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US to offer F-35 fighters to India

Have you taken any business class or you are in still grade school? Everbody engages marketing and lot of them FAIL.

This F-35 propaganda can compared the same way the Lockheed Martin proposed a sale to India for F-16 Viper.

What reasons do you think U.S. will approve it. They want to maintain a balance of power in South Asia. Pakistan will have some input on this and Pakistan's input will will be serious consideration. Pakistan strategic depth and alliance will not be put in jeopardy just because India wants more planes to play with and crash.

What balance of power.. ?? Dont delude you self dude.. What input did Pakistan have on the offer for the Nuke deal, or the F 18 SH or F 16 IN (Block 60+)..

just a little difference here. It is GURANTEED. :wave:

Yup.. So were the F 16s that you bought from USA in 1980s.. Arent those the ones you are finally getting now..
If Pakistan was interested in F-35 they could've spend money on it.

Question is, do we want to spend that much on a plane and maintaining it?

F-35 can be and might be sold to India. They want money, it doesn't matter who they will give it to.
Though the plane is still far from ready and has to match US requirements.

I think by 2015 we are looking at an awesome PAF. Only then we will know if are jumping on the Stealth gen or not.
Keep in mind that these planes have yet to prove in combat.

About, negotiating, well we are no longer interested in American and western stuff. China is here with quite able aircrafts and other stuff.

Afterall we were the ones who got the F-86s, F-104s and F-16s right when they came out. Pakistan can ask American to block this deal, by pulling out of WOT an making life hell for Obama's foreign policy. But we don't care, and i be we can compete without crying unlike India, which want's to counter 18 F-16s with 42 new SU 30MKI. Speaks so much of their confidence.

Measuring dick? Are you sure that condom fits you? You sure it's not too big for the tragically small penis?

Keep your comments decent.

Do you really think Pakistan has a choice in that?

Ask Musharraf what he was told over the phone by Colin Powell...that still stands.
If you are going to retaliate at least be HONEST in your post OK? I'm not going to reply to dishonest posters who post garbage. Of the highlighted parts you don't have those planes and will never get them.

Don't be childish in your response to my posts. You know I am right, I just made you mad so you have to respond with lies and 12 year old comments. Please try not to post anything nonsensical. If I recall India turned away the F-16IN or shall I say, they got wind they were not going to get approved the sale so instead of looking inferior to Pakistan and a military joke to the rest of the world they "claimed" they were not interested anymore and turned to Russia.

Let me remind you Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally (MNNA), something India will never be. Pakistan gets weapons/military equipment on demand. You need companies that have hit rock bottom to come to you in a desperate attempt to increase their profitability.

When you procure these planes F-16IN, F-35, F/A-18 SH, or to say the least have the U.S. government approve the go ahead of these sales then come talk to me, as the MRCA Tender is not backed by the U.S. Government and from the U.S. Government side it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

I'm done this thread. There is no point arguing with those who are happy about a fictitious sale. :taz:

I'm soory but's YOU who is being childish. Why would the US offer the F18 SH or F16IN to India if they had NO intention of selling them, your remarks are clearly baseless and ridiculous, you can see that the US clearly wants the deal (MRCA) by the force of which both companies (LM+Boeing) have pushed tham, even the US govt stopped Isreal helping Gripen out with radars to make US planes more favourable.

That's a new one, companies competing for bids, spending millions of $$$ for NO reason whatsoever, what kind of F$#king b/s is this, not only would this be an EXTREMLY useless business plan but it would be as STUPID as your comments (above) :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
If you are going to retaliate at least be HONEST in your post OK? I'm not going to reply to dishonest posters who post garbage. Of the highlighted parts you don't have those planes and will never get them.

Don't be childish in your response to my posts. You know I am right, I just made you mad so you have to respond with lies and 12 year old comments. Please try not to post anything nonsensical. If I recall India turned away the F-16IN or shall I say, they got wind they were not going to get approved the sale so instead of looking inferior to Pakistan and a military joke to the rest of the world they "claimed" they were not interested anymore and turned to Russia.

Let me remind you Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally (MNNA), something India will never be. Pakistan gets weapons/military equipment on demand. You need companies that have hit rock bottom to come to you in a desperate attempt to increase their profitability.

