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US to Provide Pakistan Harpoon missiles

MrConcerned said:
Comparing the C-802 to the Harpoon is like comparing a kitchen knife to a calvary sword.

Does it have better range and payload? Isnt it subsonic compared to C-802 or are they both subsonic?
Now just watch these hindoostanians scream and yell about Pakistani Harpoons when they just bought the SM39 Exocet from France and has proceeded with plans to mass produce the naval version of the bramouse.:read:

Thursday, August 03, 2006
javascript:; http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/print.asp?page=2006\08\03\story_3-8-2006_pg7_23
India concerned at US plan to sell missiles to Pakistan

NEW DELHI: India expressed concern on Wednesday over the United States government’s plan to supply anti-ship harpoon missiles to Pakistan, saying that they could be employed against India.

“The government has engaged and will continue to engage the US government to limit the sale of advanced military technology to Pakistan which could be used against India,” Minister of State for External Affairs Anand Sharma said in the Lok Sabha (Lower House). In a written reply to a question by Mitrasen Yadav of the Communist Party of India, the minister said the government would continue to modernise and equip the Indian armed forces to deal with all threats to national security.

He said that the US Congress had been told that the proposed sale of the American missiles would not affect the basic military balance in the region.

“Nevertheless, the government is concerned at Pakistan acquiring advanced weaponry that might be used against India,” Sharma said.

He said that the Harpoon Block II anti-ship missiles along with associated equipment and service, that the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency intended to provide to Pakistan, is an all weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile, with a low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory and active radar guidance. The missile has a range of more than 67 nautical miles and a 500-pound blast warhead.

He said that Pakistan had requested the US for 50 UGM-841 (submarine-launched), 50 RGM-84L (surface-launched) and 30 AGM-841 (air-launched) Block II Harpoon missiles, five encapsulated harpoon command launch systems and related equipment and services. iftikhar gilani

RAPTOR said:
Now just watch these hindoostanians scream and yell about Pakistani Harpoons when they just bought the SM39 Exocet from France and has proceeded with plans to mass produce the naval version of the bramouse.:read:

Its an ole bad habbit, almost cumpulsive bahavior to react in such manner any time Pakistan gets something.

I'm sure if the US was to send 'gobar' to Pakistan the sale would be objected coz gobar can be used to produce biogas wich again can be applied to gain electricity and once connected to the grid will go to Kahuta and maybe to Khushab and help us make stronger weapons so we can attack India!

Jeez, doesn't anyone have a brain in Washington, what are they doing???:rolleyes:
Fortunately its not all gobar we're getting. :D

Block 52+ F-16C/D with some state of the art weapons systems got thru, Orions are coming and who knows what else will be purchased in future.

Pakistan is lobbying in France for new submarines equipped with Harpoons, they are coming regardless what the anti lobby does...;)
The good news about the French Submarine (MARLIN) project for Pakistan is that now Saudi Arabia is also looking at it...as well as the Rafales. ...so lower project costs as well as TOT for the Marlin is a possibility. If only the Frenchies would just shut up and equip PNs Marlins with the Block 2 HARPOONS then i'd consider it a done deal!
Marlin can easily be modified to carry Harpoons as the concept exisits on paper only, it has not been built yet.
Frenchies are playing smart, they want us to pay for the modification and testing risks which will push up the price.
Boeing unit wins $22.8M in Navy contracts

St. Louis Business Journal - 10:11 AM CDT Tuesday

The Boeing Co.'s aerospace division won two U.S. Navy contracts worth a total of $22.84 million, the U.S. Department of Defense said Monday.

The division was awarded a $17.28 million firm-fixed-price contract for the procurement of Harpoon Ship Command Launch Control Systems upgrades, modifications and associated equipment and spares for the governments of Pakistan, Chile and Turkey. The Harpoon is a GPS-guided missile.

The contract combines purchases, under the Foreign Military Sales Program, for the governments of Pakistan, $6.1 million; Chile, $5.87 million; and Turkey, $5.31 million.

Work will be performed in St. Charles, Mo.; Lititz, Pa.; San Diego; Baltimore; Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Kellyville, Okla.; and various other locations in the United States. Work on the order is expected to be completed in July 2008.

The Boeing unit also won a $5.56 million order against a previously issued basic ordering agreement for wiring kits under engineering change proposal 270-R2 1760 to upgrade 30 AV-8B Harrier aircraft.

Work will be performed in St. Louis and Samarate, Italy, and is expected to be completed in November 2007.

Chicago-based Boeing Co.'s (NYSE: BA) Integrated Defense Systems unit, its largest subsidiary, is based in St. Louis and is the area's second-largest employer.

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