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US to cut off aid to Palestinian, veto Palestinian recognition in UN

Over 150 states support the palestinians. And you got 1 state america stopping what 150 states want thats jewish democracy is it. Oh sorry are we all undemocratic anti semites now.

Oh and you wanted to deal with democratically elected leaders to represent the palestinians thats what your lier leaders told arafat so hoping that they wouldnt have to deal with him. Whats your proplem now hamas is the democratically elected represntatives of the palestinians. Oh they are terrorists. Who decides they are terrorists oh its their accusers the zionist. So the one alleging is also the judge. Yea thats israeli/jewish logic for you.

All I have to say to you is that the crusaders ruled jerusalem for a 100 years and then the muslims got it back. Dont relax just yet you have only occupied 70 odd years and you think its over. eventually the muslims will get their act together and take whats theirs back peacefully or otherwise.

I used to use the word zionist quite deliberatly as opposed to jew so that there could be no question of being accused of anti semitism but you know what people like you have devalued the word anti semite by using it so much that I couldnt care less anymore think wateva you want

I don`t mind you being anti-semite, nor do i actually believe your train of thought is worth paying too much attention to.
I will say this however, over your and yours dead bodies Jerusalem will ever again be forced to exchange hands.
The only way Jerusalem will ever be exchanged if somehow all those that want take it become resistant to Biochemical and Nuclear radiation, nothing else.

You seem to be under the misguided notion that Israel is going to fall alone, you are terribly mistaken.
I don`t mind you being anti-semite, nor do i actually believe your train of thought is worth paying too much attention to.
I will say this however, over your and yours dead bodies Jerusalem will ever again be forced to exchange hands.
The only way Jerusalem will ever be exchanged if somehow all those that want take it become resistant to Biochemical and Nuclear radiation, nothing else.

You seem to be under the misguided notion that Israel is going to fall alone, you are terribly mistaken.

Including East Jerusalem? :undecided:
I don`t mind you being anti-semite, nor do i actually believe your train of thought is worth paying too much attention to.
I will say this however, over your and yours dead bodies Jerusalem will ever again be forced to exchange hands.
The only way Jerusalem will ever be exchanged if somehow all those that want take it become resistant to Biochemical and Nuclear radiation, nothing else.

well so be it your choice over your dead body. even if we lose a hundred to your 1 there will still be some of us left. Its good that you are all gathering together in one place. The iranians are preparing to sort you out dont worry. lol
Come on gambit and the rest of the americans pile in on the zionists side.:yahoo:. Show us how you support a just cause on the side of those poor litle zionists against those bad naughty evil palestinians
Over 150 states support the palestinians. And you got 1 state america stopping what 150 states want thats jewish democracy is it. Oh sorry are we all undemocratic anti semites now.
Look at it this way...The PRC became a UN member AFTER Taiwan. In fact, it was the General Assembly that voted in the PRC and that election forced Taiwan off the UN Security Council and installed the PRC in its place. All you have to do is ask why is the General Assembly so apathetic about the Palestinians.

In case you wonder if I speak the truth about the PRC...

China and the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As a result of these trends, on October 25, 1971, Resolution 2758 was passed by the General Assembly, withdrawing recognition of the ROC as the legitimate government of China, and recognizing the PRC as the sole legitimate government of China.
This is what Turki Al-Faisal said:
“In September, the kingdom will use its considerable diplomatic might to support the Palestinians in their quest for international recognition. American leaders have long called Israel an “indispensable” ally. They will soon learn that there are other players in the region — not least the Arab street — who are as, if not more, “indispensable.” The game of favoritism toward Israel has not proven wise for Washington, and soon it will be shown to be an even greater folly. There will be disastrous consequences for U.S.-Saudi relations if the United States vetoes U.N. recognition of a Palestinian state.”

Mossam time of reckoning mate I really hope you have been right and I am wrong
Mossam time of reckoning mate I really hope you have been right and I am wrong

The question is: Are the Saudis going to DO anything? Probably the same response as the war in Lebanon some years back. Sorry, but I don't see how their diplomacy can be counted.

