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US To Supply Stealth F-35 Jets, Originally Planned For Turkey, To Arch-Foe Greece

Too late. Erdogan began Ottoman rebuilding too early before 2023 when Lausanne treaty expires.

3 years is not a big time.

Ottoman Empire will come alive the day Treaty of Lausanne expires.

This will be Turkiye starting 2023.

3 years is not a big time.

Ottoman Empire will come alive the day Treaty of Lausanne expires.

This will be Turkiye starting 2023.

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Turkey has no technology to take on the western world to rebuild Ottoman. In fact, Ottoman decline happened because Lepanto which prevented Turks settling in New World the way westerners did.

Turkey has no technology to take on the western world to rebuild Ottoman. In fact, Ottoman decline happened because Lepanto which prevented Turks settling in New World the way westerners did.

That was history.

Today, Turkish people dominate most of Germany and EU countries.

Turkish technology is on par or superior to EU countries.

Eastern Europe, North Africa and Caucasus would be a walk over for Turkiye.

Turkiye will dominate the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.
That was history.

Today, Turkish people dominate most of Germany and EU countries.

Turkish technology is on par or superior to EU countries.

Eastern Europe, North Africa and Caucasus would be a walk over for Turkiye.

Turkiye will dominate the Caspian Sea, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea.

Turkey can't even beat walkovers like SAA and LNA let alone China, US, EU, Russia, India which are far more powerful.
Turkey can't even beat walkovers like SAA and LNA let alone China, US, EU, Russia, India which are far more powerful.

Even India's mama Russia is afraid of getting into a fight with Turkiye.

EU countries are pacifist sissies. They do not know how to fight.
Okay, have to give credit where due. Well played Greece. Rafale and F35 along with already flying assets pose a very serious threat to TuAF.
Such weapons wont be of much use if Turkey decided to bomb their financial hubs. Greece would surrender fast

All of that is understandable - As a Pakistani, I respect the path Turkish brothers wish to take in shaping their defenses.

However, criticism should be sound. Your first point for instance is not correct and sheer downplaying of a credible threat in the hands of your perceived enemy once it gets there.

It is also important to understand what your perceived enemy can station in the immediate term to threaten your interests in the region.

I am sure that if USA restore sales of F-35 to Turkey, your country will accept it (Turkey wanted 100 in total). Turkey is still a supplier of F-35 components.

Developing a true 5th generation fighter jet is by no means an easy task because authentic stealthy characteristics impose constraints on kinematics which might conflict with your requirements and expectations from the endproduct itself. China attempted this and came out with J-20 which is still under development.

Turkey is seeking British partnership for TF-X which shows that by no means this is an easy understaking for even a NATO member state in isolation.

Alternative is to settle for inferior replications which might look impressive on paper but may not cut it against real thing when the time comes.

Best wishes nevertheless.
Do you think Turkey hasn’t done her homework before embarking on this adventure?!?! Aren’t you observing the results?? Do you think the serious states like Turkey take decisions on the whim????
US To Supply Stealth F-35 Jets, Originally Planned For Turkey, To Arch-Foe Greece

Published October 29, 2020
By Aakriti Sharma
The United States has reportedly approved the sale of fifth-generation F-35 stealth fighter jets to Greece almost a month after Greece’s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis announced a “robust” arms purchase program amid tensions with Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Greek Estia newspaper has reported that U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a “green light” for the supply of 20 F-35s during his recent visit to Greece. As part of the deal, six jets will be purchased in 2022. Of the 20 fighter jets, six of the F-35s were originally meant for Turkey.

Why Turkey Didn’t Get F-35s?
Turkey was headed to procure 100 of the Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II conventional takeoff and landing variants of the Joint Strike Fighter, the same version used by the U.S. Air Force.

With a total Turkish investment of more than $1 billion, 10 Turkish companies were involved in the development/production of the 5th generation aircraft.

Several U.S. congressmen had urged the U.S. administration to suspend the procurement of these fighters to Turkey because of the latter’s decision to buy Russian S-400 advanced air defense systems.

The US concern was that the Turkish procurement of S-400s would give Moscow access to critical details about the way their premiere surface-to-air missile system performs against the new 5th generation aircraft.

Eventually, following Ankara’s acceptance of the S-400 air defense system, the US had to remove Turkey from the F-35 joint strike fighter program in July 2019.

Tensions in the Mediterranean
There are wild speculations that the US could shift its İncirlik base in Turkey to Crete in Greece. The matter is under discussion by the U.S. Senate and it will resume after the Greece-U.S. defense agreement expires in a few days, and the government will propose to Parliament its five-year extension.

Last month, amid the heightened tensions with Ankara, Greece’s Prime Minister had said: “The time has come to reinforce the armed forces … these initiatives constitute a robust program that will become a national shield”.

Greece would also be acquiring 18 French-made Rafale warplanes, four multipurpose frigates, and four navy helicopters, while also recruiting 15,000 new troops and pouring resources into the national arms industry and cyberattack defense.

Securing new anti-tank weapons, torpedoes, and missiles are also part of Greece’s arms purchase list.

France, which will be delivering six Rafale jets by 2022, has supported Greece in its burgeoning showdown with Turkey. French President Emmanuel Macron has asked Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan to not cross the “red line” and has sent warships and fighter jets to the region.

The hopes for de-escalation are low, as earlier this month, Turkey announced naval exercises in the eastern Mediterranean and sent its research ship, the Oruç Reis, back to contested waters to continue the search for hydrocarbons. Turkey claims equal rights to the resources in the disputed waters that Greece considers its own.

Good. This Neo Ottoman Empire led by Erdogan should be taught a lesson. Turkey now has lot of enemies. India also hates Turkey now.
Do you think Turkey hasn’t done her homework before embarking on this adventure?!?! Aren’t you observing the results?? Do you think the serious states like Turkey take decisions on the whim????
I am sure that Turkey have a plan in this regard and I acknowledge that Turkey have impressive industrial capabilities of its own.

I am just telling you that developing a true 5th generation jet fighter is very expensive and challenging undertaking for any country in isolation. F-22A Raptor is by far the most expensive jet fighter ever produced due to being country-exclusive project and undertaking (USA). Since hardly any country have aviation industrial base, funds, and experience on the level of USA in the present, it is very likely that Turkey will need partners to move forward in case it is starting from scratch . I am going by revelations in the following source: https://www.defensenews.com/air/202...-to-join-its-tf-x-future-fighter-jet-program/

It makes sense. Multiple countries can pool their resources to help fund costly and challenging experiments. I desire Pakistan to tap TF-X project as well. However, time is of the essence.

Things are in motion and F-35 continues to evolve with time. Block 4 is being finalized and it will be a MAJOR UPDATE to the already very impressive Block 3f standard.

I am of the view that Turkey should have given preference to F-35 over S-400 system.
how does Greece pay for the continuous upkeep of the F35s. it has a super expensive coating.

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