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US suspends hundreds of millions in military aid to Egypt

The same logic the US used recklessly to hand over Iraq on a golden plate :lol:

Take it or leave it, the bottom line was that the US didn't like it.

It doesn't concern us to whom your politicians work for as long as they make sure that they won't come around.

They did in my opinion, but gonna continue reading some golden plate articles.
I had a Dacia made in Roumania, it was a piece of crap..
Butthurting? not really...You need to look at your behind and see how french little head are stuck in it...I have been to Romania in the time where anti-aircraft machine guns were a Budapest airport decoration...You were a little country with no significance, if it it wasn't for Causescu's folie bergere, who put you in the map, most of the world wouldn't know of your existence.

Just cite me an example where Russian hardware was pawned by western when it was in Russians hand? Let me clarify your lantern a little bit. In the latest Lybian war, the Nato aircraft kept us real busy and during their six months intensive activity, not one fighter dared to challenge the AAF the only one who dared was shot dawn (a CHINOOK with 32 SAS)...We fly MIG and SU...like I said, in a good hand and qualified crew, they are unbeatable.

We have also western aircraft, and their use is mostly conditioned by the climate...A problem we never experienced with Russian craft.

I am sure it is equivalent or worse to the way, they are treating the Roms, I mean your people...

What the hell are you rambling about? Did i say something about Romania beeing some world power ? Crap or not Dacia is one of the most best selling cars in Europe and the world and even before the merger with Renault it was sold from the 80's everywhere,from Turkey,arab world to South America.
I have to ask but are ok in the head? During the intervention in Lybia nobody fought the algerian air force and nobody was afraid of you and who the hell are you to talk about significance of countries? A berber,no different from the gypsies you talk about beeing mistreated in France,which i don't care about btw,they are treated the same in Romania,like they deserve.You found some gas in the desert ,made a quick buck,got some russkie airplanes and you found the audacity to speak about others,dude,and what cars they manufacture.Algeria is relevant only in your head and you're ******** at the french for colonising your little gas dependent ex colony.

I will cite you an example when we have an actual west-russia war to speak about,until then we go with the tons of examples we allready have.Cute Budapest mention,weak,but cute.

Lay off the imaginary world where Algeria is something other than an ex colony where the french departed because their population asked the goverment to do that,and not because of your useless rebelion and welcome to reality:the discovery of gas is your life line,you're worth nothing without that and the fact that you lick russkie a$$ because they sold you some planes which you foolishly think they're worth something against western counterparts won't give you street credit.
:cuckoo: This is the third time I get my a$$ stationed during Hajj .-. Give it a rest.

I report the news only..Don't behead the messenger:rofl:
But seriously, from your point of view, nationalism apart, and the love for the country not in consideration do you really believe that that KSA airforce can take on the IDF and give them a hurt..
They did in my opinion, but gonna continue reading some golden plate articles.

Article? The hell you're talking about? Your Iraqi Gov't is a client to Iran and that's a fact.

Sorry, the truth hurts sometimes, I must say.

Have you seen how mad Hillary was? :lol: ...
Her anger had nothing to do with Egypt political stand off...It has more to do with a rumor beying circulated and relayed by the press that she is a He?She woman.
Evidence, no...But some specialized military forum mentioned it, and further more it was an info circulating in the same forums, of the ability of the IDF to shut their radar once the EAF cross to Sinai, and Egyptians pilots found themselves in many instances flying in the dark.

Dude, seriously!?

You take the word of a random person on the internet about such complicated issues without at least investigating or wondering whether such things are even possible or logical. Would the Israelis seriously use said power in times of peace and therefore alert the EAF to said power which would in turn lead them to do something about it. Seriously!?
Certainly won't behead someone like you sir.
I report the news only..Don't behead the messenger:rofl:
But seriously, from your point of view, nationalism apart, and the love for the country not in consideration do you really believe that that KSA airforce can take on the IDF and give them a hurt..

No, the RSAF power is modest compared to other countries in the region.

Her anger had nothing to do with Egypt political stand off...It has more to do with a rumor beying circulated and relayed by the press that she is a He?She woman.

Wasn't referring to Egypt, we are talking about Bahrain bro.
Article? The hell you're talking about? Your Iraqi Gov't is a client to Iran and that's a fact.

Sorry, the truth hurts sometimes, I must say.

You on weed ????

The Saudi gov is a client to the US like the rest of the GCC, that has been strengthened since 1991 when the US brought hundreds of thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia basically giving them control over the country.

You see, the truth hurts :yay:
LoLz. Not when the UN passed a resolution demanding the withdrawal of Iraqi troops from Kuwait.

Next ... :lol:
You on weed ????

The Saudi gov is a client to the US like the rest of the GCC, that has been strengthened since 1991 when the US brought hundreds of thousands of troops in Saudi Arabia basically giving them control over the country.

