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US Stealth UAV RQ-170 downed in IRAN

Have you or anyone else ever demanded pictures/proof of Osama's dead body? But you believe Osama was killed in an raid in Abbotabad - True?

there were ample of proof then,,, wife of osama his relatives... pakistanis admitting,USA admitting even the Al Qaeda people accepting in one of their sites ..
then too there can b 1% chance that Osama is in US custody,u never knw..
now back to topic
no news from americans,,,,yet so till then I killed osama
Looks like there might be some truth to this, keyword is might, NATO is still gathering info on operations. If the lost control was indeed because of a cyber attack, NATO now knows about it and can take the appropriate steps to minimize the future chance and/or fix the hole that was used.

Drone shot down over Iran 'lost over Afghanistan last week' - Telegraph

Congratulations Iran, you (may) have brought down an unmanned recon drone, and we are now powerless to resist your military force. We can only wait to be crushed by the superior Iranian military as all our advanced military technology is now in Iran's hands, resistance is futile.:lol:

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ----------

Eat your words.

It means you have been lying all this time. It means you are a liar. Also this drone is no ordinary drone, it is the most advanced airplane on planet earth. This is now a historical victory. The first time a flying plane has been hacked. I am sure the technology Iran has developed will be now much sought in Russia and China.

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:03 AM ----------

I don't think the credit for downing this DRONE goes to IRAN.

I think the credit should go to Russian Air Defence Technology.

Russian air defense has never claimed to hack into super stealth drones. So I guess every one including Russians must be surprised at this news.
This thread speaks volumes of Indian intentions. On one hand, they blindly support US especially against Pakistan, on the other hand, they celebrate Iran's victory.

Double and duplicitous policy at its best!

I hope the Iranians see through the bhartis.
ghuma fira ke fir INDIA....
u people are obsessed from bhartiya people(us)
Iran got few S300 from Syria, but it doesnt matter in this case - drone wasnt hit with a missile, as there would be nothing left of the UAV :)

Good. Now it can be reverse engineered. The most sophisticated plane in US arsenal is now under microscope as we speak. It is probably worth hundreds of billions of dollars worth of research and ten years of research time. Iranians got it easy and free. I hope Iranians incorporate what they learn from it into their own drones and fighter planes.
Good. Now it can be reverse engineered. The most sophisticated plane in US arsenal is now under microscope as we speak. It is probably worth hundreds of billions of dollars worth of research and ten years of research time. Iranians got it easy and free. I hope Iranians incorporate what they learn from it into their own drones and fighter planes.
Exactly, Iran has some decent UAVs, but RQ-170 is light years ahead, and with this tech Iranians will make some breakthroughs in the next couple of years.
Obviously the US is using the same toolbox it has used in the past against Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Libya to deal with Iran. The US tried to isolate Iran with sanctions. That failed to work. The US tried to get UN resolutions. That also failed. Now the US is trying to make another "no fly zone" like in Iraq in 1991. Iran is fighting off this aggression. If the US feels it has rolled back Iran's air defenses, then it would try for a full invasion.

A limited strike against Iran's nuclear facilities or even industrial zones would be considered not "decisive enough." I think Obama may have slipped up and revealed a major issue in US planning. This idea of a limited strike is brought out there by Israel as a red herring. If there is action against Iran, it would have to be a decisive, not a limited attack.

In Libya you had an opposition that could take and hold ground, but you don't have such a strong force in Iran, so US soldiers on the ground are absolutely necessary. Perhaps the idea is to quickly redeploy the bulk of troops out of Afghanistan and into Iran by about 2014, after several years of routinely patrolling Iranian airspace starting now?
GUYS just somthing to notice Another alleged stealth plane downed .....think abt it:)

Iran is actually the second country in the world which has downed a stealth plane in history.

---------- Post added at 01:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 AM ----------

Finally the myth of stealth has been broken. It is now a proof that it can be detected, tracked and downed in various ways.
Looks like there might be some truth to this, keyword is might, NATO is still gathering info on operations. If the lost control was indeed because of a cyber attack, NATO now knows about it and can take the appropriate steps to minimize the future chance and/or fix the hole that was used.

Drone shot down over Iran 'lost over Afghanistan last week' - Telegraph

Congratulations Iran, you (may) have brought down an unmanned recon drone, and we are now powerless to resist your military force. We can only wait to be crushed by the superior Iranian military as all our advanced military technology is now in Iran's hands, resistance is futile.:lol:

---------- Post added at 12:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:56 AM ----------

Eat your words.

Conspiracy theory No.1

USA trying to p[lay down the successful shooting of their Super stealth Drone by claiming the drone was lost over Afghanistan.

Conspiracy Theory No.2.

As Iranians claimed they had hacked into Drone control center somewhere in USA..The drone wasn't Lost over Afghanistan,it was the Iranian military Hackers steering it towards Iran for a safe capture.
^^^ US is actually now shocked and in damage control mode. They are assessing what will happen to the piece of technology now. Then they will accuse Iranians that they took control of the plane and took it to Iran and it was not American pilots that flew it to Iran.
'America’s great game could spark World War Three'
Published: 4 December, 2011, 23:00
Edited: 4 December, 2011, 23:50

Following the latest report that the Iranian military has shot down a US drone in eastern Iran, radio host Stephen Lendman told RT such US reconnaissance missions point towards greater ambitions for domination, which might lead to all-out war.

With diplomatic tensions reaching a boiling point between Iran and the West, Lendman believes such spying operations are part and parcel of a greater war that the United States has been waging against Iran for decades.

“Since the 1970s America has had a running on-and-off war with Iran, basically wanting to change the regime, to make it subservient to US interests, and Iran has the crazy notion that it believes it has the right to its own sovereignty, to run its own government, to conduct its own affairs, it doesn’t have to answer to Washington. Washington disagrees, and therein lies the conflict,” he said.

Lendman also claims US Special Forces are already operating within Iran, as he believes the build-up for an attack is becoming imminent. According to Lendman, recent events in Libya, Syria, and now Iran, point towards a greater drive to rein in everyone who might be opposed to unrestrained US power.

“America has had for some years, especially since the Bush years, what they call the greater Middle East project. The project is total dominance over the region, North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, to Russia’s borders. Russia of course is being surrounded with US military bases, China as well. This is part of America’s game. They’re trying to eliminate countries that are not in America’s orbit. So there was a war on Libya and Syria is being targeted. The Libyan model is being replicated in Syria, so far short of NATO bombing. If Syria is delinked from Iran, Iran is next. "There could be an insurgency in Iran, the same as in Libya, the same as in Syria, very possibly conflict follows.”

Following a November 8 International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report which claimed Iran had been actively developing nuclear weapons, Lendman counters that no country has been more transparent with the IAEA than Iran.

However, Lendman believes that if the allegations regarding nuclear weapons are used to justify war, Iran, unlike Libya, is a big country with a powerful military, and any unjustified strike by Israel or the US could prove disastrous.

“Iran has been very bluntly saying, if it is attacked by Israel, by America, it will respond, it will fire back. It can attack Israeli cities, it can attack US bases. We’re talking about something very serious, we’re talking about the possibility of general war, dare I say it, World War III.”


The aerial war against Iran has begun. Things could escalate very fast.
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