The Palestinian refugee issue is still an...issue. What is more sad is that countries like Syria uses that for political purposes against Israel. Even after more than sixty years!! Sad, just sad.

Hope we Muslims can have more unity other than constant backbiting :argh:
Look at it this way...The PRC became a UN member AFTER Taiwan. In fact, it was the General Assembly that voted in the PRC and that election forced Taiwan off the UN Security Council and installed the PRC in its place. All you have to do is ask why is the General Assembly so apathetic about the Palestinians.

In case you wonder if I speak the truth about the PRC...

China and the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I knew it gambit you were lurking there werent you. Listen you are going off tangent and you have been selective in what you have chosen to address. well I m off and cant be bothered to discuss anything with shameless americans. byee
Over 150 states support the palestinians.
It's convenient for 150 states to mouth support for palestinians, rather than risk Arab ill-will or even outright terrorism against their interests or people.

And you got 1 state america stopping what 150 states want thats jewish democracy is it.
Some people are braver than others.

Who decides they are terrorists oh its their accusers the zionist.
I doubt every Arab who complains about Hamas breaking legs is a zionist. But you know what, Aryan_B? You have yet to establish that there is anything wrong with being a Zionist!

All I have to say to you is that the crusaders ruled jerusalem for a 100 years and then the muslims got it back.
Is that it? Whether Zionism is right or wrong you are convinced the Arabs will conquer sooner or later so you side with them?

I used to use the word zionist quite deliberatly as opposed to jew so that there could be no question of being accused of anti semitism -
As your tussle with ARSENAL6 showed, you are against half the world's population of Jews simply because they live in Israel, regardless of whether they are Zionists or not, regardless of their deeds as individuals. That is race discrimination and anti-semitism.

Why aren't you embarrassed, contrite, and apologetic about your feelings, Aryan_B? You say you're not in it for the money. Are you an anti-Zionist anti-Semite simply because your parents were, or are you in it because you treasure hatred?
I knew it gambit you were lurking there werent you. Listen you are going off tangent and you have been selective in what you have chosen to address. well I m off and cant be bothered to discuss anything with shameless americans. byee
That is not a tangent. It is a valid example of the UN General Assembly exercising its desire. Talk is cheap. It is far easier for the GA to criticize Israel without taking any real action. The Arabs know such criticisms are themselves farcical.
well so be it your choice over your dead body. even if we lose a hundred to your 1 there will still be some of us left. Its good that you are all gathering together in one place. The iranians are preparing to sort you out dont worry. lol

In these days of modern warfare, i`d take 1:100 chances any day of the year. :cheers:
US AId - I hope they turn to UN and get recognition like South Sudan (Highly Doubt it as Palestinians as they are not Christians.)..Just goes to show much Neutral US is.Americans are full of it claiming moral high ground.....In a real moral world American Generals along with their President would be tried in Human Rights Court along with Serbian General who was convicted few days ago.
It's convenient for 150 states to mouth support for palestinians, rather than risk Arab ill-will or even outright terrorism against their interests or people.

Some people are braver than others.

I doubt every Arab who complains about Hamas breaking legs is a zionist. But you know what, Aryan_B? You have yet to establish that there is anything wrong with being a Zionist!

Is that it? Whether Zionism is right or wrong you are convinced the Arabs will conquer sooner or later so you side with them?

As your tussle with ARSENAL6 showed, you are against half the world's population of Jews simply because they live in Israel, regardless of whether they are Zionists or not, regardless of their deeds as individuals. That is race discrimination and anti-semitism.

Why aren't you embarrassed, contrite, and apologetic about your feelings, Aryan_B? You say you're not in it for the money. Are you an anti-Zionist anti-Semite simply because your parents were, or are you in it because you treasure hatred?

how much do american government pay old men who have no job to come talk crap here then copy paste on to other sites from pdf ?(he does that guys to show world how silly pakistanis and muslims are to a more select zionist racist audience)
In these days of modern warfare, i`d take 1:100 chances any day of the year. :cheers:

Thats what crusaders thought before they lost jerusalem to us too:azn: anyway I wont be there the brave iranians and their leaders will be lol
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