When you procure these planes F-16IN, F-35, F/A-18 SH, or to say the least have the U.S. government approve the go ahead of these sales then come talk to me, as the MRCA Tender is not backed by the U.S. Government and from the U.S. Government side it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

I'm done this thread. There is no point arguing with those who are happy about a fictitious sale. :taz:

Secretary Gates wanted to do a FMS sale to India with only the SH and F-16 IN in the fray.I think that pretty much shows the US govt wanted to sell the planes.

As for the topic...it would be crazy for India to buy the F-35.India will not get it before 2020 at the earliest.
If you are going to retaliate at least be HONEST in your post OK? I'm not going to reply to dishonest posters who post garbage. Of the highlighted parts you don't have those planes and will never get them.

Don't be childish in your response to my posts. You know I am right, I just made you mad so you have to respond with lies and 12 year old comments. Please try not to post anything nonsensical. If I recall India turned away the F-16IN or shall I say, they got wind they were not going to get approved the sale so instead of looking inferior to Pakistan and a military joke to the rest of the world they "claimed" they were not interested anymore and turned to Russia.

Let me remind you Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally (MNNA), something India will never be. Pakistan gets weapons/military equipment on demand. You need companies that have hit rock bottom to come to you in a desperate attempt to increase their profitability.

When you procure these planes F-16IN, F-35, F/A-18 SH, or to say the least have the U.S. government approve the go ahead of these sales then come talk to me, as the MRCA Tender is not backed by the U.S. Government and from the U.S. Government side it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

I'm done this thread. There is no point arguing with those who are happy about a fictitious sale. :taz:

mrca tender not backed by u.s govt :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:,god u have done enough.,i got to know that lockheed and boeing r selling these birds in black market:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Us offers india f-16 block60 but i dont think they should go for it because indians pilots never flies f-16 so they need training of those plane + they should also need maintenance workshops for such plains so in the end it will be really expensive for india..
if they goes for it then good luck to you guys...
f-35 is in process so lets forget it till 2016 because no one can go for it without testing it,,,india will think like same as i do..
so i believe the best choice for india is rafael or russian planes..
Have you taken any business class or you are in still grade school? Everbody engages marketing and lot of them FAIL.

I am software engg..so have not taken any business class but being a consultant know quite enough about marketing....For any biz one thing is very important...and that is reputation....You just don't make offers which you very well know cannot be completed....This is bad biz...So please enlighten me what biz school has taught you that a company makes claims without having the will/capability to fulfill the claim????

This F-35 propaganda can compared the same way the Lockheed Martin proposed a sale to India for F-16 Viper.
I am sorry can you please share more about it....I am not sure what example are you portraying here....

What reasons do you think U.S. will approve it. They want to maintain a balance of power in South Asia. Pakistan will have some input on this and Pakistan's input will will be serious consideration.
What are you talking about??? Do you seriously think PN is a challenge to IN??? There is no strategic tilt of the balance viz-a-viz PN if IN field F-35.....By the way you very well know that they are offering us the most advanced F-16 then your latest block 52 and that too in 126-200 numbers....May i ask isn't it not going to do anything to tilt the claimed strategic balance???? You very well know that if we field F-16(which we will not) the you will not get the same or better planes from US..Right???

Pakistan strategic depth and alliance will not be put in jeopardy just because India wants more planes to play with and crash.
You last line suggests that this should be my last reply to you....Reasons are obvious...You lack knowledge in the subject being discussed....
If you are going to retaliate at least be HONEST in your post OK? I'm not going to reply to dishonest posters who post garbage. Of the highlighted parts you don't have those planes and will never get them.

Don't be childish in your response to my posts. You know I am right, I just made you mad so you have to respond with lies and 12 year old comments. Please try not to post anything nonsensical. If I recall India turned away the F-16IN or shall I say, they got wind they were not going to get approved the sale so instead of looking inferior to Pakistan and a military joke to the rest of the world they "claimed" they were not interested anymore and turned to Russia.

Let me remind you Pakistan is a Major non-NATO ally (MNNA), something India will never be. Pakistan gets weapons/military equipment on demand. You need companies that have hit rock bottom to come to you in a desperate attempt to increase their profitability.

When you procure these planes F-16IN, F-35, F/A-18 SH, or to say the least have the U.S. government approve the go ahead of these sales then come talk to me, as the MRCA Tender is not backed by the U.S. Government and from the U.S. Government side it is a COMPLETE JOKE.

