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US wants to strengthen military ties with India: Robert Gates

Sir it is widely believed that Israel played a big part in US cosying up to India.The whole scenario that you presented is applicable here as well
except the fact that the divide between Russia and US may be greater than what India had with US when Israel played the matchmaker.
Also Israel is not more powerful than either India or The US.

Sir if the belief about Israel's role is true,and India also tries to play Israel, what possible Geopolitics move India can make and wat kinda luck will we need.You think South China sea may see US and Russia's intrest converging or they will drift even further ?

This is debatable. The true extent of Israel's role is unknown. can we say for sure Israel was the main reason. no i don't think so. i think it was opening up of Indian economy.

Secondly even if Israel had a big part to play, realise the amount of INFLUENCE Israel has over USA.

Lastly, the issues between USA and India were not that deep as not to be solved.


Pakistan wrt to US-PRC.

No Pakistan helped solve some minor issues perhaps, but did PRC and USA become good friends? Nope. Still a lot of distrust and suspicion there. That can't be counted as 'solving issues'.
No Pakistan helped solve some minor issues perhaps, but did PRC and USA become good friends? Nope. Still a lot of distrust and suspicion there. That can't be counted as 'solving issues'.

There still is an old Vulcan proverb -"Only Nixon can go to China".:what:

Non-existential financial transactions and overt hostilities, transformed into probably the biggest global trade relation and hostilities are capped.
I think we should directly asked Gates for Arrow 2, Aegis and F35B for navy without any agreement if they really wants to have a good relationship with us.
In other words US supports the murder of babies and the **** of women in Kashmir by strengthening this monstrosity further.

You Guys can't stop the Americans from killing your own every day in Drone attacks in your own country and you are bothered about Americans selling arms to India.
Good for Amreeeeeka bad for
Its a poor assessment. You guys talk whatever you want to talk about America but you never talk anything bad about China. But the realty is that both US and China hold the same place in your country.

U.S. approves Predator drone sales to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan
In the boring-but-important department, the US government has approved export of a modified version of the unmanned Predator drone to the Middle East and South Asia. First on the list of potential buyers? Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Prior to this, sale of Predators was approved only to the NATO bloc, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

According to Bloomberg’s Gopal Ratnam, interest is high:

“There’s interest from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates,” Frank Pace, president of the Poway, California-based company, said in an interview at the Farnborough Air Show near London today. The U.S. recently approved the company’s request for an unarmed version of the Predator drone for export to countries beyond the NATO block, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, Pace said.

The company may sell as many as 100 of the so-called Predator XP models that is approved for export, Pace said. General Atomics has sold about 435 Predator series of drones. The average price of the plane ranges from about $4 million for the basic model to about $15 million for the latest Avenger version, according to spokeswoman Kimberly Kasitz.

“Saudi Arabia is a huge country and if they want to cover the country well they alone could get 50 aircraft,” Pace said.

(Emphasis ours).

The non-NATO Predators will differ from the full-functionality versions in several significant ways. Most importantly, they will lack the ability to carry missiles and will be crippled to perform surveillance and reconnaissance missions only.

Pakistan is currently embroiled in an ongoing insurgency against local Islamists while Saudi Arabia is widely suspected of involvement in the ongoing Zaidi insurgency in Yemen.

Drone aircrafts are in wide use throughout the Middle East, with both home-grown and foreign-purchased systems a common feature of all the region’s air forces. Turkey unveiled one of their own just last week, intended for use in the Kurdish insurgency.

Even non-government militias are armed with drones in the Middle East — Hezbollah purchases aerial drones from Iran.

However, Predators are considered among the best; General Atomics’ newest unmanned vehicles are almost undetectable by radar.

More importantly, the propaganda value in being armed with Predators — even crippled ones — is invaluable: Their missile systems are known for their accuracy.

U.S.-Made F-16's Headed to Pakistan

Brand new, U.S.-manufactured, F-16 fighter planes are set to fly in to Pakistan on Saturday for the first time since new F-16s were bought by the country in the early 1980s, in an example of a relationship that has hovered between close proximity to periods of cooling off.

On Saturday, three F-16 fighter planes will arrive in Pakistan as part of an eventual delivery of 18 new F-16 fighter planes that Pakistan ordered from the U.S. in a deal worth US$1.4 billion, according to Pakistan's air force officials and U.S. officials.

But the history of the supply of F-16s to Pakistan has been troubled. After supplying 40 new F-16 fighter planes to Pakistan in the 1980s to boost Islamabad as a frontline state against the occupation of Afghanistan by the former Soviet Union, the U.S. slapped military and economic sanctions against Pakistan in 1990 to punish Islamabad for attempting to manufacture nuclear bombs.