You see, the truth hurts :yay:
Romney was much better than Obama.Watch his debates with Obama;he pretty much smoked him.

People have negative perception regarding Romney and Republicans in general because all of major media houses in US be it Times group,msnbc,Washington post, Los angeles times Etc are Leftist and present a caricature of Republican candidates which is not accurate.

Both Romney and McCain would have proved to be better president of US compared to Obama.Democrats in US are winning because they have found a winning combination of Welfare queens + guilt ridden liberals + Ethnic minority candidate to milk that guilt.

Don't follow American politics closely enough. Was Romney not the same person who wanted to attack every Middle Eastern, Arab and Muslim country? At least some of his voters. For me his political knowledge was laughable. No charisma either. Not that Obama is much better.

I preferred and prefer Clinton.

Well I forgot McCain. I like him a lot. Seems like a honorable man. Military man and patriot.

But don't like the Republican policy of immigration when USA is a land of immigration and people of immigration founded by immigrants and put alive by immigrants. Too many rednecks on the Republican side for my liking although I in many cases agree with some of their values. Maybe even more than the Democrats.

America will not give you permission sorry. :lol:

Don't exclude a new 9/11. Some people might call KSA a so-called USA puppet (false) but its citizens caused the country more harm than anyone else since the Germans in WW2. Just 15 Saudis LOL and a Saudi born mastermind of Yemeni (Hadhrami) and Syrian descent.

No American response. Well, attacking Afghanistan.

Same with Saudis/Saudi founded (according to some users here) resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed thousands of US soldiers while that still did not impact the relations.

So either the accusations are false or the USA are really dumb or deem KSA really important.

Same with Saudi stance on Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Houthi area of Yemen etc. Or Saudi support for Pakistan nuclear program.

A country doing that would long ago have come into conflict with USA.

Well done for a so-called "puppet".:lol:

If a leading Saudi cleric or one of the Imams of Al-Masjid al-Haram made a fatwa about Jihad against Al-Assad for example thousands of Muslims would turn up the next day. So big is the influence. No Muslim country even comes close. This is why USA always will want to have a good relationship with KSA and turns a blind eye to some things. Makkah and Madinah are simply too important.
Same with Saudis/Saudi founded (according to some users here) resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed thousands of US soldiers while that still did not impact the relations.

So either the accusations are false or the USA are really dumb or deem KSA really important.

Same with Saudi stance on Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Houthi area of Yemen etc. Or Saudi support for Pakistan nuclear puppet.

Well done for a so-called "puppet".:lol:

Those are independent from the Saud regime, that’s the violent ideology that originated in the Arabian peninsula, explains why Arabian peninsula citizens are the big majority in Guantanamo B they are attracted to that ideology.
The Iraqi resistance fought the Americans, the Saudi "mujahideen" are here to kill civillians.

Her anger had nothing to do with Egypt political stand off...It has more to do with a rumor beying circulated and relayed by the press that she is a He?She woman.

What anger, some show for the camera’s.
Logic above that BS anyday, or should we trust the US propaganda.
Don't exclude a new 9/11. Some people might call KSA a so-called USA puppet (false) but its citizens caused the country more harm than anyone else since the Germans in WW2. Just 15 Saudis LOL and a Saudi born mastermind of Yemeni (Hadhrami) and Syrian descent.

No American response. Well, attacking Afghanistan.

Same with Saudis/Saudi founded (according to some users here) resistance in Iraq and Afghanistan that killed thousands of US soldiers while that still did not impact the relations.

So either the accusations are false or the USA are really dumb or deem KSA really important.

Really maybe because KSA got in line just like other countries did (Pakistan included). Remember at the time American public wanted blood and Bush made the speech "either you are with us or against us" the whole world came a knocking trying to "provide help". If your rulers had caused a 9/11 then trust me today you wouldn't have been able to post all those pretty pictures that you do on pdf.

Saudi Ambassador's response to 9-11 report

^Saudi ambassodor denounces the saudi hijackers but you want to trumpet them as some sort of win for KSA by saying, "just 15 saudis LOL" the joke is on you brother, get real.

Yeah, the same she gave to the PAS during Bahrain's uprising. :lol:

Anywho, defense doctrine is based on self-defense, and self-defense only.

Bahrain is Israel for US foreign policy makers? :lol: Comparing the golden goose to a peanut.
Saudi Ambassador's response to 9-11 report

^Saudi ambassodor denounces the saudi hijackers but you want to trumpet them as some sort of win for KSA by saying, "just 15 saudis LOL" the joke is on you brother, get real.

If Fahrenheit 9-11 is to be believed, then the Saudis did evacuate from the US after 9-11. Perhaps Michael Moore is twisting the facts, but his arguments are prodding.
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