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US to keep an eye on aid utilization: Hillary

Mar 5, 2009
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US to keep an eye on aid utilization: Hillary

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration would ensure that Pakistan did not divert US assistance into any channel other than what it was meant for, the secretary of state told a Senate sub-committee on Wednesday.

Hillary Clinton agreed with a legislator’s proposal that conditions be attached to the assistance provided to Pakistan and Afghanistan so that the money was used only for the purpose named in the bill concerned.

Senator Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat, referred to media speculations that Pakistan might use the US aid package to make nuclear weapons or to buy weapons to be used against India and asked Secretary Clinton to ensure that this did not happen.

‘None of our aid will affect the efforts by Pakistan regarding their nuclear stockpile,’ Mrs Clinton told the Appropriations Sub-committee on state and foreign operations.

The administration will 'use all means' to make sure that there’s no ‘diversion of money or any use of it other than what it is meant for’, she assured the committee.

The United States, she said, would also like to see a reduction in India-Pakistan tensions and the resumption of the bilateral dialogue to give both ‘a little more confidence in each other’.

Secretary Clinton described as ‘quite unprecedented’ the political support given to the military offensive in Swat, noting that both the ruling and opposition parties were backing the operation.

‘We have never seen anything like that before … to some extent it is reassuring that the government and the opposition are united in their opposition to the threat posed by the terrorists.’The Pakistanis, she said, were making ‘a very significant effort and we are supporting that’.

She agreed with Senator John Kerry, who chaired the hearing, that it was not an easy task. ‘If this would be easy, we would not be sitting here … we have to demonstrate America’s commitment to the people of Pakistan.’

Senator Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, told her that he had proposed amendments to the bill seeking to triple US assistance to Pakistan, requiring the administration to report back whether it was meeting those objectives set by Congress.

‘We do need measurements of performance in every (sector) that we are interacting with … the government … the military,’ Mrs Clinton said.

She said the administration was working with the US intelligence and the Department of Defence, in coordination with the National Security Agency, to ensure that the intended results of US assistance to Pakistan were achieved.

DAWN.COM | World | US to keep an eye on aid utilization: Hillary
Most definitely a positive development -- such moves will go a long in denying rogue elements of U.S. intelligence community from sowing distrust and discord between Pakistan and the U.S
What a socratic irony? US fears aid to be used in nuclear, while people of pakistan worries to end up in notorious foreign accounts particularly swiss :cheesy: :rofl:

However I welcome this statement. It will help the IDPs....:pakistan:
Most definitely a positive development -- such moves will go a long in denying rogue elements of U.S. intelligence community from sowing distrust and discord between Pakistan and the U.S

Agreed - the Military establishment says it needs COIN equipment, the US says it will only provide aid for COIN equipment, and the 'accountability' should ensure the usual suspects keep their traps shut, if the aid is ever disbursed that is.

On the civilian side, I have always argued that aid disbursed should have some sort of accountability from the donor - can't let too much of it line the pockets of some.;)
All of the money should be marked with sticky, totally indelible, uv ink. All Pakistani politicians (and their wives and children) should have their hands examined daily with high intensity uv light. That also goes for all the US aid and intelligence people involved, too.
I think Pakistan can be better off without such aid which has countless strings attached and puts too much restrain on Pakistan government's decision making power.
All of the money should be marked with sticky, totally indelible, uv ink. All Pakistani politicians (and their wives and children) should have their hands examined daily with high intensity uv light. That also goes for all the US aid and intelligence people involved, too.

Yes U.S Federal Reserve can make this paper money in any color or design to scam the world.
All of the money should be marked with sticky, totally indelible, uv ink. All Pakistani politicians (and their wives and children) should have their hands examined daily with high intensity uv light. That also goes for all the US aid and intelligence people involved, too.

i no you are saying this with your tongue in cheeks but this aint a bad idea.:enjoy:
I think Pakistan can be better off without such aid which has countless strings attached and puts too much restrain on Pakistan government's decision making power.

They only decision they Make with Aids money is which bank and which account to use to hide the Money.:cheers:
is Mrs Clinton pakistani?
she is repeatedly surprising me by accepting the past mistakes towards pakistan made by USA.
just what we have been saying for years
"...she is repeatedly surprising me by accepting the past mistakes towards pakistan made by USA."

We'll see if Pakistan's statemen can ever be as forthcoming. That would be a welcome departure, wouldn't you agree-accepting for starters blame for your own decisions to provide seven years running of sanctuary to our (erstwhile) common enemy?

is Mrs Clinton pakistani?
she is repeatedly surprising me by accepting the past mistakes towards pakistan made by USA.
just what we have been saying for years

Well you know Hallah Sheahri (urdu):angel:......she is praising pakistan to DO MORE......the emphasis is on DO MORE & BETTER.

They want to win war in afghanistan and this NOT be possible without support of pakistan no matter how hard they try. Past 8 years result are infront of us...karzai can't step outside of his palace. :rofl:

So they want us either by hook or by crook. :enjoy:

So for the time being :pakistan: :cheers: :usflag:
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