Those sanctions failed to stop Pakistan from continuing with its nuclear weapons development program and carrying out its first set of nuclear tests in 1998.

However, relations between Pakistan and the U.S. were revived after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks forced the two countries to join hands against al Qaeda and the Taliban.

In the past decade, Pakistan has been supplied with used F-16 fighter planes by the U.S., to help the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) carry out its operations against Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but Saturday's arrival of the F-16s will be the first time that new planes of this particular type will be inducted since the early 1980s.

"This is a milestone event. We are very pleased to finally see the US share some of its modern age technology with Pakistan," said a PAF official who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity.

But analysts warned that many Pakistanis still remain skeptical of ties with the U.S. in view of the memories of past sanctions.

"You travel around this country and you realize how emotional this issue continues to be," Anjum Rahman, a TV show host for Pakistan's Express TV channel told CBS News. "People still see the suspension of future F-16 deliveries from 1990 onwards "as an era that brings back unfortunate memories."

On the streets of Islamabad, Pakistan's capital city, there are many who remember the Pak-U.S. history of ties in relation to the F-16s.

"In the 1980s, images of the F-16 were painted on so many buses and trucks as Pakistan celebrated the arrival of the world's most modern jet fighter. Even if the Americans now give us new planes, how will anyone erase the memories of an entire nation?" asked Barkat Khan, an Islamabad school teacher.

While PAF officials are preparing to receive delivery of the new planes enthusiastically, their ability to tackle skepticism on the streets is limited. "We can only perform the best possible service but we can't tell people, how and what to think," concluded the PAF official.

I hope I should not remind you how enthusiastic you guys are whenever there is a talk about your F16. Soon when you will get drones and then you will talk about drones but not about the country who provided you with drones.

I am not saying that you should reject any kind of aid you get, but at least don't be so hypocritical.
Its a poor assessment. You guys talk whatever you want to talk about America but you never talk anything bad about China. But the realty is that both US and China hold the same place in your country.

Well no China and US dont hold same place here for reasons that Chinese cooperation is always sans any condition whereas US cooperation with anyone i repeat anyone is always directly or indirectly conditional.

wherever US goes that region is going to see some core changes in the long run with US influence within the countries.
Well no China and US dont hold same place here for reasons that Chinese cooperation is always sans any condition whereas US cooperation with anyone i repeat anyone is always directly or indirectly conditional.

wherever US goes that region is going to see some core changes in the long run with US influence within the countries.
the scenario that u have written is happened to only weak nation not the mighty nation e.g., europe, israel etc.
Well no China and US dont hold same place here for reasons that Chinese cooperation is always sans any condition whereas US cooperation with anyone i repeat anyone is always directly or indirectly conditional.

wherever US goes that region is going to see some core changes in the long run with US influence within the countries.
Agreed but still US is your important partner and you cannot negate what others points i have written.
the scenario that u have written is happened to only weak nation not the mighty nation e.g., europe, israel etc.

:) i dont want to offend you but India is not Israel either neither Europe even then Europe is feeling the heat.
And its also not Pakistan specific either i consider any comparison and feeling superior is also silly

The fact is that US coming to this region is more adding to the string the waters
:) i dont want to offend you but India is not Israel either neither Europe even then Europe is feeling the heat.
And its also not Pakistan specific either i consider any comparison and feeling superior is also silly

The fact is that US coming to this region is more adding to the string the waters
It is applicable to few countries only except India..... u should have listen Mr. Obama's speech in Indian parliament to check the status of India..... europe is feeling the heat but India is not feeling the heat as we all know.... 6.8 and 7.8 gdp's rate at the time of recession was awesome.... and now we again back to 8.5 +... projections driven the decision.
In other words US supports the murder of babies and the **** of women in Kashmir by strengthening this monstrosity further.

In other words Pakistan have allowed USA jets to bomb North West Pakistan and kill innocent civilians.
:) i dont want to offend you but India is not Israel either neither Europe even then Europe is feeling the heat.
And its also not Pakistan specific either i consider any comparison and feeling superior is also silly

The fact is that US coming to this region is more adding to the string the waters

Unlike Israel and Pakistan, India is no donor country...

So India being under the influence of American foreign policy is a rather naive outlook since there exists no data to indicate that India has acted under any pressure to "please" the americans unless it served the Indian national interest (read serves India more than the US)...

As a reporter who constantly criticizes the credibility and neutrality of Indian media, you should practice what you preach and take those biased blinkers off once in a while....

Or else prove me wrong in this instance...
USA needs India much more then India needs USA.

India can let USA strengthen military ties, but like say, USA will help safeguard India/Pakistan borders for Pakistan sides.

Or maybe another demand?
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