I'm done this thread. There is no point arguing with those who are happy about a fictitious sale. :taz:

am glad you are good at justifying you Nick..:azn:
Not being jealous or anything, but one thing is constantly lingering in my mind that why wud America sell sucha High tech stuff to an Ally of its greatest adversary, is that some thing like "keep your friends close and enemies closer stuff or business stuff or is it related to Pakistan, and if its was for business then why wont they ask China??
The greatest adversary of USA today is China and not Russia. Look at your statement in that context now
Sancho please bear with me here....I am not as knowledgeable as you....

In that time we have nearl all MMRCA contenders that are superior to nearly all adversaris like JF 17, J10, or J-15. J-XX will come only in the next decade, but we will have our naval 5.gen fighter before anyway.

Buddy MRCA is for IAF here we are talking about IN....The point is not about fielding 5 generation fighter ahead of PLAN....The point is there is serious disparity between India and China...If we go by this deal by the time CHina would induct 5 generation fighter we would have mastered our doctorines based on 5 generation fighters.....We need something big to break the status quo and believe me if we play our cards fine(which we are) we can break this shackle...I agree that naval version of FGFA would be in place by the time PLAN would induct theirs however you don't master the plane the moment you sit on cockpit right??? Look at PAF...they lost a decade and now it is very difficult to bridge the gap.....If we go by this deal we will surely be fielding a 5 generation fighter 5-7 years ahead of PLAN....A fighter which we can very well afford...A fighter that is better then any 4.5 generation fielded by any of our adversary and who knows better then what they will field in next decade....

I highly disagree on the costs, as I said in an earlier post, we are not a member in the development, we are interested in the most expensive version and will buy only a small number, that all will make it clearly more expensive than it already is and even more than EF, or Rafale in MMRCA.
I don't see PN as a challenge too and but as I mentioned above, MMRCAs like Rafale, or F18SH would be more than enough to counter Chinese carriers and fighters that are only planed so far.
As sad the idea is to have the best which will be a game changer....No matter how many 4.5 generation we field cannot match the numerical superiority of PLAN..>We can't compete with their manufacturing capability as well...So to me F-35 is worth every penny we spend...

Not sure about that, because we still don't know enough about the internal weapon bays of Pak Fa.
Exactly...So rejecting a fighter whose capability we know for the fighter whose capabilities we don't know makes no sense to me....Explain to me would you not induct PAK FA naval version if it is on offer by the same time F-35 is???? I am sure you will say we will....That's why i am saying couple of squadrons by 2017 is not going to hurt our economy...but yeah can give us a bigger punch which we all are praying for in the form of PAK FA, and PAK FA naval version...

Can F35 give what Rafale can? Especially the naval versions will often have to carry external stations, be it for anti- ship weapons, cruise missiles, or fuel tanks for more range. Carrier fighters can't be air refuelled that easy like their land based counter parts, so F35 stealth advantage, especially in use from IN will be less useful and makes it much more comparable to 4.5 gen fighters.
Again my question to you would be is it less useful than Rafael??? Can Rafael play more important role then F-35??? If F-35 can give me whatever Rafael can plus stealth(to whatever extent) then i am not sure why we should not go for it....The same things which you are arguing against F-35 may very well be true for so called PAK FA naval Version....let me ask apart from Cost what other serious technical areas you see where F-35 cannot match rafael??? However if i have to do mission like Bombimg Karachi Harbour or for that matter Chinese Harbour or a strike mission well inside Pak/China from Sea F-35 will give me an edge over rafael due to its stealth...Now can I/will I is a different matter but surely i have a fighter plane who can do the job for me and makes things difficult for my adversary....the least they have to do is keep reserves and worry all the time about a new front in form of F-35....

What do you think???
Not being jealous or anything, but one thing is constantly lingering in my mind that why wud America sell sucha High tech stuff to an Ally of its greatest adversary, is that some thing like "keep your friends close and enemies closer stuff or business stuff or is it related to Pakistan, and if its was for business then why wont they ask China??

With all due respect if they can sell things to Pakistan who is close to China then may i ask why they would hesitate to sell anything to India??? Also you very well know about P-8i deal right??? Moreover it shows US confidence in proliferation records of India....
How about if India buys few f35 and few su 35 mki and than take out the best parts from each fighter and than master on how to build these parts. AND than build it's own jet fighter which would be combination of f35 and su30 mki??????

Hey, great idea, isnt it??
How about if India buys few f35 and few su 35 mki and than take out the best parts from each fighter and than master on how to build these parts. AND than build it's own jet fighter which would be combination of f35 and su30 mki??????

Hey, great idea, isnt it??

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