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'US to deploy troops if Pak nukes come under threat'

Just because the Americans caught us unaware by sneaking into a pure civilian area not protected by any defensive aids to take out Osama does not necessarily mean that they will get the same reception while intruding into a highly secured compound. My sincere advise to the US administration is that kindly do not try to mix apples with oranges here!!!
So, if we say that ten jirga members died in a drone strike--Does that mean ISI is involved? SOCOM

Trust me Pak Army/ISI is involved in the drone strikes. This way they don't need to do it themselves and this avoids the risk if they did it themselves of a civil war.
Pakistan is the only country in this world who suffer because of its own military and its policies!
Pakistan is the only country in this world who suffer because of its own military and its policies!

and still more n more pakistanis believe in army.......
no body knows wat policies they make...wrt others....
example is obl operation...still uncleared whether localites were involved or not..
you people or the article writer really think that a bunch of uneducated people can get a hold of nukes???.....do you people even know how much parts they are broken up into and their locations...not to mention the truckload of security there....the people there who guard it...be SSG or someother regiment....dont even know what they are guarding!....and where did the writer get 80 ballistic missiles in sarghoda??.....they are absolutely not placed in a hangar next to an F 16!!!...with the hanger door open!
and still more n more pakistanis believe in army.......
no body knows wat policies they make...wrt others....
example is obl operation...still uncleared whether localites were involved or not..

My concern is totally different with what you though about my comment..

my concern is ... Army made up for DEFENCE... not for shut thr mouth when someone invade .... If army is not able to do this... they dont deserve not a single peny from Pakistan Budget!

1. Do you think USA care bout China and Russia or Russia will give a dammn bout it??? Russia has old grudge over Pakistan (As you ppl break them in pieces and Islamic terrorists are trained in Pakistan tribal area (as per russian claim..))

2. Illuminate us
3. SC will veto if US will go there.. Definitely USA is not willing to anything as such, But In case If they believe that The Nulkes are going to fall in AQ hand, They will take control over Nukes, and later when situation normalized, They will hand over to civilian government...

Don't be in impression that US planning to strip your nuke capability... If and only if there will be immediate threat of nuke falling into Talibs hand USA will act....

First things first, what are those bolded things?? your and your did you see my flag?? Are u confused? Next for your logic

1. Your first explanation is flawed. Reason being, if any country would play international politics the way you mention it will be doomed for sure. While Russia does have and had problems with Pakistan, currently prolonged stay of America in a region it considers its backyard will be worrisome for them. Please read about Obama's plans of missile base in Warsaw countries and Russia's discontent over it. The other thing you are forgetting is China, surely u can't be that naive to say that China will stay out of this game do you?

2. What is there to illuminate, if still u want then here it goes: As much as they distrust each other, can America really antagonize Pakistan and open up another front in this WOT. It will completely drain their economy. The elite in Pakistan can play this hide and seek to some extent only, but when the question of soverignity arises they have to take a stand.Don't say that the top level will sell away the nukes, it is not possible to keep such an incident under wraps for long. In addition the Chinese angle will open up a can of worms.

3. You third point is not clear at all, do u mean to say USA will not go to SC or what?
Although the US officials have denied the news.

However, I think this is next episode of GREAT GAME, this episode has already been delayed bcaz RD caught and deported. Now they are coming with the different way. "Waisay na sahi to aisay hi sahi".
some indian members here are really exaggerating the situatuion here!!....coming into abbotabad and coming into a nuke site is a totally different ball game....there was no full complement of troops and SAM and tethered baloons and all the measures on OBL compound was there??.....pakistan has a nuke safety record more than US!!.....remember when the uS nukes went on a piggy back ride on a B 52???...it flew the whole of america!!!...did anybody raise questions then??....
News like these pops up every few months-
Nukes are not stored in suit cases to be taken by US troops-

Indians on the other hand dream alot- since they dont have the balls to do any thing themselves- any thing amrika says becomes their fantasy- - Loosers-
News like these pops up every few months-
Nukes are not stored in suit cases to be taken by US troops-

Indians on the other hand dream alot- since they dont have the balls to do any thing themselves- any thing amrika says becomes their fantasy- - Loosers-

u tried us in wars:D....still saying no balls...
change the green lenses or have balls to do so!!!

although,we need to concentrate only on china....and its good that usa is allowing us to do that:azn:
The US is aiding the terrorists by forcing Pakistan to safeguard itself against the US first and then the terrorists.

Well Well! so now the US is aiding terrorists, aren't they supposed to be our best buddy, our ally, our undata,our palan'haar ?????
u tried us in wars:D....still saying no balls...
change the green lenses or have balls to do so!!!

although,we need to concentrate only on china....and its good that usa is allowing us to do that:azn:

U have also seen us in wars and u know we shoved out dks up ur a-holes and that is when we came to know u had no balls, as far as Pakistani nukes are concerned they are all not in one place and if this situation occurs we are gonna shove some war heads up your a-holes and say that ''Extremists did it''.....

This is just another Indian wet dream.....:woot:
u tried us in wars:D....still saying no balls...
change the green lenses or have balls to do so!!!

although,we need to concentrate only on china....and its good that usa is allowing us to do that:azn:

War fought against an enemy who has advantage in sheer numbers--
War fought on a piece of land surrounded by 10 times larger enemy--
Now thats whats called having Balls-
While you tried your balls with a bigger enemy china once and got humiliated-

and i will love you to keep concentrating on the distraction-
I think my Pakistani friends are missing the point.

The issue is not whether the terrorist threat is credible or the nukes are actually in danger. All America has to do is claim so, and they will intervene. Pakistan can scream all day long that there was never any threat. Nobody is going to listen to us; all the world media will accept the American story without question. Especially after Abbotabad. As far as the world is concerned, the Pakistani security establishment is compromised with jihadis, so their claims can not be trusted.
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