land. Last year opium was cultivated on 193,000 hectares in Afghanistan. Despite the fact there is decrease in the opium production but still there is need to do a lot to save Afghanistan from this menace. There are reports that Afghan government official are also involved in at least 70% of drug trafficking. It is estimated that more than 25% of the 249 elected members of parliament are involved in the opium trade. Keeping in mind support of Afghan officials for the drug trade it is very difficult to root out opium production from Afghanistan. There is a need of a collective effort from both sides, US led coalition and Afghan government should ensure that Afghan soil will not be used for any kind of drug cultivation. International community should play its constructive role in the eradication of narcotics from Afghanistan. The common people who are involved in the poppy business should be given alternative livelihood, only then we can stem out poppy production from Afghanistan. But in its contrasts if Afghan farmers are forcefully being diverted from poppy cultivation without giving them any other alternative of income, then this policy will bounce back and would have negative repercussions on the safety and security of Afghanistan.

Any ideas on what alternative livelihood should be given ?
Any ideas on what alternative livelihood should be given ?

When Taliban were removing opium, they give a plan what can be cropped and equally beneficial as opium, like Tobacco, and some other very rare medical crops. I am forgetting the name, but in 90s i did read a whole list which could be alternative to opium.
When Taliban were removing opium, they give a plan what can be cropped and equally beneficial as opium, like Tobacco, and some other very rare medical crops. I am forgetting the name, but in 90s i did read a whole list which could be alternative to opium.

I'm doing some math right now, but i lack some figures so any help should be appreciated . :coffee:
Average production:
1.6 tonnes raw tobacco/ hectare ?
Farmers price
0.63 $/kilogram ??
1008 $/hectare ???
I'm doing some math right now, but i lack some figures so any help should be appreciated . :coffee:
Average production:
1.6 tonnes raw tobacco/ hectare ?
Farmers price
0.63 $/kilogram ??
1008 $/hectare ???

well, sorry, i am not aware of this mathematics, since i never crop tobacco, neither involve in dealing. I am just sharing a memory about alternatives provided by Talibans in 90s to opium.
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An extra ordinary long monograph by Masood Khan, it defeats any discussion. However, there are few things we all must see in here. The US war in Afghanistan is no single order of menu of things. The whole war menu is emerging in its progression, so there were objectives in 2001 which are no more pertinent and the newer ones have been added.
In this whole gamut, the best bet is to see if there is establishment of a reliable mechanism between Pakistan and Afghanistan to tackle the Taliban problem. Unfortunately, there is not a single indicator to it. I can only wish if the new government of Afghanistan creates some kind of atmosphere to reduce the ethnic mistrust and then perhaps an opportunity of this kind may arrive.
ethnic tension can only be reduced when you give pashtuns their share in the gov. pashutns are not a minority. they form the biggest ethnic group in afghanistan. i wonder wat made americans think that they can run a country while ignoring close to 50% of its population.
solutions given in post 1 are the most closest to reality.

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