Well, ethically speaking anyone is accountable for their crimes and to anyone asking! A crime is a crime whether done by a king or a pauper!
A government is doing public service...American public service is every now and then "borrowed" to other countries....if it does a mistake, it is accountable for whomever it is servicing...That is why monitoring bodies are made to ensure no govt is suppressing or misusing power....however, in America's case it itself is the monitoring and tweaking body...No one is monitoring it and hence the more worry about mistakes it makes!
Now just because no one is monitoring it doesnt mean that it is not accountable to anyone but its citizens....I am talking about ethics while you keep dragging in any wrong that is already happening....i.e. no monitoring hence misuse!
Now the question arises what gives America the right to not treat the citizens of the country it is "servicing" as human beings or at least equal to its own citizens?? Why is 1 American more important than any number of other citizens?
How do you not see that as disrespectful?
The country yelling about ethics just flushed ethics down when the torch was pointed at them?