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US to smash Iran’s missiles, Israel tackle Syria, Hizballah

bhaiya jee, don't worry. Majority of Indians don't want war.
A war is not going to help global economy.
The price of petrol in my country is hovering around 75.
We don't want it to become 150.

Iran is under sanctions and it is unable to sell to major customers incl. India.

If war breaks out now, there wont be major impact on oil prices unless Iran blocks Hormuz and blows Saudi refineries.
This is not a bluff. USA is going to start WW3 because otherwise its economy is about to implode.

If Beijing is smart, we will launch attacks in East Asia to give USA a very tough war in two different theaters.
In WWII US and allies defeated Nazi Germany , now the history repeats if WWIII happens .:D
Iran has only few options ,
1.Attack US bases with missiles as soon as US attacks Iran . After missiles are completed Iran is gone .
2.Wait for US to destroy its missile batteries and lose .
3.Take Russian help and counter west aggression .
In WWII US and allies defeated Nazi Germany , now the history repeats if WWIII happens .:D
Iran has only few options ,
1.Attack US bases with missiles as soon as US attacks Iran . After missiles are completed Iran is gone .
2.Wait for US to destroy its missile batteries and lose .

You're too much into worshiping uncle sam, it's not healthy for your sanity. Perhaps you should look into the options you have in your life instead of braying. If what you say was true many countries in the world would be gone long time ago.
Its US and Israel is doing war mongering; not just now since beginning of the century. Hundreds of thousands of people mainly Muslims got killed by US war machine getting rid of Al Qaeda, so we told. Now US is friend with Al Qaeda running joint venture killing elsewhere for more regime change. People who said from beginning Al Qaeda was working on behalf of US wish and interest was told to be subscribing to 'conspiracy theory' - that is no more US Al Qaeda relation is open admitted and promoted by none other than influential US foreign policy pillar CFR.

Al-Qaeda's Specter in Syria - Council on Foreign Relations

So far so good for US, none of the war, nightmare and bombing touch population in mainland US. Any world war venture will for sure bring the and destruction at home. Population in US, do they realize that? Are they ready to subscribe such undertaking just so Israeli wishes can be serviced?
With latest killing by ex US serviceman in Wisconsin and reaction from it seems US collectively lost rational thought and how to deal with one. It is indeed a sad story for a such promise land.

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