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US To Buy 20 Fighter Planes for Afghan Air Force: ISAF

Maybe propagenda is needed to be fed to the Afghan 'allies' and public that 'we wont leave you alone'?
maybee. but more realistically they are saying we gave you what we could, now its up to you to defend your country and not blame us for your failures...
sitting any jet fighter takes a lot of training..as Super Tunaco are coming,may be they will buy their own trainer aircrafts for that purpose.until then,its USA where they're going for training.as other countries are also helping them and will help them for training purpose,I don't see any problem to induct F-16 in their service.

Super tunaco is a P7 class turboprop. How do you plan to get your allied pilots from a turboprop directly into an F-16 without JCC?

You must have developed some very high tech training regimes to bridge that gap...for your allies.

maybee. but more realistically they are saying we gave you what we could, now its up to you to defend your country and not blame us for your failures...

India will defend its ally, against a likely Pakistani invasion. So,how do you imply that Afgans will be left alone, at the mercy of Pakistan,when India is its guardian angel?
Super tunaco is a P7 class turboprop. How do you plan to get your allied pilots from a turboprop directly into an F-16 without JCC?

You must have developed some very high tech training regimes to bridge that gap...for your allies.

Like I said,they will buy the trainer aircrafts(may it be 2 tier or 3 tier training process) eventually.but till then,they might be trained in any other friendly countries,like they are getting their training in USA.Training 20-30 pilots within 4-5 years is no big deal.
Maybe new or used F-5 or some variant of this. It is a very capable fighter imo. Maybe not in the same league as some other aircraft, but it is still very capable for its price range.

Or perhaps some old Mirages....

Like I said,they will buy the trainer aircrafts(may it be 2 tier or 3 tier training process) eventually.but till then,they might be trained in any other friendly countries,like they are getting their training in USA.Training 20-30 pilots within 4-5 years is no big deal.

I believe the US may have already trained quite a few pilots for Afghanistan. Karzai is an idiot, but not such an idiot that he would go out boasting such things unless there was something in the making.

Both US and India are superpowers, what difference does a US pullout make when, one superpower will be replaced by another. India may even have bases in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan and support its ally. Afghans are in for a bright future!
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So is buying them, don't worry US will maintain them for free to tighten the screws on Talibans.

You're assuming that they'll maintain them for free. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Both US and India are superpowers, what difference does a US pullout make when, one superpower will be replaced by another. India may even have bases in Afghanistan to contain Pakistan and support its ally. Afghans are in for a bright future!

Trolling at it's peak.:lol:
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Like I said,they will buy the trainer aircrafts(may it be 2 tier or 3 tier training process) eventually.but till then,they might be trained in any other friendly countries,like they are getting their training in USA.Training 20-30 pilots within 4-5 years is no big deal.

That and building support and logistical infrastructure is a multi billion dollar exercise. Since the US has a very bad track record with looking after countries it pulls out of,is India going to provide those billions needed for buying keeping those jets operational on annual basis?
America itself is using Super Tunaco.and its for support role.there is no denying the fact that there is too many Russian or Chinese jets in the market,but one thing to be noticed that ISAF didn't give any 2nd hand equipments or which they gave,its there own equipment.and they're getting top equipment in the market(they didn't get basic Mi-17,but they got Mi-17V5,top in its class..same goes for Super Tunaco)may be some Russian fighter,yes.but then it'll be new jets..or else,it'll be any American jet.there is not much of a difference in Russian top of the line jets with American F-15/F-16.also,USA will get another client.

I don't understand what you're trying to say here. If you could please organize your comment better, because it seems to be all over the place.
Super tunaco is a P7 class turboprop. How do you plan to get your allied pilots from a turboprop directly into an F-16 without JCC?

You must have developed some very high tech training regimes to bridge that gap...for your allies.

India will defend its ally, against a likely Pakistani invasion. So,how do you imply that Afgans will be left alone, at the mercy of Pakistan,when India is its guardian angel?

don't worry i am sure the afghans can defend them selves if Pakistan invaded directly or indirectly, after all you Pakistanis are full of praise for their victory over the soviets and the Americans...
Maybe new or used F-5 or some variant of this. It is a very capable fighter imo. Maybe not in the same league as some other aircraft, but it is still very capable for its price range.

Or perhaps some old Mirages....

I believe the US may have already trained quite a few pilots for Afghanistan. Karzai is an idiot, but not such an idiot that he would go out boasting such things unless there was something in the making.

Mirages are too expensive to maintain in the long run.

You're right though, the US probably has already provided training, they're just looking for a suitable aircraft for the ANAF.
about trainers, what is to say that America won't the train pilots themselves in the US or a nearby base with trainer aircraft. or even India could train them.
don't worry i am sure the afghans can defend them selves if Pakistan invaded directly or indirectly, after all you Pakistanis are full of praise for their victory over the soviets and the Americans...

Does this mean, you will 'abandon your strategic ally' in its may day?

That wouldn't look too good for your future alliance candidates,would it?
don't worry i am sure the afghans can defend them selves if Pakistan invaded directly or indirectly, after all you Pakistanis are full of praise for their victory over the soviets and the Americans...

You realize that provoking a mod is a bad idea, right? Also, try and realize that he's being sarcastic.

Besides, Pakistan has no desire to invade Afghanistan. All Pakistan wants to do is maintain the border between the Afghan-Pakistan border, which the Afghans don't recognize.
You're assuming that they'll maintain them for free. Remember, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

There is no such thing as free lunch ??really ??700 billion $ vanished in thin air and you would expect country like US can pump in 100 billion more just to have a foothold in the form of bases in Afghanistan.

And by the way Afghanistan has very rich mineral resource in addition to opium cultivation.;)

And regarding me assuming things, everyone is just being speculative , we can agree to disagree.:tup:
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